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1、練口語記大學(xué)英語六級單詞(B)http:/www.china-/neirong_wangzhan.php?id=7194B A: My brother got married last year.B: That surprises me, I thought that he would remain a bachelor for the rest of his life.bachelorn. 1.單身男士,單身漢; 2.學(xué)士,學(xué)士學(xué)位 A: That is a nice badge that you are wearing.B: Thanks, I bought it at the marke

2、t this morning.badgen. 1.徽章,證章; 2.標記,標志; 3.象征A: Would you like have a game of badminton with me this evening?B: Sorry, but I only play football.badmintonn. 羽毛球運動A: Did you enjoy the film?B: Yeah, but I was baffled by the plot.bafflevt. 使困惑,難住A: Was the criminal released from jail?B: Yes, but only on

3、 bail.bailn. 1.保釋金; 2.準許保釋vt. 1.(out) 保釋,幫助脫離困境; 2.用桶(從船里)舀水A: I caught four fish, big ones.B: You must have been using good bait.baitn. 1.(釣魚等用的)餌,誘餌; 誘惑物,引誘物vt.1.裝餌于,故意激怒A: that man looks very young to be going bald.B: Yeah, he looks no more than twenty five.balda. 1.禿頭的,禿的; 2.(織物,輪胎等)磨光的; 3.明顯的,不

4、加掩飾的A: Have you ever been to the ballet?B: Yes, but I always prefer the theatre.balletn. 1.芭蕾舞,芭蕾舞劇; 2.芭蕾舞用A: The voting for the president was done by the secret ballot.B: It must have been very fair then.ballotn. 1.投票表決(或選舉); 2.選票; 3.投票總數(shù)v. (使)投票表決A: This meal is delicious, is there a secret ingred

5、ient?B: Not really, except I used lots of bamboo shoots.bamboon. 竹,竹子A: Help! I am bleeding.B: Here, use my scarf as a bandage.A: I was not able to bandage your wound properly.B: It is alright, so long as the bleeding has stopped.bandagen. 繃帶vt. 用繃帶綁扎A: This film is stupid.B: Really, you usually one

6、 the ones about bandits and cowboys.banditn. 強盜,土匪,歹徒A: I cant banish my girlfriend from my dreams.B: It must be love then.banishvt. 1.放逐,驅(qū)逐;2.消除,排除A: My university is putting on an huge banquet for my graduation.B: Sounds wonderful, can I come?banquetn. 宴會,盛宴A: The weather is wonderful, lets have a

7、 barbecue.B: You go ahead, I have already had my dinner.barbecuen. 1.金屬燒烤; 2.燒烤野餐vt. 在烤架上燒烤A: That is a very long boat in the canal.B: It is one of the largest barges in the country.bargen. 駁船vi. (鹵莽而笨拙地)猛撞,沖,闖barge in 闖入,干預(yù)A: This tea tastes strange.B: That is because it is made out of barley.barle

8、yn. 大麥A: The barometer indicates that it is going to be raining tomorrow.B: Oh, I never trust that old thing.barometern. 氣壓計,晴雨表A: The barracks were burned down during the fighting.B: Was anyone injured?barrackv. 起哄,喝倒彩n. pl. 兵營,營房A: These fields are so barren I am amazed that even grass can grow on

9、 them.B: It can just about, but it has difficulty.barrena. 1.(土地等)貧瘠的,荒蕪的; 2.不結(jié)果實的,不(生)育的; 3.無益的,沒有結(jié)果的A: My little brother has barricaded himself into his bedroom and refused to come out.B: Dont worry, when he gets hungry he will come out.A: The old town walls were initially built as barricades to k

10、eep the enemy out.B: It is a shame that they have been so badly damaged!barricaden. 路障,柵欄,障礙vt. 設(shè)路障于,擋住A: Do you have a basement in your house?B: Yes, but we only use it for storage.basementn. 地下室A: This music is terrible.B: I think that it is just because the bass is too loud.bassn. 1.男低音,低聲部,低音樂器;

11、 2.鱸魚A: I once read a book about an unwanted bastard child that was left to grow up alone in a forest.B: I think that I may have read that one also.bastardn. 1.壞蛋,混蛋; 2.私生子A: There is a wonderful smell coming from the kitchen.B: I am glad that you like it, I have just made a batch of biscuits.batchn

12、. 1.一批,一組,一群; 2.一批生產(chǎn)量A: The woman was horribly battered by her husband.B: How awful, I hope that she left himA: Do you like pancakes?B: No, and nothing else that is made out of batter.batterv. 連續(xù)猛擊n. (用雞蛋,牛奶等調(diào)制的)面糊A: Where did you buy your necklace?B: Oh, I just bought the beads and made it myself.b

13、eadn. 1.小珠子; 2.(水,血,汗的)小滴A: I beckoned him to come, but he refused to move.B: Perhaps you were not polite enough.beckonv. 示意,召喚A: Watch out, there is a beetle crawling under your leg.B: Ah, I hate insects.beetlen. 甲蟲A: You should have telephoned me beforehand when you knew you were going to be late.

14、B: I am sorry, but my mobile phone is broken.beforehandad. 預(yù)先,事先A: There is no need to bellow orders at me.B: Sorry, but I did not think that you would hear me unless I shouted.A: The fire is going out. What should I do?B: Use the bellows to blow air onto it.bellowvi. 1.咆哮,怒吼; 2.(公牛般地)吼叫vt. 大聲發(fā)出,大聲喝

15、道n. 1.喊聲,咆哮; 2. s風(fēng)箱A: I have a pain in my belly.B: Well, you should have bad breakfast.bellyn. 肚子,腹部A: Thank you for the beautiful present, you are far too benevolent.B: You are most welcome. Kindness is not a complaint.benevolenta. 仁慈的,善意的,慈善的A: The test results have come back and the lump was beni

16、gn.B: Thanks, Doctor. I was so worried.benigna. 1.善良的,慈祥的; 2.(腫瘤等)良性的,無危險的A: I read in the newspaper that the city was besieged by unexpected attack.B: Oh, I never trust the newspapers.besiegevt. 1.圍攻,圍困; 2.圍住,擁在周圍A: I bestow this gift upon you as a sign of my gratitude and thanks.B: You are too gen

17、erous.bestowvt. 贈與,授予A: Why are you looking so upset?B: My girlfriend has just betrayed me.betrayvt.1.背叛,出賣; 2.失信于,辜負; 3.泄露(秘密等); 4.(非故意地)暴露,顯露A: Would you like a hot beverage, Richard?B: No thanks, Peter. I just had a coffee.beveragen. 飲料A: I was bitten on the leg as I walked through the gate.B: Di

18、d you not read the sign, “Beware of the Dog” ?bewarev. 謹防,當心A: Every time I look at the night sky I am bewildered by the stars.B: Me too, they are fascinating.bewildervt. 使迷惑,使難住A: It is difficult to write this article without being biased.B: Well, make sure you look at the issue from both sides bef

19、ore you start.biasn. 偏見,偏心,偏袒vt. 使有偏見A: Now students, make sure you include a complete bibliography at the end of your work.B: But that takes so much time.bibliographyn. 1.參考書目; 2.(有關(guān)某一專題的)書目A: Did you hear about the new bilateral agreement between Russia and France?B: No, not yet, I have not listen

20、ed to the news today.bilaterala. 雙邊的,雙方的A: Did anyone call the fire brigade when the fire was detected?B: yes, but when they arrived it was too late, the smoke was already billowing out of the windows.billown. 巨浪,如波濤滾滾向前之物(如濃煙,濃霧等)vi. 翻騰,洶涌A: Please dont throw your rubbish on the ground, there is a

21、bin beside the door.B: Oh, sorry, I did not see it.binn. 1.垃圾箱; 2.大貯藏箱A: Oh, I wish I had brought my binoculars to the concert.B: Yeah, the performers look so small from the back row.binocularsn. 雙筒望遠鏡A: You have had such an interesting life, I would love to read your biography some day.B: Oh, reall

22、y. I hadnt planned on writing one.biographyn. 傳記A: Last night was bizarre, it snowed when it should have been dry.B: Well, it is difficult to predict the arrea. 奇形怪狀的,怪誕的A: Why did you steal the money?B: I was blackmailed into it.blackmailvt./n. 敲詐,勒索,要挾A: My grandfather used to work with

23、 horses.B: Was he a blacksmith?blacksmithn. 鐵匠, 鍛工A: Is there a toilet in this building? My bladder is about to burst.B: Just down the hallway, on the right.bladdern 1.膀胱; 2.囊狀物.A: The food that I cook is usually very bland.B: No, I think it is quite spicy actually.blanda. 1.溫和的, 無動于衷的; 2.(食物)清淡的,枯燥

24、乏味的A: The concert was incredible, the lead singer nearly blazed the house down with his energy.B: Gosh, it sounds almost dangerous.blazevi. 1.熊熊燃燒,著火; 2.發(fā)(強)光,放光彩; 3.迸發(fā),爆發(fā)n. 1.火焰,烈火; 2.光輝,強烈(或眩目)的光; 3.迸發(fā),爆發(fā); 4.燦爛,炫耀blaze a trail 開拓道路,作先導(dǎo)A: Have you cleaned the bath yet?B: No, sorry. I ran out of ble

25、ach.bleachn. 漂白劑v. (使)變白,漂白A: Winter is my favourite season.B: Oh, winters are too bleak for me, I prefer autumn.bleaka. 1.沒有希望的,凄涼的; 2.荒涼的; 3.寒冷刺骨的A: My grandmother used to bless herself every time she passes a church.B: She must have been very religious.blessvt. 1.(with) 使有幸得到,使具有; 2.為祈神賜福(或保佑)A:

26、Did you have a good crop of potatoes this year?B: Unfortunately not, they were hit by blight.blightn. 1.(植物等)枯萎病; 2.造成破壞(或損壞)的因素vt. 破壞,摧殘A: I blinked and missed the town. It was so small.B: Drive more slowly then!A: With each blink I get older.B: Well, I am sorry, but I can not do anything to stop t

27、ime passing.blinkvi. 1.眨眼睛; 2.閃亮,閃爍n. 眨眼睛,一瞬間on the blink (機器等)壞了,出故障A: Did anybody witness the accident?B: Yes, a blonde was walking down the street.blondea. 金發(fā)的n. 金發(fā)女子A: Zoe blossomed into a world class pianist.B: She must have practiced very hard.blossomn. (尤指果樹的)花vi. 1.(植物)開花; 2.(out, into)發(fā)展,長成

28、in (full) blossom 正開著花A: I think this artist is very talented.B: I dont . I think he just blots the paper with colour.blotvt. 1.(用墨水等)弄臟; 2.(用吸墨紙)吸干n. 污點,污漬blot out 1.把弄模糊,遮蔽; 2.完全清除(思想,記憶)A: We shall see the blueprints to start working on the building in September.B: OK, I shall get to work straigh

29、t away.blueprintn. 藍圖,行動計劃A: Did James tell you what happened yesterday?B: Yes, but I am not sure if it was a lie of a bluff.bluffv. 虛張聲勢,嚇唬n. 1.虛張聲勢;2.懸崖,峭壁a. 直率的,坦率的,粗率的call sb. bluff 要求某人攤牌,向某人挑戰(zhàn)A: Oops, Ive made a blunder.B: Dont worry, we can fix it.blundern. (因無知,粗心等造成的)錯誤vi. 1.跌跌撞撞地走,慌亂地走; 2.

30、犯錯誤A: Do you not know how to cut bread?B: Of course I do, but this knife is blunt.blunta. 1.鈍的; 2.率直的,直言不諱的vt. 1.使遲鈍,使減弱; 2.使鈍A: Do you remember your first birthday?B: No, it is all a blur.A: He blurred the corners of the picture to make it look old.B: He did a good job of it.blurn. 模糊,模糊的東西v. (使)變模

31、糊A: Brian blurted out the answer before I even had a chance to think about it.B: Yes, he is very smart.blurtvt. (out) 脫口而出A: You are very beautiful.B: Stop, you are making me blush.blushvi./n. 臉紅A: Are there any bogs in your country?B: Yes, plenty, particularly in the west, where it is very wet.A: W

32、ould you like to come to the cinema with me tonight?B: Can we go next week, Im bogged down at work at the moment.bogn. 沼澤v. (down) 1.(使)陷入困境; 2.(使)陷入泥沼A: Family ties are the strongest form of bondage.B: I dont agree, I am not very close to my parents.bondagen. 1.奴役;2.束縛A: You have worked so hard. We

33、 have decided to give you a bonus.B: Gosh, thanks!bonusn. 1.獎金,紅利; 2.額外給予的東西A: What type of work does your company do?B: This booklet contains all the details that you will need.bookletn. 小冊子A: The tickets will be on sale at the booth on the right.B: Great, Ill be there when it opens at 8.boothn. 1.

34、(隔開的)小房間,公用電話亭, 崗?fù)? 2.售貨棚,貨攤A: Is there a library in your town?B: No, I have to travel to the next borough.boroughn. 自治城鎮(zhèn),(大城市的)行政區(qū)A: I like to hold my baby to my bosom.B: It must be a very comfortable feeling.bosomn. 1.胸部,乳房; 2.胸懷,內(nèi)心A: There was so much food at dinner last night.B: Yes, what a boun

35、ty!bountyn.1.(由政府提供的)獎金,賞金; 2.慷慨,大方A: Those flower are beautiful, who gave you the bouquet?B: My mother, they were a birthday gift.bouquetn. 1.花束; 2.(酒的)芳香A: Where do you live?B: On the north side of the town, where the bourgeois tend to live.bourgeoisa. 1.追求物質(zhì)享受的;2.中產(chǎn)階級的;3.資產(chǎn)階級的n. 1.追求物質(zhì)享受的人; 2.中產(chǎn)階

36、級分子; 3.資產(chǎn)階級分子A: You are not looking very well at the moment.B: Yeah, I had a nasty bout of food poisoning last week.boutn. 1.(疾病等的)侵襲,發(fā)作; 2.一次,一陣,一回; 3.拳擊(或摔交)比賽A: Doctor, I have been having some bowel problems lately.B: Well, sit down and I will see what I can do.boweln. 1.腸; 2.pl.內(nèi)部,深處A: I enjoy b

37、owling and usually play on Sunday afternoon.B: Id love to join you next week.bowlingn. 保齡球運動A: The students set up a boycott outside the school gates.B: Why? What was the problem?boycottvt./n. (聯(lián)合)抵制,拒絕參與A: I broke my leg and had to wear a brace for two months.B: That must have been very painful.bra

38、cevt. 1.使防備,使受鍛煉; 2.支住,撐牢; 3.使繃緊n. 支架,托架A: That is a beautiful bracelet that you are wearing.B: Thanks, it was my grandmothers.braceletn. 手鐲,臂鐲A: Excuse me, sir, but should this sentence be put in brackets?B: No, they are not necessary.A: The bookshelves are falling down.B: That is because you did n

39、ot bracket them to the wall.bracketn. 1.括號; 2.(年齡,收入等的)等級段,檔次; 3.壁架,托架vt. 1.把置于括號內(nèi); 2.把歸入同一類A: Billy is always bragging about his success.B: Ah, he is still young, be patient with him.bragv. 自夸,吹噓A: Would you like a brandy?B: No, thanks. It is too early for a drink.brandyn. 白蘭地酒A: What happened to P

40、eter? I see that he broke his arm.B: Oh, he got into a brawl on the street last night.brawln./vi. 爭吵,打架A: Why are you home from work? It is early.B: I could not stand it anymore and was forced to breach my contract.breachn. 1.破壞,違反;2.(關(guān)系的)破裂,不和; 3. 缺口,裂口vt. 1.攻破, 在造成缺口; 2.破壞,違反A: Sorry I am late, th

41、ere was a breakdown on the road.B: Not to worry, the class has not started yet.breakdownn. 1.垮臺,破裂;2.(健康,精神等)衰竭,衰弱; 3.(機器等的)損壞,故障; 4分類A: Finally, a breakthrough in my science experiment.B: Great, all your hard work has finally paid off.breakthroughn. 突破,突破性進展,重要的新發(fā)現(xiàn)A: Will you put the tea on to brew

42、 please?B: Sure, in a few minutes.A: After failing the exam he brewed for four days.B: And is he feeling better now?A: Is this a strong brew?B: No, it is fairly weak.brewvt. 1.釀造(啤酒); 2.沖泡(茶,咖啡等)vi. 1.(茶,咖啡等)沖泡; 2.醞釀,行將發(fā)生n. 沖泡(或釀造)的飲料A: I was offered a bribe to give my students better marks in their

43、 exams.B: I hope that you did not accept it.B: Tell me, why did you break into the bank?B: I was bribed into it.bribevt. 向行賄,買通n. 賄賂,行賄物A: Where are the letter you were meant to post?B: Oh, they are in my briefcase, but I left it at the office.briefcasen. 公文包,公事包A: What was your childhood dream?B: T

44、o become a member of the fire brigade.brigaden. 1.旅(陸軍編制單位); 2.隊,組A: The brim of your hat is covering your eyes.B: That is because I dont want anyone to notice me.brimn. 1.帽檐;2.(容器的)邊,邊緣vi. 注滿,充溢brim over (with) 充滿,洋溢A: I was on the brink of leaving my job, but decided to stay.B: What changed your m

45、ind?brinkn. (懸崖,河流等的)邊緣,邊沿on the brink of 瀕臨,處于邊緣A: Slow down, stop walking so fast!B: A brisk walk will be good for your health.briska. 1.輕快的,生氣勃勃的; 2.興隆的,繁忙活躍的; 3.寒冷而清新的A: My paintbrush is too old to start the decorating.B: I have one with better bristles if you want to borrow it.bristlen. 短而硬的毛發(fā),

46、刷子毛vi. 1.被激怒,怒發(fā)沖冠; 2.毛發(fā)(因驚懼等)直立bristle with 密集,充滿,被布滿A: Dont lean on the glass, it is very brittle.B: Oops, sorry, it is too late.brittlea. 1.易碎的,易損壞的;2.脆弱的,靠不住的; 3.冷淡的,不友好的; 4.(聲音)尖厲的A: What place did you come in in the race?B: Third. I won a bronze.bronzen. 1.青銅;2.青銅色,古銅色; 3.青銅(藝術(shù))制品,銅牌A: This is

47、a very complicated question, professor.B: Brood on it for a while and maybe you will find the solution.A: Are the hens sitting with their brood?B: No, they seem to have neglected them.broodvi. 1.(on, over, about)沉思,考慮; 2.孵蛋n. 1.(雛雞等)一窩; 2.(一個家庭)全體孩子A: If you walk up the east side of the mountain you

48、 will find a small brook where you can fill your bottles with water.B: Great, Im really thirsty, but is the water safe to drink?brookn. 小溪vt. 常用于否定句或疑問句容忍,忍受A: Where were you this afternoon?B: In the bookshop, just browsing.browsevi. 1.隨意翻閱,瀏覽; 2. (牛,羊等)吃草A: That is a nasty bruise.B: Yeah, I fell do

49、wn the stairs last week and hit my head.A: He bruised me with his nasty comments.B: Dont listen to him then.bruisen. 1.青腫,挫傷; 2.(水果等的)傷痕,擦痕vt. 1.打青,使受淤傷; 2.挫傷,傷害(感情等)A: That was a brutal crime.B: Yeah, there seems to be nothing but bad news these days.brutala. 1.野獸般的,殘忍的; 2.無情的,冷酷的,難以忍受的A: How much

50、is the fare?B: Just two bucks, it is only a short journey.A: The horse bucked and kicked me in the face.B: Ouch! Why were you standing behind him?A: Buck up, it is not the end of the world.B: Easier said then done.buckn. 1.(一)美元,(一)澳元; 2.雄鹿,雄兔vi. (馬等)猛然弓背躍起buck up (使)振奮,(使)打起精神A: I like your new sho

51、es.B: Thanks, but the buckles are too stiff at the moment.A: What happed to your bicycle?B: The wheel buckled when I hit a stone in the middle of the road.bucklev. 1.用搭扣扣緊; 2.(使)變形,彎曲n. 搭扣,扣環(huán)buckle down 傾全力,開始認真從事A: I am looking forward to the spring when the flowers will come into bud.B: Me too, it

52、 has been a long winter.budn. 葉芽,花蕾vi. 發(fā)芽,萌芽A: Do you think that the Buddhist way of life is the best?B: I am not quite sure yet, I still need to think about it.Buddhistn. 佛教徒a. 佛教的A: Have you ever seen a buffalo?B: No, but I would like to.buffalon. 水牛,(北美)野牛A: He used his pillow as a buffer against

53、 the noise.B: Why, did he have difficulty sleeping?A: The mirror needs a polish.B: But I dont have anything to buffer it with.buffern. 1.起緩沖作用的人(或物); 2.緩沖器,減震器vt. 緩沖,減輕A: Will there be any food at the party?B: I heard that the hosts are providing a buffet.buffetn. 1.(火車站的)飲食柜臺,(火車內(nèi)的)餐車vt. 反復(fù)敲打,連續(xù)猛擊A

54、: There is a bug crawling over foot, watch out.B: You could have warned me soon, I hate insects in any shape or form.A: Go away, you are bugging me.B: Please, I just have one more question.bugn. 1.蟲子;2.小病,(機器等)故障,缺陷; 3.竊聽器vt.1.煩擾,糾纏;2.在裝竊聽器A: I have bulges in all the wrong places.B: Stop worrying ab

55、out your weight, I think you are beautiful.A: Your bag is bulging, what have you got in it?B: Far too much, it is too heavy.bulgen. 膨脹,腫脹vi. 1.膨脹,凸出,鼓起;2.塞滿,裝滿A: Be careful, there is a bull in that field over there.B: Oh, I am not afraid of him.bulln. 1.公牛,雄獸; 2.買進證券(或商品等)投機圖利者, (對股市行情)看漲的人A: Did yo

56、u receive the bulletin I sent you?B: No, but I did not check my post today.bulletinn. 1.(報紙,電臺等)簡明新聞,最新消息; 2.公告,布告,公報; 3.學(xué)報,期刊(尤指某機構(gòu)的機關(guān)刊物)A: Were you ever bullied in school?B: Just once, but the teacher found out and put a quick stop to it.bullyn. 恃強欺弱者vt.威嚇,欺負A: I must buy Time this week, there will be a bump


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