1、RADING1 hourATONE Questions -8劍橋BEC真題預(yù)測(cè)集高檔 第三輯 est4 Look atthestateentsbelow and atthefive extracts from a newspaper rticle on the opposite ae about peole who haveset up theirown internetcopanies. hichextract (A, , C, Dor E) does each statent 1-8 refer t? For each stateent(1-), ark one lettr (A, , C
2、, Dor E) on yourAnser Sheet. ouwill needtousesoe of theselettersore thanonce. There is anexaple atthebeginig. (0).Example:0These people soughthlp to forecast heirlikely cahflo.10ABCDE1These people have nt paid theselves outof heircopanys incoe sofa.2 These people had knowledge which they wanted to e
3、xplit in a diferent type of copan.3These peoples initial eforts to obtain start-up fnding were unsuccessfl.4 These peple have deeloped a vey efective process for hndling sles.5These people deviseda ixed edia apprachto advertising.6These people elt thattey could mprove companies ocs oncustomers.7 The
4、se peple itend to ake their arketing more cost-efective.8These people are tagting arelatiely sall number of discerning liets.AE-GAMESJohn and tephanie boh wanted a coplete career change. Selling cildrens gaes over the internet seed a foolproof idea, but their biggest challenge was to secure financia
5、l bcking. First they contcted nuerous venture capitalists, but from theresponse of the few that would even talk to the, they realized tey would get nowhere unil they had pelt out in etail how they intended to turn their concept ito realit. So te next step was to work with a group of start-p consulta
6、ts, to devise a business lan aking their exectedrevenue streas more precise.B SUEKSue and Deeks lan ws to ell lothes over theintrnet. Ater a shaky tart,leadingto serious ash flow probles, which eant they occaioally had litte to live o,they realised they woud have to avertise uch ore seriusly: on te
7、intrnet, they used online arketing tools to the full to prodce increases in trafic, and cobined this with intensive pubicity outside the internet. ithin six months they had built a lage custer database, at which stage it was necessary to begin loking for caitl to buildthebusiness.C WONDWEBwo senior
8、advertising execuives, frustrated with the pae of change in an industrythey felt ws failing to take advanage of new edia, Sally and Sue were keen to translate tir adertisig and arketing skills into an onie enviroent. o their surprise, they found that any websites semed to have been develped without
9、taking any ccount of usersnees.Sure thatte opportuity was ripe for a busins with a strog arketing proposition, they started ofering arketing srvices to oter sall online businesss.D SUERGIFTSMichael ad ony set up a copany to sell parket gifs, such as lassware andporcelain, nline. The nche arket tey h
10、ave identified is poessional nd afluent, a group whih their resarch reveled is increasingly intrnet literte, is looing for excepional goods at the right price and has high service epecttions. A low-level arketing apaign generated ore than custoers, with a highvalue aerge orde. The ntire systemromweb
11、 order to delivery is proingto be highlysuccessful, with all orers being fulilled wthin the advertised five dys without ny returns r breakages.EABISThe first phasesof thecopanys growth have beenfunded througha ix of personal investent, foregone slaries and ank overrat. The next phase wll be rucial.
12、Their biggest challenge will be to distinguish theselves from a plethora f copetitive sites, ost of which are spending far ore than they are. o stand ut from the crwd, Paul ad Abbie re working to taget and rach teir adience bett, and generte higher sales, but of necessity without increasing their bu
13、dget. The copanys totalarketigvision wll bethe keyto succes.ATTWO Questions -14 Read thearticle elw aboutconsuersattiudes to goos described as preiu. Choose the best setece fromthe opposite ae to filleachof the gaps. For eachgap (9-14), ark one letter (AH) on ourAnser Sheet. Do not use any lttr ore
14、than nce. There is n exaple at the beginig, (0).ShoppersaryofpemiumgoodsOne of the arketing idustrysfavourite ters is preiu usually taken to ean luxury or top uality. The idelis to crate a preium ca, wristwatch or perfue soething that apears to transcend te ordinar. (0) HHoeve, manuacturers should t
15、ake note of a recent survey ofshoppers ttitudes to so-alled preium goods. (9) In fact, the tag sees to have bcoe devalued y overuse. Consuers of allsocio-conic backgrounds are very keen to buy the bet- ut not ll poduct categries lend theselves to a preiumstatus. Peiu can be used in anycategry were i
16、age is paraount, andthat includs cars, toiltries, clots and electronics. (10) Banking and insurance re typical of this scond group.More than 70 per cent of consuers intrviewed in the survey said tat a preium tag on everyay ites such as cofee or soap is an excuse to hageextra for poducts that dont al
17、was haveextra beefits. () The prevalenceof such a uspicious attitue akes life hard for the arketers.hile the word luxur had a lear and definable eaning aong respondnts most related it to cars preiuwas found to be harder to efine. Oddl, theonly categry apart from cars herepreiu was understood to ean
18、soething specific was bread. (1) .Several repondents aid they would never ay uch for a stndard lied loaf but on special occaios would hppily pay double for soething that qualiies s a treat.Packaging was found to be an iportat factor in haging etra for reium products, with sopisticaed esign enabling
19、tiltries, elctronics or food ites to sll for far ore. Shoppes are willing to ay extra for soetl1ing that has had tought put into its ouward appearace. (13) et the knowledge has no ipact on their choice.The profit agin on preium-pried toiletries ad beauty ites can be as much as 300-400 per cent nd in
20、excess of 50 per ent or hi-H and otherelectronic goods. (14) . In a crowded arketplace such as cas or obiles, its far ore dificult to achive thistransforatin than you ight think.Example:0ABCDEFGHAThe term is less fective, hweve, in reas whre style and fshion pay a saller role.BThe product hiden behi
21、nd tis attractive eterior ay be exactly te sae as n itemsellingfor half the price, and soppers ay be quiteaware ofthis.CThe results suggestthatthe term preiueansvery little toconsuers.DA fifth of them went furthe, nd disissed the very word as simply a way floading prices.EIt follows that prie and ut
22、ility are not the only factors in play when it coes to purchasingdeciions.Fith such an incetive, te callenge for arketers is to find the trggers that an turn an oriary productinto soething consuers will accet as preiu.GThe srvey found tat cosumers wee ppared to py top ries for specialty ites, just a
23、s long as prces or everyday products reainedlo.Hhen they succee, arketers are able to chage high prices for te resulting product.ATTHREE Questions 5-20 Read the following profile of Bruce Pett, te new Director of the ManageentConsultansAssociation(MC), and the quetios on the oposite age. For eachque
24、stion(1-20), ark one letter (A, , C or D) on yourAnser Sheet.Bruce Petter has not alays been an executive. He started hs career puping petrol at a illing station, as he explins: After I left the ar, y friends fathe, who was Managing Director of a petrol compan, recmended that I go into the oil inust
25、r. My grea-uncle was running our own faily petrol copan, and Ileart the ropes at a ptrl station. I ubsequenly arried the daughter of the Marketing Directr bt this did ot ake for the happiest of scenarios. Depending on which side of the faily they cae fro, y relatives tought I should support iter y g
26、reatuncle or y farthe-i-la, so I decided the tie had coe for e to leave the waring factions to ight it out aong theselves andove on.He becae founing Directr of the Perol etailers Asociation. But after a few years he decided,Iwas gttig to the stae whereI wanted to ove on again, sowhen I heard abut th
27、e Manageent Consultats Association (MC) post, Ipeople wth ainstream business intrests toethe. The ssociation had 30 ember copanies at te tie, representing a lage proportion f the best-kownnaes inte secto, ad they allwanted to have a lok at thisindividal who had applied to repreent teir intrets, so I
28、 saw anawul lotof theembershi.His princil area of expertise, hefeels, is in running a trae assocition and the brieing that he has been handed suggests that this will be of prie value. If you were to ask e if I was ever going to be an expert anageent consultant, the answer would be no. But I a, I hop
29、e, able to articulate teir iews, to push through policies they ant to see in operation and to iprove their iage. I hope to ake anageent consultancy a powerful voice in govenent and industr.The Presient of the MCA confirs what laned Pettr the job. e saw a lot ofpeople, butthere wre thre things inpart
30、iculr tat ipressed us aboutBruce. His experiece of running alage but alo soe consideraly saller firms. e are also aware that anageent consultancy is not always portraed in a favourable light and he has done quite a bit of work on public iage and has soe very positie viws in thisaea.So, M. Pttr has t
31、aen over from retirng Directr Brian ORorke, ad a change of oodis now in the ai. ORoke was atthe helm for 13 years and hissuccessr is reticent when it coes to predicting hw his own approach wll dife. Brian did a agnificent job of sustaiing the Assoiation, of hlding it together trough thick and thin I
32、 detecta butin hs vice. Bu?I think ifyou ask anybody who or what the MCA was under hs direction, te teptatin would be to say Brian ORorke. Pettr feels his own stye will be very uch detrined by te objectives of the embers: he sees hiself as a channel forthose ais. I dont want the MCA to be perceived
33、as Bruce Petters epire, bt rther the embers empire, he says. MrappliedHe was aware that the selctionprocess for te head of any trae assocition would, by deinitio, be protraced becaue of thedificulty of etting verybusytrade assocation was key and it seeed to us that he had a good understanig of how t
34、o relate to and inspire a ebership ade up ofvery busy partners, ofen in veryPettr cleary has a dificult task ahead, but any of his staf will welcoe a more open, odern style and teresevery idication he will beasuccess.15 hat do we learn abut Bruce Petterin the fist pararap?AHe likes to think ofhself
35、as a loyal person.B He has a negatie viewof aily-run businesse.C His ilitry backgrond cae in useful later in his caree.DAn awkward situationinfluenced he develoent of his caree.16hen Pettr appied for the post f irector ofthe MCA, he knewthatA a decisionwas likly to take a log tie.B not everone in th
36、essociation as inerestedin hi.C he would have to faceintense copetition.D soe embers would oppose his appointent.17hat does Petter beleve he is abe to change?A the viewsthe MCAholds on indusryB the way inwhich theMCAdecids on policyC how the MCAis perceived by oter peopleD the MCAs reltios with oter
37、 rade associains18 hich of the following does the MCA Presidet ention as a reason for appoining Pette?A his ability to otivateembers of an associainB his experence of orking in diferenttradesC his broadnetwork ofbusiness cotactsD his previus work inanageent consultancy19The writr notices tt, when Pe
38、tter talks about his predecesso, heA expresses soe regretfor howtheAssociationdealt wth hi.B thinks hehad been thre or too long.C questions changes he ade withintheAssociaion.D indicateshe has ixed feelings aout his leadrship style.20 Pettr sys his aimas Directr of the MCAis toA odernise theAssoiati
39、on.B carry out teAssociations wishes.C set an exaple of irm leadership o his staf.D expand the embership of theAssociation.ATFOUR Questions 1-30 Read the article elw about sicness at workin Britain. Choose the correct wrd to fill eah gap from A, , C or D on the opposite age. For eachquestion(2-30),
40、ark one letter (A, , C or D) on yourAnser Sheet. There is n exaple at the beginig, (0).SicnessatorkSall firs are countig the (0) A of sickness aong eployees. Researh estiates tat illness ost sall businesses in Britain a month and a half in lost (21) last ye. A recent (22) of more than 1,000 sall and
41、 edium enterries revealed that last yar te averae sall business lost arund 42 days through taf phoning in sick, and tat tis had a serious (23) on 27 per cet f saller companies. Jut over one in ten eployees took tie of for seven days in a (24) Of these, 9.5 per cet were ill for a week on more than ne
42、 occaion. In Britin, employees can take sick (25) for up to a week before they have toproduce a edical cerificate. Oneranagers were far less likly to be of sickthan their saf: 3.3 days on average, copared with te 10 days taken by eployees.The head ofthe researh team said, The ost comon (26) of absen
43、ce was inor illness, such as colds or lu, but bck strain, fractures nd the lie (27) for very nearly as uch. Of greater (28) s that ore that 40 percent of eployerselt tattheir eployees sickess ay nothave beenenuine.Eployers an do ore to prtect teselves by drawing up adequate (29) of eployent that out
44、line the copanys sick py (30) . Enhanced sick pay is thenatthemployers discretion.Example:AcostB priceC chageD expense0ABCD21A capacity22A reportB productiityB enquiryC capabilityC stateentD eficiencyD survey23A resultB consequenceC ipressinD ipact24A rowB lineC seriesD sequence25A leaveB breakC tie
45、D absence26A reasonB syptomC causeD otive27A contriutedB accountedC totaledD credited28A concernB anxietyC regardD bother29A detailsB itesC particlarsD ters30A ideasB notionsC policisD intentionsATFIVE Questions 1-40 Read the job advertisent belo. For each question (31-40), wite one word in CPIAL LE
46、TTERS on your There is n exaple at There is n exaple at the beginig, (0).Examples:0ONEEmpleymentwith Kinson pcStaffSupprt Advisers requirede are a newly-fored division of Kinson plc, (0) . of the Us lagest quoted copanies, and provide businss custoers 31) . slutions that cobine leaingedge e-comerce
47、technloy and an interated nationwide custoer support ntwork.The foratin of this ew division has crated a nuber of exciting and challening roles wthin the call cetres of two (32) . our seven ites. e have vacanies (33) . taf Support Advisrs. orking closely with te Business Managers, our job will (34)
48、. to gear the business up for the callenges ahead by iplementing a prgrame of radical cnge. hen copleted, this rograme will enable the anageent team to use our people resources more efectivel, and (35) . so doing facilitate theipleentation of our copanys businesspla. ou will beinvolved in all aspets
49、 of huan resorces actiit,incluing poviding adice and giance to yur busines partners ad policy developent, in (36) . to ipleenting any traiig and developent initiaties the copany may launch fomtie to tie.e are loking for talented indiiuals (37) . good generlit gounding has been gaind in a custoer ser
50、vices or custoefocused environent where your lar and ideas (38) . urrently big underused. ou ust be able to influence usiness deisions from a huan resources perspective and create inovative olutions. u should alo be a reiliet, adaptable team player; as (39) . as having a track recrd of coacing oters
51、. In return, n excellet salary and benefits package is (40) . ofer: The successful pplicat wil have te dvantage of outstaningopportuntis for persoal devlopment and advanceent.ATSIX Questions 1-52 Read the extrct blw romthe annual reprt ofa bed anufacture. In ost of the lies (41-52) there is one xtra
52、 word. It is either ramatically incorrect or does not fit in with the sense of the text. Soe lines, howeve, are correct. If a lineis corrct, wrte CORECT on yourAnser Sheet. If there is an extra word in the lie, write the extra ord in CPIAL LETTERSon yourAnser Sheet. The exerise beins with two exmple
53、s, (0) and (00).Examples:0CORRECT0GREATERCHIEFEXECUTIVESREVIEW0The prie focus for anageent recently as been the integration intote Group of0Daon Beds.This acqusitionis vey uch greater part of ur strategytogrow our41presence in the UKbranded furnitue arket.e are neitherconvincedtat42leveraging the pr
54、oven brand anageent expertise of hich we are prod is the43optiumroute to cotiued and sustainable grwth in sharholder vlue. verall,44sales grew ore quicky than 9%,toreach 15 illion.his reresets a sall45increase inarket share such as or strategytobuild shre n growing, added value46sectors gains omentu
55、m. ur established rads had anoter excellentyear with47volues and turnoveratrecordlevls.hile we have inreased capaity tocope with48significatlyincreased eand, boosted by thereturn totelevsion advertiing in early49lastyea. Te purposeof thecapaign is how toeinorce our position astheUs50leading vle bed
56、business by iproving brandawareness till uther on and, ore51iportantl,comunicating to consers regardng the essage about te uniqueness52of the prodct and yet te benefits ad reasons fr chooing ur beds. Eary indicatios show that te capaign is already hving the dsired efect.WRIING1 hour10 minutesATONE Q
57、uestion 1 The bar hart blow hows the poits ade by each of a copanys three factrisfor each qarter of te year . The pie chart shows the nuber of workers in each of the actoies dring that ya. Using the inforation from the charts, wrte a short eport descriing te trends inprofits andte nuber of eployees
58、in each factr. rite 12-140 words.Pofits fm each facory perquarter()Nmberof employeesineach factry ()ATTWOrite an answer to one of the questins 2-4 in this part. rite your answer in 200-250words.Question 2 This yea, your copany has used an advertisng agency to proote your products or servies. our bos
59、s has asked you to write a report abot the advertiing capaign which the aency arraned. rite the eport for your boss: outliingwhat the adertising capaign consited of indicatingwhat you feel thestrenths and weknesses of he capaign were explaiig how successful you eel the adertsing has ben suggestig id
60、eas for future adertsing.Question 3 ou have seen the folwing advertiseent and you want to enter yor oganistion for the awad.Most Impoved OrganisationardIf your oganisation has ade iproveents in the lat year afecting employees ad custoers, write and tell us about te. The most iproved oganistion will
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