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1、百M(fèi)y comm佰ents ar罷e as fo版llows :昂-瓣The DLP俺 period吧 for th佰is cont半ract is扳 stated凹 as 10 澳years w吧hile th礙e warra吧nty per隘iod is 擺stated 捌as 3 ye拜ars. Pl懊ease ch瓣ange th敖e DLP p柏eriod t柏o 2 yea癌rs (our藹 standa凹rd for 氨this pr頒oject i阿f its 板not 2 y笆ears) a背nd 10 y巴ears wa鞍rranty 藹for the白 fire d按oo

2、r. Se頒e attac襖hed for壩 page w埃here th矮e DLP p胺eriod i安s state扮d as 10板 years.稗回標(biāo)疑問(wèn)卷拔1&5 T笆o remov斑e the p敗riced B敖Q from 笆these 2搬 sets o板f docum芭ents if阿 the BQ斑 has be八en supe愛(ài)rseded 班by the 愛(ài)contrac把t BQ.耙Contrac礙t BQ 按Is the 扳design 罷for the拜 main e班ntrance邦 door t敖y(tǒng)pe FM板乙阿4 (S2.1佰/1/B) t霸he sa

3、me襖 as the隘 Public拌 Area t笆imber f叭ire doo隘r type 藹FM柏乙藹4 (S2.1唉/1/G挨)? If i愛(ài)ts the八 same t哎hing, p挨lease r把e-adjus吧t the r吧ates to熬 tie in壩 with e鞍ach oth癌er.跋Is the 爸BQ give背n compl案ete? Th巴e total按 cost s扳hown un白der the斑 Contra奧ct BQ (頒RMB975,按193.00)扒 does n藹ot tie 隘up with罷 the aw皚arded s巴um (

4、RMB跋1,210,4昂48.79).專用條件哀The ite靶m in th扮e conte傲nts pag伴e唉 does n百ot matc板h with 襖the act耙ual cla笆use. S1熬4.7 is 扒know as伴 斑竣工報(bào)備凹in the 版content胺s page 按but is 耙reflect艾ed as 壩竣工報(bào)表凹 in the拌 actual八 clause百.巴Clause 敗S20.1, 啊sub-cla矮use 24.班1 on pa笆ge SCC/絆38. Ref矮erence 扮is made半 to cla百use 4.6澳 of t

5、he氨 板投標(biāo)須知耙 in par吧agraph 熬1. The 鞍投標(biāo)須知版 is not巴 part 笆of this澳 contra安ct, so 白please 斑check t伴o ensur巴e the c巴lause t扳ie up, 熬if not,氨 to cha疤nge acc礙ordingl罷y.辦Item S2傲0.1, Cl扳ause 24跋.3(a) 拔 actual凹 Clause俺 26.1 m吧entione叭d in th唉is clau白se can芭t be fo捌und扒Item S2岸0.1 Cla般use 24.柏4 act芭ual Cla氨use

6、 26.絆1, 26.3熬 mentio埃ned in 百this cl隘ause ca艾nt be 凹found背Appreci板ate if 藹you cou鞍l(fā)d clea皚r the a哎ttached版 contra芭ct. I w爸ill go 罷through藹 at my 埃end in 靶paralle柏l.案Pls fin唉d the a半ttached艾 for yo瓣ur clea芭rance p昂ls. I h壩ad send班 to Amy阿 before班 she go般es on l拜eave, b啊ut have凹 not re稗verted 壩to us.皚

7、Lu, pls哀 hold i凹t until搬 our cl斑earance瓣 from l八egal. S版orry fo板r incon耙venienc吧e cause襖d爸With re挨gards t巴o Qn No埃. 2, ou白r sugge稗stion i伴s to go疤 for ch佰ampagne辦 color 般powder 般coat in柏stead t拔o match熬 the re愛(ài)st of t跋he deve背lopment哎.皚item 敖3.7.1奧, the d壩uration頒 of sub扮mitting芭 the ma唉terial 扮is t

8、oo 伴long. T愛(ài)he whol霸e contr鞍act per暗iod is 伴only 1 叭month+.敖 Please敗 reduce叭 to rea頒sonable跋 time f佰rame. T瓣hey are愛(ài) submit鞍ing per敗foramnc鞍e bond 頒right? 昂Cannot 凹find in盎 the LO挨A. Than八ks.昂With re埃gards t奧o Qn No柏. 2, ou艾r sugge安stion i伴s to go罷 for ch叭ampagne搬 color 隘powder 昂coat in岸stead t壩o ma

9、tch擺 the re按st of t八he deve暗lopment案For the百 qualif版ication骯 of the搬 tender捌er, Mai拜n con c伴alled t爸o advis啊e that 吧they wi艾ll prov翱ide the唉 qualif靶ication安 of the百 firm t埃hat the按y are w昂orking 昂with in壩 due co巴urse, w敗hich I 巴think i拌s ok gi骯ven the翱 tight 按timelin澳e (caro奧line 版扮 is thi捌s ok wi斑t

10、h you 壩? pls a八dvise).版For des瓣ign/dra阿wings 鞍案 sonny 熬pls fol霸low up 稗asap.背For con愛(ài)tract p熬rovisio搬ns 拔凹 yan me拌i pls f半ollow u伴p asap.版By copy爸 of thi疤s mail,盎 apprec般iate Am板y, Mich按elle an哀d Carol扳ine can耙 help r昂eview i稗n paral奧lel and敖 revert佰 with y皚our com擺ments, 挨if any,昂 in par靶allel.傲Ple

11、ase 版underst啊anding 拌that we爸 are ca拔lling s爸everal 巴contrac柏ts in p扳arallel案 in ord襖er to m癌eet the癌 tight 霸timelin靶e and y氨our ass捌istance隘 in the爸 above 鞍are app笆reciate擺d.笆With re耙gards t八o Qn No敖. 2, ou藹r sugge哀stion i暗s to go案 for ch白ampagne岸 color 俺powder 叭coat in挨stead t白o(hù) match扳 the re挨st o

12、f t骯he deve柏lopment拜Please 板reply t拜o quest愛(ài)ion num骯ber 2 a八s a mat暗ter of 八urgency俺 so DLS安 can re爸ply to 拜the ten拜derers.柏Pls inc扳lude in板 your p艾relim a巴ssessme吧nt and 壩provide艾 the pr熬elim as叭sessmen癌t on Mo般nday mo板rning傲Please 奧reply t瓣o the f襖ollowin捌g urgen盎tly. Th佰e tende礙rers ne拔ed to d吧o

13、some 唉design 捌develop佰ment as藹 part o俺f their熬 tender哎 return埃 so we 骯need to澳 give s耙ome mor巴e lead 背time班As per 把discuss氨ed yest阿erday, 邦please 襖provide背 the fo耙llowing絆s:懊SKK spr襖ay pain搬t(yī) finis扳h as a 敖replace唉ment ma壩terial 案for sto阿ne clad熬ding as擺 indica壩ted in 翱Capols搬 drawin擺g. Plea頒se prov

14、板ide the拌 specif白ication八 for te笆nderers翱.拔Door fi稗nish.絆Please 八provide哀 design半 intent叭 write-埃up for 敖the can唉opy as 壩indicat昂ed in C扳apols 罷drawing礙.伴Please 敗provide白 in Chi靶nese fo靶r the a爸bove wh斑ere pos八sible a跋s we ar佰e deali扒ng with版 local 按contrac版tors.白For the壩 qualif柏ication礙 of the版 ten

15、der壩er, Mai安n con c唉alled t捌o advis稗e that 俺they wi般ll prov霸ide the盎 qualif辦ication癌 of the鞍 firm t罷hat the敗y are w半orking 奧with in俺 due co靶urse, w埃hich I 敗think i哀s ok gi笆ven the埃 tight 按timelin笆e (caro絆line 敗辦 is thi傲s ok wi班th you 翱? pls a罷dvise).辦For des般ign/dra背wings 凹啊 sonny 斑pls fol藹low up 八a

16、sap.皚For con半tract p霸rovisio愛(ài)ns 澳隘 yan me叭i pls f扳ollow u罷p asap.絆By copy搬 of thi扮s mail,八 apprec辦iate Am盎y, Mich靶elle an鞍d Carol扮ine can搬 help r隘eview i哎n paral隘lel and吧 revert癌 with y敗our com捌ments, 懊if any,疤 in par擺allel.案Please 扳underst岸anding 啊that we稗 are ca安lling s氨everal 艾contrac奧ts in p斑ara

17、llel柏 in ord拔er to m拌eet the埃 tight 靶timelin擺e and y啊our ass背istance熬 in the藹 above 藹are app般reciate罷d皚Per our昂 concal懊l for t版he Lift奧 Supply絆 LOA 般岸 commen拌ts/conc安ensus a愛(ài)s follo俺w as no芭ted by 唉QS in t埃he atta搬ched :癌item 1.昂2 敗隘 order 愛(ài)of list傲ing 鞍俺 sugges胺t updat埃e the s拔pecial 斑conditi癌ons i

18、ns拜tead藹item 3.翱3 (3) 巴稗 mainta八in 75% 骯max per皚 agreem案ent dur八ing ten般der cla柏rificat班ions扒item 3.拌4 (d) 阿矮 sugges扮t amend柏 the mi疤nor err敖or when擺 signin佰g the c耙ontract唉item 3.挨6 (3) 板斑 same a八s item 岸2 above按.岸other q埃ueries 礙跋 as cla捌rified 背by QS.鞍As the 頒above i捌tems ha耙ve been挨 clarif捌ied,

19、th叭ere is 霸no more拌 issue 鞍with th安e suppl昂y LOA w安hich KO稗NE had 俺stamped艾 and re盎turned.跋 跋QS will斑 update凹 on the罷 specia巴l condi氨tions a稗nd inst芭allatio柏n LOA s芭eparate八ly for 拌discuss拔ion/con百call as扒ap (Jer澳ry pls 案target 敗for Fri岸day aft靶ernoon 安say 4pm扮 as spo皚ken)唉Per our背 concal哎l for t矮he

20、 Lift唉 Supply翱 LOA 把吧 commen懊ts/conc啊ensus a襖s follo胺w as no扮ted by 敖QS in t挨he atta暗ched :伴item 1.奧2 岸啊 order 班of list隘ing 敖胺 sugges霸t updat把e the s佰pecial 盎conditi瓣ons ins翱tead岸item 3.扒3 (3) 挨阿 mainta板in 75% 拌max per疤 agreem絆ent dur骯ing ten案der cla般rificat鞍ions阿item 3.佰4 (d) 隘矮 sugges斑t amend襖 the

21、 mi巴nor err襖or when艾 signin案g the c哎ontract扒item 3.柏6 (3) 啊敗 same a靶s item 絆2 above哎.疤other q奧ueries 靶阿 as cla擺rified 翱by QS.胺As the 扒above i把tems ha俺ve been斑 clarif氨ied, th背ere is 靶no more盎 issue 暗with th胺e suppl拌y LOA w吧hich KO礙NE had 懊stamped皚 and re扳turned.稗 扳QS will罷 update邦 on the凹 specia骯l co

22、ndi佰tions a把nd inst靶allatio板n LOA s芭eparate暗ly for 敗discuss罷ion/con笆call as愛(ài)ap (Jer拌ry pls 斑target 敖for Fri盎day aft俺ernoon 扳say 4pm澳 as spo擺ken)稗As per 按discuss拌ed yest班erday, 拜please 背provide耙 the fo班l(xiāng)lowing擺s:矮SKK spr案ay pain叭t finis愛(ài)h as a 把replace藹ment ma矮terial 哀for sto吧ne clad耙ding as翱 indica凹

23、ted in 暗Capols壩 drawin擺g. Plea扒se prov八ide the擺 specif絆ication板 for te擺nderers按.唉Door fi骯nish.跋Please 笆provide叭 design版 intent胺 write-暗up for 癌the can埃opy as 熬indicat柏ed in C懊apols 癌drawing耙.壩Please 頒provide疤 in Chi案nese fo皚r the a澳bove wh骯ere pos百sible a百s we ar跋e deali按ng with哀 local 版contrac拌tors

24、.礙Appreci靶ate if 敖y(tǒng)ou cou稗ld clea癌r the a耙ttached凹 contra斑ct. I w奧ill go 藹through捌 at my 敗end in 擺paralle隘l.巴I have 癌no furt俺her com芭ments o絆n both 暗the bon疤d and a班dvance 皚payment熬 bond, 襖however笆, as th八ere are伴 deviat襖ions fr吧om the 礙format 艾given f啊or the 隘bond, p拜lease e跋nsure t傲hat cle百arance

25、按is obta皚ined fr擺om May 安Lan, Ed疤ward an巴d Tracy啊 as per敗 SOP re皚quireme哀nts.愛(ài)Also, i埃f the 2扳 bonds 柏are not拜 from t叭he big 耙4 banks芭 here, 傲please 骯obtain 邦clearan胺ce from凹 May La凹n as we安ll藹For upd捌ate, ph罷ase 2 m敗ain con芭tract i壩s being凹 signed拔 by SCG疤 and th按ey targ鞍et to r般eturn b耙y next 絆Mon

26、day.把 啊Appreci壩ate you翱r URGEN拜T revie岸w and r罷evert y壩our com阿ments, 拌if any,澳 on the背 relate鞍d perfo愛(ài)rmance 頒bonds p罷er atta扳ched fo八r QS/SC埃G follo骯w up on扒 activa稗tion頒called 柏me this襖 mornin癌g. He m半entione癌d that 扳main co胺n would邦 like t鞍o deduc絆t the P百&A fees疤 in the壩ir paym斑ent. Ca氨n you p霸

27、ls help澳 to che癌ck up t辦he deta盎ils in 叭your re班commend襖ed paym胺ent cer百t (paym吧ent 10.邦2), hav佰e you a巴ctually笆 deduct霸ed the 背fees al稗r(nóng)eady a爸nd pay 昂to main伴 con or翱 how? T般hanks.襖Pls fin礙d the a芭ttached拔 for yo盎ur clea爸rance p胺ls. I h俺ad send挨 to Amy八 before柏 she go擺es on l翱eave, b拌ut have白 not

28、re哎verted 暗to us.芭Lu, pls岸 hold i凹t until案 our cl襖earance捌 from l按egal. S壩orry fo壩r incon氨venienc罷e cause哎d啊Jerry, 昂item 斑3.7.1哎, the d骯uration笆 of sub翱mitting扳 the ma搬t(yī)erial 愛(ài)is too 白long. T熬he whol疤e contr氨act per艾iod is 安only 1 擺month+.擺 Please柏 reduce敖 to rea按sonable俺 time f骯rame. T辦hey are阿 sub

29、mit班ing per拌foramnc胺e bond 胺right? 霸Cannot 皚find in啊 the LO隘A. Than稗ks俺I have 背no furt愛(ài)her com辦ments o叭n both 翱the bon拌d and a澳dvance 般payment瓣 bond, 昂however班, as th俺ere are隘 deviat啊ions fr俺om the 頒format 靶g(shù)iven f邦or the 伴bond, p邦lease e班nsure t安hat cle佰arance 百is obta跋ined fr背om May 襖Lan, Ed稗ward

30、an靶d Tracy敖 as per暗 SOP re愛(ài)quireme笆nts.芭Also, i般f the 2啊 bonds 辦are not半 from t霸he big 絆4 banks安 here, 敗please 澳obtain 藹clearan熬ce from澳 May La鞍n as we百ll.皚For upd把a(bǔ)te, ph扒ase 2 m昂ain con拜tract i懊s being半 signed敖 by SCG案 and th扳ey targ骯et to r疤eturn b氨y next 百M(fèi)onday.疤 斑Appreci般ate you澳r URGEN把T revi

31、e扳w and r絆evert y熬our com艾ments, 暗if any,絆 on the暗 relate斑d perfo擺rmance 安bonds p八er atta擺ched fo暗r QS/SC巴G follo安w up on巴 activa敗tion笆For the半 qualif啊ication骯 of the稗 tender挨er, Mai百n con c瓣alled t芭o advis拔e that 氨they wi埃ll prov板ide the挨 qualif敗ication扒 of the扒 firm t啊hat the佰y are w拔orking 懊with

32、in佰 due co翱urse, w拌hich I 版think i靶s ok gi暗ven the藹 tight 敖timelin半e (caro叭line 扳奧 is thi傲s ok wi白th you 耙? pls a敗dvise).啊For des罷ign/dra敖wings 胺埃 sonny 扮pls fol般low up 礙asap.扳For con柏tract p埃rovisio翱ns 俺邦 yan me按i pls f翱ollow u敖p asap.頒By copy佰 of thi胺s mail,氨 apprec懊iate Am拌y, Mich拔elle an搬d Carol

33、安ine can傲 help r奧eview i扒n paral瓣lel and耙 revert翱 with y疤our com壩ments, 板if any,岸 in par案allel.斑Please 癌underst暗anding 澳that we把 are ca版lling s唉everal 擺contrac啊ts in p辦arallel盎 in ord爸er to m八eet the安 tight 跋timelin絆e and y壩our ass叭istance挨 in the皚 above 藹are app鞍reciate邦d.襖I have 版no furt跋her com胺m

34、ents o爸n both 昂the bon熬d and a愛(ài)dvance 巴payment板 bond, 版however擺, as th扮ere are暗 deviat凹ions fr罷om the 敗format 挨given f靶or the 拜bond, p礙lease e癌nsure t般hat cle頒arance 案is obta癌ined fr阿om May 八Lan, Ed凹ward an搬d Tracy八 as per稗 SOP re按quireme瓣nts.案Also, i拔f the 2拌 bonds 癌are not扒 from t翱he big 懊4 banks鞍

35、 here, 挨please 把obtain 扳clearan辦ce from暗 May La般n as we隘ll.懊For upd柏ate, ph愛(ài)ase 2 m隘ain con按tract i爸s being扮 signed笆 by SCG挨 and th八ey targ敗et to r靶eturn b柏y next 巴Monday.胺 癌Appreci挨ate you唉r URGEN跋T revie罷w and r拜evert y襖our com凹ments, 芭if any,哎 on the案 relate挨d perfo伴rmance 哀bonds p盎er atta瓣ched f

36、o絆r QS/SC柏G follo絆w up on暗 activa啊tion.盎I have 霸no furt皚her com靶ments o拔n both 伴the bon扒d and a愛(ài)dvance 跋payment捌 bond, 芭however疤, as th稗ere are捌 deviat辦ions fr熬om the 把format 鞍given f矮or the 安bond, p熬lease e背nsure t叭hat cle板arance 懊is obta拔ined fr胺om May 熬Lan, Ed昂ward an矮d Tracy板 as per藹 SOP re背quir

37、eme跋nts.隘Also, i邦f the 2芭 bonds 疤are not奧 from t把he big 凹4 banks班 here, 絆please 靶obtain 般clearan扳ce from頒 May La岸n as we奧ll.背For upd熬ate, ph版ase 2 m艾ain con疤tract i翱s being霸 signed懊 by SCG班 and th耙ey targ哀et to r柏eturn b絆y next 捌Monday.耙 癌Appreci案ate you骯r URGEN鞍T revie矮w and r瓣evert y埃our com半ments

38、, 奧if any,爸 on the背 relate拜d perfo稗r(nóng)mance 敖bonds p胺er atta半ched fo半r QS/SC罷G follo頒w up on拜 activa扳tion.柏Per our霸 concal稗l for t凹he Lift懊 Supply哀 LOA 芭胺 commen澳ts/conc鞍ensus a般s follo把w as no柏ted by 巴QS in t襖he atta耙ched :傲item 1.芭2 耙叭 order 翱of list辦ing 皚瓣 sugges鞍t updat癌e the s盎pecial 俺conditi埃ons

39、 ins斑tead伴item 3.皚3 (3) 癌昂 mainta絆in 75% 胺max per熬 agreem氨ent dur扮ing ten哀der cla巴rificat半ions哀item 3.愛(ài)4 (d) 盎安 sugges翱t amend礙 the mi哀nor err按or when拌 signin骯g the c扒ontract俺item 3.佰6 (3) 捌芭 same a奧s item 啊2 above辦.笆other q吧ueries 版邦 as cla拔rified 凹by QS.俺As the 按above i盎tems ha案ve been百 clarif鞍ied

40、, th耙ere is 百no more隘 issue 按with th矮e suppl柏y LOA w搬hich KO奧NE had 胺stamped拔 and re芭turned.凹 捌QS will笆 update班 on the皚 specia拔l condi把tions a扮nd inst翱allatio斑n LOA s把eparate半ly for 笆discuss敗ion/con皚call as安ap (Jer搬ry pls 拌target 稗for Fri版day aft藹ernoon 扒say 4pm稗 as spo唉ken)佰Enclose昂d pleas啊e find 瓣

41、the not埃es for 岸the LOA般 as dis柏cussed 搬in toda百y Con-c半all.傲As KONE八 had ex骯pressed疤 their 懊agreeme艾nt to t敗he amen爸dment i扳n the S班pecial 般Conditi癌ons of 按Contrac百t, we w熬ill go 把through靶 the de把tails w熬ith KON斑E and a拔dvise t俺o your 埃Office 佰tomorro班w.八Please 唉advise 唉as foll唉ows:捌1) We h扒ave sen

42、奧t the c絆omment 懊of MT l壩awyer (按as encl奧osed) t絆o KONE.壩 We hav礙e discu芭ssed wi稗th KONE案 and th挨ey verb笆ally re耙fused t澳o amend傲 those 唉revised骯 Terms 百and Con吧ditions搬. KONE 扒will pr懊ovide w按ritten 案email f隘or the 按same la暗ter. Ap氨preciat捌e if yo背u could靶 liaise拔 with M背T lawye拔r wheth板e(cuò)r they伴 ha

43、ve a鞍ny opin擺ion to 斑the leg挨al stan罷ding/po凹sition 哎of the 班Contrac鞍t witho鞍ut the 佰propose礙d amend隘ment.哎2) In r頒espect 愛(ài)of the 半propose辦d 5% re阿tention埃 to be 矮release矮d after啊 the De拌fect Li皚ability昂 Period靶 in the礙 instal佰lation 艾contrac吧t, KONE矮 refuse疤d to re懊vise th啊e payme俺nt term按s as st埃a

44、ted in襖 their 笆tender 背submiss把ion (50哎% after拜 commen胺cement 把by 7 da挨ys and 啊50% upo安n QC ac案cepted 八by Gove芭rnment 半Dept.).傲 They r叭ather p藹roposed傲 to giv唉e a ret八ention 般bond fo頒r the p耙urpose.巴 Please扮 confir啊m if it叭 is acc拌eptable邦 to you唉r Offic唉e.哎3) We 巴have re翱ceived 半SCG com搬ment (a頒s e

45、nclo唉sed) to癌 the NS隘C Sub C扳ontract吧. We in澳tend to盎 forwar耙d to KO半NE for 般review.按 Please氨 advise胺 if oth瓣erwise.暗A(chǔ)s spok笆en just斑 now, p骯lease c岸onsolid伴ate the岸 contra叭ct toge辦ther wi翱th the 哀items a哀greed d懊uring t叭he tend辦er peri捌od. Ple瓣ase ver敗ify on 翱this an吧d updat擺e accor傲dingly.斑Previou

46、靶s one w疤as of s阿upply L氨O(jiān)A, att愛(ài)ached t哎he inst阿allatio扳n LOA f哀or veri跋ficatio板n扳Please 拜advise 氨as foll壩ows:凹1) We h叭ave sen暗t the c般omment 捌of MT l盎awyer (昂as encl拔osed) t叭o KONE.版 We hav埃e discu盎ssed wi愛(ài)th KONE般 and th懊ey verb頒ally re昂fused t襖o amend稗 those 皚revised叭 Terms 案and Con骯ditions跋. KO

47、NE 捌will pr笆ovide w奧ritten 案email f稗or the 傲same la拌ter. Ap瓣preciat骯e if yo瓣u could板 liaise艾 with M八T lawye拜r wheth哀er they爸 have a扮ny opin跋ion to 巴the leg艾al stan斑ding/po佰sition 奧of the 阿Contrac扳t witho爸ut the 芭propose拌d amend扒ment.疤2) In r哀espect 盎of the 稗propose跋d 5% re襖tention稗 to be 澳release笆d

48、after叭 the De安fect Li挨ability搬 Period哎 in the岸 instal按lation 扮contrac辦t, KONE胺 refuse翱d to re俺vise th巴e payme罷nt term半s as st搬ated in昂 their 耙tender 哎submiss哀ion (50邦% after鞍 commen伴cement 埃by 7 da拌ys and 絆50% upo敗n QC ac阿cepted 百by Gove爸rnment 懊Dept.).白 They r扮ather p班roposed哀 to giv岸e a ret扳ention

49、 氨bond fo岸r the p扮urpose.靶 Please八 confir扮m if it挨 is acc啊eptable疤 to you笆r Offic般e.扒3) We 拜have re扳ceived 擺SCG com礙ment (a案s enclo罷sed) to俺 the NS奧C Sub C盎ontract阿. We in扮tend to霸 forwar扳d to KO笆NE for 巴review.白 Please藹 advise邦 if oth霸erwise.傲As spok懊en just擺 now, p昂lease c岸onsolid礙ate the傲 contra拔

50、ct toge阿ther wi跋th the 把items a挨greed d佰uring t俺he tend胺er peri耙od. Ple芭ase ver柏ify on 柏this an邦d updat哀e accor伴dingly辦I had r板e(cuò)plied 俺earlier扒 ok wit斑h(yuǎn) the p胺roposed唉 return扮 date o埃f 13/de瓣c/2010.礙As furt吧her cla挨rified 挨with th叭e tende澳rer, th啊ey requ版ested t哀o submi氨t the t般ender o百n 絆2010-12艾-1

51、3傲. Appre疤ciate i扮f you c癌ould ad邦vise th奧e exact背 date f拔or our 壩ease of跋 follow巴-up.稗Sorry, 背we cant版 read t扳he char氨acters 胺under t佰he belo奧w email啊. As di翱scussed背, the t哎enderer哀 reques版ted for背 5 days斑 extra 扳for the愛(ài)ir prep壩aration搬 of ten辦der疤Enclose笆d pleas澳e find 傲the not俺es for 把the LOA柏

52、as dis唉cussed 俺in toda愛(ài)y Con-c哎all.霸As KONE拌 had ex熬pressed吧 their 礙agreeme氨nt to t胺he amen愛(ài)dment i岸n the S澳pecial 哀Conditi扳ons of 般Contrac罷t, we w扮ill go 岸through奧 the de拜tails w哎ith KON半E and a凹dvise t靶o your 埃Office 傲tomorro藹w.隘Please 矮advise 皚as foll襖ows:頒1) We h阿ave sen艾t the c擺omment 頒of MT l辦

53、awyer (挨as encl懊osed) t阿o KONE.俺 We hav矮e discu哎ssed wi扒th KONE拔 and th襖ey verb矮ally re按fused t班o amend爸 those 拔revised瓣 Terms 頒and Con半ditions半. KONE 矮will pr挨ovide w靶ritten 翱email f骯or the 礙same la俺ter. Ap絆preciat礙e if yo耙u could按 liaise翱 with M叭T lawye愛(ài)r wheth吧er they巴 have a藹ny opin稗ion to 岸the

54、leg半al stan矮ding/po襖sition 跋of the 暗Contrac澳t witho笆ut the 壩propose捌d amend敗ment.半2) In r熬espect 隘of the 埃propose稗d 5% re搬t(yī)ention艾 to be 唉release扒d after跋 the De跋fect Li俺ability半 Period班 in the辦 instal伴lation 盎contrac伴t, KONE稗 refuse巴d to re版vise th疤e payme懊nt term背s as st瓣ated in班 their 襖tender 隘su

55、bmiss霸ion (50凹% after版 commen艾cement 啊by 7 da扳ys and 皚50% upo矮n QC ac罷cepted 背by Gove熬rnment 伴Dept.).百 They r扮ather p疤roposed般 to giv奧e a ret背ention 隘bond fo暗r the p八urpose.霸 Please哎 confir安m if it捌 is acc俺eptable斑 to you埃r Offic叭e.隘3) We 敗have re霸ceived 澳SCG com矮ment (a艾s enclo啊sed) to背 the NS傲C Su

56、b C奧ontract唉. We in翱tend to板 forwar敖d to KO啊NE for 百review.盎 Please昂 advise安 if oth絆erwise.瓣As spok跋en just伴 now, p把lease c拔onsolid芭ate the盎 contra伴ct toge靶ther wi哎th the 搬items a扮greed d埃uring t拔he tend挨er peri跋od. Ple頒ase ver胺ify on 巴this an稗d updat版e accor案dingly凹As furt靶her cla愛(ài)rified 凹with th胺e

57、 tende昂rer, th奧ey requ板e(cuò)sted t哎o submi拜t the t澳ender o哀n 霸2010-12隘-13懊. Appre熬ciate i昂f you c爸ould ad背vise th哎e exact扒 date f隘or our 愛(ài)ease of礙 follow巴-up.版Sorry, 翱we cant吧 read t柏he char拌acters 挨under t笆he belo敖w email皚. As di翱scussed把, the t骯enderer敖 reques跋ted for扳 5 days埃 extra 板for the爸ir prep搬a

58、ration哀 of ten襖der邦For upd皚ate, ph般ase 2 m巴ain con邦tract i氨s being霸 signed岸 by SCG叭 and th敗ey targ笆et to r白eturn b版y next 般Monday.辦 按Appreci懊ate you捌r URGEN安T revie罷w and r壩evert y熬our com岸ments, 拌if any,吧 on the辦 relate熬d perfo般rmance 拜bonds p案er atta靶ched fo靶r QS/SC凹G follo澳w up on背 activa隘tion皚As

59、 spok柏en, att骯ached t盎he sign岸ed LOA 凹for ver背ificati瓣on暗Please 暗advise 扳as foll耙ows:捌1) We h骯ave sen笆t the c奧omment 骯of MT l擺awyer (埃as encl稗osed) t爸o KONE.扮 We hav愛(ài)e discu拜ssed wi隘th KONE奧 and th扒ey verb翱ally re捌fused t襖o amend敖 those 按revised白 Terms 疤and Con氨ditions罷. KONE 跋will pr胺ovide w岸ritten

60、 唉email f癌or the 啊same la按ter. Ap擺preciat罷e if yo熬u could凹 liaise昂 with M拔T lawye岸r wheth啊er they靶 have a按ny opin拔ion to 骯the leg挨al stan唉ding/po罷sition 胺of the 斑Contrac愛(ài)t witho暗ut the 拌propose板d amend八ment.白2) In r百espect 巴of the 捌propose凹d 5% re把tention百 to be 扒release埃d after扮 the De伴fect Li哎abil


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