1、 選修(6)英語詞匯復習把下列句子翻譯為漢語(Unit 1)來自北京大學的Professor Smith 給我們作一個現(xiàn)實主義的報告。(realistic)抽象的藝術能使你以新的方式看待事物嗎?(abstract)這是一個在美國買來的雕塑。(sculpture)那個小鎮(zhèn)里有一個華僑建造的美術陳列館。(gallery)她不再相信上帝了。(belief)她不夠努力,結果考試不及格。(consequent)他人生的唯一目標是賺錢。(aim)有人認為高速(fast car)汽車是權力和力量的象征。(symbol)這幅圖畫值多少錢?(value)10 校長要求我們把注意力放在這個問題上。(focus o
2、n)11 我從不和他們討論政治或宗教信仰問題。(religion)12 他爺爺在英國的所有物就是一個工廠和一家醫(yī)院。(possession)13 我無法使她相信我是對的。(convince)14 我在這份報告上已花了很多時間。(a great deal)15 他一直生活在他哥哥的影響下。(shadow)16 那只狗在追逐自己的影子。(shadow)17 那是一個太可笑的建議!(ridiculous)18 他們那房子的要價高得荒謬。(ridiculous)19 我們在談論一個引起爭論的電視節(jié)目。(controversial)20 我現(xiàn)在不常去他們家鄉(xiāng)。我聽說那里建了大批新工廠。(nowadays
3、, scores of)21 這個囚犯企圖越獄時遭到槍擊。(attempt)22 科學家仍然不能預測地震會在什么時候發(fā)生。(predict)23 這條好斗的狗是他的叔叔從非洲帶來的。(aggressive)24 正在和我們校長談話的教授是一個研究莎士比亞是學者。(scholar)25 你昨天來學校的話,你會見到學者本人。(scholar, in the flesh)26 他喜歡學習幾何學。他想成為一名建筑工人。(geometry)27 湯姆給她買了一束鮮花,慶祝她的生日。(bunch)28 那個從英國回來的老學者現(xiàn)在住在上海大街12號。(avenue)29 你參觀過在市中心舉辦的畢加索作品展沒
4、有?(exhibition)30 當時中國文明的水平要比歐洲高。(civilization)31 這名作家和國王是屬于同時代。(contemporary)32 那宗意外留給他一個永久的傷疤。(permanent)33 學生們打算下個寒假到山區(qū)了解農(nóng)民的生活。(district)34 我們離開之前,給了女服務員小費。(tip)(Unit 2)35 正在寫詩歌的那個老師是我們的班主任。(poem)36 我們班上一些女孩子喜歡莎士比亞的詩歌和戲劇。(poetry)37 他能夠說出英國所有的國王和女王的姓名和在位年份。(recite)38 這些外國學者正在研究有關中國各方面生活的資料。(aspect)
5、39 這列火車既載人又載貨。(convey)40 上班之前她送孩子到我們學校附近的托兒所。(nursery)41 他的詩作全都押韻。(in rhyme)42 她的丈夫給她一條鉆石項鏈,她丈夫是香港一家公司的老板。(diamond)43 最后我們到達了一個有很多農(nóng)舍的漂亮小村莊。(cottage)44 我們聯(lián)歡會在房間的四周掛上了氣球。(balloon)45 氣球破了,孩子就哭起來。(balloon)46 很難說麻雀是不是一種益鳥。(sparrow)47 別理那些小伙子,他們只不過在逗你。(tease)48 這肉太咸了,我不喜歡吃。(salty)49 這班火車晚點了好幾個鐘頭,讓我們沒完沒了地等
6、著。(endless)50 這本他的老師翻譯的小說是關于保護野生動物的。(translate)51 這個學生能寫很好的翻譯。(translation)52 這個小男孩往樹上爬,在樹枝上坐下來。(branch)53 電的到來改變了人類的生活。(transform)54 我們愿祝福你們生活快樂,事事如意。(joy)55 他聽到消息后,掩蓋不住怒氣。(anger)56 他決定離開家庭使父母非常傷心。(sorrow)57 我忘記了這個論點的思路。(thread)58 這種酒很切合那種場合,對嗎?(appropriate)59 那部電影使我流淚,但我很高興它有了一個快樂的結局。(ending)60 他們
7、得靠地圖和指南針找回營地的路。(compass)61 我們的新瓷器有花朵圖案。(pattern)62 我們正在享受新鮮的空氣和燦爛的陽光。(sunlight)63 整個屋子都在黑暗之中。(darkness)64 她感受到陽光照射到臉上的溫暖。(warmth)65 這宗意外強調了格外小心的必要。(underline)66 和老師的談話消除了她的精神負擔。(load)(Unit 3) 67 中學生抽煙是不對的。(cigarette)68 不含酒精的飲料叫做軟飲料。(alcohol, soft drink)69 電視上有太多性行為和暴力的鏡頭。(sex, violence)70 東方醫(yī)院的李教授明天
8、要對學生做一個有關性問題的報告。(sexual)71 醫(yī)生說她是受精神壓力影響。(stress)72 自從妻子進醫(yī)院后,他承受著很大的壓力。(stress)73 要更加注意青少年的問題。(adolescent)74 這起事故是由于駕駛不當造成的。(due to)75 他對海洛因(踢足球,賭博)上癮。(addicted to)76 工作上需要常出差,她習慣了。(accustomed to)77 學校里有幾部自動電話。(automatic)78 這燈一到六點就自動亮了。(automatically)79 那個村莊有很多精神病患者。(mental)80 一座為精神病人而設立的療養(yǎng)院將建在我們學校附近
9、。(home, mentally)81 你到底是怎樣在這里找到我們的?(manage)82 他聲音洪亮。(have good lungs)83 醫(yī)生們在討論如何醫(yī)治這個人的肺癌。(lung cancer)84 她的姐姐懷孕五個月了。(pregnant) 85 醫(yī)生要他馬上停止吸煙。(quit)86 他們?yōu)閶雰哼x定了名字。(decide on)87 他的兄弟是一個在北京工作的藥劑師。(chemist)88 這個在北京工作的藥劑師過去是我們學校的學生。(chemist)89 我對父母撒謊,我感到慚愧。(ashamed) 90 她對舊衣服感到慚愧。(ashamed)91 他終于說服了他的父母讓他買一
10、輛摩托車。(eventually92 這個工廠將開始投產(chǎn)。(go into production)93 杰克雖然很努力,可是考試還是不及格。(in spite of)94 你想要一杯茶嗎?(feel like sth.)95 孩子說,“今晚我不想出去?!?feel like doing) 96 他不會有失敗的危險。(risk)97 開車的時候不要冒險。(take risks) 98 兒童有得這種病的危險。(at risk)99 他的兒子養(yǎng)成了吸煙的壞習慣。(get into) 100 BBC 代表什么?(stand for)101 在我們國家里,賭博是非法的。(illegal)102 全家都得
11、了流感。因為流感,他們都臥床休息。(flu)103 這個德國羅盤的指針是什么東西做成的?(needle)104 公雞是雄性的雞。(male) 他的貓是母貓。(female)105 這個公司的經(jīng)理告訴記者他將在下個星期做個報告。(statement)106 沒有人是完美的!(perfect)107 雖然汽車用了兩年,但性能仍然良好。(perfect)108 他把那首樂曲演奏得完美無暇。(perfectly) 109 他們互相吻別。(kiss)110 根本的問題是誰來回答這個問題。(basic)111 試題的第一部分是閱讀理解。(comprehension)112 學生們正在進行聽力理解。(com
12、prehension)113 按照你的看法,該給這個乞丐什么東西?(justment) -114 在集郵方面,他一直都很有眼光。(justment)(Unit 4)115 警察比較了兩封信,發(fā)現(xiàn)都是同一個人的筆跡。(compare)116 與我長大的地方相比,這個鎮(zhèn)熱鬧得多了。(compare to)117 這個情形是如何發(fā)生的?(come about)118 我們可以在這個商店買到上海制造的圖表紙。(graph)119 酸雨(acid rain)不是自然現(xiàn)象,而是污染造成的。(phenomenon) 120 木材,煤,石油都是燃料。(fuel)121 你的文章不要寫得太長-質(quality
13、)比量更重要。 (quantity)122 學校圖書館有大量書籍。(quantities of)123 速度限制是每小時30英里。(per)124 我們已有的資料并不太有趣。(data)125 公路上發(fā)生一宗意外,導致(行車)長久的延誤。(result in)126 這次地震是一場可怕的大災難。(catastrophe)127 地球氣溫上升對我們的氣候有什么影響?(climate)128 發(fā)電站有危險,結果被關閉。(consequence)129 她的信件說明了她把他所有的禮物退回了。(state)130 這家商店的衣服款式有限。(range)131 每天到了這個時候來往的車輛就多起來。(bu
14、ild up)132 不要對我嘮嘮叨叨我的作業(yè)的事。(keep on)133 他一次又一次打斷我的話。(keep on)134 他看了她一眼,臉上泛起了笑容。(glance)135 風暴引起廣泛地區(qū)受到破壞。(widespread)136 這個國家的很多地方生產(chǎn)減少,失業(yè)(unemployment)增加。(decrease)137 大體上,我認為這是一個很好的主意。(on the whole)138 手要穩(wěn)才能拍出好照片。(steady)139 從1991年4月開始,失業(yè)數(shù)字逐步上升。(steadily)140 在這家學校學習的學生的平均年齡是多少?(average)141 這個世界什么時候產(chǎn)
15、生的?(come into existence)142 他們一家住在城市的遠郊。(outer suburbs)143 對這個農(nóng)民來說,生男生女是有影響的。(make a difference)對我們來說,生男生女是一樣的。(make no difference)144 我不知道他們怎么可以忍受這噪聲。(put up with)145 造紙廠當時要是不建在這里,現(xiàn)在這條河就沒有這么多的污染。(pollution)146 只要沒有問題出現(xiàn),我們應該可以在星期五前完成工作。(so long as)147 洗衣機失靈,我想是發(fā)動機出問題了。(motor)148 一罐啤酒和兩個面包就是他的午餐。 (ca
16、n)149 這家商店有很多香港制造的微波爐。(microwave)150 軍人在給學生做一個關于核武器的講座。 (nuclear)151 一個核電站將在明年底之前在我省完工。(nuclear)152 和老板發(fā)生爭執(zhí)以后,史密斯就離開了工廠。(disagreement)153 昨天老師念的文章的標題是什么?(title)(Unit 5)154 這火山上一次爆發(fā)是在什么時候?(volcano, erupt )155 老板聽到這消息就大發(fā)雷霆。(erupt)156 這電影是關于一座火山爆發(fā)的情形。(eruption)157 他們在灰燼中找到那只戒指。(ash)158 警察將槍上的指紋與門上的相比較。
17、(comparewith)159 1987年10月16日,颶風襲擊了英格蘭東南部。(hurricane)160 她離家出游,找尋刺激和冒險。(adventure)161 家里沒有什么事情可做,我感到無聊透了。(bord)162 不要把娃娃逗得太兇,要不然哄不了他睡覺。(excite)163 作出決定之前,我們先仔細評估了形勢。(evaluate)164 住在河邊那些不幸的人在水災中失去了家園。(unfortunate)165 我想幫助你,可惜又幫不了什么。(unfortunately)166 這是一場可怕的大火,整座教學大樓給燒個精光。(burn to the ground)167 噴出來的水
18、叫做噴泉。(fountain)168 這種你加了墨水的筆叫做自來水筆。(fountain-pen)169 他是一個十足的傻瓜。(absolute)170 我絕對不會相信。(absolutely) 171 你所說的完全錯了。(absolutely)172 她的爺爺在講的是一個難以置信的故事。(fantastic)173 放學后他們前往山頂去,過去那地方有一座舊廟。(make ones way)174風力是一種潛在的能量。(potential)175 我聽了他的演說,很受感動。(impress) 176 關于他們在非洲的工作經(jīng)歷的演說發(fā)人深省。(impressive)177 金和銀都是貴金屬。(p
19、recious)178 這些關于中國學生生活的小說是一個過去是我們學校學生的小說家寫的。(novelist)179 這次野餐因為天氣惡劣而取消。(cancel)180 這個夏天,他們往花園里傾注了不少心血。(effort)181 他沒有嘗試從那個公司得到信息。(make no effort)182 老頭拿起筆簽名的時候手在發(fā)抖。(tremble)183 他停止工作,抹掉額頭的汗水。(sweat)184 丟了錢的女孩子焦急萬分。(anxiety) 我急于要知道結果。(anxious)185 警報響起,大家都驚慌失措。(panic) 保持冷靜,不要驚慌。(panic)186 要返回燃燒著的大樓需要
20、真正的勇氣。(courage)187 電臺說有一個臺風在路上,明天晚上到達我市。(typhoon)188 會議開始之前,主席再把報告匆匆看一遍。(glance through)189 天國是被認為上帝和天使所居住的和好人死后去的地方。(heaven)190 度假費用由500到1000元不等。(vary from to)191 她的興趣非常廣泛。(diverse)對這個問題的看法眾說紛紛。(diversity)192 莎士比亞對文學界的貢獻是無可比擬的。(unipue)193 天熱的時候,我們常在湖里游泳。(bathe)194 用水吞服比較容易把藥丸咽下去。(swallow)195 你聽說過“一
21、燕不成夏”這個諺語嗎?(swallow, saying)196 這臺洗衣機保修三年。(guarantee)(參考答案)(Unit 1)1 Professor Smith, who is fro Beijing University, gave us a realistic report.2 Can abstract art make you see things in a new way?3 It is a sculpture bought in the USA.4 There is a gallery built buy overseas Chinese in this small town
22、.5 She has lost her belief in God.6 She didnt work hard enough, and consequently failed the exam.7 His only aim in life is to make money.8 Some people think a fast car is a symbol of power and strength.9 What is the value of this painting?10 The headmaster asked us to focus on this problem.11 I neve
23、r discuss politics or religion with them.12 His grandfathers possessions in England are a factory and a hospital.13 I couldnt convince her that I was right.14 I have spent a great deal of time on this report.15 He has always lives in the shadow of his brother.16 The dog was chasing its own shadow.17
24、 Thats a ridiculous suggestion!18 They are asking a ridiculous price for that house.19 We are talking about a controversial TV programme.20 I dont go to their much nowadays. I hear that scores of new factories have been built there.21 The prisoner was shot while attempting to escape.22 Scientists st
25、ill cannot predict when earthquakes will happen.23 The aggressive dog was brought by his uncle from Africa.24 The professor who is talking with our headmaster is a Shakespeare scholar.25 If you had come to the school yesterday, you would have met the famous scholar in the flesh.26 He likes to study
26、geometry. He wants to be a builder.27 Tom brought her a bunch of flowers for her birthday.28 The old scholar who returned from England is now living at 12 Shanghai Avenue.29 Have you seen the Picasso exhibition held in the centre of the city?30 China had reached a higher level of civilization than E
27、urope at that time.31 The writer was contemporary with the king.32 The accident left him with a permanent scar.33 The students will understand the life of farmers in the mountainous district next winter holiday.34 We gave a tip to the waitress before we left. (Unit 2)35 The teacher who is writing a
28、poem is our class teacher.36 Some girls in our class like Shakespeares poetry.37 He can recite the names and dates of all the kings and queens of England.38 These foreign scholars are studying the information about many aspects of Chinese life.39 This train conveys bath passengers and goods.40 She s
29、ends her baby to the nursery near our school/41 All of his poetry was written in rhyme.42 Her husband, who is a boss in Hongkong, gave a diamond necklace.43 At last, we got to a small beautiful village with many cottages.44 We hung balloons around the room for the party.45 The child cried when his b
30、alloon burst.46 It is hard to say whether a sparrow is a kind of useful bird or not.47 Dont pay any attention to those boys. They are only teasing.48 I dont like this meat, it is too salty.49 The train was late for hours and the wait seemed endless.50 The book translated by his teacher is about prot
31、ecting wild animals.51 This student can write good translations.52 The little boy climbed the tree and sat on a branch.53 The arrival of electricity transformed peoples lives.54 We wish you joy and success in your life.55 He could not hide his anger when he heard the news.56 His decision to leave ho
32、me was a great sorrow to his parents.57 I have lost the thread of this argument.58 This kind of wine is rather appropriate for the occasion, isnt it?59 That film made me cry but I was pleased that it had happy ending.60 They had to find their way back to the camp using a map and a compass.61 Our new
33、 china has a flower pattern on it.62 We are enjoying the fresh air and the gold sunlight.63 The whole house is in darkness.64 She felt the warmth of the sun on her face.65 This accident underlines the need for greater care.66 The talking with the teacher took a load off her mind.(Unit 3)67 It is wro
34、ng for middle students to smoke cigarettes.68 Drinks without alcohol are also called soft drink.69 There is too much sex and violence on TV.70 Professor Li from Dongfang Hospital will the students a report about sexual problem.71 The doctor said that she was suffering from stress.72 He was been unde
35、r a lot of stress since his wife went into hospital.73 Pay more attention to the problems of adolescent.74 The accident was due to bad driving.75 He is addicted to heroin (football, gamble).76 She is accustomed to travelling a lot in her job. 77 There are some automatic telephones in this school.78
36、The light comes on automatically at 6 oclock.79 There are many mental patients in that village.80 A home for mentally ill people will be set up near our school.81 How did you manage to find us here?82 He has good lungs.83 The doctors are discussing how to treat the man for the lung cancer.84 Her sis
37、ter is five months pregnant.85 The doctor wanted him to quit smoking.86 They decided on a name for the baby.87 His brother is a chemist who is working in Beijing. 88 The chemist who is working in Beijing used to be a student in our school.89 I was ashamed about lying to my parents.90 She was ashamed
38、 of her old clothes.91 He eventually managed to persuade his parents to let him buy a motor bike.92 The factory will go into production.93 In spite of all his hard work, Jack failed in the exam.94 Do you feel like a cup of tea?95 The boy said, “I dont feel like going out tonight.”96 There is no risk
39、 of his failing. (There is no risk that hell fail.)97 Dont take risks when you are driving.98 Children are at risk from this disease.99 His son got into the bad habit of smoking.100 What does BBC stand for? 101 It is illegal to gamble in our country.102 The whole family has got flu. They are in bed
40、with flu.103 What is the needle of the compass made in Germany made of?104 A cock is a male chicken. His cat is a female.105 The manager of the company told the news report that he would make a statement the next week.106 Nobody is perfect!107 The car is two years old but it is still in perfect cond
41、ition.108 He played the piece of music perfectly.109 They kissed each other goodbye.110 The basic question is who will answer the question.111 The first part of the exam is reading comprehension112 The students are having a listening comprehension.113 What, in your justment, would be given to the be
42、ggar?114 He always shows good justment in collecting stamps.(Unit 4)115 When the police compared the two letters, they realized that they had been written by the same person.116 Compared to the place where I grew up, this town is exciting.117 How did this situation come about?118 We can buy graph pa
43、per made in Shanghai in this shop.119 Acid rain is not a natural phenomenon. It is caused by pollution. 120 Wood, coal and oil are kinds of fuel.121 Dont write too much in your essayquality is more important than quantity.122 There are quantities of (a quantity of) books in the school library.123 Th
44、e speed limit is 30 miles per hour.124 The data we have is not very interesting.125 There has been an accident on the highway, resulting in long delays.126 The earthquake is a terrible catastrophe.127 What are the effects of global warming on our climate?128 The power station was shown to be dangers
45、, and, as a consequence, was closed down.129 Her letter stated that she had returned all his gifts.130 This shop has a very small range of clothes.131 The traffic starts to build up at this time of a day.132 Stop keeping on at me about my homework. 133 He keeps on interrupting me. 134 He glanced at
46、her and smiled.135 The storm has caused widespread damage.136 In many parts of this country, unemployment increases as production decreases.137 On the whole, I think it is a good idea. 138 You need a steady hand to take good photos.139 Unemployment has risen steadily since April 1991.140 What is the
47、 average age of the students who are studying in this school?141 When did this world come into existence?142 Their family are living in the outer suburbs of the city.143 It makes a difference to the farmer if the baby is a girl or a boy.144 I dont know how they put up with this noise. 145 If the pap
48、er mill had not been built here, there would not much pollution in this river.146 So long as no problems arise, we should get the job finished by Friday.147 The washing-machine doesnt work. I think something is wrong with the moter. 148 A can of beer and two pieces of bread are his lunch.149 There a
49、re many microwaves made in Hongkong in this shop.150 The army man is giving the students a lecture on nuclear weapons. 151 A nuclear power station will have been finished in our province by the end of next year.152 Smith left the factory after a disagreement with his boss.153 What is the title of th
50、e article that the teacher read yesterday?(Unit 5)154 When did the volcano last erupt? 155 The boss erupted at the news.156 This film is about the eruption of a volcano.157 They found the ring in the ashes of the fire.158 The police compared the fingerprints on the gun with those on the door.159 On
51、16th, October,1987, a hurricane struck the southeast of England.160 She left home to travel, hoping for excitement and adventure.161 There is nothing to do at home and I am bored.162 Dont excite the baby too much or well never get him off to sleep. 163 We evaluated the situation very carefully befor
52、e we made our decision.164 The unfortunate people who lived near the river lost their homes in the flood.165 I would like to help you but unfortunately theres nothing I can do.166 It was a terrible fire and the whole teaching building was burnt to the ground.167 The water that comes out is called fountain.168 This type of pen that you fill with ink is called fountain pen.169 He is an absolute fool.170
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