



1、高考英語讀后續(xù)寫身體動(dòng)作描寫headHe hung/dropped/lowered/bent/bowed his head in shame.他羞愧地低下了頭。They nodded their heads in agreement.他們點(diǎn)頭同意。She shook her head in disbelief.她懷疑地?fù)u搖頭。He scratched his head, not understanding a word.他撓了撓頭,一個(gè)字也聽不懂。She buried her head in the pillow.她用枕頭捂住腦袋。She rested her head她將頭靠在他的肩膀上。H

2、is head drooped and tears fell into his lap.他登拉著腦袋,眼淚滴落在大腳上。I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.我頭一碰到枕頭就睡著了。He put/held his head in his hands, greatly annoyed.他雙手抱頭,十分生氣。It never entered my head that he might be lying.我從未想過他會(huì)是在撒謊。I decided to go for a walk to clear my head,我決定去走走,清醒一下頭腦。

3、He could feel his head spinning after他只喝了一杯就覺得天旋地轉(zhuǎn)。He turned and headed for the door.他轉(zhuǎn)身朝門口走去。She stood up and headed towards the exit.她起身朝出口走去。faceA bright smile appeared他的臉上露出了燦爛的笑容。Her face lit up/brightened/glowed when I gave her the present.我給她禮物時(shí),他 的臉上煥發(fā)出了光彩。His face suddenly grew serious.他的表情

4、突然嚴(yán)肅起來。His face looked a little confused.他看起來有點(diǎn)因惑。Jacks face flushed/burned with embarrassment.杰克窘得滿臉通紅。Her face paled with fright她嚇得臉都白了。He had a slight frown)他的臉上現(xiàn)出有點(diǎn)兒愁眉不展的樣子。cheekHe rested his cheek他將面頰靠在她的肩上。He felt his cheeks burning with shame他因?yàn)樾呃⒍械侥橆a發(fā)燒。Her cheeks were wet with tears.她淚流滿面。C

5、olor rushed/flooded/rose to her cheeks when she realized she was being watched. 意識(shí)到有人在看她,她頓時(shí)漲紅了臉。A tear slid down her cheek. 一滴淚順著她的臉頰滑落下來。He kissed her他親了親她的臉頰,然后上了火車。eyeHis eyes were wide with horror.他驚恐地瞪大了眼睛。The dogs hungry eyes were那條狗饑餓的目光落在我的三明治。He turned his eyes to the door when he heard th

6、e handle turning.聽至U門把轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)的 聲音,他向門那邊看去。Tina squeezed her eyes shut and bit her lip.蒂娜閉上雙眼,咬了咬嘴唇。She looked her father straight in the eye and answered his question truthfully. 她直視父親的眼睛,老實(shí)地回答了他的問題。He seemed unwilling to meet my eyes.他似乎不愿意與我的目光接觸。His eyes grew wide/widened with horror at what she had d

7、one.看到她所做的事,他 驚恐地睜大了眼睛。She laughed, her eyes shining/ sparking/ sparkling/ glistening/ glowing with excitement.她笑了,眼里閃爍著興奮的光芒。Her eyes brimmed with/f illed with tears.她的眼里充滿淚水。brim brim(使)盛滿She tried to sit up, her eyes fixed她試圖坐起來,目光緊盯著瓊的臉。His eyes never left mine.他一刻不停地盯著我。His eyes scanned the roo

8、m as he entered.他進(jìn)屋時(shí)眼睛掃視了整個(gè)房間。His eyes dropped to her lap as she answered.他回答時(shí)垂下眼睛看著膝蓋。Tears blurred her eyes/vision.淚水模糊了她的雙眼。I felt tears well up in my eyes.我感到淚水在眼里涌出來。mouthShe opened her mouth to say something.她張開嘴要說什么。He covered his mouth to hide his yawn.他捂住嘴偷偷打了個(gè)哈欠。Our mouths dropped open in

9、surprise.我們驚奇地張大了嘴。My mouth started watering when I smelled the food.聞到食物的香味,我開始流口水ToHis mouth widened to a smile.他的咧開嘴笑了。Suddenly a hand cupped her mouth.突然一只手扣住了她的嘴。A smile played around his mouth.他的嘴上掛著一絲笑意。He began to stuff his mouth with pasta.他開始往嘴里塞意大利面。He straightened up and looked at me, op

10、en-mouthed.他直起身,目瞪口呆地看著我。My heart was in my mouth when I walked into her off ice .我走進(jìn)她的辦公室時(shí),緊張得心都到了喉嚨口。_Her mouth grew stiff with pain and distress.疼痛和悲傷讓她嘴巴發(fā)僵。She froze, her mouth hanging open.她呆住了,嘴張開著。handShe took the childs hand and helped him climb the steps .她拉住孩子的手牽著他爬 上臺(tái)階。He reached for her

11、hand and held it tightly.他伸手抓住她的手并緊緊握住。They walked along, holding hands,他們手拉手并肩走著。He held the key in his hand.他手里拿著鑰匙。He grasped the rope with both hands.他雙手抓著繩子。He shook my hands as if we were long lost friends.他握住我的手好像我們是失散多 年的朋友。She smiled and hold out/reach out a hand in welcome,她笑著伸出一只手表示歡迎。She

12、 put her hands to her cheeks in embarrassnient.窘迫之中她用雙手捂住了臉。Several students raised their hands to answer the question.幾個(gè)學(xué)生舉手回答下列問題。He slid his hands into his pockets.他悄悄地將手插進(jìn)口袋里。She shrugged and spread her hands. Thats all I can tell you.她聳聳肩, 攤開雙 手說:“我只能告訴你這么多了 JShe shivered, rubbing her hands tog

13、ether fiercely.她一邊顫抖,一邊使勁搓著雙手。Her hands shook/trembled as she lifted the glass to her lips.她的手顫抖著把杯 子送到唇邊。A strong hand reached out and caught hold of her arm.一只有力的手伸了出來抓住 了她的手臂。I cupped my hand over the phone so they couldn,t hear me.我用手捂住 ,免得 他們聽到我的話。He sat with his head in his hands.他雙手抱著坐著。They

14、walked hand in hand along the path.他們手拉手沿著小路走。fingerThe teacher raised a warning finger and we stopped talking.老師舉起根手指, 警 告我們停止講話。She took off his bandages with gentle fingers.她用她輕柔的手指取下了他的繃帶。 It was them! she cried, pointing an accusing finger at the boys. “是他們!” 她 叫到,用手指著那些男孩們。She raised/held up a

15、 finger to her lip to ask for silence.她舉起手指到嘴邊,要 我們安靜。 None of that! cried the teacher, wagging/waving her finger. 個(gè)者B不是!” 老 師叫到,揮舞著她的手指。I dipped my finger in the sauce and licked it.我用手指蘸了一下醬油,并嘗了一下。He was drumming his fingers nervously他緊張地用他的手指輕輕地敲著椅子扶手。He snapped his fingers and the waiter came r

16、unning.他打了個(gè)響指,侍者跑了過來。armThey are sure to welcome you with open arms.他們一定會(huì)張開雙臂歡迎你。He was running forward, waving his arms.他正向前跑去,揮舞著手臂。He stood there with crossed arms, looking angry.他站在那里,雙手交叉抱在胸前, 看上去很生氣。She folded her arms and stared at him.她雙手交叉,盯著他看。He held out/opened his arms with a broad smile

17、.他咧開嘴,張開了雙臂。He reached out a hand and caught hold of/grabbed/took/ her arm.他伸出一只手,抓 住她的手臂。She moved closer to her father and took his arm.她靠近她父親,并抓住他的手臂。They walked along arm in arm.他們手挽手一起走。He ran up to her and put/threw/ his arms around her.他向她跑去,雙手抱著她。He pulled her into his arms and kissed her他把她

18、拉進(jìn)懷抱,吻了她。She stood, looking at him with arms akimbo.她站立著,雙手叉腰。shoulderI tapped the man我拍拍這個(gè)人的肩膀,叫他走開。When I asked him why he had done it, he just shrugged his shoulders.當(dāng)我問他為 什么這么做時(shí),他只是聳聳肩。My shoulders dropped with relief.我的肩膀松弛了下來。The child sat這個(gè)小孩坐在他父親的肩膀上看著游行隊(duì)伍經(jīng)過。He shouldered open the door.他用肩膀頂

19、開了門。She shouldered her way through the crowd.他用肩膀在人群中擠出一條路來。He looked (back) over his shoulder.他回頭看。heartWith a heavy/sinking/broken heart, she watched him go.她看著他離去,心很沉重/心碎了。He set off with a light heart他出發(fā)了,心情很輕松。His sad story touched her heart.他的憂傷的故事打動(dòng)了她。Her words pierced my heart她的話刺痛了我的心。Just

20、follow your heart and youll be happy .聽從你的內(nèi)心,你才會(huì)快樂。Finally, he broke down in tears and poured out his heart to her.他忍不住痛哭流 涕,向她傾訴了他的心聲。Relief filled his heart.他如釋重負(fù)。Her heart leaped with joy.她的心高興得都要跳出來了。My heart aches when I think of their sorrow.當(dāng)我想到他們的悲哀時(shí),我的心很痛。Inside, his heart was slowly breaki

21、ng.在內(nèi)心,他的心在慢慢地碎裂。.He smiled.Her heart.Her heart.His heartand her heart melted.他笑了,她的心融化了。is beating fast.她的心跳的很快。was pounding with excitement.她的心激動(dòng)地砰砰直跳。thumped with fear.她的心因?yàn)楹ε露榕橹碧y heart began to thump wildly.我的心開始狂跳起來。Her heart seemed to miss a beat我的心跳仿佛停了一下。Those words can make your heart s

22、kip a beat and bring tears to your eyes.這些 話能讓你的心停跳一拍,然后讓你哭。backHe bends/hunches his back when he walks.當(dāng)他走路的時(shí)候,他弓著背。He yawned and stretched his back as he got out of bed.他起床的時(shí)候,打了個(gè)哈欠,并伸了個(gè)懶腰。_He leaned his back against the bar.他斜倚著這根棍子。He smiled and gave me a hearty slap/pat他笑笑,在我背脊上熱情地拍了一下。They tied his hands behind his back.


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