1、SECTION II: BODY STRUCTURE AND BODY SYSTEMS14/9/2020ObjectivesWrite the meanings of the word parts presented in this chapter, choose their correct meanings when presented with several answers, and recognize and write the meanings of the word parts when they appear in medical terms.Write the meanings
2、 and recognize the definitions of terms related to directional aspects of the body.Choose the correct definitions for terms presented in this chapter that are related to body structures and write the appropriate terms when presented with their definitions.Match terms related to body fluids with thei
3、r descriptions and write the terms when presented with their definitions.Choose the correct definitions for terms related to body cavities presented in this chapter and write the appropriate terms when presented with their definitions.28/2/2022OUTLINEThe anatomic position and reference planes of the
4、 bodyBody cavitiesBody structuresBody fluidsComprehensive review exercises38/2/2022The Anatomic Position and Reference Planes of the BodyAnatomic reference systems provide uniformity in regard to descriptions of the body. The anatomic position means that a person is standing erect with the arms at t
5、he side and the palms forward. This position is used as a reference when describing the location or direction of various body structures or parts.48/2/2022The Anatomic Position and Reference Planes of the BodyUnless stated otherwise, all descriptions of location or position assume that the body is i
6、n the anatomic position. Commit to memory the following terms that relate to various directions of the body.58/2/2022DIRECTIONAL TERMSTermCombining Form MeaningAnterior anter/o nearer to or toward the front; ventralPosteriorposter/onearer to or toward the back; dorsal68/2/2022DIRECTIONAL TERMSTermCo
7、mbining Form MeaningVentralventr/obelly side; same as anterior surface Dorsaldors/odirected toward or situated on the back side; same as posterior surface78/2/2022DIRECTIONAL TERMSTermCombining FormMeaningMedial;medianmedi/omiddle or nearer the middleLateral later/otoward the side; denoting a positi
8、on farther from the midline of the body or from a structure88/2/2022DIRECTIONAL TERMSTermCombining FormMeaningSuperior super/ouppermost or aboveInferior infer/olowermost or below98/2/2022DIRECTIONAL TERMSTermCombining FormMeaningProximal proxim/onearest the orgin or point of attachmentDistal dist/of
9、ar or distant from the origin or point of attachment108/2/2022DIRECTIONAL TERMSTermCombining FormMeaningCephalad cephal/otoward the headCaudad caud/otoward the tail or in a posterior direction118/2/2022Exercise 1Review some of the terms that have been usedto indicate direction. Write a word in each
10、blankto compete the table correctly. (The first one hasbeen done as an example)Combining Form Anatomic TermBasic MeaingAnter/oanteriorfrontCaud/o_128/2/2022Exercise 1Review some of the terms that have been usedto indicate direction. Write a word in each blankto compete the table correctly. (The firs
11、t one hasbeen done as an example)Combining Form Anatomic TermBasic MeaingAnter/oanteriorfrontCaud/ocaudaltail138/2/2022Exercise 1Combining Form Anatomic TermBasic MeaingDist/o _ _Dors/o_Infer/o_Later/o _ _148/2/2022Exercise 1Combining Form Anatomic TermBasic MeaingDist/o distalfarDors/odorsalbackInf
12、er/oinferiorbelowLater/o lateralside158/2/2022Exercise 1Combining Form Anatomic TermBasic MeaingMedi/omedialmiddleormedianPoster/oposteriorbehindProxim/oproximalnearSuper/osuperioraboveVentr/oventralbelly168/2/2022Body CavitiesThe body has two major cavities, which are spaces within the body that co
13、ntain internal organs. The two principal body cavities are the dorsal cavity, located near the posterior aspect of the body, and the ventral cavity, located near the anterior aspect. Both cavities are subdivided as shown. 178/2/2022188/2/2022Body CavitiesThe dorsal cavity is divided into the cranial
14、 and spinal cavities. The cranial cavity contains the brain and the spinal cavity contains the spinal cord and the beginnings of the spinal nerves. 198/2/2022208/2/2022Body CavitiesThe other principal body cavity is the ventral cavity. Large organs contained in the ventral cavity are called viscera.
15、 The ventral cavity is subdivided into the thoracic cavity and the abdominopelvic (abdominal and pelvic) cavity. The muscular diaphragm divides the thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities. 218/2/2022228/2/2022The abdominopelvic cavity can be thought of as a single cavity or as two cavities, the abdomin
16、al and pelvic cavities, although no wall separates them. A membrane called the peritoneum lines the abdominopelvic cavity and invests the internal organs. 238/2/2022248/2/2022Peritoneum, like all serous membranes, secretes a lubricating fluid that allows the organs to glide against one another or ag
17、ainst the cavity wall. A sticking together of two structures that are normally separated is called an adhesion. Abdominal adhesions are usually caused by inflammation or trauma (injury), and are treated surgically if they cause intestinal obstruction or excessive discomfort.258/2/2022268/2/2022Body
18、StructuresThe cell is the smallest functional unit of the human body and , in fact, of all organisms. Cells comprise the tissues of the body, which in turn make up organs. Each body system is a group of organs that work together for a specific purpose. The human organism has many body systems.Many b
19、ody structure will be discussed elsewhere in this book. The following list includes several terms that either do not pertain to a particular body system of may pertain to more than one system. Commit the following list to memory.278/2/2022SELECTED COMBINING FORMS THAT RELATE TO BODY STRUCTURESCombin
20、ing FormsMeaningAbdomin/oabdomenAcr/oextremities (arms andlegs)Blephar/oeyelidCephal/oheadChir/ohand288/2/2022SELECTED COMBINING FORMS THAT RELATE TO BODY STRUCTURESCombining FormsMeaningCyst/ocyst, bladder, or sacDactyl/o digit (toes, fingers or both)Lapar/oabdominal wallOmphal/oumbilicus (navel)On
21、ych/onail298/2/2022SELECTED COMBINING FORMS THAT RELATE TO BODY STRUCTURESCombining FormsMeaningPelv/IpelvisPeriton/operitoneumSom/a, somat/obodyThorac/ochest308/2/2022Organism (many systems) System (several organs) Organ (several tissues) Tissues (many similar cells) Cells (smallest structural unit
22、)318/2/2022The abdomen is the portion of th body trunk that is located between the chest and the pelvis. Abdomino/centesis (abdomin/o, abdomen , + centesis, surgical puncture), usually called abdominal paracentesis, is a surgical procedure that is performed to remove excess fluids (ascites) from the
23、 abdominal cavity or to inject a therapeutic agent. 328/2/2022Peritonitis (periton/o, peritoneum, + -itis, inflammation) can result if infection microorganisms gain access by way of operative incisions or by the rupture or perforation of viscera or associated structures (as in rupture or perforation
24、 of viscera or associated structures (as in rupture of the appendix). Microorganisms can also spread to the peritoneum fro the blood stream or lymphatic vessels.338/2/2022Incision of the abdominal wall is called laparo/tomy (lapar/o, abdominal wall + -tomy, incision). Laparotomy is another way of sa
25、ying an abdominal operation. Several surgical procedures involve incision of the abdominal wall, some of which are described:348/2/2022Laparocholecystotomy (lapar/o, abdominal wall, + cholecyst/o, gallbladder, + -tomy, incision): incision into the gallbladder though the abdominal wall.358/2/2022Lapa
26、rocolostomy (lapar/o + col/o, large intestine, + -stomy, new opening): formation of a permanent opening into the colon (large intestine) through the abdominal wall.Laparocystotomy (lapar/o + cyst/o, cyst, + -tomy): abdominal incision to remove a cyst or an embryo that has implanted outside the uteru
27、s (synonym: laparocystectomy)Laparogastrotomy (lapar/o + gastr/o, stomach + -tomy): abdominal incision into the stomachLaparohepatotomy (lapar/o + hepat/o, liver + -tomy): incision of the liver through the abdominal wallLaparohysterectomy (lapar/o + hyster/o, uterus, + -ectomy, excision): removal of
28、 the uterus through an incision in the abdominal wall368/2/2022Laparohysteropexy (lapar/o + hyster/o + -pexy, surgical fixation): attachment of the uterus to the abdominal wallLaparorrhaphy (lapar/o + -rrhaphy, suture): suture of the abdominal wallLaparoscopy (lapar/o + -scopy, visual examination):
29、abdominal exploration employing a laparoscope, an instrument used to view the interior of the abdomen (laparoscopy is a type of endoscopy, a device that uses fiberoptic techniques to permit visual imaging around corners)Laparosplenotomy (lapar/o + splen/o, spleen, + -tomy): incision of the spleen th
30、rough an abdominal operation378/2/2022NEW COMBINING FORMS USEDCombining FormMeaningCholecyst/ogallbladder388/2/2022NEW COMBINING FORMS USEDCombining FormMeaningCol/ocolon (large intestine)398/2/2022NEW COMBINING FORMS USEDCombining FormMeaningGastr/ostomach408/2/2022NEW COMBINING FORMS USEDCombining
31、 FormMeaningHepat/oliver418/2/2022NEW COMBINING FORMS USEDCombining FormMeaningHyster/outerus428/2/2022NEW COMBINING FORMS USEDCombining FormMeaningSplen/ospleen438/2/2022The pelvis is the lower portion of the body trunk. The word pelvis can refer to any basin like structure, so you will also see it
32、 in other terms (e.g. the renal pelvis, a funnel-shaped structure within the kidney). 448/2/2022Pelvimetry (pelv/I, pelvis, + -metry, measurement) is the measurement of the dimensions and capacity of the pelvis. It is seldom done anymore, because the procedure usually involves the use of x-rays. The
33、 instrument used in pelvimetry is a pelvimeter. 458/2/2022A cephalopelvic disproportion is a situation in which the head of the fetus is too large for the pelvis of the mother. In such cases vaginal delivery is difficult of impossible. Cephalopelvic (cephal/o, head + pelv/I, pelvis is a term that pe
34、rtains to the head of the fetus and the maternal pelvis.468/2/2022Omphalos is Greek for the umbilicus, or navel. Many new terms can be formed using omphal/o with various suffixes that you have already learned. 478/2/2022Omphalic means concerning the umbilicus. An inflamed condition of the navel is o
35、mphal/itis. Congenital hernia of the navel is omphalo/cele.488/2/2022Rupture of the navel is omphalo/rrhexis, and umbilical hemorrhage is omphalo/rrhagia498/2/2022Thoracic means pertaining to the chest, because thorac/o means thorax or chest. Thoracic surgery is another way of saying chest surgery.
36、Surgical puncture of the chest wall for aspiration of fluids could be called thoracocentesis, but thoracentesis is the ore commonly used term.508/2/2022Surgical puncture of the chest wall for aspiration of fluids could be called thoracocentesis, but thoracentesis is the ore commonly used term.518/2/
37、2022Exercise 2Using what you have just learned, and word parts studied inprevious chapter, circle the correct answer to complete each sentence.The combining form that means arms and legs is (acr/o, chir/o, cyt/o, omphal/o).The combining form blephar/o means (extremities, eyelid, brain, head).The com
38、bining form that means abdomen is (pelv/I, pelv/o, abdomen/o, abdomin/o).The combining form onych/o means (head, bladder, digit, nail).The combining form for a membrane that lines the abdominopelvic cavity is (omphal/o, lapar/o, somat/o, periton/o).528/2/2022Exercise 2Using what you have just learne
39、d, and word parts studied inprevious chapter, circle the correct answer to complete each sentence.The combining form that means arms and legs is (acr/o, chir/o, cyt/o, omphal/o).The combining form blephar/o means (extremities, eyelid, brain, head).The combining form that means abdomen is (pelv/I, pe
40、lv/o, abdomen/o, abdomin/o).The combining form onych/o means (head, bladder, digit, nail).The combining form for a membrane that lines the abdominopelvic cavity is (omphal/o, lapar/o, somat/o, periton/o).538/2/2022The combining form somat/o means (sleep, body, toes or fingers, cyst).The combining fo
41、rm omphal/o means (umbilicus, abdominal wall, head, chest).The combining form col/o means (gallbladder, cyst, large intestine, liver).The combining fomr hyster/o means (uterus abdominal wall, spleen, pelvis).The combining form for the tomach is (cholecyst/o, hepat/o, gastr/o, splen/o).548/2/2022The
42、combining form somat/o means (sleep, body, toes or fingers, cyst).The combining form omphal/o means (umbilicus, abdominal wall, head, chest).The combining form col/o means (gallbladder, cyst, large intestine, liver).The combining fomr hyster/o means (uterus, abdominal wall, spleen, pelvis).The combi
43、ning form for the tomach is (cholecyst/o, hepat/o, gastr/o, splen/o).558/2/2022Pain in the thorax distinguished from chest pain caused by angina pectoris, a heart condition is (thoracocentesis, thoracoschisis, thoracondynia, thoracectomy).Surgical incision of chest wall is (thoracotomy, thoracostomy
44、, thoracostenosis, thoracolysis).Diagnostic examination of the chest cavity is (pleurotomy, pleurectomy, thoracometry, thoracoscopy).Plastic surgery of the chest in which portions of the ribs are removed to cause disease areas of the lug to collapse is (thoracolysis, thoracoplasty, thoracalgia, thor
45、acopathy).568/2/2022Pain in the thorax distinguished from chest pain caused by angina pectoris, a heart condition is (thoracocentesis, thoracoschisis, thoracondynia, thoracectomy).Surgical incision of chest wall is (thoracotomy, thoracostomy, thoracostenosis, thoracolysis).Diagnostic examination of
46、the chest cavity is (pleurotomy, pleurectomy, thoracometry, thoracoscopy).Plastic surgery of the chest in which portions of the ribs are removed to cause disease areas of the lug to collapse is (thoracolysis, thoracoplasty, thoracalgia, thoracopathy).578/2/2022Exercise 3Using words or word parts you
47、 have learned, write letters in the blanks to complete each sentence correctly.Blephar/al means pertaining to _ _ _ _ _ _.Blephar/it is is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of eyelid. Blepharitis could lead to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ edema, swelling of the eyelids. There are other causes of blepharedema, such a crying.
48、Blepharoplegia is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of an eyelid.Blepharoptosis is prolapse or _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of the upper eyelid.588/2/2022Exercise 3Using words or word parts you have learned, write letters in the blanks to complete each sentence correctly.Blephar/al means pertaining to eyelid .Blephar/it is is inf
49、lammation of eyelid. Blepharitis could lead to blephar edema, swelling of the eyelids. There are other causes of blepharedema, such a crying.Blepharoplegia is paralysis of an eyelid.Blepharoptosis is prolapse or sagging of the upper eyelid.598/2/2022Twitching of the eyelid is blepharo _ _ _ _ _.Plas
50、tic surgery performed on the eyelid _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.Surgical incision of the eyelid is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.608/2/2022Twitching of the eyelid is blepharo spasm .Plastic surgery performed on the eyelid blepharoplasty.Surgical incision of the eyelid is blepharotomy.618/2/2022Extremities
51、 of the body are the arms and legs. The combining for acr/o is used to refer to the extremities. In working the following exercise you will learn new terms that pertain to the arms and legs.628/2/2022Exercise 4Write letters in the blanks to complete each sentence correctly.Acro/cyanosis is cyanosis
52、of the extremities. In acrocyanosis, the arms and legs seem to be the colour _ _ _ _.Acrodermatitis is dermatitis of the extremities. In other words, the _ _ _ _ of the arms and legs is inflamed.Acr/al pertains to the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.638/2/2022Exercise 4Write letters in the blanks to complete
53、each sentence correctly.Acro/cyanosis is cyanosis of the extremities. In acrocyanosis, the arms and legs seem to be the colour blue .Acrodermatitis is dermatitis of the extremities. In other words, the skin of the arms and legs is inflamed.Acr/al pertains to the extremities .648/2/2022Exercise 4Writ
54、e letters in the blanks to complete each sentence correctly.Acrohypothermy is abnormal coldness of the extremities. Translated literally, acro/hypo/thermy means below normal _ _ _ _ in the extremities.Acro/megaly is a disorder in which there is abnormal enlargement of the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of th
55、e body, including the nose, jaws, fingers and toes, caused by hypersecretion of growth hormone after maturity.658/2/2022Exercise 4Write letters in the blanks to complete each sentence correctly.Acrohypothermy is abnormal coldness of the extremities. Translated literally, acro/hypo/thermy means below
56、 normal heat in the extremities.Acro/megaly is a disorder in which there is abnormal enlargement of the extremeties of the body, including the nose, jaws, fingers and toes, caused by hypersecretion of growth hormone after maturity.668/2/2022A finger or toe is a digit. The combining form dactyl/o is
57、often used in words that pertain to the fingers and toes, Dactylography is the study of fingerprints.Dactylospasm means cramping of a finger or toe. Inflammation of the bones of the fingers and toes is dactylitis.678/2/2022Chiro/pody means pertaining to the hands and feet. It is also the art or prof
58、ession of a chiropodist, one who treats corns, bunions and other afflictions of the hands and feet. Cramping of the hand such as writers cramp is chiro/spasm. Plastic surgery of the hand is chiro/plasty.688/2/2022The combining form onych/o refers to the nails. An onychophagist (onych/o, nails + phag
59、/o, eat + -ist, one who) habitually bites the nails. The following exercise will help you to learn new terms that use the combining form onych/o.698/2/2022Exercise 5Write the correct answer in each blank space.Onycho/malacia is _ of the nails.An onych/oma is _ of the nail or nail bed.Onycho/myc/osis
60、 is a disease of the _ caused by a _.Any disease of the nails is called an _.Surgical removal of the nail is _. (This term also means declawing of an animal.708/2/2022Exercise 5Write the correct answer in each blank space.Onycho/malacia is softening of the nails.An onych/oma is tumor of the nail or
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