1、OAAA: CONSUMER BEHAVIORTable of Contents & MethodologyDatesJanuary 15th to 20th, 2021Survey Length 11 minutesMethodOnlineAudienceGeneral Public (n=1,000)Data is weighted to reflect the U.S. general public across age, gender, race/ethnicity, region, income, household size, and employment.Key Takeaway
2、sp.3Part 1:Q1 Mobility & The Opportunity for Out of Homep.4Part 2:OOH Messaging Amid COVIDp.15Part 3:Digital Transformation Implications for OOHp.20Implications & Recommendationsp.272Harris Insights & Analytics LLC, A Stagwell Company 2020OAAA: CONSUMER BEHAVIOR3Harris Insights & Analytics LLC, A St
3、agwell Company 2020Key TakeawaysThe Future Commute: Looking ahead to the next few months, over 70% of workers will be commuting at least part-time, over 4 in 10 workers (45%) will be commuting everyday, while the other half will either be working from home (28%) or a mix of commuting and WFH (26%).
4、There is an income gap in everyday commuters: 57% of households with income $50k will be commuting vs only 34% of households with income over $150k. However, 66% of the $150K households will commute at least part-time.Today, highways and routes to grocery and retail stores are most optimal for OOH t
5、o meet consumers; 86% are visiting the grocery store and 70% driving on the highway once a week or more, which is 30 percentage points higher than most other activities, and half (50%) are visiting retail stores. In fact, consumers are noticing OOH the most while driving right now (83%).Even during
6、the winter months when people are indoors more, OOH is gaining traction, especially with younger consumers: Since September, there has been a 5 point increase in those who say they notice OOH “much more.” Additionally, 60% of Gen Z, 58% of millennials, and 42% of Gen X say they are noticing OOH more
7、.OOH is leading consumers to discover new businesses and brands, and influencing their path to purchase:. About one-quarter report OOH informed them of a new business or brand this past year. In larger urban areas 1M+, 34% say OOH influenced their decision to buy a product.Consumers are relying on O
8、OH to stay informed on public safety and COVID: 7 in 10 (70%) say OOH public safety messagingmakes them feel informed and safe and 29% say theyve learned new public health information about COVID-19 from OOH.Consumers are embracing new contactless commerce technology, such as tap to pay (45%) and QR
9、 codes (41%). At the same time, digital device burn out is rising (+7 pts increase since September), and many consumers are increasingly seeking outdoor activities, especially Gen Z, 82% of whom say they wish there were more outdoor dining offerings, and Millennials, 78% of whom say they are trying
10、to find safe outdoor activities to spend their time.PART 1: MEETING CONSUMERS WHERE THEY AREQ1 Mobility & The Opportunity for Out of Home4Harris Insights & Analytics, A Stagwell LLC Company 2020% Commuting Every Day or MixOAAA Q1 CONSUMER TRENDS FOR OOHLooking Ahead to the Next Few Months, Nearly Th
11、ree-Quarters of Workers Will Be Commuting at Least Part Time76%72%72%66%74%73%71%73%72%67%68%69%76%73% $50k$50-99k$100-$150k$150k+Gen Z MillennialGen X Boomer+WestMountain/GreatMidwest NortheastSouth Mid-Atlantic28%26%45%I wll be commuting tomy job every dayI will be doing a mix of commuting and wor
12、king from homeI will be working fromhome all of the timeLooking ahead to these next few months during the COVID-19 pandemic, which of the following best describes your work situation?BASE: EMPLOYED (546)Q1. Looking ahead to these next few months during the COVID-19 pandemic, which of the following b
13、est describes your work situation?Harris Insights & Analytics LLC, A Stagwell Company 2020572% Commutingat least part time% Commuting EverydayOAAA Q1 CONSUMER TRENDS FOR OOHOver 4 in 10 Workers Will Be Commuting Everyday, With Notable Variances by Income and Geographic Region57%48%41%34%44%44%46%48%
14、36%48%49%36%44%61% $50k$50-99k$100-$150k$150k+Gen Z MillennialGen X Boomer+West Mountain/Great PlainsMidwest NortheastSouth Mid-Atlantic28%26%45%I wll be commuting tomy job every dayI will be doing a mix of commuting and working from homeI will be working fromhome all of the timeLooking ahead to the
15、se next few months during the COVID-19 pandemic, which of the following best describes your work situation?BASE: EMPLOYED (546)Q1. Looking ahead to these next few months during the COVID-19 pandemic, which of the following best describes your work situation?Harris Insights & Analytics LLC, A Stagwel
16、l Company 2020628%26%45%I wll be commuting tomy job every dayI will be doing a mix of commuting and working from homeI will be working fromhome all of the time% Doing a Mix of Community / Working From HomeOAAA Q1 CONSUMER TRENDS FOR OOHAnd Over a Quarter Will Be Taking a Mixed Approach, Especially T
17、hose in the West, Northeast and South19%24%30%32%31%28%25%25%36%19%19%33%32%12% $50k$50-99k$100-$150k$150k+Gen Z MillennialGen X Boomer+West Mountain/GreatMidwest NortheastSouth Mid-AtlanticLooking ahead to these next few months during the COVID-19 pandemic, which of the following best describes you
18、r work situation?BASE: EMPLOYED (546)Q1. Looking ahead to these next few months during the COVID-19 pandemic, which of the following best describes your work situation?Harris Insights & Analytics LLC, A Stagwell Company 20207% Working From Home All the TimeOAAA Q1 CONSUMER TRENDS FOR OOHWhile Only A
19、bout A One-Quarter Will Be Working-From-Home Entirely24%28%28%34%26%27%29%27%28%33%32%31%24%27% $50k$50-99k$100-$150k$150k+Gen Z MillennialGen XBoomer+West Mountain/Great PlainsMidwest NortheastSouthMid-Atlantic28%26%45%I wll be commuting tomy job every dayI will be doing a mix of commuting and work
20、ing from homeI will be working fromhome all of the timeLooking ahead to these next few months during the COVID-19 pandemic, which of the following best describes your work situation?BASE: EMPLOYED (546)Q1. Looking ahead to these next few months during the COVID-19 pandemic, which of the following be
21、st describes your work situation?Harris Insights & Analytics LLC, A Stagwell Company 2020872% Commuting at least part timeWhat would you say is your primary method of commuting to your job at each of the following time periods?OAAA Q1 CONSUMER TRENDS FOR OOHVast Majority Will Be Commuting By Car Aft
22、er The Pandemic, but More Workers Will Be Working From Home Post-Pandemic Than Before20%20%16%41%23% 23%19%18%16%12%74%63% 67%14% 16%14% 16%WalkingBike or scooterCarBusSubway or light railWorking from homeBefore the pandemicAt the momentAfter the pandemicBASE: GENERAL PUBLIC (1000)Q2. What would you
23、 say is your primary method of commuting to your job at each of the following time periods? Please select all that apply.Harris Insights & Analytics LLC, A Stagwell Company 20209+12 ptsfrom pre-covid28%28%24%27%26%20%24%19%55%21%45%24%19%56%22%22%18%33%WalkingBike or scooterCarBusSubway or light rai
24、lWorking from homeOAAA Q1 CONSUMER TRENDS FOR OOHUrbanites 1M Will Be Walking Less, Driving More Post-Pandemic21%16%17%14%22%9%9%10%38%16%14%14%13%15%26%WalkingBike or scooterCarBusSubway or light railWorking from homeWhat would you say is your primary method of commuting to your job at each of the
25、following time periods?Before the pandemicAt the momentAfter the pandemicUrban 1M+Urban 1M81%73%68%61%BASE: GENERAL PUBLIC (1000)Q2. What would you say is your primary method of commuting to your job at each of the following time periods? Please select all that apply.Harris Insights & Analytics LLC,
26、 A Stagwell Company 202010OAAA Q1 CONSUMER TRENDS FOR OOHToday, Highways and Routes to Grocery and Retail Stores Are Most Optimal for OOH to Meet Consumers70%50%50%42%34%31%28%Driving on the highway10%20%26%26%18%Retail stores9%41%27%18%5%Visit with friends or family13%37%26%16%8%Restaurants19%35%26
27、%16%4% 46%Nearby cities or towns18%40%21%13%8%42%Drug store / pharmacy11%47%28%11% 3%Local public parks31%35%16%10%8%Downtown or main street shops35%33%17%9% 5%Liquor stores45%28%15%7% 5%Thinking about your typical routine, how often do you visit or go to each of the following?NeverOnce a month or l
28、essOnce a weekSeveral times a weekEverydayOnce a week or more Grocery store 3% 11%49%31%6% 86%58% Millennial39% HHI $150k+52% Urban 1M+49% MillennialBASE: GENERAL PUBLIC (1000)Q3. Thinking about your typical routine, how often do you visit or go to each of the following?Harris Insights & Analytics L
29、LC, A Stagwell Company 202011How often would you say you notice billboards, outdoor video screens, posters, signage, and other outdoor ads while doing each of the following?OAAA Q1 CONSUMER TRENDS FOR OOHIn Fact, Consumers Are Noticing OOH the Most While Driving Right NowNeverSometimesOftenAlwaysNot
30、ice at least sometimesDriving on the highway17%50%23%10%83%Driving around your town or city18%51%23%8%82%89% Urban 1M+79% Urban 1MVisiting a city or town in which you do not live29%45%19%7%71%Walking around your local downtown or main street area37%40%17%6%63%76% MillennialsAt the airport49%33%12%6%
31、51%71% HHI $150k+While using public transportation54%26%14%6%46%67% Urban 1M+BASE: GENERAL PUBLIC (1000)Q7. How often would you say you notice billboards, outdoor video screens, posters, signage, and other outdoor ads while doing each of the following?Harris Insights & Analytics LLC, A Stagwell Comp
32、any 202012Would you say you are noticing billboards, outdoor video screens, posters,signage, and other outdoor ads more now than before the pandemic began?OAAA Q1 CONSUMER TRENDS FOR OOHEven During the Winter Months When People Are Indoors More, 41% Are Noticing OOH More, Especially Younger Consumer
33、s33%34%55%36%60%58%42%25%51%33%52%62%SuburbanRuralUrban 1M+ Urban 1MGen Z MillennialGen X Boomer+Male FemaleEveryday CommuterSemi Commuter% YesJanuary 202113%9%46%46%23%31%19%14%41%45%January 2021September 2020Yes (Net)Yes, much more Yes, slightly more NoNot sureBASE: GENERAL PUBLIC (1000)Q6. Would
34、you say you are noticing billboards, outdoor video screens, posters, signage, and other outdoor ads more now than before the pandemic began?Harris Insights & Analytics LLC, A Stagwell Company 202013+5 pts increase in those notice OOH “much more”O(jiān)AAA Q1 CONSUMER TRENDS FOR OOHLooking Ahead, Nearly a
35、Third Plan to Travel and Over a Quarter Plan on Taking a Road Trip Especially Gen Z77%47%39%38%10%34%34%34%8%11%18%20%5%8%8%7%Thinking ahead to the next few months during the COVID-19 pandemic, how often would you say you plan on traveling outside of your typical routine?61%53%23%62%Taking an intern
36、ational trip (ortraveling outside the US)Traveling to another stateTaking a road tripTraveling outside of my localroutineAt least once(Net) OftenA few timesOnce or twiceNeverBASE: GENERAL PUBLIC (1000)Q4. Thinking ahead to the next few months during the COVID-19 pandemic, how often would you say you
37、 plan on traveling outside of your typical routine?Harris Insights & Analytics LLC, A Stagwell Company 20201435%of HHI $150k+81%of Gen Z73%of Millennials67%of Millennials15 PART 2: WHATS RESONATING WITH CONSUMERS RIGHT NOWOOH Messaging Amid COVIDHarris Insights & Analytics LLC, A Stagwell Company 20
38、2016Harris Insights & Analytics LLC, A Stagwell Company 2020OAAA Q1 CONSUMER TRENDS FOR OOHOOH for Restaurants, TV & Movies, Politics, Public Events and New Products Is Most Memorable, While New Brands Especially Engage Urbanites 1M+BASE: GENERAL PUBLIC (1000)Q8. To the best of your knowledge, would
39、 you say you typically remember seeing outdoor ads from billboards, outdoor video screens, posters, signage, etc. about each of the following?To the best of your knowledge, would you say you typically remember seeing outdoor ads from billboards, outdoor video screens, posters, signage, etc. about ea
40、ch of the following?40%37%32%32%24%19%15%41%35%30%31%31%28%32%25%17%13%48%26%39%26%18%23%27%16%12%56%28%38%41%26%22%40%40%30%33%29%30%25%31%27%25%24%15%12%Local restaurantsTV shows or moviesPolitical candidatesPublic events (e.g., fairs, trade shows)New brands or productsLocal retail or convenience
41、storesNew businesses in your areaSporting events or concertsSports gamblingGeneral PublicSuburbanRuralUrban 1M+Urban 1MHarris Insights & Analytics LLC, A Stagwell Company 2020OAAA Q1 CONSUMER TRENDS FOR OOHOOH is Leading Consumers to Discover New Businesses and Brands, and Influencing Their Path to
42、Purchase Especially Urbanites 1M+BASE: GENERAL PUBLIC (1000)Q9. Which of the following actions have billboards, outdoor video screens, posters, signage, and other outdoor ads led you to do in the past year? Please select all that apply.27%24%20%13%10%33%29%25%17%19%12%10%9%35%27%12%20%18%9%11%8%36%2
43、6%33%34%25%24%18%14%22%28%21%15%20%19%15%11%11%8%37%17Informed me of new businesses in my areaHelped me discover a new brandInfluenced my decision to buy a product or serviceHelped me find a store or business while I was travelingIncreased my favorability of a brandInfluenced my decision to vote for
44、 a political candidate or issueInspired me to take a trip or vacationSomething elseGeneral PublicSuburbanRuralUrban 1M+Urban 1MWhich of the following actions have billboards, outdoor video screens, posters, signage, and other outdoor ads led you to do in the past year?Please select all that apply.18
45、OAAA Q1 CONSUMER TRENDS FOR OOHOver Half of Consumers Notice OOH About Public Safety, and Almost Two- Thirds of Consumers in Large Urban Areas 1M+BASE: GENERAL PUBLIC (1000)Q13. Have you seen any messages about public safety and security on outdoor video screen, poster, signage, billboards, and othe
46、r outdoor ads such as local public safety, health updates and COVID protocols, curfew alerts, weather warnings, etc.?43%Harris Insights & Analytics LLC, A Stagwell Company 202051%46%Have you seen any messages about public safety and security on outdoor video screen, poster, signage, billboards, and
47、other outdoor ads such as local public safety, health updates and COVID protocols, curfew alerts, weather warnings, etc.?% Yes64%64%59%38%48%51%GeneralSuburbanRuralUrbanUrbanGen ZMillennialGen XBoomerPublic1M+1M19OAAA Q1 CONSUMER TRENDS FOR OOHOver 70% say OOH Public Safety Messaging Makes Them Feel
48、 Informed and SafeBASE: GENERAL PUBLIC (1000)Q15. How useful have you found messages on billboards, bus shelters, or other outdoor signage are in providing essential information about public safety such as local public safety, health updates and COVID protocols, curfew alerts, weather warnings, etc.
49、?I dont find them to be useful,29%They make me feel somewhat more informed and safe, 46%They make me feel very informed and more safe, 25%72%Harris Insights & Analytics LLC, A Stagwell Company 202065%79%69%76%81%79%60%75%84%SuburbanRural Urban 1M+ Urban 1MGen ZMillennialGen X Boomer+Everyday Commute
50、rOccasional Commuter71%Informed and safeHow useful do you find messages on billboards, bus shelters, or other outdoor signage are in providing essential information about public safety such as local public safety, health updates and COVID protocols, curfew alerts, weather warnings, etc.?% Informed a
51、nd safe20PART 3:Digital Transformation Implications for OOHHarris Insights & Analytics LLC, A Stagwell Company 2020Are you using any of the following technologies more since the start of the pandemic?OAAA Q1 CONSUMER TRENDS FOR OOHOver 4 in 10 Are Using Contactless Payments More; Overall One-Fifth o
52、r More Are Using New Technologies During the Pandemic36% Gen Z49% Millennial53% Gen X35% Boomer+35% West28% Mountain/Plains25% Midwest45% Northeast28% South32% Mid-AtlanticNot sureNoYesQR codesAugmented realityContactlesstransactions14% Suburban11% Rural34% Urban 1M+13% Urban 1M11%19%70%9%43%48%10%B
53、ASE: GENERAL PUBLIC (1000)Q11. Are you using any of the following technologies more since the start of the pandemic?Harris Insights & Analytics LLC, A Stagwell Company 20202131%59%Are you using any of the following technologies more since the start of the pandemic?% YesOAAA Q1 CONSUMER TRENDS FOR OO
54、HMillennials, Urban Areas 1M+ Are Highest Users of New TechnologiesQR codesAugmented realityContactless transactions36%49%53%35%51%40%40%35%50%44%42%46%38%45%Gen Z MillennialGen X Boomer+Urban 1M+ Urban 1M SuburbanRuralWest Mountain/Great PlainsMidwestNortheastSouth Mid-Atlantic35%43%39%16%39%27%25%
55、21%35%28%25%45%28%32%Gen Z MillennialGen X Boomer+Urban 1M+ Urban 1M SuburbanRuralWest Mountain/Great PlainsMidwestNortheastSouth Mid-Atlantic36%34%BASE: GENERAL PUBLIC (1000)Q11. Are you using any of the following technologies more since the start of the pandemic?Harris Insights & Analytics LLC, A
56、Stagwell Company 20202215%4%34%13%14%11%33%17%8%32%18%16%Gen Z MillennialGen X Boomer+Urban 1M+ Urban 1M SuburbanRuralWest Mountain/Great PlainsMidwestNortheastSouth Mid-AtlanticOAAA Q1 CONSUMER TRENDS FOR OOHOver 4 in 10 Are Interested in Contactless Payments and QR Codes; Overall One-Quarter or Mo
57、re Would Be Interested in Sales from New TechnologiesWould you be interested in special sales or deals availablethrough these types of technologies?Not sureNoYes34% $50k48% Urban 1M+47% Gen Z45% $50k-$99k38% Urban 1M39% Millennial48% $100-$150k38% Suburban29% Gen X61% $150k+34% Rural14% Boomer+QR co
58、desAugmented realityContactless transactions18%28%54%16%45%40%17%BASE: GENERAL PUBLIC (1000)Q12: Would you be interested in special sales or deals available through these types of technologies?Harris Insights & Analytics LLC, A Stagwell Company 20202341%42%How much do you agree or disagree with each
59、 of the following statements?OAAA Q1 CONSUMER TRENDS FOR OOHBut Digital Device Burnout Continues to Rise and Most Are Seeking Relief Through Outdoor Activities7%8%9%11%21%18%20%20%23%36%48%47%46%46%32%27%25%25%19%11%These days, I spend so much time looking at computer, mobile device, and TV screens
60、that I often tune out digital ads.I try to get out of the house as often as I can, even if its just for a drive or a walk around town.Ive been trying to find safe outdoor activities to spend my time.I wish there were more outdoor dining offerings.At this point in the pandemic, I am trying to spend l
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