1、 Florida InitiativeRigorRelevance Reading for Mathematics Florida and the Islands Comprehensive Center at ETS International Center for Leadership in EducationFlorida Council of Teachers of Mathematics Florida Department of Education銷(xiāo)售信 bilantian.AGENDANetworking / Sharing Best PracticesQuadrant D Le
2、ssonsCORRReading Comprehension StrategiesRigor and Relevance FrameworkInstructional StrategiesAssessmentsFlorida Math Sunshine State Standards.Its All About Math!Welcome to the Middle School Mathematics Initiative!Institute Theme:Strategic Reading in the Content Areas Focus on the Mathematics Classr
3、oom.Its All About Math!Sponsored by:Florida Department of EducationFlorida and the Islands Comprehensive Center at ETS (FLICC)In Partnership with:The International Center for Leadership in EducationESCORTFlorida Council of Teachers of MathematicsNEFEC.Its All About Math!Goals:Increase the rigor and
4、relevance of middle school mathematics instruction with a focus on sixth gradeIncrease the use of research-based literacy strategies for use in middle school mathematics classroomsIncrease the use of data to inform instructionBuild a statewide support network focused on the improvement of middle sch
5、ool mathematics curriculum and instructionIncrease awareness of new Florida mathematics standards and legislation impacting middle school mathematics classrooms.Its All About Math!Recap:Where have we been?Learned how to use the Rigor/Relevance Framework for Planning and InstructionInvestigated the f
6、irst few modules of Collaborating Online for Rigor and Relevance (CORR-M).Its All About Math!Recap:What have we accomplished?Developed two Quadrant D Lesson plans based on the new mathematics standardsEmailed to Linda Lucey lindaleaderedImplemented one Quadrant D LessonStarted working through CORR-M
7、.Its All About Math!Recap:What have we accomplished?Developed an Action Plan available at /node/6 Emailed to Bob Thomas bobthomasCompleted Meeting Logs available at /node/7 May have submitted online or Emailed to Bob Thomas bobthomasMet with or scheduled a meeting with your liaison.Its All About Mat
8、h!Next:Where are we going?May InstituteUnderstanding how to incorporate reading strategies in the mathematics classroomReviewing CORR-MSummer Institute - Orlando August 1st beginning at 11:00 August 3rd ending at 11:30Exploring the new Mathematics StandardsDeveloping Content Modules around the new M
9、athematics Standards.Its All About Math!Activities:Quadrant D Lesson Plan Sharing ActivityCORR-M Reflection Activity.Jim MilesJimLeaderEdLinda LuceyLindaLeaderEd.What are you preparing students for?Work?College?Life?.Successful Curriculum Reform WhyDo we need to changeschools? What How .ChallengesCh
10、anging WorkplaceGlobalizationDemographicsValues / BeliefsTechnology.Successful Curriculum Reform WhyDo we need to changeschools? What Needs to be done? How .ICLE PhilosophyRigorRelevanceRelationshipsAll Students.Rigor.RelevanceMy only skill is taking tests.All Students.R&R Framework .A Useful Tool t
11、o evaluateCurriculumInstructionAssessmentActivities.RIGORRELEVANCEABDCRigor/Relevance FrameworkTeacher WorksStudentThinksStudent Thinks and WorksStudentWorksHighHighLowLow.Successful Curriculum Reform WhyDo we need to changeschools? What Needs to be done? How Do we do it?.Strategies for Increasing R
12、eading Comprehension in Mathematics. This will look weird! Believe it or not, you can read it!I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdgnieg.The phaonmneal power of the hmuan mnid Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosnt mttaer. Inwaht oredr the ltteers in
13、a word are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is that the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can still raed it wouthit a porbelm. This is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the word as a wlohe. Amzaning huh? Yeah and I awlyas though
14、t slpeling was ipmorantt!.Reading InstructionK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 . . .Learn to ReadRead to LearnReading in the Content Area. College vs. Workplace Entry-level vs. Management-level High-stakes State TestsNCLB Legislation Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Academic Rigor Reading Comprehension Strategie
15、s Strategic Reading SkillsReading Research. Teaching Reading Comprehension Strategies Matching Text to Students Reading Level Assessing Critical Thinking Skills (Rigor) Using Collaborative Activities Using Technology Writing Before and After ReadingREADING COMPREHENSION CAN BE INCREASED BY.Process f
16、or managing reading comprehension and reader progressMeasures text readability and student reading ability; can match text with student reading levelDetermines difficulty of reading by word frequency and sentence length Most widely used reading measureLexile Framework for Reading.Lexile Framework fo
17、r ReadingLexile measure reported in increments from 200L to 2000LCan be used in any curriculum content Tens of thousands of books, tens of millions of articles, hundreds of publishers, and all major standardized tests have Lexile measures.U.S. Department of Education16 Career ClustersAgricultural Ar
18、chitecture and Construction Arts* Business Education Financial Health Science* Hospitality Human Services Information Technology* Legal and Protective Services Manufacturing* Public Administration Retail/Wholesale Scientific Transportation*. Agriculture / Natural Resources1270-1510L Architecture / C
19、onstruction1210-1340L Business & Administration1210-1310L Health Science1260-1300L Hospitality / Tourism1230-1260L Human Services1050-1200LLaw & Public Safety1420-1740L Retail / Wholesale Sales1180-1270L Transportation, Distribution1170-0L Entry-Level Occupational Reading Materials .Business and Adm
20、inistration.Health Services.Architecture and Construction.Government & Public Administration.Retail / Wholesale Sales and Service.Information Technology.Lexile Literature1500 - On Ancient Medicine1400 - The Scarlet Letter1300 - Brown vs. Board of Ed.1200 - War and Peace1100 - Pride and Prejudice1000
21、 - Black Beauty 900 - Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders 800 - The Adventures of Pinocchio.Lexile Texts1500 - The Making of Memory: From Molecules to Mind1400 - Philosophical Essays; Hackett Publishing1300 - Psychology: An Introduction; Prentice Hall1200 - Business; Prentice Hall1100 - America: Pathwa
22、ys to Present; Prentice Hall1000 - Writing and Grammar Gold Level; Prentice Hall 900 - World Cultures: A Global Mosaic; Prentice Hall 800 - Word 2000; Glencoe/McGraw-Hill.Personal ReadingAetna Health Care Discount Form 0LMedical Insurance Benefit Package 1280LApplication for Student Loan 1270LFedera
23、l Tax Form W-4 1260L Installing Your Child Safety Seat 1170LMicrosoft Windows User Manual 1150LG.M. Protection Plan 1150LCD DVD Player Instructions 1080L.NewspapersReuters 1440LNY Times 0LWashington Post 0LWall Street Journal 1320LChicago Tribune 1310LAssociated Press 1310LUSA Today 1200L.Reading Co
24、mparison.Reading Comparison.Reading Statistics 11th & 12th Grade Students 950L- 1200LHigh School Classroom Materials1100L 1300LEntry-level career cluster jobs 1050L- 1740LPersonal Reading Materials / Newspapers 1080L- 1440L.Reading Comprehension Strategies increase students comprehension and retenti
25、on of informationactivate students prior knowledge to connect with new informationteach / reinforce skills that all good readers normally use.Teaching key reading comprehension strategies for only 15 minutes a week can significantly increase student achievement.Increase Reading Comprehension byInstr
26、uction in and support for strategiesEngaging discussion of reading contentSet rigorous level for text, conversation, questions, and vocabularyUse practices to increase motivation and engagement with reading Use specific instructional strategies for learning and retention of content.Reading Comprehen
27、sion StrategiesAffinityAnticipation Guide ClozeConcept Definition MapCornell Graphic OrganizerDR/TAFishboneK-W-L-SLearning LogsMinute PaperPairs-ReadParaphrasingQARRAFTReciprocal TeachingRock Around the ClockSQ3R Structured Note-takingSummarizingVenn DiagramVocabulary in Context.Essential ELA Skills
28、Preview text to anticipate contentIdentify, collect, select pertinent information while readingDiscriminate important ideas from unimportant ideas while readingApply, extend, and expand on information while reading.Tips for Reading Specific TextBrochuresClassified Advertisements EditorialsElectronic
29、 MailEmployee HandbooksForms and ApplicationsGraphs and ChartsInstructionsNew StoriesOperational ManualsIllustrations and CaptionsPrimary SourcesReference BooksResearch ReportsSecondary SourcesTablesTextbooksTimelinesWeb Sites.ANTICIPATION GUIDEReading Comprehension Strategy._1. Edges on the front o
30、f a box look like two lines that meet at a point called the vertex._2. Vertices and edges of a box form circles._3. A protractor is used to measure length of lines._4. An obtuse angle measures between 0 and 90._5. Angles inside a regular pentagon are right anges._1. 20 = 2 X 2 X 5_2. 39 = 3 X 13 _3.
31、 36 = 3 X 12_4. 14 = 3 + 11_5. 154 = 2 X 7 X 11Product of Prime Numbers._1. There are several kinds of averages for a set of data._2. The mode is the middle number in a set of data._3. Range tells how far apart numbers are in a set of data._4. Outliers are always ignored._5. Averages are always igno
32、red.Math Text: Statistics.AffinityReading Comprehension Strategy.Instructional StrategiesBrainstorming Cooperative Learning Demonstration Guided Practice Inquiry Instructional TechnologyLectureNote-taking/Graphic Organizers MemorizationPresentations/ExhibitionsResearch Problem-based learningProject
33、DesignSimulation/Role-playing Socratic SeminarTeacher Questions Work-based Learning .Selecting Strategies on Rigor/RelevanceGuided PracticeLectureMemorizationBest Strategies for Quadrant A - Acquisition.Selecting Strategies on Rigor/RelevanceCooperative LearningDemonstrationInstructional TechnologyP
34、roblem-based LearningProject DesignSimulation/Role PlayingWork-based LearningBest Strategies for Quadrant B - Application.Selecting Strategies on Rigor/RelevanceBrainstormingInquiryInstructional TechnologyResearchSocratic SeminarTeacher QuestionsBest Strategies for Quadrant C - Assimilation.Selectin
35、g Strategies on Rigor/RelevanceBrainstormingCooperative LearningInquiryInstructional TechnologyPresentations/ ExhibitionsProblem-based LearningBest Strategies for Quadrant D - AdaptationProject DesignResearchSimulation/Role-playingSocratic SeminarTeacher QuestionsWork-based Learning.Selection of Str
36、ategies Based on Rigor/Relevance Framework.K-W-L-SReading Comprehension Strategy.K-W-L ChartK - What We Already KnowW- What We Want to LearnL- What We Learned from TextS- Still Want to KnowExtra Credit.Concept Definition MapReading Comprehension Strategy.DIRECT READING/ THINKING ACTIVITY Reading Com
38、DING DISCUSSION.SQ3RSurvey-Question-Read-Recite-ReviewReading Comprehension Strategy.SQ3R READING COMPREHENSION STRATEGYSurvey (Pre-Reading)Chapter Title _What do I already know about this topic or concept?What do I want to Know?What can I learn from the illustrations, graphics, first and last parag
39、raphs?QuestionLook at each heading, subheading, illustrations, and graphics to formulate your questions.Heading/ Illustration/ Subheading/ GraphicsQuestion:Response:Survey Unfamiliar Words WordsDefinitions_ _ _.CLOZEReading Comprehension Strategy.The prime is a whole number with exactly two _ (_)._i
40、s the only even prime number.Every whole number can be written as a _ of _.A factor is a whole number that _ exactly into a given _ number.MINUTE PAPERReading Comprehension Strategy.VENN DIAGRAMReading Comprehension Strategy.Sylvia conducted a survey in her homeroom in order to report which of 3 typ
41、es of candy were liked by the 24 students. Some students chose more than one type. She made tally marks on a chart to show the candies each student liked. Which of these Venndiagrams could represent Sylvias tally chart?.Singapore Grade 6 Test Question Lee and Chan drove from Town P to Town Q. They s
42、tarted their journeys at different times. Lee drove at an average speed of 45 km/h and took 40 minutes. Chan drove at an average speed of 72 km/h and reached Town Q at the same time as Lee. How far was Town P from Town Q? How many minutes later than Lee did Chan start his journey?.Florida Grade 8 Te
43、st QuestionA car traveling at a certain speed will travel 87 feet per second. How many yards will the car travel in 90 seconds if it maintains that same speed? 87 yardsc. 2, 610 yards 653 yardsd. 7,830 yards.Reading Comprehension StrategiesAffinityAnticipation Guide ClozeConcept Definition MapCornel
44、l Graphic OrganizerDR/TAFishboneK-W-L-SLearning LogsMinute PaperPairs-ReadParaphrasingQARRAFTReciprocal TeachingRock Around the ClockSQ3R Structured Note-takingSummarizingVenn DiagramVocabulary in Context.Essential ELA SkillsPreview text to anticipate contentIdentify, collect, select pertinent infor
45、mation while readingDiscriminate important ideas from unimportant ideas while readingApply, extend, and expand on information while reading.Dart Board Inquiry.Dart Board InquirySum of odd # is always positive 6 X 9 = 54 (too big)6 X 1 = 6 (too small)Many ways to get to 28 how many?.Minute PaperOne minute writing summarizing key points learned from aSpeakerDVD, Video, MovieField TripCurrent Event Article.Sunshine Canoe Company.Sunshine Canoe CompanyC1 = Canoe #1C2 = Canoe #2C1 (X) + C2 (Y) = 47Trial and Error9(5) + 2(1) = 478(5) + 7(1) = 47.lexile.Its All About Math!Middle Sch
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