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1、3897國開電大商務英語1歷年期末考試(第二題詞匯與結構)題庫(排序考試版)說明:請根據(jù)試題首字母音序查找試題及答案。improve your service, you need to make market surveys so as to know what your customers are thinking and demanding. 內部資料答案In order tois very important that you dont make any mistakes when you calculate those figures.內 部資料答案Itis very importan

2、t that you dont make any mistakes when you calculate those figures. 2018年7月試題is very important that you don,t make any mistakes when you calculate thosefigures. 2020 年 7 月試題答案Itthe expansion of international trade, the container service has become popular. 2020 年9月試題答案Withthe expansion of internatio

3、nal trade, the container service has become popular。內 部資料答案Withyour check is received within a week we shall have no alternative. 2018 年 7 月試題 答案Unlessyour check is received within a week we shall have no alternative.內部資料 答案 lUnlessyour customers what they need and more than they expect will lead cu

4、stomers to return to you.內部資料答案GivingHave you got some water to drink? 2020 年 9 月試題 Here you are. Therestill some in the bottle.答案isHow many childrenin the picture? 2020 年 7 月試題 Three.答案are there18 of the EU members have replaced their national currencies by Euro notes and coins 2002.內部資料18oftheEU m

5、embershavereplacedtheir nationalcurrenciesbyEuronotesandcoins2002. 2018 年 1 月試題18oftheEU membershavereplacedtheir nationalcurrenciesbyEuronotesandcoins2002. 2020 年 1 月試題答案sinceA conversationbetween an interviewee and the interviewers. 內部資料答案Igoes onA week ago, I sent him a statementthe amount overdu

6、e. 內部資料A week ago, I sent him a statementthe amount overdue. 2020年7月試題答案showingA week ago, I sent him a statementthe amount overdue. E2020年9月試題Actually, buyers are the group of peoplewant to buy certain goods or services.內部資料Actually, buyers are the group of peoplewant to buy certain goods or servic

7、es. 2019年7月試題Actually, buyers are the group of peoplewant to buy certain goods or services. 2020年7月試題Actually, buyers are the group of peoplewant to buy certain goods or services. 2020年9月試題答案whoAfter that, we have to postletters.內部資料After that, we have to postletters. 2018 年 7 月試題答案a series ofAs a r

8、ule, the buyer is responsible fora ship or booking the shipping space.內部資料答案charteringAt university I nevermy assignments in late. 內部資料答案handedAt university Inevermy assignments in late. 2018年7月試題答案have handedAt university In ever_ 答案handedBut the charge will be But the charge will be But the charge

9、 will be But the charge will be 答案highermy assignments in late. 2019 年 7 月試題andandandandititititalsoalsoalsoalsoslowsslowsslowsslowsdown delivery, down delivery, down delivery, down delivery.2018年1月試題2018年7月試題2020年1月試題內部資料China held the 22ndAPEC economic leader s meeting in Beijing in 2014.內部資料答案inf

10、ormalCould you use cardboard boxesthe shoes?內部資料.答案to packDo youthinkyoucouldcutit30%?2019 年 1 月試題Do youthinkyoucouldcutit30%?2020 年 7 月試題Do youthinkyoucouldcutit30%?內部資料答案byDomingo Cafe, a modern European style cafe, is in thearea.內部資料答案downtownDont worry so much Dont worry so much Dont worry so mu

11、ch 答案worryingis myis myis myjob!內部資料job! 2018年1月試題job! 2020年9月試題Every businesshasitsupsanddowns,andsoEvery businesshasitsupsanddowns,andsoEvery business hasits ups and downs,and soEvery businesshasitsupsanddowns,andsoevery person. 內部資料every person. 2018年1月試題every person. 2019年1月試題every person. 2019年

12、7月試題答案doesFew people realized the value of a brand, _ ?內部資料答案did theyFor Europeans, red candanger.內部資料.答案stand forFor larger sums we take legal steps tothe money. 2019 年 1 月試題For larger sums we take legal steps tothe money.內部資料答案recoverGoods are carried by severalof transport on road or rail, by sea

13、 or air. 2019 年 1月試題Goods are carried by severalof transport on road or rail, by sea or air.內部資料答案meansHe didnt seem toany actions. 內部資料He didn,t seem toany actions. 2020 年 9 月試題答案TakeHowever nowadays, peopleoften find such advertisements on a website.內部資料答案moreI believe team workimportant.內部資料.答案is

14、I bet that Mike wished youhim that earlier. 2019 年 7 月試題I bet that Mike wished youhim that earlier.內部資料答案had toldI have finishedyourproject plan. 2018 年 7 月試題I have finishedyourprojectplan. 2020年7月試題I have finishedyour答案readingI have tothe profitproject plan.內部資料from last month. 內部資料答案work outI hope

15、 our plan will I hope our plan willI hope our plan will 答案be approvedbythebythebytheboard. 2019年1月試題board. 2019年7月試題board. 內部資料I was theof the Students Union. 內部資料 答案treasurerIpacking in wooden cases. 2020 年 1 月試題Ipacking in wooden cases. 內部資料答案preferId like to know what time we can get the containe

16、rit is in the port. 內部資料答案whenI 11 get your RMB for you while you re答案filling outI 11the remittance for you in our records. 內部資料答案check upI m particularly proud of答案howIm sure you can答案straightenIve learned答案somethingIdliketonewknow whatthese forms. 內部資料I organized the finances.內部資料things out.內部資料to

17、day.內部資料time wecangetthecontaineritisintheport. 2018年7月試題Id試題Idlikeliketotoknow whatknow whattime wetime wecangetthecontaineritisintheport. 2019年1月cangetthecontaineritisintheport. 2020年1月試題I d like試題答案whenIf you want to paysomething in another currency,the other money.內部資料If you want to paysomething

18、 in another currency,the other money. 2019 年 1 月試題If you want to paysomething in another currency,the other money. 2020 年 7 月試題 答案fortoknow whattime wecangetthecontaineritisintheport. 2020年9月you have to change your money intoyou have to change your money intoyou have to change your money intor iithe

19、remittanceforyouinourr iitheremittanceforyouinourr iitheremittanceforyouinourrecords. 2018年7月試題 records. 2020年1月試題 records. 2020年9月試題答案checkupI 11 get your RMB for you whileI 11 get your RMB for you while答案filling outIm particularly proud ofIm particularly proud of答案howIn this way you will stay答案com

20、petitiveyou reyou rethese forms. 2019年1月試題these forms. 2020年7月試題I organized the finances, 2018 年 1 月試題I organized the finances. 2019 年 7 月試題in these changing times.內部資料It is a facthis wife, Josephine Dickson, always had some minor accidents.內部資料It is a fact1月試題his wife, Josephine Dickson, always had

21、 some minor accidents. E2019 年minor accidents. 2020 年It is better to It is better to It is better to 答案fixedIt is better to 答案fixedtell someone totell someone totell someone totell someone toget itget itget itget it.2018年1月試題.2019年1月試題.2020年1月試題.內部資料It is a facthis wife, Josephine Dickson, always ha

22、d some 9月試題答案thatIt seems that the new project in Nanjing will be eventhan your current project.內部資料答案betterIve learnedtoday. 2018 年 1 月試題Ive learnedtoday. 2019 年 7 月試題 答案something newMany companies spend a lot of money and timetheir trademarks.內部資料答案registeringMarkets are the system thatsome people

23、 s demands and some other people s supplies.內部資料Markets are the system thatsome peoples demands and some other people s supplies. 2020年1月試題答案bridgesNot only Tom but also Alice and Marybusy. 2020 年 9 月試題 答案areNow, we have enlarged andour domestic market and European market. 內部資料Now, we have enlarged

24、andour domestic market and European market. 2020 年 7 月試題答案consolidatedPricesPricesPricesPricesPricesmaymaymaymaymaychange change change change changequickly quickly quickly quickly quicklyifififififsupply supply supply supply supplyororororordemand demand demand demand demand.2018年7月試題.2019年1月試題.202

25、0年7月試題.2020年9月試題.內部資料答案changesSmall holes shouldbemadeintheSmall holes shouldbemadeintheSmall holes shouldbemadeintheclothtoletclothtoletclothtoletthethethemoisturemoisturemoistureout. 2018年1月試題out. 2020年1月試題out.內部資料答案waterproofSometimes buyers onlypurchase some,tangibleor intangible. E內部資料答案assetsS

26、undaythe first day of the week. 2019年7月試題The companys Human Resources department will then select the most suitable people toan interview. 2018年1月試題select the most suitable peoplesix months. 2019年1月試題six months. 2020年9月試題six months. 內部資料The companys Human Resources department will then toan intervie

27、w. 內部資料答案attendThe marketingdepartmentthesalesforthelastThe marketingdepartmentthesalesforthelastThe marketingdepartmentthesalesforthelast答案has summarizedThe meeting suggestedhe loan first.內部資料The meeting suggestedthe loan first. 2019 年 7 月試題.答案to replyThe next shareholder s meeting wasat the end of

28、 this year.內部資料The next shareholders meeting wasat the end of this year. 2020 年 7 月試題答案scheduledThe population of the worldstillnow. 2019 年 7 月試題答案is; growingThe quality, specifications and prices arein our contract.內部資料答案clarifiedThe questionwe should use this brand name will be decided by our mark

29、eting team. 2020年7月試題The questionwe should use this brand name will be decided by our marketing team.內部資料The questionwe should use this brand name will be decided by our marketing team.內部資料答案whetherThe re-examination results indicate that one-third of the goods are not 部資料 答案up toThe seminar is abou

30、t答案trainingTheTheTheTheTheThethe new staff members. 內部資料standard.內ten-day ten-day ten-day ten-day ten-day ten-daydisplay display display display display displayand and and and and andsale sale sale sale sale salefinished finished finished finished finished finishedtomorrow. 2018年1月試題 tomorrow. 2018年

31、7月試題 tomorrow. 2019年1月試題 tomorrow. 2019年7月試題 tomorrow. 2020年1月試題 tomorrow. 內部資料答案will be The third part The third part The third part 答案expected The whole family 答案are allisisisthethetheresults. 2018年1月試題results. 2020年1月試題results. 內部資料enjoying the beautiful music now. 2020 年 7 月試題The woolen gloves s

32、houldin twenty boxes. 2020 年 1 月試題The woolen gloves should 答案be packedThen ThenThenin twentyboxes. 內部資料people,people, people,答案whoThere areThere areThere aresomesomesome_are interested, can _are interested, can are interested, canvisitorsvisitorsvisitorstototoourourourapply for the job. 2019 年 7 月試題

33、apply for the job. 2020 年 9 月試題 apply for the job.內部資料marketing marketing marketingdepartmentdepartmentdepartmentnextnextnextweek. 2018年1月試題 week. 2020年1月試題 week. 內部資料答案comingThere wastarget. 內羸資料There wasininthethemeetingmeetingroom as the general manager predicted the companyroomasthegeneralmanage

34、rpredictedthecompanysalessalestarget. 2018年7月試題There wasin thetarget. 2019年1月試題There wasin thetarget. 2019年7月試題答案silenceTheremany people running in the答案areThere-examination results indicate that one-third of the goods are not 年7月試題 答案up to These police often 答案Jhelp Theyhave no good plan答案seem to T

35、his is a real bank 答案which This story is about some American students_ own banks. 2020年7月試題 This story is about some American students own banks. 內部資料 答案who Those numbers youve earned Those numbers youve earned Those numbers youve earned 答案becausemeetingmeetingtheisroomroomasasthethegeneralgeneralma

36、nagermanagerpredictedpredictedthethecompanycompanypark every morning. 2020年1月試題children across the street. 2020年1月試題for advertising on TV.內部資料standard.salessales2018operated by students between 10 and 12 years old. 內部資料learned business skills by operating theirlearnt business skills by operatingthei

37、rcome to mean the world to you or lost. 內部資料come to mean the world to youor lost. 2018年1月試題 come to mean the world to you or lost. 2020年9月試題they givethey givethey giveyouyouyouthe record of how muchthe record of how muchthe record of how muchmoneymoneymoneyWe are an authorized foreign exchange bank and can 部資料17 kinds of currencies into RMB.內答案convertWe are entitled to cancel it if you fail tothe contract.內部資料答案honorWe are usually very promptsettling


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