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1、廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)??朴⒄Z 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy English廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)??朴⒄Z 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishTeaching ObjectivesIn this unit, you will

2、learn: the main idea of two texts;the key words, expressions, structures in Text A and Text B;useful expressions and sentences concerning making appointments;writing skills: How to organize a paragraph?the grammar point: Sentence Elements廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)專科英語 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up Act

3、ivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishWarm-up Activity: Pre-reading questionsHow does one usually feel when he or she is having a date?Do you think its helpful to have a car when you go for a date? Why or why not?3. Is there any difference between a “date” and an “appoin

4、tment”?廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)專科英語 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText UnderstandingText OrganizationLanguage PointsUseful ExpressionsSentences to Be RememberedExercisesBackground Information廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)??朴⒄Z 2UNIT 1Teachin

5、g ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ABackground InformationChevy (1)Louis Chevrolet and ChevroletIn 1911, William Durant, one of the founders of GM, invited Louis Chevrolet, the famous Swiss racer and engineer, to develop a new model for mai

6、nstream customers. A new company names after the designer was thus established, 廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)專科英語 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ABackground InformationChevy (2)and a new type of car names after the designer began t

7、o enjoy popularity, and that is Chevrolet. Chevrolet and ChevyIn the United States, people call Chevrolet as Chevy, a nickname to express their fondness, and Chevy has become part of廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)??朴⒄Z 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEn

8、joy EnglishText ABackground InformationChevy (3)Americans life. It is an all time favorite of Americans, along with baseball, hotdogs and apple pie. In 2004, the global sale of Chevrolet exceeded 3,500,000 which made up 5% of total worldwide auto sales. There was one Chevrolet in every 16 cars in 20

9、04. 廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)??朴⒄Z 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ABackground InformationChevy (4)Chevrolet Bowtie LogoThere have been a number of guesses on how and where the Chevrolet bowtie logo comes from. The real story mig

10、ht remain a mystery forever. However, the most romantic version, or rather the most widespread version, is廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)??朴⒄Z 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ABackground InformationChevy (5)related to William Durant. I

11、n 1908, when on a round-the-world trip, Mr. Durant unexpectedly found an interesting image on the wallpaper of a French hotel which he believed could make a model logo. Therefore, he tore a piece of wallpaper off and showed it to his廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)專科英語 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up Activity

12、Communicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ABackground InformationChevy (6)friend. Later, the bowtie image became the logo of the popular Chevrolet. Whatever the source of the Chevrolet logo is, most historians agree that the logo initially emerged between 1913 and 1914. Toda

13、y it is one of the best-known brand logos. 廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)專科英語 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ABackground InformationDrive-In (1) Drive-in theatre is a place where you can watch films outdoors while sitting in your ca

14、r and enjoying foods. In 1930s, the first drive-in theater was invented by Richard M. Hollingshead in New Jersey, USA. During the廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)??朴⒄Z 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ABackground InformationDrive-In (2) 1

15、940s, drive-in theaters had begun to spread across the U.S. And in 1950s, the drive-in boom appeared. Not just the numbers of drive-ins increased, but the size.廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)??朴⒄Z 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ABackg

16、round InformationDating manners (1)Be punctual for the dateOne very important aspect is punctuality (準時). Its rather strange that in the age of high technology, people simply dont look at their watches anymore. People always say that time is very important. 廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)專科英語 2UNIT 1Teaching O

17、bjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ABackground InformationDating manners (2)Why is it then that they are often late for their dates? It isnt the problem of being late. Its just that being late, especially on the first date, sends wrong signals

18、 (信號). It tends to say that your date doesnt mean much and its廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)??朴⒄Z 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ABackground InformationDating manners (3)okay to make her or him wait.Dont ask your date so many questio

19、nsWhile its okay to ask questions while dating, dont ask your date so many questions that he or she feel as if you were an agent (偵探)廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)??朴⒄Z 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ABackground InformationDating man

20、ners (4)sent by Scotland Yard (蘇格蘭場,英國警察機構(gòu)所在地). Be yourselfBe yourself. Youre probably familiar with the million and one rules on dating. However, none of these rules means anything if you neglect (忽略)廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)專科英語 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText ATe

21、xt BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ABackground InformationDating manners (5)one simple rule, being yourself. You should try to be yourself as much as possible. You may feel really nervous and want to make a good impression. To some people, this means trying to be someone else. But doing so廣東省成人高等教育英

22、語系列教材非英語專業(yè)??朴⒄Z 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ABackground InformationDating manners (6)doesnt work. Just be yourself, no matter who you are or how boring you think you are. It will work wonders in the end.廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英

23、語專業(yè)??朴⒄Z 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText AOrganizationThe text can be divided into 3 parts. 廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)??朴⒄Z 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishTex

24、t AOrganizationPart 1:Part 2: (Para. 1) It tells us how the author eventually has the courage to go on a date with Karen. (Paras. 2-5) It is mainly about what happens during the writers first date of drive-in.Part 3: (Para. 6) It deals with the lesson the author has to learn from his date.廣東省成人高等教育英

25、語系列教材非英語專業(yè)??朴⒄Z 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage PointsWord understandingdate an occasion when one goes out with sb that he/she likes in a romantic way 約會約會 (主要指異性之間的主要指異性之間的) Example: Ill have a date with Andrea to

26、morrow night. 廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)??朴⒄Z 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage Pointsdate詞義比較:詞義比較:appointment 約會,約見約會,約見 (指正式的指正式的)Examples: I had an appointment with my doctor yesterday.You should make an appointment be

27、fore you visit someones home.廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)??朴⒄Z 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage Pointsstuff unnamed things, belongings, activities, subject-matter, etc 東西,玩意兒;物品東西,玩意兒;物品 Example: How do you think youre goin

28、g to fit all that stuff into the car?廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)??朴⒄Z 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage Pointsstaff詞形比較:詞形比較:staff 全體員工,全體人員Examples:The entire staff has done an outstanding job this year.They employ a total

29、 of 150 staff.廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)??朴⒄Z 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage Pointsproud feeling pleased about sth that one has done or sth one owns, or about sb or sth one is involved with 自豪的,驕傲的自豪的,驕傲的常用短語:常用短語:be pr

30、oud of 為而感到自豪Examples: Her parents are very proud of her.Wont your father be proud that youve joined the navy (海軍海軍)?廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)??朴⒄Z 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage Pointsproud 反義詞:反義詞:ashamed 慚愧的,羞恥的慚愧的,

31、羞恥的Examples: I felt ashamed of the things Id said to him.Everyone cries sometimes - its nothing to be ashamed of.廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)??朴⒄Z 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage Pointscourage the quality of being brave wh

32、en in danger, in pain, in a difficult situation etc. 勇氣勇氣Examples: Gradually I lost the courage to speak out about anything.They do not have the courage to apologize for their actions.廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)??朴⒄Z 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar Focus

33、Enjoy EnglishText ALanguage Pointscourage反義詞:反義詞:cowardice 膽小,懦弱膽小,懦弱 Example: We were all surprised at his cowardice in the face of danger.廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)??朴⒄Z 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage Pointsperfect ex

34、cellent, very good, exact, accurate, complete and without faults or weaknesses 理想的,完美的,無瑕的,最佳的理想的,完美的,無瑕的,最佳的Examples: She speaks perfect English. Well, Im sorry, but nobodys perfect.廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)??朴⒄Z 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusE

35、njoy EnglishText ALanguage Pointsperfect反義詞:反義詞:imperfect 不完美的,有缺點的不完美的,有缺點的Examples: We live in an imperfect world. I got the handbag cheap because its slightly imperfect.廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)專科英語 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy Englis

36、hText ALanguage Pointsmovie a film made to be shown at the cinema or on television 電影電影 Examples: She is a famous movie star. Do you want to see a movie tonight?廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)??朴⒄Z 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALang

37、uage Pointsmovie同義詞:同義詞:film Examples: Have you seen any good films recently? We stayed in to watch the late-night film.廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)??朴⒄Z 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage Pointsrow a line of things or people

38、 一排,一列一排,一列 Examples: We were asked to sit in the front row. The children were asked to stand in a row.廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)專科英語 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage Pointsrow近義詞:近義詞:line 一行,一條線Examples: There was a lin

39、e of fir trees on either side of the road. The four men were standing in a line on the other side of the table.廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)??朴⒄Z 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy English surround vt. Examples: 1.包圍,圍困:包圍,圍困:She was surrounded by

40、reporters.她被記者包圍住了。她被記者包圍住了。2. 圍繞,環(huán)繞:圍繞,環(huán)繞: The house is surrounded with mountains這座房子四面環(huán)山這座房子四面環(huán)山廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)??朴⒄Z 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage Pointsglance v. to look quickly at sth/sb; read sth quickl

41、y; n. a quick look (快速地快速地) 看一眼,瀏覽看一眼,瀏覽 (指動作指動作“瞥一眼瞥一眼”);(快速的快速的) 一瞥一瞥See more examples: 廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)??朴⒄Z 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage Pointsglance at: 看一下,瞥一眼看一下,瞥一眼 Examples: I glance at him. 我瞥了他一眼。

42、我瞥了他一眼。She glanced at the watch, and told him the time.她看了一下表,告訴他幾點鐘了。她看了一下表,告訴他幾點鐘了。廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)??朴⒄Z 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage PointsGlance over :草草翻閱,瀏覽:草草翻閱,瀏覽Examples:Ive only had time to glance

43、over your work.時間只允許我瀏覽一下你的作業(yè)。時間只允許我瀏覽一下你的作業(yè)。廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)專科英語 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage Pointsglance近義詞:近義詞:glimpse v. & n. 瞥見瞥見 (指結(jié)果指結(jié)果“瞥見瞥見”)Examples: I glimpsed a figure at the window.For the firs

44、t time she glimpsed the truth about her sister.They caught a glimpse of a dark green car.We only had a fleeting (轉(zhuǎn)瞬即逝的轉(zhuǎn)瞬即逝的) glimpse of the river.廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)??朴⒄Z 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage Pointspick

45、 (sb) up to let sb get into your car, boat etc. and take them somewhere (用車輛等用車輛等) 接接 (某人某人) 去去 (某地某地) 用法說明:用法說明: 當賓語為代詞時,多放在當賓語為代詞時,多放在pick和和up之間。而當賓語為名詞時,之間。而當賓語為名詞時,多放在多放在up之后。之后。See more examples: 廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)??朴⒄Z 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText ATe

46、xt BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage Pointspick (sb) upExamples: Ill pick you up at the station. Wheres Diana? - She just left to pick up the kids from school.廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)專科英語 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText

47、 ALanguage Pointspick (sb) up擴展:擴展:pick up的其它意義和用法:的其它意義和用法:Examples: The phone rang and I picked it up.Ryan is a bright little boy, and he picks things up really quickly.He is too lazy to pick up his own room.Why should I pick up the bill?The economy finally began to pick up again.廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英

48、語專業(yè)??朴⒄Z 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage Pointspull into (vehicles) stop; arrive at a station; move into (車、船車、船) 駛?cè)?,駛進駛?cè)?,駛進 Examples: Passengers stood still as the train pulled into the station. She tried to pull

49、the car into the side street, but failed.廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)??朴⒄Z 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage Pointspull into反義詞組:反義詞組:pull out 駛出Examples: A car suddenly pulled out in front of me. Dont pull out! Theres somet

50、hing coming.廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)專科英語 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage Pointslook for try to find sth 尋找尋找 Examples: Is this the kind of thing youre looking for? Can you help me? Im looking for a place to stay.廣東省成人

51、高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)??朴⒄Z 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage Pointslook for同義詞組:同義詞組:search for Examples: An air force plane searched for the missing men. Ive searched everywhere for my glasses.廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)??朴⒄Z 2UN

52、IT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage PointsSentence Understanding I was so proud driving it around, looking to see who was looking at me. (Para. 1)分析:分析:looking to see who was looking at me 是現(xiàn)在分詞短語作伴隨狀語,表示“我”一邊自豪地開著車到處逛,一

53、邊瞧瞧路上有誰在看我。looking to see伴隨著driving around這個動作。Example:I headed for the car, hoping the Cokes werent too warm (Para. 4)廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)??朴⒄Z 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage PointsThat car is what gave me a chan

54、ce with Karen. (Para. 1)分析:分析:這句話的意思是“就是這輛車給了我接觸卡倫的機會”。該句相當于That car is the thing that gave me a chance with Karen. 或者理解成強調(diào)句It is the car that gave me a chance with Karen.廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)??朴⒄Z 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy English

55、Text ALanguage Points學習:學習:在此種用法中,what充當兩個角色,既是主句的賓語或表語,又是從句的主語或賓語,相當于that(代詞,充當前句的賓語或表語)that / which(關(guān)系代詞,充當從句的主語或賓語)。 Example:I dont know what he wants to say. 此處what即是know的賓語,又是say的賓語。即I dont know that(代詞,賓語)that / which(關(guān)系代詞,賓語)he wants to say。廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)??朴⒄Z 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesW

56、arm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage PointsExample: Ill do what can make us happy. 此處what即是do的賓語,又是can的主語。 即Ill do that(代詞,賓語)which(關(guān)系代 詞,主語)can make us happy。廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)??朴⒄Z 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative Activ

57、itiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage PointsBut I could only say “hi” to her because of my shyness. (Para. 1)分析:分析:because of my shyness意為“因為 (我的) 羞澀”。這里需要注意because of與because在用法上的區(qū)別。兩者都表原因,但because of后面需接名詞性的詞或短語,而because后面需接句子,即原因狀語從句。該句可改寫為But I could only say “hi” to her beca

58、use I was shy.See an example: 廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)??朴⒄Z 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishExample:We didnt go shopping because of the bad whether.廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)專科英語 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative Acti

59、vitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy EnglishText ALanguage PointsExample:We didnt go shopping because of the bad whether. We didnt go shopping because the whether was bad.廣東省成人高等教育英語系列教材非英語專業(yè)??朴⒄Z 2UNIT 1Teaching ObjectivesWarm-up ActivityCommunicative ActivitiesText AText BGrammar FocusEnjoy English

60、Text ALanguage PointsI opened the door only to discover I didnt know people in the car. (Para. 4)分析:分析:only與不定式to do連用做狀語,表結(jié)果,通常指事情發(fā)展的結(jié)果出乎意料??勺g為“不料竟發(fā)現(xiàn),沒想到會”。Examples: I arrived only to find that the others had already left. I went to school on Sunday morning only to discover there was no one there.廣


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