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1、The neurobiology and treatment of first-episode schizophreniaOPENR S Kahn1 and I E Sommer11Department of Psychiatry, Brain Center Rudolf Magnus, University Medical Centre Utrecht, Utrecht, The NetherlandsCorrespondence: Professor RS Kahn, Department of Psychiatry, Brain Center Rudolf Magnus, Univers

2、ity Medical Centre Utrecht, A01.126 Heidelberglaan 100, Utrecht 3584CX, The Netherlands. E-mail: r.kahnumcutrecht.nlReceived 11 February 2014; Revised 15 April 2014; Accepted 12 May 2014Advance online publication 22 July 2014Topof pageAbstractIt is evident that once psychosis is present in patients

3、with schizophrenia, the underlying biological process of the illness has already been ongoing for many years. At the time of diagnosis, patients with schizophrenia show decreased mean intracranial volume (ICV) as compared with healthy subjects. Since ICV is driven by brain growth, which reaches its

4、maximum size at approximately 13 years of age, this finding suggests that brain development in patients with schizophrenia is stunted before that age. The smaller brain volume is expressed as decrements in both grey and white matter. After diagnosis, it is mainly the grey matter loss that progresses

5、 over time whereas white matter deficits are stable or may even improve over the course of the illness. To understand the possible causes of the brain changes in the first phase of schizophrenia, evidence from treatment studies, postmortem and neuroimaging investigations together with animal experim

6、ents needs to be incorporated. These data suggest that the pathophysiology of schizophrenia is multifactorial. Increased striatal dopamine synthesis is already evident before the time of diagnosis, starting during the at-risk mental state, and increases during the onset of frank psychosis. Cognitive

7、 impairment and negative symptoms may, in turn, result from other abnormalities, such as NMDA receptor hypofunction and low-grade inflammation of the brain. The latter two dysfunctions probably antedate increased dopamine synthesis by many years, reflecting the much earlier presence of cognitive and

8、 social dysfunction. Although correction of the hyperdopaminergic state with antipsychotic agents is generally effective in patients with a first-episode psychosis, the effects of treatments to correct NMDA receptor hypofunction or low-grade inflammation are (so far) rather modest at best. Improved

9、efficacy of these interventions can be expected when they are applied at the onset of cognitive and social dysfunction, rather than at the onset of psychosis.Topof pageIntroductionWhen does schizophrenia first manifest itself? Is it at the onset of the first psychosis? Is it at the first signs of ps

10、ychosis, as in the group of patients referred to as at-risk mental state (ARMS)? Or is it even earlier, and not primarily associated with psychosis, but with cognitive decline? This question is not only essential to address the biology of first-episode schizophrenia, but it is at the core of the sch

11、izophrenia concept itself.We have argued that the first signs of schizophrenia already occur in early puberty with a (relative) decline in cognitive dysfunction. It is not until many years later, when psychotic symptoms occur during the ARMS, or more pronounced during the first psychosis itself, tha

12、t the diagnosis becomes obvious.1Thus, we would argue that first-episode schizophrenia is a misnomer, as the core of the illness, that is, the cognitive decline, may not be episodic. Nevertheless, almost all studies into the biology of the first stages of schizophrenia have focused on the psychotic

13、symptoms to define the onset of the illness.Topof pageBrain changes at the time of first psychosisIt is evident that once psychosis is present in patients with schizophrenia, the underlying biological process of the illness has already been ongoing for many years. This conclusion can be based on the

14、 multitude of neuroimaging studies that we recently reviewed in a meta-analysis of over 18000 subjects, including 771 medication-naive, recent onset patients.2 These data show a slight, but significant, decrease in intracranial volume in patients with schizophrenia (effect size0.2), in chronic and r

15、ecent onset, medication-naive patients. Intracranial volume is driven by brain growth, as it is the enlarging brain that determines the expansion of the skull.3,4 The growing brain reaches its maximum size at approximately 13 years of age.5 Therefore, brain development must be stunted in patients wi

16、th schizophrenia before that time. From the same meta-analysis, it can be gleaned that there must be additional brain loss, or continued abnormal development, after the age of 13: total brain volume in never-treated patients is decreased to a larger degree (effect size0.4) than is intracranial volum

17、e and this is due to decreases in both white and grey matter.2 Importantly, while grey matter loss is larger in chronic than in medication-naive patients, white matter volume is decreased to a similar extent in both groups. Indeed, longitudinal studies indicate that loss of white matter volume, whil

18、e present at psychosis onset, does not progress further after psychosis has emerged.6 This is consistent with the finding in twin studies that decreased white matter volume in schizophrenia may be related more to the genetic risk to develop the illness than to the effects of illness itself.7 In cont

19、rast, grey matter volume loss (mainly expressed as reductions in cortical thickness) progresses further after the onset of psychosis, and is related to outcome,8 cannabis smoking,9 medication use10,11 and psychotic relapses.12 Thus, although some of the brain abnormalities in schizophrenia worsen af

20、ter the onset of psychosis, abnormal development of the brain must have been ongoing for many years before the first psychosisexpressed, as it is, in decreased intracranial volume and even larger decreases in white and grey matter.What is the nature of the white and grey matter changes that are pres

21、ent at the onset of the first psychosis? Using tract-based analysis of white matter fibres in medication-naive schizophrenia patients we, and others, have found differences in the uncinate and arcuate fasciculi, suggestive of axonal or glial damage and/or increased free water concentrations.13,14 In

22、 unmedicated first-episode psychosis (FEP) patients reduced fractional anisotropy, a measure reflecting white matter fibre density and myelination, is related to cognitive dysfunction.15 Pronounced fractional anisotropy reductions in medication-naive FEP patients appear to be predictive of poor resp

23、onse to subsequent antipsychotic treatment.14 While white matter decreases are not evenly dispersed throughout the brain, but instead are most pronounced in association fibres, such as the uncinate and arcuate fasciculi, changes in the grey matter are not uniformly distributed throughout the brain e

24、ither.8 Most pronounced grey matter decreases in FEP patients are found in frontal and temporal areas, including the insula, superior temporal gyrus and the anterior cingulate gyrus.8,16 As indicated, following the FEP, most (but not all) longitudinal studies suggest that grey matter loss continues,

25、 which is most prominent in frontal and temporal areas, and results from cortical thinning (and not surface shrinkage) and is related to clinical and cognitive outcome.9,17, 18,19, 20 Only few studies have investigated white matter changes over time after the FEP.21 Two recent studies showed contras

26、ting results with one demonstrating improvement of white matter deficits in FEP patients after antipsychotic treatment14 and the other showing worsening of these abnormalities.22 On postmortem examination, decreases in white matter are associated with a reduction in oligodendrocytes in the superior

27、frontal cortex23 and in the bilateral hippocampus,24 suggesting dysfunction of oligodendrocytes to underlie white matter deficits in schizophrenia.Topof pageBrain changes before the onset of the first psychosisThe ARMS is a prodromal phase of schizophrenia characterized by cognitive impairments,25 m

28、ood alterations,26 anxiety,27 attenuated psychotic symptoms and a decline in social and occupational functioning.28 Although the concept has been useful in understanding the development of schizophrenia, only a small percentage of patients with these symptoms eventually go on to develop the illnessa

29、nd this percentage further declines as the number of studies increases.29A recent review on neurobiological changes in ARMS subjects suggests that volumes of frontal and temporal areas are decreased in a similar fashionbut to a lesser extentas observed in schizophrenia.30 Longitudinal studies are sc

30、arce, but those available suggest that grey matter deficits present in those subjects that go on to develop schizophrenia, worsen over time and are found mainly in fronto-temporal areas.31,32 Progressive reduction in the integrity of frontal white matter has also been reported in ARMS subjects who g

31、o on to develop schizophrenia.33 However, studies in the ARMS period are limited by the fact that the subjects studied are selected on the basis of the presence of mild and incomplete symptoms of psychosis and that outcome, that is, conversion, is defined by psychosis as well. It has been argued tha

32、t a focus on cognitive and negative symptoms in these ARMS subjects may be needed to understand the developmental biology of schizophrenia.27 Indeed, baseline cognitive functioning in ARMS subjects is an adequate predictor of poor outcome, regardless of transition to psychosis.34, 35, 36Topof pagePo

33、ssible causes and effects of the brain changesTo understand the possible causes of the brain changes in the first phase of schizophrenia, evidence from treatment studies, postmortem and neuroimaging investigations together with animal experiments needs to be integrated. These studies suggest that sc

34、hizophrenia is related to at least three interacting pathophysiological mechanisms: dopaminergic dysregulation, disturbed glutamatergic neurotransmission and increased proinflammatory status of the brain. These processes interact with each other and most likely have causal interrelationships.Dopamin

35、e dysregulationSince the discovery of the antipsychotic properties of chlorpromazine in the 1950s, increased dopamine (DA) turnover in the striatum has received much attention as an underlying mechanism of schizophrenia. Although initial studies focused on the postsynaptic DA receptor, more recent p

36、ositron emission tomogrpahy (PET) studies, using (18)F-DOPA as a tracer, show that the major locus of dopaminergic dysfunction is presynaptic rather than postsynaptic in nature, characterized by elevated DA synthesis and release capacity. Increased (18)F-DOPA binding capacity is already present duri

37、ng the ARMS period and is found to be predictive of the further development into full clinical psychosis37, 38,39 (see Table 1A for an overview of DA deviations in ARMS subjects). In medication-naive schizophrenia patients who experience an FEP, increased striatal DA synthesis is a rather consistent

38、 finding (an overview is provided in Table 1B). Although increased striatal DA synthesis may be the final common pathway to psychotic symptoms,40,41 its relation to cognitive symptoms is less clear. In a mouse model, increased postsynaptic striatal DA receptors could evoke cognitive dysfunction in s

39、everal domains,42 but this has not been tested directly in humans.Table 1A - Dopamine in ultra-high-risk subjects.Full tableTable 1B - Dopamine in medication-free schizophrenia patients with a first psychotic episode.Full tableN-methyl-D-aspartate receptor hypofunctionIn fact, some of the cognitive

40、dysfunction in schizophrenia may be related to a different neurotransmitter complex, the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAr)/glutamate system.43 It has been hypothesized that the NMDAr, situated between the primary and secondary glutamatergic cortical neurons, constitutes the main deficit underlyi

41、ng schizophrenia. Poor function of the NMDAr, in turn, renders the gamma-amino-buteric-acid (GABA)-ergic interneuron less effective. This loss of GABA-ergic firing provides insufficient inhibition of the secondary glutamatergic neurons, allowing them to fire more often but with less synchrony, direc

42、tly causing the excessive firing of DA neurons in the mesolimbic pathway.44This hypothesis is based on studies using NMDAr antagonists, such as ketamine and phencyclidine, which were found to induce the full range of schizophrenia symptoms, including psychosis, negative symptoms, and also cognitive

43、dysfunction.45 Furthermore, patients with an autoimmune encephalitis producing antibodies against the NMDAr can have a clinical picture that is indistinguishable from schizophrenia.46 Finally, many of the well-known risk genes, such as DISC-1, dysbindin, SHANK and NRG-1,47,48 but also de novo mutati

44、ons49 associated with schizophrenia influence glutamatergic neurotransmission.During brain development the NMDAr has a crucial role in brain maturation by means of synaptic plasticity, which forms the basis for adequate development of higher cognitive functions, such as learning and memory (see Wang

45、 et al.50). NMDAr is a hetero-tetrameric structure with one obligate NR1 and two variable NR2 subunits, determining its biophysical and pharmacological properties. During brain development, the subunit composition of this receptor undergoes a switch, in which some subunits are replaced by structural

46、ly different ones. The mature receptor composition has different physiological properties, rendering the receptor more suitable for optimal timing of firing, thereby enabling the swift integration of environmental stimuli. The timing of receptor switches differs per brain region, and may coincide wi

47、th risk windows for schizophrenia, that is, developmental phases when the individual is particularly vulnerable to environmental influences such as hypoxia, birth stress, infection or inflammation, drug abuse or social isolation.51,52, 53 During pregnancy, fetal NMDAr levels are increased, rendering

48、 the infants brain vulnerable to insults.54 It is conceivable, although largely hypothetical, that environmental risk factors for schizophrenia affect the brain by means of delaying or preventing adequate NMDAr switching in specific brain areas, and an incomplete receptor switch could be related to

49、the onset of cognitive decline in the earliest phases of the illness. Imperfect expression of the mature NMDAr subunit profile is likely to impair the process of long-term depression and potentiation, by which frequently-used connections are strengthened and rarely-used connections are weakened.50 A

50、t early adolescence, pruning will eliminate the weak connections. When a lack of long-term depression and potentiation has resulted in a failure to differentiate the frequently-used from the rarely-used connections, pruning may become a random process, eliminating important as well as less-relevant

51、connections.55Downstream from the glutamatergic neurons, decreased functioning of the NMDAr leads to hypofunction of the inhibitory GABA-ergic interneurons. Decreased functioning of these fast-spiking GABA-ergic interneurons hampers synchronisation of neuronal firing of the pyramidal neurons. Dimini

52、shed synchronized neuronal activity leadsagainto impaired cognitive processing.56 Postmortem studies consistently demonstrate that a subpopulation of the GABA-ergic interneurons, the parvalbumin-containing chandelier cells, is decreased in patients with schizophrenia (for a review see Curley et al.5

53、7). Enzymes related to GABA-ergic neurotransmission, such as glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD)67 and GABA transporter (GAT)1, are consistently reported to be decreased in patients with schizophrenia.57 A large postmortem study involving 240 controls of all age categories and 31 patients with schizop

54、hrenia observed that development and maturation in the prefrontal cortex and the hippocampus is characterized by progressive switches in expression from GAD25 to GAD67 and from NKCC1 to KCC2. The former switch leads to GABA synthesis, and the latter leads to switching from excitatory to inhibitory n

55、eurotransmission. In the hippocampus, GAD25/GAD67 and NKCC1/KCC2 ratios are increased in patients with schizophrenia, reflecting a potentially immature GABA physiology.58 This deviation was associated with the risk allele at the promoter region of the GAD-1 gene.58It remains unclear whether deviatio

56、ns in the GABA-ergic interneurons are secondary to deficits in NMDAr-mediated signalling, or if abnormal NMDAr signalling is compensatory to GABA-ergic aberrations. Either way, hypofunction of the NMDAr and reduced neural synchrony caused by decreased function of the GABA-ergic interneurons may be t

57、he converging mechanisms underlying cognitive dysfunction, whichas indicatedstarts at least 10 years before the onset of psychotic symptoms1 and remains relatively stable after the FEP, as a 10-year follow-up study of FEP patients showed no clear signs of deterioration as compared with healthy contr

58、ols.59 Murine studies show that glutamatergic afferents from the hippocampus to the nucleus accumbens exert a strong excitatory effect on striatal DA neurons, influencing both activity and firing properties of the dopaminergic neurons.60 Thus, decreased activation of the NMDAr leads to an increase i

59、n striatal DA release and induce psychotic symptoms.61 This finding provides a biological explanation of the clinical and epidemiological observations that cognitive changes precede the onset of psychosis by many years.1One of the few available techniques to examine the status of the NMDA/glutamate

60、system in the human brain is the use of magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS). This method provides concentrations of several molecules, including glutamate, glutamine and GABA.62 However, glutamate as measured with MRS does not reflect intrasynaptic glutamate levels, as the MRS signal is derived fr


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