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1、Business English Intensive ReadingUnit One Advertising本課程在專業(yè)建設與人才培養(yǎng)中的地位課程類別及性質學分及比例學時學分小計占總學分百分比百分比小計通識教育課程平臺公共必修課程模塊21421224206+156+5周公共選修課程模塊2112305+98+1周學科基礎課程平臺必修454525.625.6720+138專業(yè)課程平臺專業(yè)必修課程模塊25.559.514.533.9356+18+6周專業(yè)任選課程模塊9:師范5.1162(22:非師范)(12.5)396專業(yè)方向課程限選模塊專業(yè)方向課程限選模塊126.8216教師教育課程限選模塊137

2、.4172+62+54集中性實踐教學平臺必修292916.516.541周合計 175.5 2137+472+54 +52周2199+410+52周輔修專業(yè) 24.5課程性質與教學目標 高等學校商務英語專業(yè)本科教學要求(試行)把商務英語定義為:在經濟全球化環(huán)境下,圍繞貿易,投資展開的各種經濟,公務和社會活動所使用的語言,具體包括貿易,管理,金融, 營銷,旅游,新聞,法律等。應用型商務人才的培養(yǎng)層次與目標應用型商務人才的培養(yǎng)層次與目標人文素養(yǎng)人文素養(yǎng)跨文化交際能力跨文化交際能力商務知識與技能商務知識與技能語言知識與技能語言知識與技能本課程在專業(yè)建設與人才培養(yǎng)中的地位工商導論工商導論商務英語閱讀商

3、務英語閱讀國際貿易實務國際貿易實務國際市場營銷國際市場營銷跨文化商務交跨文化商務交際際商務英語寫作商務英語寫作Corporate GoalsMarketing StrategyThe Marketing MixProduct MixPrice MixPlace MixPromotion MixBrand namePackagesFunctionalitywarrantyDiscount BundlingPriceFlexibilityChannel of distributionInventoryManagementAdvertisingPersonal sellingPublicitySal

4、es promotionCustomerCost ConvenienceCommunicationUnit 1 AdvertisementReading one:1. Pre-reading activities2. Read the text and discuss questions3. Words and ExpressionKey language pointsDifficult sentences Exercises4. Post-Reading為泡泡糖做的雜志內頁立體式廣告為泡泡糖做的雜志內頁立體式廣告在前往飛機場或離開飛機場的大巴上,有一些特殊的拉手。說在前往飛機場或離開飛機場的

5、大巴上,有一些特殊的拉手。說到特殊,那是因為它作為一個很常見的廣告載體卻能夠讓上面到特殊,那是因為它作為一個很常見的廣告載體卻能夠讓上面的廣告與受眾產生互動。就的廣告與受眾產生互動。就IWC這款飛行員手表,當乘客使用這款飛行員手表,當乘客使用這個拉手的時候就像是佩戴了這個拉手的時候就像是佩戴了IWC的飛行員手表。的飛行員手表。Pre-reading activities Reflect on some ads Discuss questions 1.What are the elements of advertisement? Whats the purpose of advertising?

6、 What are the features of ads? 2. What do you think makes a good ad? 3. Whats your favorites advertisement? Describe it and tell why you like it.4. How does the Internet differ from other conventional advertising media?Differences among Advertise, Advertising and Advertisement Advertise: v.意為在報紙、廣播、

7、電視上為產品等做廣告. Eg: Manufactures advertise product that they wish to sell. 制造 商為他們想銷售的產品做廣告。 Advertising: v-ing. 廣告,廣告業(yè)(不可數,較抽象) Eg. Informative advertising, persuasive advertising, advertising campaign Advertisement: n. 廣告本身,比如報紙上、電視里看到的廣告實體 (可數,較具體) Eg. display advertisement, classified advertisementW

8、hat is advertising? What is advertising? Advertising is intended to persuade and to inform. The two basic aspects of advertising are the message (what you want your communication to say ) and the medium (how you get your message across).廣告定義眾說紛論廣告定義眾說紛論 概念美國概念美國廣告時代周刊廣告時代周刊在在19321932公開征求的廣告定公開征求的廣告定

9、 義:義:個人、商品、勞務、運動,以印刷、書寫、口述或個人、商品、勞務、運動,以印刷、書寫、口述或 圖畫圖畫為表現(xiàn)方法,由廣告者出費用作公開宣傳,以促成銷售、為表現(xiàn)方法,由廣告者出費用作公開宣傳,以促成銷售、使用、投票或贊成為目的活動。使用、投票或贊成為目的活動。 英國英國簡明不列顛百科全書簡明不列顛百科全書對廣告的解釋:廣告是傳對廣告的解釋:廣告是傳播信息的一種方式,其目的在于推銷商品、勞務、影響輿播信息的一種方式,其目的在于推銷商品、勞務、影響輿論,博得政治支持,推進一種事業(yè)或引起刊登廣告者所希論,博得政治支持,推進一種事業(yè)或引起刊登廣告者所希望的其他反應。望的其他反應。 美國廣告協(xié)會美國

10、廣告協(xié)會(AAA)(AAA)的廣告定義:廣告是付費的大眾傳的廣告定義:廣告是付費的大眾傳播,其最終目的是為了傳遞信息,改變人們對于所廣告的播,其最終目的是為了傳遞信息,改變人們對于所廣告的商品的態(tài)度,誘發(fā)其行動而使廣告主獲得利益。商品的態(tài)度,誘發(fā)其行動而使廣告主獲得利益。Why advertise?To create awareness, customer interest or desire To boost sales To build brand loyalty (or to maintain it at the existing level)To launch a new produc

11、tWhat to advertise? In general, there are really only two kinds of effective advertising message: - Firstly, does the business/product have a Unique Selling Proposition (“USP”) “A unique selling proposition is a customer benefit that no other product can claim” - Secondly, does the thing that is bei

12、ng advertised “add value” and if so, how? For example, advertising for washing powders will focus on the “added value” created by whitening agents or the fact that a particular formulation will last longer than the competition.Classification of AdvertisingA.按照宣傳對象劃分按照宣傳對象劃分 product advertising產品廣告產品

13、廣告 non-product advertising非產品廣告非產品廣告 commercial advertising商業(yè)廣告商業(yè)廣告 non-commercial advertising非商業(yè)廣告非商業(yè)廣告 behavior advertising行為廣告行為廣告 cognitive advertising認知廣告認知廣告 Classification of Advertising B.按目標群體劃分按目標群體劃分 consumer advertising消費者廣告消費者廣告 business advertising業(yè)務廣告業(yè)務廣告 C.按目標區(qū)域劃分按目標區(qū)域劃分 local advert

14、ising地方廣告地方廣告 national advertising全國廣告全國廣告 international advertising國際廣告國際廣告 Classification of Advertising D.按傳播媒介劃分按傳播媒介劃分print advertising印刷廣告印刷廣告 electronic advertising電子廣告電子廣告 out-of-home/outdoor advertising戶戶外廣告外廣告 post advertising直郵廣告直郵廣告 Advertising Components and Features I. Advertiser(廣告主)(

15、廣告主) - the main body of advertising The advertiser is the sender of information and all the advertising activities should be consistent with the purpose and willingness of the advertiser. Corporation(公司)(公司) Enterprise(企業(yè))(企業(yè)) Government(政府)(政府)CCTV廣告廣告 Organization (組織)(組織)聯(lián)合國兒童基金會廣告聯(lián)合國兒童基金會廣告 Indi

16、vidual(個人)(個人)個人廣告?zhèn)€人廣告Advertising Components and Features2.Advertising Media(廣告媒體)(廣告媒體)Media are the means of the dissemination of advertisingNewspaperbroadcastMagazineTV programMailBillboard1-4 are called the four main media of advertising.Advertising Components and Features 3. Advertising fees Ne

17、w products tend to need a larger advertising budget to help build awareness and to encourage consumers to try the product. A product that is highly differentiated may also need more advertising to help set it apart from the competition - emphasizing the points of difference. However setting the adve

18、rtising budget is not a easy job- how can a business predict the right amount to spend. Which parts of the advertising campaign will work best and which will have relatively little effect? Advertising Components and Features 4. Advertising information Spending a lot on advertising does not guarantee

19、 success. Research suggests that the clarity of the advertising message is often more important than the amount spent. The advertising message must be carefully targeted to impact the target customer audience. A successful advertising message should have the following characteristics:(a) Meaningful

20、- customers should find the message relevant(b) Distinctive - capture the customers attention(c) Believable - A difficult task. Since research suggests most consumers doubt the truth of advertising in general. What features a successful advertisement should possess?Attention A good advertisement sho

21、uld attract the consumer to direct their attention to the product.Interest The introduction and publicity of an advertisement should arouse(激起)(激起) consumers great interest. Desire The publicity of advertising should stimulate consumers desire to buy the product, and make them realize that this prod

22、uct is just what they want.Action The advertising makes consumer to response to the advertising information and evoke(喚起,引起)(喚起,引起) them to take the action of purchasing.How to Persuade OthersReasoning. Use facts, statistics, expert opinions, and survey results. Make your facts understandable and qu

23、ote the sources of your information.Emotional appeals. Link your problem and your plan to basic human needs such as food, shelter, security, self-esteem, empowerment, shared beliefs and success. Show people how your plan benefits both them and the community. Make your problem and your proposed solut

24、ion seem interesting and possible.How to Persuade OthersGain peoples trust. Tell the truth without exaggerating. Listen to what others have to say about the subject. Show that you believe in what you are doing. Stay calm, people dont trust someone who loses control. Be friendly-you cant persuade any

25、one who doesnt like you.3. Key language pointsglossy: a. smooth and shiny glossy magazines: printed on high-quality glossy paper with many photographs colored illustrations (esp. fashion magazines) gloss: n. brightness or shine on a smooth surface 光澤、亮度 e. g. You can see the gloss on her hair. 2) ex

26、penditure (1) n. the act of spending or using money e. g. expenditure of money on weapons 購買武器的開支 (2) n. the amount of money spent e. g. an expenditure of $500 on new furniture 3) channel (1) n. a way by which news, information, etc. may travel (新聞、信息)傳播途徑 e. g. Your complaint must be made through t

27、he proper channels.(2) n. a particular television statione. g. Whats your favorite channel? 4) schedule (1) n. a programme of planned events e. g. have a full schedule, i. e. have many things to do a factory production schedule 工廠生產進度表 (2) n. list of items, etc. e. g. a spare parts schedule 零件一覽表 Th

28、e attached schedule gives details of the shipment.5) nuisance: n. sth. that is inconvenient, annoying,; a bother (討厭的物,人或行為) e. g. The noise was so loud that it was a nuisance to the neighbors. You are a confounded nuisance. Stop pestering me. 你真討厭死了 What a nuisance! Ive forgotten my ticket.6.Confou

29、nded: 糊涂的,困惑的,討厭的(輕微的詛咒用語) Close that confounded window.把那該死的窗戶關起來。 The shock confounded her.那次打擊使她驚惶失措。Pester: 使煩惱; 糾纏 7. Legislation laws passed by a governmentAn important price of human right legslationLegislative1)有立法權的A Legislative assembly 立法議會2)法律的,立法的The executive 行政部門The judiciary 司法部門The

30、legislative 立法部門8 poster (1) n. a large notice displayed in a public place 招貼;海報;布告 e. g. a poster advertising the circus 宣傳馬戲團的海報 (2) n. a large printed picture 招貼畫 e. g. Her bedroom is hung with posters. 9 eye-catching: a. striking and noticeable 招眼的,引人注目的 eye-catcher: n. sth. or sb. that is notic

31、eable 引人注目的人或物10. tempt: v. to attract 吸引 e. g. Nothing would tempt me to commit a crime. tempt sb. (into sth. /doing sth. ) e. g. The warm weather tempted us into going for a swim.Tempting adj. 吸引人的,誘人的,動人的Temptation n.勸誘,誘惑,有誘惑力的事物11 sponsor (1) v. (of a person or a firm) to pay for a sporting eve

32、nt, a concert, etc. in order to get publicity for themselves e. g. an athlete sponsored by a bank 由銀行贊助的運動員 a government-sponsored cheap textbooks scheme 由政府資助的廉價教科書計劃 (2) N. a person, firm, organization, etc. , that finances a project or an event for a radio or television program to advertise a pro

33、duct, etc. 贊助者 sponsorship: n. e. g. We are very grateful for his sponsorship. prominently: ad. prominent a. Well-known and importante. g. a prominent teacher prominence 重要,杰出,著名Come to prominence 成名,嶄露頭角成名,嶄露頭角Give sth prominence to sth 把某物置于顯著把某物置于顯著位置位置13 regulation: n. a rule or restriction e. g

34、. rules and regulations 規(guī)章制度 traffic/fire/flood regulations 交通法規(guī)/防火條例/防洪條例14) restrict: v. to put a limit on 限制;約束;限定 restrict sb. /sth. to sth. e. g. Speed is restricted to 80 km in towns. restricted: a. having certain limitations e. g. restricted development/potential 受限制的發(fā)展/潛力 restriction: n. 限制

35、e. g. place/impose/enforce restrictions 實行限制 speed/price/import restrictions 速度/價格/進口限制比較 limit: the greatest or smallest amount of something that is allowed 限制,限度 The EU has set strict limits on pulltion levels. restriction: a rule or law that limits what you can do 限制,約束 control: There are no rest

36、rictions on the amount of money you can withdraw.控制,支配,抑制 arm control15) maximum: n. the greatest amount or size possible e. g. maximum capacity 最大生產能力 maximum contrast 最大對比度 minimum: (1) a. 最小的,最低的 (2) n. 最小值,最小化16. be exposed to: to be introduced to Almost everyone in Britain and North America is

37、exposed daily to continuous advertising, in the press ,on television and on hoarding.漢譯:幾乎每個英國人和北美人每天都會不斷看到報紙、電視和廣告牌上的廣告。 expose: v. to uncover to make sth. visible; display 暴露;展示; 使遭受 e. g. expose ones skin to the sun When he smiled he exposed a set of perfect white teeth. The report exposed the we

38、akness of modern medical practice.17 aim to/at: 旨在,目的在于 e.g. She is aiming at (i.e. trying to win) a scholarship. 漢譯:在英國,產品服務的廣告往往根據服務對象的年齡、社會地位、專業(yè)、性別等仔細分類。with the aim of doing sth aim high 胸懷大志,力爭上游aim and objectives 目標和目的 18. concentrate on sth. ; to center on sth. 全神貫注于;集中于 e. g. This firm conce

39、ntrates on the European market. We must concentrate our efforts on improving education. devote to (1) to give (ones time/energy, etc.) to sb./sth.致力于,專心于 devote oneself/sth. to e. g. I devote all my efforts to my task. (2) to set aside or apart for a specific purpose or use e. g. The newspaper devot

40、es four pages to the Olympic Games.19. commercial (1) a. of or for commerce 商業(yè)的,貿易的 commercial law, commercial activity (2) a. making or intended to make a profit 營利的,以獲利為目的的 e. g. commercial theatre, commercial music Her novels are well written and commercial as well. (3) a. (of TV or radio) financ

41、ed by broadcasting advertisements (指電視或無線電廣播)靠廣告收入的,商業(yè)性的 e. g. I work for a commercial radio station. (4) n. advertisement on TV or radio (電視或無線電中的)廣告 20 .be subject to sth. /sb. (1) to be obliged to, obey sth. /sb. , under the authority of sth. /sb.服從某事物(某人),受某事物(某人)支配 e. g. We are subject to the l

42、aw of the country. Peasants used to be subject to the local landowner. (2) to often have, suffer or undergo sth. 常有、常遭遇某事 e. g. Are you subject to colds? Trains are subject to delay (s) after the heavy snowfalls. (3) to depend on sth. as a condition 以某事物為條件;取決于某事物 e. g. The plan is subject to the di

43、rectors approval. be obliged to: 感謝(某人) I am much obliged to you. 我非常感謝您。 有義務的;應當的 I feel obliged not to. 我覺得我不能這樣。 21. proportion 1) a part or a share if a large amount or number 部分,份兒 Quite high proportion of their incomes are spent on fuel. 2)the relationship between number, amounts, or size of d

44、ifferent things that go together to form a whole 比例 Eating the right food in the right proportions 3) in proportion:成比例成比例 In proportion with sth 與與成比例成比例 Out of proportion 不成比例不成比例22. complain vi. vt 抱怨,不滿,發(fā)牢騷Complain of :訴說Hes been complaining of sever headaches recently.Complaint n.Make a complia

45、ntreceive a compliantsubmit a complaintletter of a complaintPost-reading The most effective advertising media Advertisers use various media to convey commercial messages to their target audience. The question they are trying to ask if their ads are reaching the right audience and generating the best

46、 response. unfortunately , there is no simple answer. Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of major advertising media may be of great help. Discuss with your group the ads and disads. of the following advertising media: Newspapers ,magazines ,television, radio, direct mail, outdoor signs ,

47、InternetReading two1. Structure of reading twoPart I (Para. 1) Introduction: Technology is transforming the creation and transmission of traditional advertising.Part II (Para. 24) Advertising benefit from the new technology.1) (Para. 23) Print and broadcast advertising benefit from the new technolog

48、y. (1) Print and broadcast advertising process before. (2) Print and broadcast advertising process now.2) (Para. 4) Television spots benefit from the new technology.Part III (Para. 5) The disadvantage brought by the technology to advertising. If viewers end up in control, advertisers will have to co

49、mpletely rethink the nature of television advertising.2. Difficult Sentences: 1) At the same time, however, advertisers may be unchaining a technological force that will turn much of the advertising business upside down. 英譯:Advertisers may continue to develop new technologies, which may greatly infl

50、uence the traditional line. unchain: v. to free from; set free 使自由;釋放;解放 chain: v. sb./sth. (to sb./sth.) e. g. chain the dog to a tree workers who were chained to a life of dull routine漢譯:與此同時,廣告商可能會研發(fā)出新的技術力量,使廣告業(yè)大洗牌。2) . the increased productivity and flexibility that technology brings.英譯:The new

51、technology speeds up productivity and makes production more flexible.漢譯:新技術提高了勞動效率并使生產形式更為靈活。3) Unlike the old system of splicing bits of film together when youre finished. 英譯:With the new technology, when you are finished, there is a broadcast quality on the computer screen. Compared with the old t

52、echnology to splice bits of film together and synchronize the voices, music, and sound effects, that is much easier. 漢譯:現(xiàn)代的電視廣告制作已經不像過去那么復雜,把膠片一點點剪下來,再與對白、音樂、音效同步配合?,F(xiàn)代的工藝系統(tǒng)令你能在電腦上把所有這些一次完成,并達到直接播放的質量。4. Self-study Test: Multiple Choices 1) A word processor is much better than a typewriter in that it

53、 enables you to enter and _ your text more easily. A. register B. edit C. propose D. discharge 2) We dont know why so many people in that region like to wear dresses of such _ colors. A. low B. humble C. mild D. dull 3) The news has just _ that the president is going to visit China next month. A. co

54、me down B. come up C. come out D. come about 4) The _ that exists among nations could certainly be lessened if misunderstanding and mistrust were removed. A. tension B. strain C. stress D. intensity 5) The other day, Mum and I went to St. Jamess Hospital, and they did lots and lots of tests on me, most of them _ and frightening. A. cheerful B. horrible C. hostile D. friendly 6) In the Mediterranean seaweed is so abundant and so easily harvested that it is never of great _. A. fare B. payment C. worth D. expense 7) The writer was so _ in her work that she didnt notic


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