1、PICSample Company PoliciesAnd ProceduresJanuary 2004Printing Industries of California5800 South Eastern Avenue, Suite 400P.O. Box 910936Los Angeles, CA. 90091-0936Cost-PIC Member FreeFebruary 3, 2004No n-Member $300PURPOSE OF THIS SAMPLEPrinting Industries of California(PIC) recognizes the value of
2、well-writtencompany personnel policies and procedures. Over the years PIChas published sample employee han dbook Ian guage coveri ng basic employment policies. Members have used thisIanguage as a guide increatingwrittenpolicies and procedures covering the company semployme nt practices and philosoph
3、ies.This publication,like others before it, does not claim to be allin clusiveora finalproduct. New State and Federallaws and legaldecisionswill require thissample to be updated,along with thecompany's employee handbook, to reflect these changes.Further, eachcompa ny must develop an employee han
4、 dbook, which reflects the employme nt practices unique to the compa ny's operati on and philosophies. Consequently,a publication such as this sample must be flexible andope n en ded to accommodate these differe nces in employme nt practices and philosophies.In initiating or revising your compan
5、y personnel policies or employee han dbook, do not hesitate to call Doug Moore, Vice Preside nt of Huma n Resources, for assista nee.Although an effort has been made to provide sample Ianguage, which is con siste nt with applicable law, employers using this or other Ian guage may wish to have a labo
6、r attor ney review their employee han dbook before publicati on.the Employment Law have provided a sample handbook andPIC would liketo extend a specialthanks toDepartme nt at the law firm of Silver & Freedma n. They good portion of the Ianguage contained in this review its contents from time to
7、time.(EDITOR S NOTE: HEALTH BENEFITS FOR EMPLOYEESWORKERS COMPENSATION DISABILITY AND OTHER LEAVES)The CaliforniaWorkers' Compensation Appeals Board (WCAB) has decidedin Navarro v. A&A Farming that an employer whose personnel policy termi nated ben efits after a stated period could apply the
8、 policy to pers ons on temporary Workers ' Comp disability. A&A Farming obtained its coverage from the Wester n Growers Trust, a California lice nsed MEWA, as is the PIASC, PINC and PIASD Benefit Trusts, so it is clear that the decision applies to those firms who obtain health coverage from
9、the PIASC, PINC or PIASD Ben efit Trusts. Firms that do not obta in their coverage from the Ben efit Trust may probably rely on the same decisi on, but it is less certa in. If health coverage ceases un der such a policy, affected employees (in firms of two or more employees) become eligible for COBR
10、A exte nsion.Companiescan choose to make employer payments for more or less timethan the 12 weeks suggested in the sample Ianguage with the following exceptio ns: Compa nies covered by the Family and Medical Leave Act must pay for at least 12 weeks, and all companies must pay for up to 31 days for e
11、mployees activated for military service. The company' s policy of paymentsshould be the same for all leaves the company grants so as not to be discrimi natory.TABLE OF CONTENTSPAGEIn troducti on 6History ofCompa ny and Marketi ng Services Performed 6 Foreword 6Your In dustry 7Refere nee Checks7B
12、ackground Checks and Consumer Reports 7Terms of Employme nt 8Employee Classificatio n 8In depe ndentCon tractor,Age ncyTemp orLeasedPersonnel 9Employme nt of Relatives 9Non- Harassment Policy 9Solicitati onandDistributio nRule 11Equal Employme nt Policy 11Reas on ableAccommodati onfor Disabilities,P
13、reg nancyandLactation .12Immigrati on Reform and Con trol Act 13Off- Duty Employees 13Con flict of In terest Off Duty ConductPersonalInvoIvement . 14Appeara nee and Courtesy .14Adva ncing With the Compa ny 14Performa nee Evaluati ons 14Promotions . 14Open Door Policy .14Rumors .15Customer Property 1
14、5ConfidentialityandNonDisclosure .15CompanyEquipmentMonitoring,AccessandInspection . 16VoiceMail,E-mail&ComputerFiles .16Hours of Work- Workweek 17Excessive Tardiness/Absenteeism 18Working Conditions .18Pay Day . 18Hours of Work 18Time Records 18Overtime Authorization and Requirement19Holiday Pa
15、y 19Vacation Pay . 19Sick Leave Pay . 20Overtime Pay .21Reporting Time Pay 22Uniforms .22Meal Period .22BreakPeriods 23Insurance Programs (Required by Law)23Workers' Compensation .23Workers' Compensation Fraud . 23State Disability Insurance .23Paid Family Leave Insurance 24State Un employme
16、nt In sura nee 24Federal Social Security (F.I.C.A)24ProfitSharing,401korPensionPla n .25Comp ny Health/Life In sura nee 25Employee Purchases 25Time Off To Vote 25Jury Duty Time Off 25JudicialLeaves 25Court Appearances 25DomesticViolenceorSexualAssault 26Victims of Crime 26Bereaveme nt Time Off 26Sch
17、ool Activities Time Off .27LiteracyEducationTimeOff 27Leaves of Abse nee 27Compensation and Benefits Accruals While on Leave ofAbsenee 27Non-Retaliati on 28Personal(Non-Industrial)LeaveofAbse nee 28Family and Medical Care Leave of Abse nee 29Pregnancy/ChildbirthLeave of Absenee 30Industrial Medical
18、Leave of Absence31Military Leave of Absenee 32Physical Examinations Following A Leave 33Personal Loans34Pers onal Mail an d/or Teleph one Calls 34Bullet in Board 34Good Housekeep ing 34Radios In Work Areas 34Keep Your Record Up To Date . 34Request For Payroll Records35Health Insurance portabilityand
19、 AccountabilityAct(HIPAA) .35Pers onnel Records 35Loss of Compa ny Property 35Compa ny Work Rules 36Your Safety 37Hazardous Substa nee Trai ning 37InjuryandIllnessPreventionProgram 37Smok ing Restrieti on 37Workplace Security Policy 37Safe Operation ofVehicles .38Sta ndards of Con duct . 39Compa ny
20、Safety Rules 40Life Threate ning Diseases 42Blood- borne Pathogens 43ReportingOntheJobInjuriesorIlin esses .43Emerge ncy Medical Service 43First Aid .43Fire Ext in guishers 44Employee Han dbook Revisi ons 44Receipt and Acknowledgement for Employee HandbookINTRODUCTIONThis is your employee handbook.
21、It was prepared for you to help you betterun dersta ndwhat you can gen erally expect from<>. This handbook replaces any and all earlierpers onnel or employee han dbooks, policies and procedures, ben efit statements,and memoranda, whether written,oral or established bypractice.The in formatio n
22、 in this han dbook is importa nt to all of our employees.Read the manual now and keep it in a convenient place. You will want to refer to your handbook when you have questions about company policies and ben efits.Naturally, you won ' t find answers to all yourquestions in the handbook.It is neit
23、hera law book nor a catalogof personnel policies. Inpreparing thishandbook, we have not tried to give you the minutedetails of each policy .In stead, we have attempted to prese nt a summary of some of the more important policies. No written statement, no matterhow complete, can be a substitute for d
24、irect daily con tact with your immediate supervisor.Throughout your han dbook, you will be urged to check with your supervisor or<> for complete informationon employeepolicies and ben efits. This advice is con ti nu ally repeated because its importanee can ' t be overemphasized.If your sup
25、ervisor or <> doesn' t have an immediate responseto your questi on, he or she will get the in formati on you seek and pass it along to you promptly.Circumstances will obviously require that the policies, practices and ben efits described in the han dbook cha nge from time to time. The comp
26、a ny reserves the right to ame nd, modify, resc ind, delete, suppleme nt or add to the provisions of this handbook as it deems appropriate from time to time in it ' s sole and absolute discretion. However, no amendment or modification of the“Terms of Employment ” provisions of this handbookshall
27、 be effective uni ess made in writi ng, and sig ned by the Preside nt of the company. The company will attempt to provideyou withno tificati on of any other cha nges as they occur.HISTORY OF COMPANY AND MARKETING SERVICES PERFORMED< >FOREWORDOur employee handbook is a toolto help promote a coo
28、perative andhealthy atmosphere, to spellout policiesrelative to hours, wages,con diti ons of employme nt and to provide for the adm ini strati on of these policies in the interests of all concerned, in keeping with conditions in our area and in dustry.We are presentingthis employee handbook because
29、we feel that if youun dersta nd basically what is expected of you, and what you may expect of the compa ny, we shall have an orga ni zati on which better meets the n eeds of our customers.The statements as set forth in this book have not been arbitrarily established. Each of them has a sound backgro
30、 und of com mon sense based on the experie nces of this compa ny. Employees have suggested many and we will further welcome suggestions from you that will aid in maintaining a con structive and harm onious relati on ship.Our sin gle most com mon goal must be to work together to meet the n eeds of ou
31、r customers,remembering our customers are mutually our mostimporta nt asset.YOUR INDUSTRYThe printingin dustryis one of the largest and most importa ntmanufacturing industries in the United States. It is closely related to every other industry. In its production it borrows from agriculture, theelect
32、rical, and computer the modern agencies of in its usefulness it isextractivein dustries,and the machi nery,in dustries;in its distributi onit utilizesadvertis ing,com muni cati on and tran sportati on;the service in dustry of all.California has grow n in to the nu mber one prin t-produci ng in dustr
33、y in thenation. The printing industry, in fact, is the largest manufacturing sector in California in number of firms. When the allied industries of commercial printing,publishing,reprographics and various specialtyprin ti ng were added together in 2001, they produced 14.8 billi on in the state '
34、 s economy and employed 111,356 people.Despite the fact that it is classified as a trade in the minds of many people, printing is one of the arts. It is a branch of the Graphic Arts field and as such is the means of preservation of all the other arts known to huma nity.REFERENCE CHECKSTo ensure that
35、 individuals joining the Company are qualified and have the potential to be productive and successful, the Company will check the employme nt refere nces of all applica nts. Every offer of employme nt is con ti ngent upon the appropriate completi on of a refere nee check.No refere nces will be give
36、n concerning any prese nt or past employee of the compa ny uni ess the Compa ny has received a writte n request for such a referenee.Only may respond to a requestfor a refere nee. Such resp onse will only confirm the dates of employme nt and position held, and will be in writing. If an employee has
37、given written authorization, the Company will also provide information on the amount of salary or wages earned by the employee.BACKGROUND CHECKS AND CONSUMER REPORTSThe company may require your consent to obtain a consumer report in conn ecti on with your in itial applicatio n for employme nt, your
38、applicati on for a new posti on in the Compa ny, or an in vestigati on into possiblewron gfulcon duct by you. A con sumer report may containin formatio n regardi ng your credit worth in ess, credit sta nding, credit capacity, character, gen eral reputati on,pers onal characteristics, ormode of livin
39、g. The company will use this information for employment purposes only.Refusal to authorize the obta ining of a con sumer report by the Compa ny may be a basis for denial of employment or other adverse employment action. The content of the consumer report may also be the basis fordenial of employment
40、, denial of a particular job position,or otheradverse employme nt actio n. You will be advised if the Compa ny elects to take adverse employme nt acti ons aga inst you based in whole or in part on a con sumer report.Uni ess you are suspected of wron gdo ing, before requesti ng the con sumer report,
41、the Compa ny will no tify you of its intent to make the request.The Compa ny will provide you with the n ame and address of every creditreport ing age ncy from which the Compa ny may obta in the con sumer report.If you specifically request a copy, within three days of the Company receipt of the repo
42、rt, you will be provided with a copy free of charge.TERMS OF EMPLOYMENTDespite any disciplinaryprocedures or company rules,standardsofcon duct or regulati ons, your employme nt is“ at will ” which means “ therelatio nship betwee n employer and employee may be termi nated by either party unlaterally&
43、#39; at any time, with or withoutnotice,for anyreason, or for no reason at all ” . This handbook contains the entire agreeme nt betwee n you and the compa ny as to the durati on of employme nt and the circumsta nces un der which employme nt may be termi nated.Further, the company can demote, transfe
44、r, suspend or otherwise discipline an employee in its sole and absolute discretion. Nothing in this han dbook, or any other pers onnel docume nt, in cludi ng ben efit pla n descripti ons,creates oris inten dedtocreatea promiseorrepresentationof continuedemployment, orforcontinued or indefiniteemploy
45、me nt at a specific positi on or rate of pay.Only the Preside nt ofthe compa ny has any authorityto en ter into anyagreement contrary to the“Terms of Employment ” stated in this policy,and such an agreement would have to be in writingand signed by thePreside nt.EMPLOYEE CLASSIFICATIONSYou will be ad
46、vised of your employee classification at the time of hire, promotion, transfer, or if any other change in your position with the company occurs. Since all employees are hired for an unspecified duratio n, assig nment to any of these classificati ons does not guara ntee employme nt for any specific l
47、en gth of time. Regardless of classificati on, employme nt is at the mutual consent of you and the compa ny. Accordi ngly, either you or the compa ny can term in ate the employme nt relati on ship at will, at any time, with or without notice.Full -Time Employees - are those normally scheduled for 40
48、 hours of work per week.Part - Time Employees -are those n ormally scheduled to work less tha n40 hours of work per week. Part-time employees are not eligible for compa ny fringe ben efits available to full-time employees.Casual Employees - are those who are hired on that basis and work for a specia
49、l job an d/or period of time. Such employees are not eligible for compa ny fringe ben efits available to full-time employees.Non-Exempt Employees - Those employees who are subject to the provisions of federal and state law requiring the payment of overtime are con sidered to be non-exempt .Exempt Em
50、ployees - Those employees who are not subject to the provisions of federal and state law requiring the payment of overtime are considered exempt. Exempt employees, in our industry, normally in clude professi on al,executive, admi nistrativeand certa in outsidesales pers onn el.INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR
51、, AGENCY TEMP OR LEASED PERSONNELAn in depe ndent con tractor, person who is classified company s failure to In depe ndent con tractors,age ncy temp or leased in dividual is any by the company as such, as evideneed by the withhold taxes from their compe nsati on. agency temps or leased employees are
52、 not employees of the company. Even if the person is later reclassified by an actio n of a court or admi nistrative age ncy as an employee of the compa ny, he or she is not eligible for any retroactive compa ny spon sored ben efits.EMPLOYMENT OF RELATIVESOur compa ny permits employme nt of relatives
53、. However, the employme nt of relatives in the same department can create a conflictof interest.Therefore, immediate family members (see definitionbelow) should notwork in the same departme nt for the same supervisor, or for a supervisor who is an immediate family member. Worki ng in the same depart
54、me nt for a differe nt supervisor is permitted.Immediate family members includespouse, in-laws,step relatives,domestic part ner, pare nt, child or stepchild, sister or brother.NON-HARASSMENT POLICYHarassment in employment, including sexual, racial,and ethnicharassment, as well as any other harassmen
55、t forbidden by law, is strictly prohibited by the Company. Employees who violate this policy are subject to discipline, including possible termination.Racial, ethnic and other forms of prohibited harassment include, but is not limited to:1. Visual conduct, including displaying of derogatory objects
56、or pictures, cartoons, or posters;2. Verbal conduct, including making or using derogatory comments, epithets, slurs, and jokes;In addition, sexual harassment is defined by the regulations of the Fair Employment and Housing Commission as unwanted sexual advances, or visual, verbal or physical conduct of a sexual
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