1、Lesson 11. 中國醫(yī)藥學有數(shù)千年的歷史,是中國人民長期同疾病作斗爭的經(jīng)驗總結TCM has a history of thousand of years and is a summary of the Chinese peoples experience in their struggle against diseases.2. 中醫(yī)學有完整獨立的理論體系。TCM has a unique and integrated theoretical system.3. 中醫(yī)學是研究人的生命規(guī)律以及疾病的發(fā)生、發(fā)展和防治規(guī)律的一門科學。TCM is a science that studies
2、 the rules of life as well as the occurrence, progress, prevention and treatment of disease.4. 黃帝內(nèi)經(jīng)為中醫(yī)學理論體系的形成奠定了基礎Yellow Emperors Cannon of Internal Medicine has laid a solid foundation for the formation of theoretical system of TCM.5. 難經(jīng)在許多方面,尤其是在脈學上,補充了皇帝內(nèi)經(jīng)的不足。Classic of Difficulties has suppleme
3、nted what was unaddressed in the Yellow Emperors Cannon of Medicine in many respects,especially in pulse lore.6. 諸病源侯論是中醫(yī)學最早的一部病因癥候學專著。Discussion on the causes and symptom of various diseases is the earliest extant monograph on the causes and symptom ofdiseases in china.7. 陽常有余,陰常不足。Yang is usually
4、excessive while Yin is frequently deficiency.8. 內(nèi)傷脾胃,百病由生。Internal impairment of the spleen and stomach causes various diseases.9. 本草綱目是中藥學史上的不朽著作,并對世界藥學的發(fā)展做出了偉大的奉獻。Compendium of Materia Medica (Bencao Gangmu ) is recognized as a monumental work in the history of Chinese material medical and a great
5、 contribution to the development of pharmacology in the world.10. 中藥不但包含草藥,而且包含礦物藥和動物藥等。Traditional Chinese material medical includes not only herbs but also mineral and animal drugs.11. 金元時期出現(xiàn)了后世稱為“金元四大家”的醫(yī)學流派。In the jin and yuan dynasties, there appeared the so-called four great medical schools.12
6、. 劉宗素認為“熾熱”為主要病因,用藥以寒涼為主。Liu WangSu believed that “five-heat” was the main cause of a variety of disease and these diseases should be treated with drugs cold and cool in nature.13. 劉暠主張治療疾病以溫補脾胃為主,被稱為“補土派”LinGao emphasized that the most important thing in clinical treatment was to warm and invigorat
7、e the spleen and stomach, so his theory was known as the “school of Reinforcing the Earth”.14. 朱丹溪治病以滋陰降火為主,被稱為“養(yǎng)陰派”Zhu Zengheng advocated the remedies of nourishing Yin and reducing fire in treatment of disease, so his theory was known as the “school of nourishing Yin”15. 溫病是研究四時溫病的發(fā)生、發(fā)展規(guī)律及其診治方法的一門
8、臨床科學Study on Warm Disease is a clinic specialty focusing on the occurrence, progress, diagnosis and treatment of Warm Diseases.16. 溫病學派創(chuàng)立了以衛(wèi)氣營血和三焦為核心的溫病辨證論治標準。The school of Warm Disease has developed the rules of treatment of Warm Disease based onsyndrome differentiation in light of defensive phase,
9、 qi phase , nutritive phase, blood phase and triple energizer.17. 王清任改正了古醫(yī)學在人體解剖方面的錯誤,并倡導瘀血致病的理論Wang Qingren in the late Qing Dynasty corrected mistakes about anatomy made in ancient medical books and advocated the theory that diseases were caused by blood stasis.18. 中醫(yī)學結合為中醫(yī)的發(fā)展與現(xiàn)代化開辟了一條心途徑。Integrat
10、ed traditional Chinese and Western medicine has paved a new way for the development and modernization of traditional Chinese medicine.19. 中醫(yī)基礎理論系統(tǒng)化和實驗研究取得了快速的進展。Great progress has been made in systematic and experimental study of the basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine.Lesson21. 中醫(yī)理論體系有兩個基本
11、特點:一是整體觀念,二是辨證論治。The theoretical system of TCM is mainly characterized by holism and treatment based on syndrome.2. 中醫(yī)學認為人體是一個有機的整體TCM believes that the human body is organic whole.3. 人體各個組成部分在功能上相互為用,在病理上相互影響The constituent parts of the human body are interdependent in physiology and mutually influ
12、ential in pathology.4. 整體觀念貫穿于中醫(yī)生理、病理、診法、辯證和治療的各個方面The holism permeates through the physiology, pathology, diagnostics, syndrome differentiation and therapeutics.5. 自然界的變化又可以直接或間接地影響人體。Change in the natural world directly and indirectly influence the human body.6. 人的氣血春夏趨向于表,秋冬趨向里Qi and blood in the
13、 human body tend to flow to the exterior in spring and summer and to the interior in autumn and winter.7. 心開竅于舌并與小腸相表里The heart opens into the tongue and is internally and externally related the small intestine.8. 中醫(yī)認識到社會活動對心理的影響TCM has noticed that the fact that social activity psychologically infl
14、uences human being.9. 中醫(yī)強調(diào)形神共存,互用并相互影響。According to TCM, the body and spirit co-exist, interacting with each other and influencing each other.10. 人體陽氣白天多趨向于表,夜晚多趨向于里。Yang Qi in the human body tends to flow to the exterior in the daytime and to the interior at night.11. 地區(qū)氣候的差異在一定程度上也影響著人體的生理活動。Regio
15、nal difference, to some extent, influences the physiological activities of the human body.12. 證是機體在疾病發(fā)展過程中的某一階段的病理概括。Syndrome is a generalization of pathological changed at a certain stage during the course of a disease.13. 辨證論治是中醫(yī)認識疾病和治療疾病的基本原則,也是中醫(yī)的基本特點之一。Treatment based on syndrome differentiatio
16、n, one of the characteristics of TCM, is the basicprinciple in TCM for understanding and treating diseases.14. 證包括了病變的部位、原因、性質(zhì)、以及邪正關系。Syndrome includes the location, cause and nature of a disease, as well as the state of pathogenic factors and health qi.15. 辯證和論治是診治疾病過程中相互聯(lián)系不可分割的兩個方面。Differentiation
17、 of syndrome and treatment of disease are two inseparable aspects in diagnosing and treating diseases.16. 臨床中醫(yī)注重辨病,但更注重辯證,從而通過治證來治療疾病Clinically doctors pay great attention to the differentiation of diseases, but therapeutically they care more about the differentiation of syndromes because diseases c
18、an be cured by treating syndromes.17. 證能更全面、跟正確的揭示疾病的本質(zhì)Syndrome can comprehensively and accurately reveal the nature of disease.18. 不同的疾病可因相同的病機而出現(xiàn)相同的證。Different diseases may demonstrate the same syndrome because of the similarity in pathogenesis.19. 如果兩種疾病表現(xiàn)出相同的中氣下陷證,就均可用升提中氣的方法治療。If the syndrome o
19、f middle qi sinking appears in two different diseases, they all can be treated by the therapeutic method for elevating middle qi.20. 中醫(yī)治病不是單純注重病之異同,而是病機之異同。The treatment of disease in TCM does not only simple concentration the difference or similarity of disease, but on the difference or similarity
20、of pathogenesis.Lesson 31. 陰陽中國古代哲學的一對范疇Yin and Yang are two concepts in classical Chinese philosophy.2. 陰陽是自然界相互關聯(lián)的某些事物和現(xiàn)象對立雙方的概括Yin and Yang are the summarization of the attributes of two opposite aspects of interrelated things or phenomenal in nature.3. 宇宙間一切事物的發(fā)生、發(fā)展和變化都是陰陽對立矛盾運動的結果。The formation
21、 development and changes of all things in the universe are the result of the movement of Yin and Yang thatoppose to each other and unite with each other.4. 天氣輕清故屬陽,地氣重濁故屬陰。The celestial qi pertain to Yang because it is light and lucid, while the terrestrial qi pertain to Yin because it is heavy and
22、turbid.5. 陰陽相互制約的過程就是相互消長的過程。The course of mutual restrain and inhibition between Yin and Yang signifies their progress in mutual reduction and promotion.6. 沒有因也就無以言陽,沒有陽亦無以言陰。 Yin cannot exit alone without Yang and vice versa.7. 陰陽離絕,經(jīng)氣乃絕。Separation of Yin and Yang results in exhausting of essence.
23、8. 只有不斷的消長平衡,才能推動事物的發(fā)展。Only through constant reduction, promotion and balance can the normal development of things be maintained.9. 在一定條件下,那樣可以各自向其反得方向發(fā)展。Under given condition, either Yin or Yang may transform into its counterpart.10物生謂之化,物極謂之變。Sprout of things signifies transformation while extreme
24、 development of things indicates changes. 11 人生有形,不離陰陽。 Yin and Yang are indispensable to the human body.12 功能屬于陽,物質(zhì)屬于陰。Function pertain to Yang while substances to Yin.13. 如果陰陽不能相互為用而別離,人的生命也就終止了。If Yin and Yang fail to promote each other and are thus separated from each other, it will lead to the
25、end of life.14. 無論疾病的病理變化如何復雜,都不外乎陰陽的偏盛偏衰 No matter how complicated pathological changes of adisease are, they are nothing more than relative predominance of Yin and Yang.15. 正氣指整個機體的結構與功能,包括人體對疾病的抵抗力。The so-called healthy qi refers to the structure and functions of body, including body resistance a
26、gainst diseases.16 機體陰陽的任何一方虛損到一定程度,必然導致另一方的不足。 If any part of the body, either Yin or Yang, becausedeficient to a certain extent, it will inevitably lead to insufficiency of the other part.17 疾病發(fā)生、發(fā)展的內(nèi)在原因在于陰陽失調(diào)。Imbalance between Yin and Yang is the intrinsic factor responsible for the occurrence an
27、d progress of a disease.18 從色澤的明暗,可以區(qū)分病情的陰陽屬性。Manifestations of complexion can tell whether a disease pertains to Yin or Yang in nature. 19 治療的基本原則是補其不足,泄其有余。The basic therapeutic principle is to supplement insufficiency and reduce excess.20 只有選用適用的藥物,才能收到良好的療效。Only when appropriate herbs are chosen
28、 can excellent therapeutic effects be ensured.Lesson 41. 木、火、土、金、水是不可缺少的五種最基本的物質(zhì)。Wood, fire, earth, metal, and water are the five most essential materials indispensable to human existence.2. 中醫(yī)理論體在形成過程中,受到古代五行學說的深刻影響。The formation of the theoretical system of TCM was deeply influenced by the doctrin
29、e of five elements.3. 水具有滋潤和向下的特性。Water is characterized by moistening and downward flowing.4. 肝主升而歸屬于土The liver pertain to wood because it controls elevation5. 脾主運化而歸屬于木The spleen pertains to earth because it controls transportation and transformation.6. 腎主水而歸屬于水The kidney pertains to water because
30、 it controls water metabolism.7. 相克是指以事物對另事物的生長和功能具有抑制和制約的作用Restriction implies that one thing brings under control or restraint of the other.8. 木生火,生我者為木;火生土,我生者為土。Since wood generates fire, wood is the generator of fire; since fire generates earth, fire is the generator of earth.9. 相乘即以強凌弱的意思。Subj
31、ugation or over restriction means to launch a violent attack when a counterpart is weak.10. 木過強時,既可以乘脾,又可以侮金。When wood is too strong, it will over restrict the spleen and counter-restrict metal.11. 心陽有溫煦之功能,故心屬火。Since the heart can warm the body, it pertains to fire.12. 肝藏血以濟心The fire stores blood t
32、o complement the fire.13. 腎藏精以滋養(yǎng)肝的陰血The kidney stores essence to nourish blood in the liver.14. 子病犯母指疾病的傳變從子臟傳及母臟The idea that the disorder of a child-organ attacks the mother-organ means that the disease is transmitted from achild-organ to its mother-organ.15. 人體是一個有機的整體,內(nèi)臟有病可以反映到體表。The human body
33、is an organic whole, so disorders of the internal organs can be manifested over thesurface of the body.16. 相克傳變包括相乘和相侮,均屬于不正常的相克。Restriction includes over restriction and counter restriction, both of which are abnormal restriction among the five elements.17. 五行的基本屬性是生,克,乘,侮。The basic relationship am
34、ong the five elements are generation, restriction , over restriction and counter restriction.18. 生我者為母,我生者為子。The one that generates is the mother-element while the one that is being generated is the child-element.19. 在臨床治療上,五行學說用來確定治療原則和治療方法。Clinically the doctrine of the five elements is used to de
35、cline therapeutic principle and method.20. 五行學說也有一定的局限性。The doctrine of five elements obviously has limitations and is still in need of further improvement. Lesson 51. 藏象學說是研究人體各個臟腑的生理功能、病理變化及其相互關系色學說The theory of viscera manifestation studies the physiological functions and pathological changes of
36、viscera and their relations.2. 藏象學說在中醫(yī)學理論體系中占極及其重要的地位。The theory of viscera manifestation plays an important role in the theoretical system of TCM.3. 五臟的共同生理特點是化生和貯藏精氣The common physiological function of the five Zang-organs is to transform and store essence4. 六腑的共同生理特點是受盛和傳化水谷。 The c
37、ommon physiological function of the six-organs is to receive, transport and transform water and food. 5. 臟病多虛,腑病多實 Diseases of the five Zang-organs are often of deficiency
38、0;in nature, while diseases of the fu-organs are frequently of excess in nature. 6. 臟實者可泄其腑,腑虛者可補其臟。 Excess of zang-organs can be treated by purging the corresponding fu-organ
39、s while deficiency of fu-organs can be treated by reinforcing the related zang-organs. 7. 皮膚受涼而感冒,會出現(xiàn)鼻塞、流涕、咳嗽等癥狀。 Common cold due to invasion of cold into the skin is oft
40、en characterized by stuffy nose, running nose and cough. 8. 腎的精氣有促進骨骼生長的作用。 Kidney essence is helpful for promoting the growth of skeletone. 9.心與小腸相表里。The heart and the small&
41、#160;intestine are internally and externally related to each other. 10 五臟與形體諸竅聯(lián)接成一個整體 The five Zang-organs , the body and all the orifices form an organic whole. 11 脾開竅于口
42、,其華仔唇四白 The spleen opens into the mouth and its luster is manifested over the lips. 12.五臟的生理活動與精神情志密切相關 The physiological functions of the five Zang-organs are closely associa
43、ted with the state of spirit and mind. 13 五臟的生理活動統(tǒng)帥全身整體的生理功能 The physiological functions of the five Zang-organs play a leading role in the physiological functions of the
44、 whole body. 14.五臟生理功能之間的平衡協(xié)調(diào)時維持機體內(nèi)在環(huán)境相對恒定的重要環(huán)節(jié) The normal relationship between the five Zang-organs and the body and all the orifices is key to the relative stability of the&
45、#160;internal environment of the body. 15.五臟與形體諸竅的聯(lián)系維系著體內(nèi)外環(huán)境之間的相對平衡協(xié)調(diào) The normal relationship between the five Zang-organs and the body and all the orifices maintains the relative balan
46、ce between the internal environment and external environment of the body. 16.精神情志和思維意識活動的失常也會影響五臟的生理功能 Disorder of spirit, emotion, and mental activities affects the physiological functions&
47、#160;of the five Zang-organs. 17.藏象學說的形成雖有一定的古代解剖知識為基礎 The formation of the doctrine of viscera manifestation was, to a certain extend, based on the knowledge of anatomy in an
48、cient times. 18 有諸內(nèi),必形諸外。The state of the internal organs must be manifested externally 19.藏象學說對臟腑的認識大大超越了人體解剖學的臟腑范圍 The knowledge about the viscera in the doctrine of manifestation
49、0;has exceeded the scope of that in modern anatomy. 20 藏象學說中的臟腑不單純是一個解剖學概念,而是概括了人體某一系統(tǒng)的生理和病理學概念。 The viscera in the doctrine of manifestation are not simply anatomic concepts, but
50、the concepts that are used to generalize the physiological functions and pathological changes in the whole body. Lesson 6 1心臟的主要生理功能是主血脈和主神志。 The physiological function of heart
51、60;is to control blood and vessels and govern the mind . 2脈是血液運行的通道 The vessels are the passages in which blood flow . 3血液的正常運行必須以心氣充分,血液充盈和脈道通利為其基本的前提條件。 Sufficiency heart qi
52、 ,abundant blood and smoothness of vessels are prerequisite to normal circulation of blood . 4 假設心有病變,可以從舌上反映出來。 Pathological changes of the heart can be observed from th
53、e tongue. 5 肺的呼吸功能健全與否,直接影響著宗氣的生成。 The respiratory function of lung directly influences the production of thoracic qi . 6 肺失于宣散,即可出現(xiàn)呼氣不利、胸悶、咳喘等病理現(xiàn)象。 Failure of the lung to disperse
54、 inevitably leads to dyspnea, chest oppression ,cough and panting. 7如果肺的通調(diào)水道功能減退,就可發(fā)生水液停聚而生痰、成飲。 Hypofunction of the lung in regulating water passage will lead to production of phl
55、egm and retained fluid due to stagnation of water. 8肺的病變多見于鼻、喉的癥狀。 he pathological changes of the lung are mainly manifested in the nose and throat. 9運化水谷即是對飲食物的消化和吸收。 Transpo
56、rtation and transformation of water and food means to digest food and absorb nutrients from food. 10脾失健運即脾運化水谷精微的功能減退。 Failure of the spleen to transport normally refers to
57、160;hypofunction of the spleen in transporting and transforming the nutrients of water and foof, 11脾為后天之本,氣血生化之源。 The spleen is the acquired base of life and the source o
58、f qi and blood production, 12百病皆由脾胃衰而生也。 All diseases are caused by weakness if the spleen and stomach. 13肝的主要生理功能是主疏泄與主藏血。 The main physiological function of the liver is
59、0;to control free flow of qi and store blood. 14氣機的郁結會導致血行及津液的輸布代謝障礙。 Stagnation of qi will affect blood circulation as well as distribution and metabolism of body fluid.
60、;15肝血不足或肝不藏血時即可引起月經(jīng)量少,甚則閉經(jīng)。 Insufficient blood or failure of the liver to store blood will cause scanty menstruation or even amenorrhea, 16肢體運動的能量來源權依賴于肝的藏血充足和調(diào)節(jié)血量的作用。 Sufficient blood stored in
61、the liver and normal function of the liver to regulate blood enable the limbs to get necessary energy for their movement. 17腎主生長、發(fā)育、與生殖。 The kidney governs growth, develo
62、pment and reproductions. 18腎所藏得精氣包括“先天之氣”和“后天之氣”。 The essence stored in the kidney includes innate essence and acquired essence. 19腎的納氣功能正常則呼吸均勻和調(diào)。 If the function of the kidney to
63、;receive qi is normal, breath will be smooth and even. 20 尿液的排泄雖在膀胱,但須依賴腎的氣化才能完成。 Through urine is discharged from the bladder, it depends on qi transforming activity of
64、the kidney to accomplish such a discharge. Lesson 7 1. the gallbladder excretes bile to promote the small intestine to digest food 膽排泄膽汁于小腸以助消化食物。 2. the main physiologic
65、al function of the gallbladder is to store and excrete bile 膽的主要生理功能是儲存和排泄膽汁。 3. 膽汁由肝之精氣所化生 Bile is transformed from the essence in the liver 4. 胃的生理功能是收納與腐熟水谷 The main
66、160;physiological function of the stomach is to receive and digest water and food. 5. 容納于胃中的水谷經(jīng)過胃的腐熟后,下傳于小腸,其精微經(jīng)脾的運化而營養(yǎng)全身。 After primary digestion, the food in the stomach is trans
67、ferred to the small intestine, the nutrient of the food is then transported and transformed to nourish the whole body by the spleen. 6. food is further divided
68、into nutrient and reside after further digestion in the small intestine. 飲食物經(jīng)過小腸的進一步消化后分別為水谷精微和食物殘渣兩個部分。 7. the small intestine also absorb large quantity of liquid when it absorbi
69、ng nutrients from food. 小腸在吸收水谷精微的同時,也吸收了大量的水液。 8. the so-called “l(fā)ucid” refers to the nutrients of water and food while the so-called “turbid” refer s to the reside of
70、160;food. 9. “清”指的是水谷精微,“濁”指的是食物殘渣。 if the function of the small intestine to separate the lucid from the turbid , the ctivity of defecation and urination will be normal.
71、 小腸的泌別清濁功能正常,則二便正常。 10. the main physiological function of the large intestine is to receive the waste part of foodstuff transmitted down from the small intestine , absor
72、b part of the liquid from the waste and transform the rest part into feces. 大腸接受經(jīng)過小腸泌別清濁后所剩下的食物殘渣,再吸收其中多余的水液,形成糞便,經(jīng)過肛門而排除體外。 11. the gallbladder stores and discharge urine through
73、the function of qi transformation of the kidney.膀胱儲存和排泄尿液是在腎的氣化作用下完成的。 12. the stomach and the spleen are internally and externally related to each other. 胃與脾相表里。 13. the uppe
74、r energizer functions as a sprayer. 上焦如物 14. the middle energizer functions as a fermentor. 中焦如漚 15. the low energizer functions as a drainer. 下焦如瀆 16. the extraordi
75、nary fu-organs are morphologically similar to the fu-organs and functionally similar to the zang-organs. 奇恒之腑形態(tài)類似于腑,功能類似于臟。 17. the common function of the six fu-organs is to
76、transport and transform water and food and discharge waste. 六腑的共同生理功能是傳化水谷,排泄糟粕。 18. the intelligence and memory of man are associated with the function of the brain. 人之靈機記性皆在腦中 19. the brain is the house of the primordial spirit. 腦為元神之府。 20. the uterus is the organ where menstruation takes
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