1、高考閱讀理解技巧一、閱讀理解題選材高考閱讀理解題選材,一般遵循三個原則:1 .文章一般為3篇(含信息匹配題),閱讀量在1100單詞左右;2 .題材廣泛,包括科普、社會、文化、政治、經(jīng)濟等多方面內(nèi)容;3 .體裁多樣,包括記敘文、描寫文、說明文、議論文、應用文等。二、英語閱讀文體類型學會分析體裁的能力對我們做好閱讀理解來說是非常重要的。由于不同的文體有不同的段落組織方式和脈絡層次,所以我們可以根據(jù)這種特點來快速分析文章的體裁:記敘文往往按時間順序展開段落,文章有明顯表示時間先后的詞語。閱讀時抓住時間這條主線, 弄清whc what、where、why與how。文章主旨要透過體察所揭示的人物、事件來
2、進行提煉。描寫手法大多按時間跨度、空間順 序、上下順序來展開。閱讀記敘文體應采取略讀和掃讀的方法,快速抓住文中描寫的主要內(nèi)容,從整體上去把握文章的連貫性,進而大體上揣測出作者的寫作意圖及情感主線。高考閱讀就記敘文設題大多以 細節(jié)理解為主。描寫文通過細節(jié)的描寫以畫面的方式來反應事物的特征、性質(zhì)。對這種文章要迅速弄清其主題,主題詞往往出 現(xiàn)在各個句子里,貫穿文章的始末;緊圍繞這個主題進行閱讀,找到文章與之有關的信息,并確定信息與主題 的關系。說明文用以解釋或揭示事物的狀態(tài)、特征、演變、結果及其相互之間的關系,這類文體的文章,首句往往是主題句,開門見山,說明文章的關注對象: 弄清作者的思路和段落組織
3、的方式;把握次要信息及其與主題的關系。英語說明文的總體結構通常為三部份,說明對象、說明過程和歸納總結。常見的說明方法: 1,定義與詮釋說明;2,舉例與引用說明;3,分類與圖表說明;4,比較與比喻說明;5,分析與綜合說明;就高考英語說明文的閱讀而言,首先要抓住文章說明的要點,也就是要抓住被說明對象的實質(zhì)性特征;弄清作者從哪個角度、哪個層面開始說明;并明白文章最后的說明結論。高考說明文閱讀材料通常介紹最新科技、重大成就、生活時尚、流行現(xiàn)象 等。了解說明文的 寫作手法、說明方法,理清短文結構及段落中心思想 是答題關 鍵。議論文通常為三段式,即“論點、論據(jù)、結論”三部份組成。首先借助某一現(xiàn)象引出論點,
4、然后通過一定論據(jù) 從各個層面上加以推理論證,最后得出結論。議論文體主要考查學生對論點及論據(jù)的把握。因此,遇到議論文 體時,應采取抓主題句的方法來把握文章主旨,弄清作者的觀點。一般來說,作者的論點通常在文章首段被引 出,接著是對這一論點的邏輯推理和論證,最后為結論。還應注意的是:在對論點論證的過程中,每一段的首 句都是該段的主題句。 把握全文論點、弄清論證各段的主題句、理解文章層次、找出中心論點的位置是理解議論文的關鍵。就議論文而言,其論證的常見結構方式有:1,總分式總-分;分 總;總 分-總;2,并列式幾個論據(jù)之間屬于平等關系;3,遞進式幾個論據(jù)之間屬于遞進關系;4,對照式把兩種事物加以對比,
5、以彰顯其中一種。應用文屬于實用型文體,如書信、通知、日記、廣告等。應用文閱讀要注意文中具體細節(jié)的把握與理解,弄清作者所傳達的實際信息及表達的具體內(nèi)容。閱讀時采取速讀與精讀 相結合的方法,力求快速精確地查出試題所設置的關鍵內(nèi)容。 文章的結構往往很容易把握,用主題句開門見山。作者往往通過信號詞(signal words 或transitional words)和關聯(lián)詞(referents 來組織段落、文章.對信號詞的迅速反應和對關聯(lián)詞的準確判斷是至關重要的;要特別注意區(qū) 分作者的觀點與文章里所提到的人物的觀點,同時注意作者所使用的表示贊同、反對等感情色彩的詞匯。三、閱讀解題步驟1、第一步:先讀題2
6、、第二步:讀文章3、第三步:解題四、閱讀理解答題技巧高考閱讀理解常見的設題形式有:詞義猜測題、細節(jié)理解題、推斷題、作者態(tài)度題和主旨大意題。題型不同,答題技巧也就有差異。下面就不同題型的答題技巧作一點簡分析。1、詞義猜測技巧。此類考題目要求考生能根據(jù)上下文確定某一特定的詞或短語的準確含義。一般提問方式如下:1) The word “ABC in the passage probably means.2) The underlined word“ABC in the passage ref ers to/ means.3) Which of the following is closest in
7、meaning to the underlined word in the second paragraph?4) The underlined sentence in the last paragraph means5) The word "it(them) " in the first paragraph refers to這種題型要求對文章中的劃線生詞進行詞義猜測。這類題型不僅要求具備一定構詞法,而且也要求對上下文具 有比較全面的理解。做詞意猜測時,應注意劃線生詞后面的定語從句、同位語從句。定語從句、同位語從句通常用 來解釋生詞的詞意。另外,還要應注意生詞后的標點符號
8、,如逗號、破折號、引號、括號都可用于提示詞意。有時, 詞意隱藏在全文或某一段中,這就需要把握文段的意境來加以透知該詞的含義。在高考閱讀題中,考生遇到的最大障礙往往有兩個:一是被已認識的單詞的某一熟知含義所誤導;二是被完全 不認識的單詞的意思所阻礙,從而出現(xiàn)理解偏差或理解困難,影響閱讀的速度。其實解決這兩個困難的一個重要法 寶是考生在心目中樹立起上下文觀念,要學會 “順藤摸瓜",通過構詞,語法,定義,同位,對比,因果,常識,上 下文等線索確定詞義。在閱讀解題時要注意從以下七個方面著手:1)根據(jù)定義或解釋、說明猜測生詞的詞義在be, be called , call等判斷詞出現(xiàn)的判斷句中
9、,或定語從句及標點符號,可以根據(jù)已知部分,猜測生詞的 含義。例如: The herdsman, who looks after sheep, earns about 650 yuan a year.通過理解定語從句的意思,能猜出herdsman是"牧人"。2)根據(jù)對比關系猜測生詞的詞義在but , however, yet, otherwise , though這些表示意義轉折的連詞出現(xiàn)的句子中,其前后的詞有明顯對比 關系,根據(jù)已知的內(nèi)容,通過這種對比關系,就很容易猜出生詞的詞義了。例如:Though Tonri s face has beenwashed quite cl
10、ean, his neck still remains grubby.和 clean 意思相對的便是“骯臟的”了,因此可猜出句中grubby的意思是“骯臟的”。3)通過因果關系猜測詞義because, since 與as是連接原因狀語從句的從屬連詞,so是連接表示結果的狀語從句的連詞,sothat 與suchthat 中的that是連接結果狀語從句的。當這些信息詞出現(xiàn)在有生詞的句子中,通過因果關系,依據(jù)已知部分就能猜出生詞的詞義。例如: She wanted the hairdresser to trim her hair a bit because it was too long.根據(jù)bec
11、ause從句所講的意思,我們就可推測trim就是“修剪”之意。4)根據(jù)生活常識猜測詞義運用邏輯推理能力,自身的生活經(jīng)驗及生活常識。再聯(lián)系上下文能讀懂的部分,可以正確猜出詞義。例如:Mostof the roses are beginning to wither because of the cold.根據(jù)句子意思及生活經(jīng)驗,wither 表示 "枯萎”。5同等關系,指的是一個詞,一組詞或短語在句中作同一成分,而且它們的詞義都屬于同一范疇。明顯的標志是,這樣的詞組或短語中間常常用并列連詞and或or來連接。例如: At forty-two he was in his prime and
12、 alwaysfull of energy. 從“年齡42歲”以及與prime具有同等關系的full of energy 可以猜出prime的意思是“盛年 時期”。6)根據(jù)列舉的事例猜測詞義You can take any of the periodicals:"The World of English " ."Foreign Language Teaching inSchools" , or"English Learning : 從后面列舉的例子中,可以猜出 periodical 是"期刊,雜志”的意思。7)根據(jù)構詞法知識猜測詞義根
13、據(jù)學過的構詞法知識,知道詞根和前綴或后綴的意義,就可猜出由它們組成的新詞詞義。2、細節(jié)題型的答題技巧。此類考題主要針對文章的細節(jié),一般提問方式如下:1) Which of the following is right?2) Which of the following is NOT true according to the information in the passage?3) Which of the following statements is correct according to the passage?4) Which of the following is Not Tru
14、e in the passage?5) Which of the following is not mentioned?6) Which of the following is mentioned in the passage?7) The author mentions all of the following except .8) The writer mentions all of the items listed below except.9) What is the example of . . . as described in the passage?10) Choose the
15、 right order of this passage.11) According to the passage, when (where, why, how, who, etc.).12) The reason for . . .is .13) From this passage we know that.14) In the passage, the author states that.細節(jié)題的破解一般采用尋讀法,即先看試題,再讀文章。對有關信息進行快速定位,再將相關信息進行整合、 甄別、分析、對比,有根有據(jù)地排除干擾項,選出正確答案。此法加強了閱讀的針對性,提高了做題的準確率,節(jié) 省
16、了寶貴的時間。尋讀法還特別適用于對圖形表格類題材的理解。做此類型的題目還要特別注意句子的邏輯關系。 英語中有許多功能詞,如:表因果關系的because, since, as等;表轉折關系的 but, however ,on the contrary,on the other hand 等等。Someanimals are in danger because they are hunted. Alarmingly, the population of tigers has already fallen by ninety-five percent . Other species are in d
17、anger because of a lack of food. For example, there are fewer than 1300 giant pandas left in the wild.28. According to the passage the world ' s tiger population.A. will rise by 5% next yearB. is relatively stableC. is 95% smaller than in the pastD. has fallen to 95%3、推斷題型答題技巧。此類考題一般針對短文內(nèi)容和考生應有的
18、常識,文章中雖然沒有明確的答案,但考生在理解全文的基礎上可以 進行推理和判斷其答案。一般提問方式如下:1) We can guess the writer of the letter may be a.2) We can infer from the text that.3) It can be inferred from the text that.4) From the letters we ' ve learned that it ' s very to know something about American socialcustoms.5) From the sto
19、ry we can guess.6) It may be concluded from the passage that.7) Which of the following statements does the passage support?8) The story implies that.9) The paragraph following the passage will most probably be.10) The author implied (suggested ) that .推理是在既有信息的基礎上得出合乎文章內(nèi)容的內(nèi)涵意義,即某一問題、某一觀點沒有直接表述,而寓意在文
20、 章的字里行間,要求通過文中信息分析推出某種符合作者思想、符合文章邏輯的內(nèi)涵意義。推斷則是指通過對文章 進行符合邏輯的綜合分析,推出文章未直接陳述的言外之意。推斷題推斷得正確與否,很大程度上取決于是否能正確把握作者潛隱在字里行間的語氣及觀點。To argue that zoos imprison animals is to misunderstand what zoos are about.Without zoos many ofthe creatures we love and admire would no longer exist. Every single day, over one
21、hundred animal species vanish. Scientists predi ct that as early as 2050 one quarter of the Earth ' s species will become extinct.26.What' s the writer ' s attitude towards zoos?A. He shows no opinion either for or against them.B. He thinks that they are unnecessary and cruel.C. He belie
22、ves they play an important environmental role.D. He expresses a desire that more of them be built.4、作者態(tài)度題的技巧此類題目的主要提問方式是一般提問方式如下:1) How did the writer feel?2) The author seems to think that.3) The writer writes this text to.4) The writer believes that.5) The writer suggests that.6) The author wants
23、to appeal to.7) The writer is trying to present a point of view in.8) The author's style is.9) The author's tone would bebest described as.10) What is the author ' s opinion of _ ?11) What is the author's main purpose in the passage?這一類考題大都要求考生就作者對論述對象持什么樣的態(tài)度做出推斷,如作者對所陳述的觀點是贊同、反 對,還是
24、猶豫不定,對記述或描寫的人、物或事件是贊頌、同情、冷漠,還是厭惡。作者的這種思想傾向和感 情色彩不一定直接表述出來,而往往隱含在字里行間。因此,進行這種推斷時,我們既要依靠短文的主題思想 作為推力的前提,又要注意作者的措辭,尤其是形容詞一類的修飾語。確定作者態(tài)度,可以有兩種思路:1、問全文主體事物的(包括主題),可以根據(jù)闡述主題或有關主體事物的相關句中的形容詞、副詞或動詞確 定作者的態(tài)度;2、如果問的是對某一具體事物的態(tài)度,則可以定位到具體相關句,然后確定答案。英語閱讀理解中表示作者態(tài)度的詞匯一贊同1. positive adj. 肯定的,積極的,確實的2. favorable adj. 贊成
25、的,有利的3. approval n. 贊成,承認,正式批準4. supportive adj.支持的,支援的5. enthusiastic adj. 熱心的,熱情的6. defensive 為而辯護,防衛(wèi)的7. practical 實際的8. logical 符合邏輯的9. reasonable 合理的10. rational 理性的否定11. negative adj.否定的,消極的,負的,陰性的12. disapproval不贊成13. objection異議,反對 / objective 反對的14. opposition反對15. critical批評的16. worried adj
26、.悶悶不樂的,焦慮的17. impractical不實際的18. illogical adj.不合邏輯的19. irrelevant 不相關的20. radical adj. 激進的21. biased有偏見的22. prejudiced 有成見的;偏頗的23. conservative adj. 保守的三懷疑24. suspicion n. 猜疑,懷疑25. suspicious adj.( of)可疑的,懷疑的26. doubtful adj.可疑的,不確的,疑心的27. puzzling / puzzled adj. 使迷惑的,使莫明其妙的28. confused 困惑的四客觀(即好的壞
27、的都說,選的可能性極大)29. objective adj. 客觀的30. neutral adj. 中立的31. impartial adj.公平的,不偏不倚的32. impersonal adj. 不帶個人色彩的33. unbiased adj.沒有偏見的34. unprejudiced adj. 公平的,無偏見的35. factual adj.事實的,實際的,根據(jù)事實的五主觀36. subjective adj. 主觀的,個人的37. tolerance n. 寬容,容忍,忍受38. tolerant 寬容的 / intolerable39. sensitive 敏感銳的,易受傷害的40
28、. scared adj. 恐懼的scary 可怕的41. reserved adj. 保留的42. moderate adj. 中等的,適度的,適中的 v.緩和43. mild adj. 溫和的,溫柔的,淡味的,適度的44. amazed adj.吃驚的,驚奇的45. concerned adj.關心的,有關的46. amused可笑的47. humorous 幽默的48. fascinated 迷人的49.curious好奇的50.unforgiving 不口饒恕的51.pitiful可憐的,令人同情的52.stressful有壓力的53.merciful仁慈的54.innocent無辜的
29、,無罪的55.sociable好交際的,友善的六積極56.active 主動的,積極的57.positive積極的,肯定的,58.optimistic adj.樂觀的59.confident adj.自信的,確信的60.interested adj.感興趣的,61.impressive adj.給人深刻印象的,感人的62.respective的63.persuasive 令人信服的,有說服力的64.convinced 信服的/ convincing令人信服的七消極的65. passive 被動的,消極的66. negative 消極的67. pessimistic 悲觀的68. depress
30、ed消沉的,壓抑的,抑郁的69. frustrated 失意的,挫敗的70. disappointed 失望的 / disappointing令人失望的71. gloomy adj.黑暗的,陰沉的,陰郁的72. indifferent 漠不關心的73. unconcerned 不關心的74. blue憂郁的5、抓主旨大意的技巧。這種題型要求考生能夠把握文章的總體,并真正理解主題和中心;要求能較好地運用概括、判斷、歸納、推理 等邏輯思維方法解題,難度較大,屬于高層次題。一般主旨大意題可以分為兩類:1 .確定文章的標題和主題(title or topic)標題位于文章之首,用來高度概括文章內(nèi)容,點
31、明文章主題。它可以是單詞,短語,也可以是句子。要確定文 章標題,首先,要在閱讀原文的基礎上,考慮標題是否與主題密切相關;其次,看標題是否能概括全文內(nèi)容。不能 只概括短文中的某些事實或細節(jié);然后,要注意標題范圍不應太大或太??;最后,標題應簡練并能吸引讀者。即:1、獨特新穎2、概括性強3、短小精煉。常見的標題型題干:1) The best title/ headline for this passage might be.2) The text (passage) could be entitled.3) What is the best title for the passage?4) What
32、' s the topic of the article?如:In the 1930s, a lot of people in the USA were out of work. Among these people was a man namedAlfred Butts. He always had an interest in word games and to fill his time he planned a game which hecalled“Lexico ” . However, he was not completely satisfied with the gam
33、e, so he made a number of changesto it and changed its name from “ Lexico " to "Alph" and then to“Criss Cross ” . He wanted to makesome money from his new game but he didn ' t have any real commercial商業(yè)性的)success.Q: The text is mainly about.A. LexicoB. Three men C . A word gameD.
34、Alfred Butts.【解題思路】答案 A和C以偏概全。因此此題的正確答案應為D。2 .主題句(topic sentence )及主旨大意(main idea) 的概括一篇文章一般表達一個中心內(nèi)容或主題。這個中心內(nèi)容或主題通常用一個句子來概括。此句叫做主題句。一般 來說,說明文和議論文都有主題句,而且多位于文章的開頭,有時也位于文章的中間或末尾。但有時不能在文中直 接找到主題句,要求讀者把握每段的主題句,弄清段于段之間邏輯關系的基礎上自己歸納總結。主題句必須能簡潔 明了地概括全文的主要內(nèi)容,具有高度的綜合性和概括性。文章或段落的其他句子都是對主題句的進一步解釋,說明,論證或擴展.常見的主題
35、句和主旨型題干:1) What is the topic sentence of the passage?2) This article/text/passage mainly tells that.3) Which of the following gives a general idea of the passage?4) Which of the following is the main idea of the passage?如:Joshua Bingham studied 4 years at the University of Paris and decided to leave
36、 his graduation. He transferred to the University of Berlin and graduated with honors. Harvard Law School and, later, Boston College provided him with an excellent legal background. He is presently a corporation lawyer in Miami, Florida.Q: What is the main idea of the passage?A. How Joshua Bingham b
37、ecame a lawyer. B. Bingham is a diligent student.C. Joshua Bingham received an excellent education. D. A good lawyer needs good education.【解題思路】此文沒有主題句。全篇共四句,只陳述了四個細節(jié) (detail)性的事實。因此就答案本身看,個個都對。讀者只能將所有的details綜合起來,進行邏輯推理,才能構成一個沒有言明的主題思想(unstated mainidea)。由于文中主要涉及了 Joshua Bingham接受教育的情況,即作者想告訴我們的是:J
38、oshua Bingham接受過良好的教育,所以答案是Co總之,閱讀水平的提高不是一兩天的閱讀就可以見效的。想要提高閱讀能力,一是要培養(yǎng)良好的閱讀行為習慣; 如:要用眼光看,不要用手指去點;要默讀,不要小聲讀。二是要積累大量的詞匯,把閱讀中的高頻難詞熟記,每 次閱讀后要整理好生詞,然后記住其意思。三是要廣泛地做課后閱讀,堅持每天讀1-2篇文章。四是不要一遇到生詞就查字典,要先猜其意義,等做完題目后再查字典,以免影響閱讀速度。五、題目類型A類題:可以直接從原文中找到答案的題目A類題為拿分題 丟分原因: 1)憑印象做題,準確率低。 2)時間把握最容易出問題:忘記內(nèi)容的時候往往會回到文章中去找答案,
39、一篇文章往往要讀好幾遍。 A類題解題技巧:看清題目所問的內(nèi)容之后,要在原文中劃出原句,并標上題號。這樣做的目的:1)做到萬無一失,保證把該拿到的分數(shù)拿到手。2)減少閱讀文章的次數(shù),爭取寶貴的時間。B類題:不能夠從原文中直接找到答案的題需要經(jīng)過分析、判斷、推理之后才能解答的題。該類題是失分題,往往是出題人用來拉開學生梯度和層次 的題。BB類題解題技巧:1、以原文為依據(jù),不參雜個人意見,要客觀不要主觀。2、答案是比出來的。答案不選對的,只選最好的。因為,有時候四個答案都是對的。所以,當看到第一答案是正確的時候,也要看后面的答案。遇到這 種情況,往往有學生鉆牛角尖。老師給學生解釋的時候,也可以這樣說
40、:你的答案沒錯,但是另一個 答案更好,更全面。答案不選對的,只選最好的。比答案的原則是:好的 不知道的;不知道的 不對的。3、注意絕對化的詞。如果答案選項中出現(xiàn)絕對化的詞,比如: all , always, never, nothing , every等等,除非文章當中 使用了該類詞匯,否則,一般都要排除。比如,原文中出現(xiàn)了這樣一個句子:Almost everyone likes the music.答題時,要你判斷如下這個句子正誤 (True or False ): Everyone likes the music. 該句子應該是錯誤的。4、答案要避免以點帶面,以偏蓋全。尤其是多個選項都有道
41、理,難以挑選正確答案的時候,要注意選擇最符合題目要求的一個。5、“傻瓜”原則。文章中沒有提到的就當時不知道,不要枉自猜測,自作聰明。一切以文章內(nèi)容為準。六、閱讀練習(A篇練習)On Thursday afternoon Mrs. Clarke, dressed for going out, took her handbag with her money and her key in it, pulled the door behind her to lock it and went to the over 60s Club. She always went there on Thursdays
42、. It was a nice outing for an old woman who lived alone.At six o ' clock she came home, let herself in and at once smelt cigarette smoke. Cigarette smokein her house? How? How? Had someone got in? She checked the back door and the windows. All were locked or fastened, as usual. There was no sign
43、 of forced entry.Over a cup of tea she wondered whether someone might have a key that fitted her front door -“gmaster key" perhaps. So she stayed at home the following Thursday. Nothing happened. Wasanyone watching her movements? On the Thursday after that she went out at her usual time, dresse
44、d as usual, but she didn ' t go to the club. Instead she took a short cut home again, letting herself in through her garden and the back door. She settled down to wait.It was just after four o ' clock when the front door bell rang. Mrs. Clarke was making a cup ofteaat the time. The bell rang
45、 again, and then she heard her letter-box being pushed open. With the kettle of boiling water in her hand, she moved quietly towards the front door. A long piece of wire appeared through the letter-box, and then a hand. The wire turned and caught around the handle on the door-lock. Mrs. Clarke raise
46、d the kettle and poured the water over the hand. There was a shout outside, and the skin seemed to drop off the fingers like a glove. The wire fell to the floor, the hand was pulled back, and Mrs. Clarke heard the sound of running feet.65. Mrs. Clarke looked forward to Thursday because.A. she worked
47、 at a club on the dayB. she had visitors on ThursdayC. she visited a club on ThursdayD. a special visitor came on Thursday66. What does the express ion “ a master key " in Paragraph 3 most probably mean?A. A key to all the doors.B. A key only to the woman ' s door.C. A key only its master c
48、an use.D. A key not everyone can use.67. On the third Thursday Mrs. Clarke went out.A. because sh e didn ' t want to miss the club againB. to see if the thief was wandering outsideC. to the club but then changed her mindD. in an attempt to trick the thief68. The lock on the front door was one wh
49、ich.A. needed a piece of wire to open itB. could be opened from inside without a keyC. couldn ' t be opened without a keyD. used a handle instead of a key6568 CADBLighter and cheaper than high-quality video cameras, today' s best smartphones can shoot and edithigh-definition (HD) videos. Wit
50、h lower-qualitylenses (透鏡)and image sensors, smartphones probablywon' t replace professional video cameras anytime soon. Still, some creative filmmakers are extending the borders of smartphone moviemaking by shooting professional-quality films using only smartphones.Soon after Apple ' s iPho
51、ne 4 was released, two filmmakers decided to make a short film using only their iPhone 4s. Michael Koerbel and Anna Elizabeth James shot and edited the one-and-a-half-minutefilmApple of MyEye in only 48 hours. Audiences were fascinated with the film, in which a manand his grandfather connect emotion
52、ally while admiring a model train set in a store window. The filmmakers followed up their success with Goldilocks, an extraordinary spy novel told over nine, three-minute films.Many filmmakers are convinced that smartphone films are here to stay. One sign is their inclusionin major film festivals. I
53、n February 2012, organizers of the Berkshire International Film Festival staged the 10 X 10 On North Festival. Entries included Oliver by Hooman Khalili, an award-winning film about a girl whose special powers enable her to brighten the lives of three lonely people. Another entry was Yearlapse '
54、 11, a 365-second film by Zsolt Haraszti that describes an actual journey he made from New York to London.During the festival, which ran from February 16 to 26, these and many other smartphone films were shown at the Beacon Cinema in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. Similar festivals in Canada and South K
55、orea have given smartphone filmmakers opportunities to show off their creative work.65. What does the article imply about smartphone filmmakers?A. Their efforts have gotten little attention.B. Their biggest challenge is finding actors.C. They ' ve influenced famous movie studiosD. They must over
56、come equipment limitations.66. What does the article point out about Haraszti' s film?A. It uses slow-motion effects.B. It took just minutes to make.C. Its cast was quite large.D. It ' s based on true events.67. Which film is about secret agents?A. Apple of My Eye.B. Goldilocks.C. Olive.D. Y
57、earlapse ' 11.68. According to this article, what is true about the festivals in Canada and South Korea?A. They' re held at the same time of year.B. They' re part of an emerging trend.C. They both receive government support.D. They ' re still in the planning stages.65 68 DDBBMost people who live in Seattle, Washington, love their city. There is a never-ending flow of funthings to do. But, people who live there do not always enjoy the day-after-day absence of sunshine during the winter months.It is a documented fact that sunshine (or lack of it) plays a major role
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