1、 提高員工的消防安全意識,使其了解防火知識和提高員工的消防安全意識,使其了解防火知識和滅火知識,并在發(fā)生火情時會報火警、會使用滅火知識,并在發(fā)生火情時會報火警、會使用消防設備撲救初期火災,熟悉酒店火警救援預消防設備撲救初期火災,熟悉酒店火警救援預案以及本部門的疏散程序。案以及本部門的疏散程序。 Enforce the consciousness of fire safety Have a good understanding of fire prevention and protection Be able to use fire alarm, firefighting equipments
2、to control incipient fire Be familiar with emergency procedures and departmental evacuation proceduresBasic knowledge and background informationBasic knowledge and background information 消防基礎概念和基礎知識消防基礎概念和基礎知識Factors, causes and prevention of hotel firesFactors, causes and prevention of hotel fires
3、酒店火災的特點、起因及預防酒店火災的特點、起因及預防Fire drill Fire drill 消防演習消防演習Basic knowledge and background informationBasic knowledge and background information 消防基礎概念和基礎知識消防基礎概念和基礎知識1.1 Our national policy is:1.1 Our national policy is: 我國的消防工作方針是:我國的消防工作方針是: Prevention first, prevention and protection Prevention firs
4、t, prevention and protection “預防為主,防消結(jié)合預防為主,防消結(jié)合”1.2 Requirements:1.2 Requirements: 消防工作要求做到的兩知三會:消防工作要求做到的兩知三會: Be knowledgeable in prevention and protection. When a Be knowledgeable in prevention and protection. When a fire happens, all associates should be able to use fire fire happens, all assoc
5、iates should be able to use fire alarm, control incipient fire hazards and assist in alarm, control incipient fire hazards and assist in evacuation.evacuation. 兩知是指知防火知識和滅火知識。三會是指在發(fā)生火災時兩知是指知防火知識和滅火知識。三會是指在發(fā)生火災時 會報火警,會撲救初起火災,會協(xié)助救援。會報火警,會撲救初起火災,會協(xié)助救援。1. Basic knowledge and background information1. Bas
6、ic knowledge and background information消防基礎概念和基礎知識消防基礎概念和基礎知識1.3 Extinguishment methods1.3 Extinguishment methods 滅火的方法滅火的方法 Extinguishment means eliminating all conditions required by Extinguishment means eliminating all conditions required by combustion, terminating the oxidation bustion, terminat
7、ing the oxidation process. 滅火就是破壞燃燒條件,使氧化反應終止的過程。滅火就是破壞燃燒條件,使氧化反應終止的過程。Cooling: reduce the temperature of combustible materials below to the flash point.冷卻法:冷卻法:可以使可燃物的溫度降低到燃點以下,從而使燃燒停止。可以使可燃物的溫度降低到燃點以下,從而使燃燒停止。1. Basic knowledge and background information1. Basic knowledge and background informatio
8、n消防基礎概念和基礎知識消防基礎概念和基礎知識Isolation: isolate combustible materials from the initial source. 隔離法:隔離法:將燃燒物與附近可燃物隔離或疏散開,從而使燃燒停止。將燃燒物與附近可燃物隔離或疏散開,從而使燃燒停止。Suffocation: apply proper methods to prevent air from going into the combustible area.窒息法:窒息法:采取適當措施,防止空氣進入燃燒區(qū),使燃燒物質(zhì)因缺乏或斷采取適當措施,防止空氣進入燃燒區(qū),使燃燒物質(zhì)因缺乏或斷絕氧氣而熄
9、滅。絕氧氣而熄滅。Fire extinguishers : release the fire extinguishing agent to diminish the fire by termination the chain reaction.化學抑制法:化學抑制法:將化學滅火劑噴入燃燒區(qū),使之破壞燃燒鏈式反應,從而將化學滅火劑噴入燃燒區(qū),使之破壞燃燒鏈式反應,從而使燃燒停止。使燃燒停止。1. Basic knowledge and background information1. Basic knowledge and background information消防基礎概念和基礎知識消防基
10、礎概念和基礎知識1.4 How to use a fire extinguisher1.4 How to use a fire extinguisher 滅火器使用方法滅火器使用方法 Pull out the pin.Pull out the pin.拔下滅火器的保險鞘拔下滅火器的保險鞘Stand at the upwind position, two to three meters away from the fire.Stand at the upwind position, two to three meters away from the fire.距火距火2-32-3米處,站在上風方
11、向米處,站在上風方向. .Aim at the base of the fire.Aim at the base of the fire.對準火焰根部對準火焰根部Sweep from side to side and move the fire extinguisher back to forth. Sweep from side to side and move the fire extinguisher back to forth. (Do not hold the fire extinguisher horizontally or up side down)(Do not hold th
12、e fire extinguisher horizontally or up side down)自近而遠噴射撲救自近而遠噴射撲救( (滅火器不要橫臥或顛倒使用滅火器不要橫臥或顛倒使用) )1. Basic knowledge and background information1. Basic knowledge and background information消防基礎概念和基礎知識消防基礎概念和基礎知識Factors, causes and prevention of hotel firesFactors, causes and prevention of hotel fires 酒店
13、火災的特點、起因及預防酒店火災的特點、起因及預防2.1 Incipient fire 2.1 Incipient fire 初期火災具有以下特點:初期火災具有以下特點:Low temperatureLow temperature溫度較低溫度較低Slow extension and unstableSlow extension and unstable發(fā)展速度緩慢,且不穩(wěn)定發(fā)展速度緩慢,且不穩(wěn)定Short duration, approximately 3 to 5 minutes Short duration, approximately 3 to 5 minutes 持續(xù)時間不長,一般為持續(xù)
14、時間不長,一般為3 3至至5 5分鐘(縱火情況例外)分鐘(縱火情況例外)2. Factors, causes and prevention of hotel fires2. Factors, causes and prevention of hotel fires 酒店火災的特點、起因及預防酒店火災的特點、起因及預防2.2 Factors of hotel fires 2.2 Factors of hotel fires 酒店火災的特點酒店火災的特點 Extend fastExtend fast 火勢蔓延快火勢蔓延快 Difficult to evacuation Difficult to e
15、vacuation 疏散困難疏散困難 Difficult to put outDifficult to put out 撲救難度大撲救難度大 Too much hidden troublesToo much hidden troubles 火險隱患多火險隱患多2. Factors, causes and prevention of hotel fires2. Factors, causes and prevention of hotel fires 酒店火災的特點、起因及預防酒店火災的特點、起因及預防2.3 Causes of hotel fires2.3 Causes of hotel fi
16、res 酒店引發(fā)火災的原因Smoking Smoking 吸煙引發(fā)的火災吸煙引發(fā)的火災Cooking fires at kitchenCooking fires at kitchen廚房用火不慎引發(fā)的火災廚房用火不慎引發(fā)的火災Improper usage of electricalImproper usage of electrical電熱器具使用不當且離可燃物太近引發(fā)的火災電熱器具使用不當且離可燃物太近引發(fā)的火災Improper operations during decorations and constructionsImproper operations during decorati
17、ons and constructions裝修改造或維修施工中的違章操作引發(fā)的火災裝修改造或維修施工中的違章操作引發(fā)的火災Short circuit and overloadingShort circuit and overloading短路、電器設備超負荷運轉(zhuǎn)、接觸不良引發(fā)的火災短路、電器設備超負荷運轉(zhuǎn)、接觸不良引發(fā)的火災Lightning, thunder and static electricityLightning, thunder and static electricity雷擊、靜電放電引發(fā)的火災雷擊、靜電放電引發(fā)的火災ArsonArson人為縱火人為縱火2. Factors, c
18、auses and prevention of hotel fires2. Factors, causes and prevention of hotel fires 酒店火災的特點、起因及預防酒店火災的特點、起因及預防2.4 Prevention2.4 Prevention 酒店如何做好防火工作酒店如何做好防火工作 Always monitor and control cooking firesAlways monitor and control cooking fires用火時要有專人看護,使火始終處在可以控制的范圍內(nèi)用火時要有專人看護,使火始終處在可以控制的范圍內(nèi)Do not store
19、 a large amount of combustible or flammable materialsDo not store a large amount of combustible or flammable materials在酒店內(nèi)不要存放大量的易燃易爆材料在酒店內(nèi)不要存放大量的易燃易爆材料Check electricalCheck electrical、oil and gas equipments on a regular basisoil and gas equipments on a regular basis定期檢修用電、用氣、用油設備定期檢修用電、用氣、用油設備Do no
20、t connect wires randomlyDo not connect wires randomly不要亂拉亂接電線不要亂拉亂接電線2. Factors, causes and prevention of hotel fires2. Factors, causes and prevention of hotel fires 酒店火災的特點、起因及預防酒店火災的特點、起因及預防 Always put stubs into ashtrays不要亂扔煙頭不要亂扔煙頭Do NOT block exit doors. Fires doors should always be shut. Do NO
21、T place anything under fire shutters. Do NOT place anything within 1.5m of fire extinguishers. 不要堵塞消防疏散通道,防火卷簾門下不要堆放物品,不要支開防火門,不要堵塞消防疏散通道,防火卷簾門下不要堆放物品,不要支開防火門,消火栓消火栓1.5米范圍內(nèi)嚴禁擺放物品米范圍內(nèi)嚴禁擺放物品All fire safety equipments should be kept in good condition. Do NOT miss, break or remove any equipments.不準損壞和擅自
22、挪用、停用消防設施器材不準損壞和擅自挪用、停用消防設施器材Fire safety trainings and fire drill should be conducted on a regular basis.定期進行消防培訓、消防預案演習,提高員工自身的消防安全意識定期進行消防培訓、消防預案演習,提高員工自身的消防安全意識2. Factors, causes and prevention of hotel fires2. Factors, causes and prevention of hotel fires 酒店火災的特點、起因及預防酒店火災的特點、起因及預防2.5 When a fir
23、e happens. 2.5 When a fire happens. 當出現(xiàn)火情后當出現(xiàn)火情后Remain calm. Do NOT be panic.Remain calm. Do NOT be panic.保持鎮(zhèn)靜,不要驚慌。保持鎮(zhèn)靜,不要驚慌。Call Call FCC (1119) and and SE (0)SE (0)It is important to give the following It is important to give the following information: name, location, nature of fire and flammable
24、 rmation: name, location, nature of fire and flammable materials.迅速打電話給迅速打電話給 安全中心安全中心(1119)(1119)和和總機總機(0)(0)說清自己的姓名、起火位置、說清自己的姓名、起火位置、火勢大小及著火物品火勢大小及著火物品If phones are not available, activate the nearest fire alarmIf phones are not available, activate the nearest fire alarm如電話不方便,啟動最近的
25、火災報警器。如電話不方便,啟動最近的火災報警器。If possible, operate fie extinguishers and stay on site.If possible, operate fie extinguishers and stay on site.如果情況允許,使用滅火器滅火,留在現(xiàn)場守候。如果情況允許,使用滅火器滅火,留在現(xiàn)場守候。2. Factors, causes and prevention of hotel fires2. Factors, causes and prevention of hotel fires 酒店火災的特點、起因及預防酒店火災的特點、起因
26、及預防Fire DrillFire Drill消防演習消防演習3.1 Fire Alarm 消防火警消防火警Once have received the signal and recorded the alarm, FCC immediately call ERT. Members of ERT rush to the initial source and investigate. Then, inform Service Express Centre of the fire alarm and the location.當消防控制中心(當消防控制中心(FCC)在收到火警信號后記錄報警內(nèi)容,并
27、立即使用電)在收到火警信號后記錄報警內(nèi)容,并立即使用電話通知緊急行動小組成員(話通知緊急行動小組成員(ERT)趕赴火警現(xiàn)場確認報火警的原因。隨后)趕赴火警現(xiàn)場確認報火警的原因。隨后通知總機,有火警并說清報警地點。通知總機,有火警并說清報警地點。Remark: Members should arrive on site within three minutes and conduct investigations.備注:備注:ERT 成員在成員在3分鐘之內(nèi)到達報警地點,對報警原因進行調(diào)查。分鐘之內(nèi)到達報警地點,對報警原因進行調(diào)查。3. Fire Drill 消防演習消防演習Duty of ERT
28、 members ERTDuty of ERT members ERT成員職責:成員職責: GSM should take master keys and communication equipments to the site.GSM should take master keys and communication equipments to the site. GSM客戶服務經(jīng)理客戶服務經(jīng)理(ERT 組長組長):攜帶萬能鑰匙及通話設備去現(xiàn)場攜帶萬能鑰匙及通話設備去現(xiàn)場 Duty Engineer should take communication equipments and get f
29、ire Duty Engineer should take communication equipments and get fire extinguishers from the nearest place and then go to the site.extinguishers from the nearest place and then go to the site. 值班工程師值班工程師:攜帶通話設備及從火警點附近取滅火器去現(xiàn)場攜帶通話設備及從火警點附近取滅火器去現(xiàn)場 Duty security supervisor take crisis management kit and c
30、ommunication Duty security supervisor take crisis management kit and communication equipments to the site.equipments to the site. 值班保安主管值班保安主管:攜帶應急包及通話設備去現(xiàn)場攜帶應急包及通話設備去現(xiàn)場 Remarks: To follow up, members of ERT should ensure that all Remarks: To follow up, members of ERT should ensure that all communic
31、ation equipments are under good working conditions. communication equipments are under good working conditions. Meanwhile, ERT should keep report updated.Meanwhile, ERT should keep report updated. 備注:為了跟蹤火警現(xiàn)場的情況,緊急行動小組的成員要保證通訊設備線備注:為了跟蹤火警現(xiàn)場的情況,緊急行動小組的成員要保證通訊設備線路的通暢,并要不斷將火警現(xiàn)場的信息通知消防控制中心。路的通暢,并要不斷將火警現(xiàn)
32、場的信息通知消防控制中心。3. Fire Drill 消防演習消防演習Once have arrived on site, ERT conducts an investigation to make sure Once have arrived on site, ERT conducts an investigation to make sure if there is a fireif there is a fire緊急行動小組到達火警現(xiàn)場后,應立即確認報警現(xiàn)場是否出現(xiàn)火情。緊急行動小組到達火警現(xiàn)場后,應立即確認報警現(xiàn)場是否出現(xiàn)火情。If it is a false alarm, GSM w
33、ill ask FCC to reset the system and keep a If it is a false alarm, GSM will ask FCC to reset the system and keep a record.record.若為誤報若為誤報,由由GSM通知通知FCC將系統(tǒng)復位并記錄備案將系統(tǒng)復位并記錄備案.If ERT confirms if there is a fire, duty engineer and duty security If ERT confirms if there is a fire, duty engineer and duty se
34、curity supervisor will use fire safety equipments to control the fire. Meanwhile, supervisor will use fire safety equipments to control the fire. Meanwhile, GSM will call FCC through Jack Phone to initiate the next step.GSM will call FCC through Jack Phone to initiate the next step.經(jīng)緊急行動小組確認,報警現(xiàn)場確實出
35、現(xiàn)經(jīng)緊急行動小組確認,報警現(xiàn)場確實出現(xiàn)火情火情。值班工程師和值班保安。值班工程師和值班保安主管使用滅火設備進行主管使用滅火設備進行滅火滅火。GSM立即使用消防插孔電話通知消防控制立即使用消防插孔電話通知消防控制中心(中心(FCC)啟動下一步火警程序。)啟動下一步火警程序。 3. Fire Drill 消防演習消防演習Broadcasting: “Ladies & gentleman, a fire emergency occurs, we are making an Broadcasting: “Ladies & gentleman, a fire emergency occurs, we a
36、re making an investigation about it .Please keep calm, waiting for the further notice. Thanks investigation about it .Please keep calm, waiting for the further notice. Thanks for your cooperation”for your cooperation”經(jīng)危機委員會批準,經(jīng)危機委員會批準, FCC FCC 立即發(fā)出火警廣播三遍,內(nèi)容為:立即發(fā)出火警廣播三遍,內(nèi)容為:“女士們、先生們請注意,樓女士們、先生們請注意,樓里
37、發(fā)出了消防報警。我們正在對報警原因進行調(diào)查,請您保持鎮(zhèn)靜并等待進一步通知,謝里發(fā)出了消防報警。我們正在對報警原因進行調(diào)查,請您保持鎮(zhèn)靜并等待進一步通知,謝謝。謝?!?” (廣播應使用兩種語言進行播放,分別為英文、中文)(廣播應使用兩種語言進行播放,分別為英文、中文)At present, communication equipments can not make group announcements. At present, communication equipments can not make group announcements. Therefore, members of Eme
38、rgency & Crisis Response Committee, fire safety Therefore, members of Emergency & Crisis Response Committee, fire safety officers and members of fire brigade consider the fist broadcasting as a signal officers and members of fire brigade consider the fist broadcasting as a signal of assembly.of asse
39、mbly. “ “備注:因現(xiàn)階段通訊設備無法滿足信息群呼的功能,故危機管理委員會成員、消防安全備注:因現(xiàn)階段通訊設備無法滿足信息群呼的功能,故危機管理委員會成員、消防安全官以及義務消防員現(xiàn)暫時以官以及義務消防員現(xiàn)暫時以FCCFCC第一次發(fā)出的火警廣播為出現(xiàn)第一次發(fā)出的火警廣播為出現(xiàn)火情火情時的集合信號,在聽到廣時的集合信號,在聽到廣播后應立即行使各自的職責。播后應立即行使各自的職責?!盡embers of Emergency & Crisis Response Committee go to FCC, a headquarter of fire protection will then be
40、formed. Security manager takes in charge of the on-site management.危機管理委員會成員聽到火警廣播后應立即趕往消防控制中心(危機管理委員會成員聽到火警廣播后應立即趕往消防控制中心(FCC)集合,成立酒店救)集合,成立酒店救火指揮部,負責組織酒店員工開展救援工作。保安部經(jīng)理趕赴火指揮部,負責組織酒店員工開展救援工作。保安部經(jīng)理趕赴“火情火情”現(xiàn)場,負責組織指現(xiàn)場,負責組織指揮滅火工作。揮滅火工作。3. Fire Drill 消防演習消防演習3.2 Fire Extinguishment 消防滅火消防滅火Once have hear
41、d the broadcasting, fire safety officers go to their respective areas in charge and make preparations for evacuation. They will wait for further instructions. 消防安全官聽到火警廣播后應立即趕往各自的疏散責任區(qū),并做好疏散準備消防安全官聽到火警廣播后應立即趕往各自的疏散責任區(qū),并做好疏散準備工作等待進一步通知。工作等待進一步通知。Once have heard the broadcasting, members of fire briga
42、de go to the appointed areas (B1 fire elevator bank) to get fire cart and put on fire resistant coverall. Then, they will go to the site by taking fire safety elevators. 義務消防隊員聽到火警廣播后應立即趕往指定地點(義務消防隊員聽到火警廣播后應立即趕往指定地點(B1消防電梯廳)穿滅火消防電梯廳)穿滅火戰(zhàn)斗服推消防器材車,乘坐消防電梯趕赴戰(zhàn)斗服推消防器材車,乘坐消防電梯趕赴“火情火情”現(xiàn)場進行滅火增援?,F(xiàn)場進行滅火增援。FCC
43、should keep a close contact with the site through fire monitoring system. (Meanwhile, the site is monitored by CCTV system) 消防控制中心要保持與火警現(xiàn)場的緊密通訊聯(lián)系,并通過消防監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)密切消防控制中心要保持與火警現(xiàn)場的緊密通訊聯(lián)系,并通過消防監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)密切關注火警現(xiàn)場的變化。(同時關注火警現(xiàn)場的變化。(同時CCTV對火警現(xiàn)場進行監(jiān)控)對火警現(xiàn)場進行監(jiān)控)3. Fire Drill 消防演習消防演習3.3 Fire Evacuation3.3 Fire Evacuation
44、 (消防疏散)(消防疏散)If the If the firefire gets out of control, security manager will report to general gets out of control, security manager will report to general manager through Jack Phone.manager through Jack Phone. 火情火情現(xiàn)場的火勢逐漸發(fā)展到無法控制的程度,保安部經(jīng)理根據(jù)現(xiàn)場的火勢逐漸發(fā)展到無法控制的程度,保安部經(jīng)理根據(jù)“火情火情”的撲的撲滅情況作出判斷提出建議,并由滅情況作出判斷提出
45、建議,并由GSM使用消防插孔電話向總指揮(總經(jīng)理)使用消防插孔電話向總指揮(總經(jīng)理)匯報:匯報: Dial Dial 119119. . 撥打撥打119119請求專業(yè)消防隊救援。請求專業(yè)消防隊救援。 Give evacuation orders.Give evacuation orders. 發(fā)出全酒店疏散命令。發(fā)出全酒店疏散命令。Remark: Our General Manager will give the evacuation orders. If Remark: Our General Manager will give the evacuation orders. If the g
46、eneral manager is absent, out hotel manager will give the the general manager is absent, out hotel manager will give the orders.orders.3. Fire Drill 消防演習消防演習After receiving the orders, FCC will continually broadcast in both English and Chinese. “ Ladies& gentleman, a fire emergency occurs, please go to the assembly point through the nearest pass ways. Ou
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