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1、Ch1Understanding the Supply ChainTrue/False1. A supply cha in in eludes only the orga ni zati onsdirectlyin volved in suppl yingcomp onents n eeded for manu facturi ng.An swer: False2. A supply cha in con sists of all partiesin volved,directly or in directly,infulfilli ng a customer request.An swer:

2、 True3. A supply cha in could be more accurately described as a supply n etwork or supply web.An swer: True4. The objective of every supply cha in is to maximize the overall value gen erated.An swer: True5. The objective of every supply cha in is to maximize the value gen erated for the manu facturi

3、 ng comp onent of the supply cha in.An swer: False6. Every supply cha in must in clude all 5 stages.An swer: False7. The cycle view of a supply cha in holds that the processes in a supply cha in are divided into a series of activities performed at the in terface betwee n successive stages.An swer: T

4、rue8. The push/pull view of a supply cha in holds that the processes in a supplychain are divided into 2 categories depending on whether they are initiated in resp onse to or in an ticipati on of customer orders.An swer: True9. The push/pull view of a supply cha in holds that the processes in a supp

5、ly cha in are divided into a series of activities performed at the in terface betwee n successive stages.An swer: False10. The reple ni shme nt cycle occurs at the retailer/distributor in terface.An swer: True11. The reple ni shme nt cycle occurs at the distributor/ma nu facturer in terface.An swer:

6、 False12. The reple ni shme nt cycle is in itiated whe n a supermarket runs out of stock of a particular item.An swer: True13. The replenishmentcycle is initiatedwhen customers load items intended forpurchase into their carts.An swer: False14. The manu facturi ng cycle occurs at the distributor/ma n

7、u facturer in terface.An swer: True15. The manu facturi ng cycle occurs at the manu facturer/supplier in terface.An swer: False16. The procureme nt cycle occurs at the manu facturer/supplier in terface.An swer: True17. The procureme nt cycle occurs at the retailer/distributor in terface.An swer: Fal

8、se18. The cycle view of the supply cha in is useful whe n con sider ing operati onaldecisions,because it specifies the roles and responsibilitiesof each memberof the supply cha in.An swer: True19. The cycle view of the supply cha in is useful whe n con sider ing operati onal decisi ons, because it c

9、ategorizes processes based on whether they are in itiated in resp onse to or in an ticipati on of customer orders.An swer: Falsestrategic processesstrategic20. The push/pull view of the supply chain is useful when consideringdecisions relatingto supply chain design, because it categorizesbased on wh

10、ether they are in itiated in resp onse to or in an ticipati on of customer orders.An swer: True21. The push/pull view of the supply chain is useful when considering decisions relating to supply chain design, because it specifies the roles and resp on sibilities of each member of the supply cha in.An

11、 swer: False22. Pull processes may also be referred to as reactive processes.An swer: True23. Pull processes may also be referred to as speculative processes.An swer: False24. Push processes may also be referred to as speculative processes.An swer: True25. Push processes may also be referred to as r

12、eactive processes.An swer: FalseAn swer the followi ng questi on simply.1. Which stages are in cluded withi n a typical supply cha in?a. Customersb. Retailersc. Wholesalers/Distributorsd. Manu facturers2. Successful supply cha in man ageme nt requires which decisi on phases?a. supply cha in strategy

13、/desig nb. supply cha in pla nningc. supply cha in operati on3. Which cyclesare in cluded in the supply chai n cycle view?a. Customer order cycleb. Reple ni shme nt cyclec. Manu facturi ng cycled. Procureme nt cycleEssay/Problems1. Explain the 3 decision phases (categories) that must be madein a suc

14、cessful supply cha in.An swer The 3 decisi on phases that occur withi n a supply chai n are supply chain strategy (or design), supply chain planning and supply chain operation. Decisi ons relate to the flow of in formati on, product and fun ds. The differe nee betwee n categories depe nds upon the f

15、reque ncy of each decisi on and the time frame over which it has an impact. During the supply chain strategy phase, a company determines what the chain' s configurations willbe, how resources will be allocated, and what processes each stage will perform. This will establish the structure of the

16、supply cha in for several years. Supply chain planning deals with decisions with a time frame from 3 mon ths up to a year. The pla nning phase must work withi n the con stra ints established in the strategy phase. Planning decisionsinclude which marketsto supply from which locati ons, subc on tract

17、ingof manu facturi ng, inven torypolicies and timing and size of marketing promotions. The supply chain operation phase operates on a weekly or daily time horizon and deals with decisi ons concerning in dividual customer orders.2. Describe the cycle view of the processes within a supply chai n.An sw

18、er: The cycle view divides the supply cha in into a series of 4 cycles between the 5 different stages of a supply chain. The cycles are the customer order cycle, replenishment cycle, manufacturingcycle and procurement cycle.The customer order cycle occurs at the customer/retailer in terface and incl

19、udes all processes directly involved in receiving and filling the customer. The reple ni shme nt cycle occurs at the retailer/distributor in terface and in cludes all processes in volved in reple ni shi ng retailer inven tory. The manu facturi ng cycle typically occurs at the distributor/ma nu factu

20、rer(or retailer/ma nu facturer)in terface and in cludesall processes involved in replenishingdistributor (or retailer) inventory.The procureme nt cycle occurs at the manu facturer/supplier in terface and includes all processes necessary to ensure that the materials are available for manu facturi ng

21、accord ing to schedule.3. Expla in the push/pull view of the processes withi n a supply cha in.Answer: The push/pull view of the supply chain divides supply chain processes into two categories based on whether they are executed in resp onse to a customer order or in an ticipati on of customer orders

22、. Pull processes are initiated in response to a customer order. Push processes are initiated and performed in an ticipati on of customer orders. The push/pull boun dary separates push processes from pull processes. This view is very useful when considering strategic decisions relating to supply chai

23、n design, because it forces a more global consideration of supply chain processes as they relate to the customer.4. Expla in why supply chai n flows are importa nt.Answer: Supply chain flows are important, because there is a close connection between the design and managementof supply chain flows (pr

24、oduct,information,and cash) and the success of a supply cha in. The success of many compa nies can be directly traced to the design and management of an appropriate supply cha in. The failure of many bus in esses can be lin ked directly to their in ability to effectively desig n and man age supply c

25、ha in flows.Ch2Supply Chain Performa nee: Achiev ingStrategic Fit and ScopeTrue/False1. A companJ s competitivestrategydefinesthe set of customer needs that it seeksto satisfy through its products and services.An swer: True2. The value chai n emphasizes the close relati on ship betwee n all the fun

26、cti onal strategies within a compa ny.An swer: True3. A companJ s product development strategy defines the set of customer needs that it seeks to satisfy through its products and services.An swer: False4. A company' s product development strategy specifies the portfolio of new products that it w

27、ill try to develop.An swer: True5. A company' s supply chain strategy specifies how the market will be segmentedand how the product will be positi on ed, priced, and promoted.An swer: False6. A company' s supply chain strategy determines the nature of procurement andtra nsportati on of mater

28、ialsas well as the manu facture anddistributi onof theproduct.An swer: True7. To achieve complete strategic fit, a firm must ensure that all functions in the value cha in have con siste nt strategies that support the competitive strategy.An swer: True8. To achieve complete strategic fit, a firm must

29、 ensure that all functions in the value chain have diverse strategies that support functional goals.An swer: False9. Because demandand supply characteristics change, the supply chain strategy must change over the product life cycle if a company is to continue achievingstrategic fit.An swer: True10.

30、The supply chain strategy must be established at the beginning of the productlife cycle and not changed if a company is to continue achieving strategicfit.An swer: FalseAn swer the followi ng questi on simply.1.What' s a companJ s supply chain strategy?a. determines the nature of procurement and

31、 transportation of materialsas well as manufacture and distributi on of the product.3. Which decisi ons are in volved in a supply chai n strategy?a. inven tory.b. tran sportati on.c. operat ing facilities.d. in formati on flows.4. Which of the follow ing is a key to the success or failure of a compa

32、 ny?a. The competitive strategy and all functional strategies must fit together to form a coord in ated overall strategy.b. Each functional strategy must support other fun cti onal strategies and help a firm reach its competitive strategy goal.c. The different functions in a company must appropriate

33、ly structure their processes and resources to be able to execute strategies successfully.5. Which of the following are basic steps to achieving strategic fit?a. Un dersta nding the customer and supply un certai nty.b. Un dersta nding the supply cha in capabilities.c. Achiev ing strategic fit.6. Cust

34、omer dema nd from differe nt segme nts varies along which of the followi ng attributes?a. The qua ntity of product n eeded in each lot.b. The resp onse time that customers are willi ng to tolerate.c. The variety of products n eeded.d. The service level required.7. Which of the followi ngcustomer n e

35、eds willcause implied un certa intyof dema ndto in crease?a. Range of qua ntity required in creasesb. Lead time decreasesc. Variety of products required in creaseswill cause supply uncertaintyd. Required service level in creases8. Which of the following supply chain capabilities to in crease?a. Freq

36、ue nt breakdow nsb. Un predictable and low yieldsc. Poor qualityd. Limited supply capacity9.Which of the followingsupply chain capabilitieswill cause supply uncertaintyto in crease?a. Evolv ing producti on processb. In flexible supply capacityc. Limited supply capacityd.Un predictable and low yields

37、10. The second step in achieving strategic fit between competitive and supply chain strategies is toa.b.c.d.un dersta nd the supply cha in and map it on the resp on sive ness spectrum.un dersta nd customers and supply cha in un certa in ty.match supply cha in resp on sive ness with the implied un ce

38、rta inty of dema nd. en sure that all fun cti onal strategies withi n the supply cha in supportthe supply chain' s level of responsiveness.e.none of the aboveAn swer: a11. The final step in achievingstrategic fit between competitiveand supply chainstrategies is toa.b.un dersta nd the supply cha

39、in and map it on the resp on sive ness spectrum. un dersta nd customers and supply cha in un certa in ty.c.d.match supply cha in resp on sive ness with the implied un certa intyof dema b ine customer and supply cha in un certa inty and map it on the implied un certa inty spectrum.e.all of the

40、aboveAn swer: c12. Supply chain responsivenessincludes the ability to do which of the following?a.b.Resp ond to wide ran ges of qua ntities dema nded Meet short lead timesc.d.Han dle a large variety of products Meet a very high service levele.all of the aboveAn swer: e13. Supply chain responsiveness

41、includes the ability to do which of the following?a.b.c.d.e.Han dle supply un certa intyBuild highly inno vative productsMeet short lead timesMeet a very high service level all of the aboveAn swer: e14. Supply cha in respon sive nessin eludes the ability to do which of thefollow ing?a. Han dle suppl

42、y un certa intyb. Un dersta nd customers and supply cha in un certa intyc. Match supply cha in resp on sive ness with the implied un certa inty of dema ndd. Ensure that all functional strategieswithin the supply chain supportthe supply chain ' s level of responsivenesse. none of the aboveAn swer

43、: a15. Supply chain responsivenessincludes the ability to do which of the following?a. Un dersta nd customers and supply cha inb. Meet a very high service levelc. Match supply cha in resp on sive ness with the implied un certa inty of dema ndd. En sure that all functional strategies withi n the supp

44、ly cha in supportthe supply chain' s level of responsivenesse. none of the aboveAn swer: b16. Supply chain responsivenessincludes the ability to do which of thefollowing?a. Un dersta nd customers and supply cha inb. Match supply cha in resp on sive ness with the implied un certa intyof dema ndc.

45、 Meet short lead timesd. En sure that all functional strategies withi n the supply cha in support the supply cha in ' s level of responsivenesse. all of the aboveAn swer: c17. The cost of making and delivering a product to the customer is referred to asa.supply cha in resp on sive ness.b.supply

46、cha in efficie ncy.c.cost-resp on sive ness efficie nt fron tier.d.implied un certa in ty.e.none of the aboveAn swer: b18. The curve that shows the lowest possible cost for a given level of responsiveness is referred to as thea. supply chain responsiveness curve.b. supply chain efficiency curve.c. c

47、ost-resp on sive ness efficie nt fron tier.d. resp on sive ness spectrum.e. none of the aboveAn swer: c19. A firm that is not on the cost-responsiveness efficient frontier can improvea. both resp on sive ness and cost performa nee.b. only resp on sive ness.c. only cost performa nee.d. resp on sive n

48、ess, but not cost performa nee.e. n either resp on sive ness nor cost performa nee.An swer: a20. A firm that is not on the cost-responsiveness efficient frontier can improvea. both resp on sive ness and cost performa nee.b. only resp on sive ness.c. only cost performa nee.d. either responsiveness or

49、 cost performanee, but not both.e. n either resp on sive ness nor cost performa nee.An swer: a21. A firm that is on the cost-responsiveness efficient frontier can improvea. resp on sive ness only by in creas ing cost and beco ming less efficie nt.b. cost performa nee only by reduci ng resp on sive n

50、ess.c. both resp on sive ness and cost performa nee by improv ing processes and cha nging tech no logy to shift the efficie nt fron tier.d. all of the abovee. n either resp on sive ness nor cost performa nee.An swer: d22. A graph with two axes with implied uncertainty along the horizontal axis andre

51、sp on sive ness along the vertical axis is referred to as thea. implied un certa inty spectrum.b.c.d.e. noAn swer: cresp on sive ness spectrum. un certa in ty/resp on sive ness map. zone of strategic fit.none of the above23. The relati on shipwhere in creas ingimplied un certa intyfrom customers and

52、 supplysources is best served by in creas ing resp on sive ness from the supply cha in isknown as thea. implied un certa inty spectrum.b. resp on sive ness spectrum.c. un certa in ty/resp on sive ness map.d. zone of strategic fit.e. none of the aboveAn swer: d24. To achieve complete strategic fit, a

53、 firm musta. con sider all fun ctio nal strategies within the value cha in.b. en sure that all fun cti ons in the value cha in have con siste ntstrategies that support the competitive strategy.c. en sure that all substrategies withi n the supply cha in such as manu facturi ng, inven tory, and purcha

54、s ing be con siste nt with the supply chain ' s level of responsiveness.d. all of the abovee. none of the aboveAn swer: d25. The drive for strategic fit should come froma. the supply cha in man ager.b. the strategic pla nning departme nt.c. the highest levels of the orga ni zati on, such as the

55、CEO.d. middle man ageme nt.e. sales and marketi ng.An swer: c26. The important points to remember about achieving strategic fit area.there is one best strategies.supply cha in strategy for all competitiveb.there is no right strategy.supply chain strategy independent of the competitivec.there is a ri

56、ght supply chain strategy for a given competitive strategy.d.all of the abovee.b and c onlyAn swer: e27. The preferable supply chain strategy for a firm that sells multiple products and serves customer segme nts with very differe nt n eeds is toa. set up in depe ndent supply cha ins for each differe

57、 nt product or customer segme nt.b. set up a supply cha in that meets the n eeds of the highest volume product or customer segme nt.c. tailor the supply chain to best meet the needs of each product' sdema nd.d. set up a supply cha in that meets the n eeds of the customer segme nt with the highest implied un certa in ty.e. set up a supply chain that meets the needs of product with the highest implied un certa in ty.An swer: c28. Which of the follow ing would not be a dema nd and supply characteristic toward the beginning stag


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