1、各國文化以禮儀(雙語)同步練習題Part I True or False Statements:Directions:The following statements are based on the passages in “British and American Cultures and CustomsPlease read and see whether each of the statements is True or False according to what you have learned from the passagesWrite T or F on the left
2、of each statement(10)1Americans casual wear and behavior in routine 1ife best display their characteristic of informality Unit One2Youd better not to ask people in the Western countries such questions as marriage,status,income,religious belief,or choice of voting,etcUnit One3The British do not expec
3、t or welcome bargaining because they consider it insensitive and offensive Unit One4Americans do not expect you to show your courtesy in return,for they are understanding and enjoy welcoming you and feel pleased if you accept their friendship easily Unit Two5A hosthostess usually offers additional s
4、erving to the guests by passing the dish containing food from one person to another Unit Two6Americans preference to splitting the check fully indicates their stinginess Unit Two7The relationship of the individuals of the opposite sex may lead to casual acquaintance, a type of friendship or a passio
5、nate involvement or even marriageUnit Two8Both of the boy(man)and the girl(woman)in America have the responsibility for the expenses on the dateUnit Two9You may miss smiles and brief conversations with people in the American cities where everyone appears in a hurryUnit Three1 0As Americans live in a
6、 mobile and everchanging society in whichpeople tend to avoid deep involvements with others,they tend tohave casual friendshipUnit Three11When struggling for their status and wealth,Americans usually ignore the spiritual or human aspect of lifeUnit Three12Driving in the USentails not only mechanical
7、 manipulations ofan automobile,but customary styles of drivingUnit Three13People of all classes in Britain prefer to go to pub,in which they will have great fun and free talk in their private hours Unit Three1 4Restaurants on campus and on the outskirts of towns attract students,drivers and motorist
8、s because they are convenient and serve large portion of good and filling food at low pricesUnit Four1 5The English people tend to underrate their own food and slight their cookery because their national cuisine is simple and awfulUnit Four1 6The English enthusiastic adoption of foreign food has enr
9、iched their cuisine,and they have almost made some foreign food national dishes Unit Four1 7The tradition of holding an “Open House” on New Years Day was brought into America by Dutch immigrants and the customs of dressing up in special costumes for New Years Day parade and eating baked ham were bro
10、ught by Swedish immigrants Unit Five1 8The rules for the game of Easter Egg Roll are: a)To see who can roll an egg the longest time b)To see who can make the egg roll without breaking it on a rough and windy road Unit Five1 9Americans interest in spectator sports seems really excessive and even obse
11、ssive to many foreign visitors Unit Six20The American government is not allowed to operate a radio or TV station to reach American people,because American people fear that the government mighttake the advantage of media to influence voters in elections Unit SixPart II Vocabulary Directions:There are
12、 20 incomplete sentences in this partFor each sentence there are three choicesChoose the one that best completes the sentenceThen circle the corresponding letter you think is the right choice(10)1A persons privacy is viewed as an individual or private property that no one can share without permissio
13、n in the US Apossession Bboundary C territory 2 “Avoiding excess at the dinner table” is viewed as “ ” which is the hallmark of the common people in the Western worldAcertainty Bmodesty C courtesy3In the United States,there is a widespread practice of making “ small talk” in certain social situation
14、sSmall talk deals with various topics ,simply for the sake of keeping a conversation going Apotentially Bsuperficially C essentially4Americans do not show visitors great of special courtesy if doing so requires much of their time Aamount Bquantity Cnumber 5In America,dating a of members of opposite
15、sex does not indicate frivolity on part of a man or promiscuity on part of a woman Acategory Bvariety Ctype6City people in America always appear in a hurry and tend to be impatient if they are delayed even for a momentThey lead a fast paced life Achief Bcertain Cbrief 7The notable characteristics:In
16、dividualism,Informality,Casual Friendship,Time Consciousness,and Materialism best describe and practices that are common among the American people Aattitudes Bresponses Cimpressions 8On the arrival in the US,a foreign student should gain furtherinformation on local housing ,and some knowledge of typ
17、es of housing, rent,utilities,facilities,transit service,etc before signing a contract Aoperations Boptions C. 0rganlzatlons9Traffic accidents in the USare usually considered to carelessness, or mechanical failures, and not from “fate”,“Gods willor other forces beyond human controlAcoincide with Bre
18、sult from Cget through10A great number of colorful foreign words have been brought into the English language,and many foreign dishes have been adopted and anglicized since the Great Britains colonial timeAconstantly Bcontinually Cgradually 11The Chinese woman found that eating American meals most Sh
19、e could neither appreciate the food prepared by theAmericans nor understand Americans talk and laugh after the dinnerAtroublesome Bdisturbing Celaborate 12A New Years resolution is a to yourself to improve in some way in the coming new year Adedication Bdetermination Cdemonstration 13Easter is now a
20、 festival less and people in the Western countries celebrate it just for fun and enjoy it with the Easter Symbols-Easter Bunny,Easter Egg,and Easter flowersAtedious Bfabulous Creligious 14On Halloween night,people dress up in different costumes,Wear ,and yell “trick or treat! at the doors of their n
21、eighbors houses Amasks B. jewels Cornaments15Sports and recreation absorb a huge amount of Americans,emotion,as well as their timeAnd ,moneyAat any rate Bin some cases Cto some extent1 6Making noise while eating is considered as illbred,and a personwho does so may those who are having dinner with hi
22、mherAbother Brestrict Coffend 17When invited to a dinner,you should not express your or dislike of certain foodsEither eat it or pass it over quietlyEat it if you like and set it aside if you dislike itAdispleasure Bdisapproval Cdisregard18When purchasing a car,it is for the foreign student to be ac
23、companied by an American who is familiar with the procedures involved,price ranges,and so forthAadvisable Badequate Cacceptable 1 9The most refined action of “please pass me the saltpepper”is not about the but requires the greatest number of steps to carry It out Asufficiency B efficiency Cfrequency
24、 20President Nixon had to resign mainly because reporters for Washington Post newspaper that the president had lied when he was asked about the Watergate burglaryAreflected Breleased CrevealedPart III Translation Directions:There are 10 incomplete sentences in this partIn each sentence there a re tw
25、o blanks for you to fill in with appropriate English words with the reference of the Chinese words given in the bracketPlease write your translation on each line(10)1A seIfintroduction is (一般足以)to gain acceptance into a group or join in a conversation in the USUnit One2Peoples behavior in public pla
26、ces,like their behavior anywhere else,is (易于受到)to cultural (影響) Unit Two3The goal of gaining core knowledge of table manners is to behaveWith (謙和)and (沉著)at the dinner table Unit Two4Living with a host family temporarily is one of the housing options for a foreign student before heshe finds a suitab
27、le and(永久的住處) Unit Three5Americans are always ready to move because they are (不安分) and try to (追求)something new and betterUnit Three6The Chinese woman feels an (反感)to the American fast food,such as hot dogs,hamburgers,and sandwiches,because they are all (無味)and smell worse Unit Four7In the past,when
28、 kids rang the doorbell,people inside the house Were (期望就得)to come out and give (夸贊)to the kids costumes and put some coins into the“trick or treat”bagsUnit Five8The German immigrants bought the (象征物)of the Easter Bunny to AmericaIt was widely (忽略)by other Christians until shortly after the Civil Wa
29、r Unit Five9Although some recreational activities are costly and time and (精力消耗),most Americans think they are worthwhile1 0The sports ethic is expressed in the Olympic Creed,which is not to the most important thing in life is not the (成功的喜悅)but the (拼搏) Unit SixPart IV QuestionsDirections:Please gi
30、ve a brief answer to each of the following questions according to what you have learned from British and American Cultures and CustomsWrite your answers under each question(10)1What do the Westerners think of the Chinese Studentsexcessive expression of gratitude and what is overdoing apology actuall
31、y considered in the Western world? Unit One2What does the notion “Line up,and wait your turn”reflect? Unit Two3What is the definition of “Dutch treat”?Unit Two4Why is American society said to “be ruled by the clock”? Unit Three5.Why does a foreign student have to pay a deposit before moving into an
32、apartment or a house7 Unit Three6Where do middle class people in Britain prefer to go to spend their leisure hours and why? -Unit Three7Why is the United States described as a “melting pot”? Unit Four8What do people usually do on April Fools Day?Unit Five9What are the features of Thanksgiving Day?Un
33、it Five10Why is it said that sports business is a big business in America? Unit SixPart V WritingDirections:In this part there are two topics “The Chinese Spring Festival“The Chinese New Year” and “Stress in Life Choose one of the topics and write an essay within 200 wordsPlease write your compositi
34、on neatly on the paper(10) AWrite something about the customs and habits Chinese people have on “The Spring FestivalThe Chinese New Year” and describe how Chinese celebrate this traditional holidayBWrite an essay about “Stress in Life” a) What are the sources of your stress and pressure in life? b)
35、What are the positive and negative effects of stress and pressure? c) What solutions you may take to minimize your stress in life?Answers:Part III Translation (10)1normally,sufficient2subject,influence3 graciousnessgracefulness,poise4permanent,residence5restless,pursue6aversion,tasteless7expectedsup
36、posed,praisecompliment8symbol,ignored9energy,consuming10triumph,strugglePart IV Questions(10)empty thanks and insincerity,an awkward behavior People are all equal and no one has the privilege of going directly to the front of a lineAmerican peopleS aversion to touching and being touched3Split the ch
37、eckshare the expensespay ones own expenses4Everything is done in orderly fashion or by means of schedule People are expected tO be punctual5for the damages during oneS occupancyIt will be available for the repair6To saloon bars,which are more comfortable and less crowded7Because of its diversityBeca
38、use it consists of different cult tires, nationalities,beliefs and SO on8They play practical jokestricks on other peopleThey make good clean fun of other people without hurtinginsultingharming them9Family(reunion),feast,football and friends10Sports games require clothing,supplies,equipments that can
39、 be quite costlysurprisingly expensive,and some companies make big profits by advertising、their products on TV,newspapers, magazines,etcPart V Writing(10) Directions:In this part there are two topics“The Spring Festival”“The Chinese New Year”and“Stress in Life“Choose one of the topics and write an e
40、ssaY within 200 wordsPlease write your composition neatly the paper (10) AWrite something about the customs and habits Chinese people have on the“The Spring Festival” “The Chinese New Year!”and describe how Chinese celebrate this traditional holidayBWrite an essay about“Stress in Life“ a)What are th
41、e sources of your stress and pressure in life? b)What are the positive and negative effects of stress and pressure? c)What are solutions you can find to minimize stress in life?Test Paper一、True or False Statements. Please read and see whether each of the statements is True or False according to what
42、 you have learned from the passagesWrite “T” or “ F” on the left of each statement(本題10題 ,每題2分,共20分 )1、1Americans casual wear and behavior in routine 1ife best display their characteristic of informality 2Youd better not to ask people in the Western countries such questions as marriage,status,income
43、,religious belief,or choice of voting,etc 3The British do not expect or welcome bargaining because they consider it insensitive and offensive 4Americans do not expect you to show your courtesy in return,for they are understanding and enjoy welcoming you and feel pleased if you accept their friendshi
44、p easily 5A hosthostess usually offers additional serving to the guests by passing the dish containing food from one person to another 6Americans preference to splitting the check fully indicates their stinginess 7In the States,people of all ages may prefer to be called by their first names 8. One m
45、ore point about “sir” and “madam”They are followed by either the first names or the last names 9. In the United States,ones income is the top secretPeople working in the same office have the faintest idea of how much each person earns,except the boss 10. Overdoing apology actually is an awkward beha
46、vior in the American society,even if it is done only to be polite 二、Vocabulary: There are 5 incomplete sentences in this partFor each sentence there are three choicesChoose the one that best completes the sentenceThen circle the corresponding letter you think is the right choice(本題5題,每題2分,共10分 )1A p
47、ersons privacy is viewed as an individual or private property that no one can share without permission in the US ( )Apossession Bboundary C territory 2 “Avoiding excess at the dinner table” is viewed as “ ” which is the hallmark of the common people in the Western world( )Acertainty Bmodesty C court
48、esy3In the United States,there is a widespread practice of making “ small talk” in certain social situationsSmall talk deals with various topics ,simply for the sake of keeping a conversation going( ) Apotentially Bsuperficially C essentially4Americans do not show visitors great of special courtesy
49、if doing so requires much of their time( )Aamount Bquantity Cnumber 5. Whenever you have been a guest in a home,you should send a handwritten thankyou note( ) Amust Bof course Cdefinitely 三、Translation:Translate the English paragraphs into Chinese:(本題共5小題,每題5分,共25分 )1. The host usually shows the gue
50、st upon his arrival to the sitting roomIf the guest is a lady,most men in the room will stand up when she comes inWomen of all ages still appreciate this courtesy, although the custom is followed by fewer people now than in the past,especially among the younger generation2. The use of “nicknames” is
51、 fairly common among people in the United StatesA nickname is not the persons real name but a name assigned to him or her because of certain physical characteristics, behavior patterns,or some other factorsForeign students often get nicknames if their names seem too long or unpronounceable to their
52、American friendsBeing called by a nickname is not usually uncomplimentary;on the contrary,it may indicate that the student is viewed with respect and even affection.3. In order to understand the Western idea of personal privacy,you should start by thinking of a nations concept of “territoriality”A n
53、ation has borders or boundaries,and everything within those boundaries belongs to that nation and no otherAnd so is it in the case of a private houseIf one enters a private house without asking for permission,he is likely to be accused of trespassing or even burglary 4. In Britain,small gifts such a
54、s a pen or a book would be suitable tokens of genuine gratitude and flowers or champagne suffice to thank colleagues for their servicesDo not,however, appear patronizing or unduly forward,especially if the recipient is a woman 5. From time to time,it is necessary to display a more sophisticated knowledge of table etiquetteThis is not difficult,once you have mastered the basicsAnyone armed with this core knowledge and the ability to adapt smoothly to the situation at hand will be able
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