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1、奧羅萬機(jī)制 (Orowan mechanism ) 奧氏體( austenite)B八面體間隙 (octahedral interstices) 半共格界面 (half-coherent interface) 板織構(gòu) (sheet texture) 棒狀結(jié)構(gòu) (rodlike structure) 包晶( peritectic ) 包晶反應(yīng) (peritectic reaction) 包晶偏析 (peritectic segregation) 包晶相圖( peritectic phase diagram ) 包析反應(yīng) (peritectoid reaction) 胞狀結(jié)構(gòu) (cellular

2、structure) 本征擴(kuò)散系數(shù) (intrinsic diffusion coefficient) 變態(tài)萊氏體 (transformed ledeburite ) 變形孿晶( deformation twins ) 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)投影 (standard projection) 表層細(xì)晶區(qū) (chill zone) 表面 (surface) 泊松比 (Poisson's ratio) 柏氏矢量 (Burger 's vector) 不對(duì)稱傾斜晶界 (asymmetric tilt boundary) 不平衡共晶 (non-equilibrium eutectic) 不全位錯(cuò)( imp

3、erfect dislocation ) 布拉菲點(diǎn)陣( Bravais Lattice ) 部分位錯(cuò)( partial dislocation ) 部分有序 (partial order)C材料科學(xué) (materials science) 殘余應(yīng)力 (residual stress) 長程有序 (long-range order, LRO) 成分 (composition) 成分過冷 (constitutional supercooling) 成分起伏 (composition fluctuation) 成分三角形 (composition triangle) 尺寸因素化合物 (size fa

4、ctor compound) 垂直截面 (vertical section)純鐵( pure iron ) 脆性 (brittleness)D大角度晶界 (high-angle grain boundary) 單晶體( single crystal ) 單位位錯(cuò) (unit dislocation) 單相 (single phase) 單相合金( homogeneous alloy ) 單斜晶系 (monoclinic crystal system) 倒易點(diǎn)陣 (reciprocal lattice) 等溫線投影圖 (polythermal projection) 等腰成分三角形 (isosc

5、eles composition triangle) 等軸晶區(qū) (equiaxed zone) 點(diǎn)缺陷( point defects ) 點(diǎn)陣常數(shù) (lattice constant) 點(diǎn)陣畸變( lattice distortion ) 電負(fù)性( electronegativity ) 電離能 (ionization energy of atoms) 電子化合物( electron compound, Hume-Rothery phase ) 電子濃度 (electron concentration) 電子親和能( affinity energy of electrons ) 動(dòng)力學(xué) (ki

6、netics) 動(dòng)態(tài)過冷 (dynamic supercooling) 動(dòng)態(tài)回復(fù)( dynamic recovery ) 動(dòng)態(tài)再結(jié)晶( dynamic recrystallization ) 短程有序 (short-range order, SRO) 短路擴(kuò)散 (short circuit diffusion) 堆垛層錯(cuò)( stacking fault ) 堆垛層錯(cuò)能( stacking fault energy ) 對(duì)稱傾斜晶界 (symmetric tilt boundary) 多邊化 (polygonization) 多滑移 (multiple slip) 多晶體( polycrysta

7、lline solid ) 多晶型性( polymorphism ) 多相材料 (polyphase materials, heterogeneous) 多相合金( heterogeneous alloy )E二次鍵 (secondary bonding) 二次再結(jié)晶( secondary recrystallization ) 二維晶核機(jī)制 (two-dimensional nucleation)二元相圖 (binary phase diagrams )F反應(yīng)擴(kuò)散 (reaction diffusion) 范德瓦耳斯鍵( van der Waals bonding ) 非共格界面 (non-

8、coherent interface) 非共格孿晶界 (non-coherent twin boundary) 非晶體( amorphous material ) 非均勻形核 (heterogeneous nucleation) 非平衡凝固 (nonequilibrium solidification) 非穩(wěn)態(tài)擴(kuò)散( nonsteady-state diffusion ) 菲克第二定律( Fick ' s second la)w 菲克第一定律( Fick ' s first law) 分切應(yīng)力 (resolved shear stress) 弗蘭克爾缺陷( Frenkel de

9、fects) 弗蘭克 -瑞德源( Frank-Read source) 復(fù)合材料 (composite) 復(fù)合晶胞 (composite unit cell)G杠桿定律 (lever rule) 高斯解( Guass solution) Gibbs 相律 (Gibbs phase rule) 公切線法則 (common tangent line) 共軛連線 (conjugate lines) 共軛曲線 (conjugate curves) 共格孿晶界 (coherent twin boundary) 共格相界 (coherent phase interface) 共價(jià)鍵 (covalent b

10、onding) 共晶( eutectic) 共晶白口鑄鐵 (eutectic white cast iron) 共晶反應(yīng) (eutectic reaction) : 共晶合金 (eutectic alloy ) 共晶相圖( eutectic phase diagram ) 共析反應(yīng) (eutectoid reaction) 共析鋼 (eutectoid steel) 固溶強(qiáng)化 (solid-solution strengthening) 固溶體( solid solution ) 固相線 (solidus) 過飽和點(diǎn)缺陷 (supersaturated point defects) 過共晶白口

11、鑄鐵 (hyper-eutectic white cast iron) 過共晶合金( hypereutectic alloy )過共析鋼 (hyper-eutectoid steel) 過冷 (supercooling) 過冷度 (the degree of supercooling)H合金( alloy ) 合晶反應(yīng) (synthetic reaction) 合力 (net force) 宏觀結(jié)構(gòu)( macrostructure ) 虎克定律( Hooke 's law ) 互擴(kuò)散( interdiffusion ) 互擴(kuò)散系數(shù) (interdiffusion coefficient

12、) 滑移 (slip) 滑移帶 (slip bands) 滑移系 (slip systems) 滑移線 (slip lines) 化合物( intermediate compound ) 化學(xué)親和力( chemical affinity ) 環(huán)形換位 (cyclic exchange) 回復(fù) (recovery) 混合位錯(cuò)( mixed dislocation ) 霍爾佩奇公式( Hall-Petch equation )J極射投影 (stereographic project) 激活能( activation energy ) 加工硬化 (work hardening, strain har

13、dening) 間隙 (interstices) 間隙固溶體( interstitial solid solution ) 間隙化合物 (interstitial compound) 間隙相 (interstitial phase) 簡單晶胞( simple unit cell ) 交滑移 (cross slip) 結(jié)構(gòu)起伏 (structure fluctuation) 結(jié)合鍵 (bonding) 結(jié)合能 (bonding energy) 結(jié)晶( crystallization ) 介穩(wěn)相 (metastable phase) 金屬( metal) 金屬間化合物( intermetallic

14、 compound ) 金屬鍵 (metallic bonding) 晶胞( unit cells )晶帶( crystal zone) 晶帶軸( crystal zone axis ) 晶格( crystal lattice ) 晶核 (nucleus of crystal) 晶界 (grain boundary) 晶界能 (boundary energy) 晶粒長大 (grain growth) 晶面 (crystal planes) 晶面間距( inter-planer spacing ) 晶面指數(shù) (Miller indices of crystallographic plane) 晶

15、面轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng) (rotation of crystal plane) 晶面族( a family of crystal planes ) 晶胚 (crystal embryo) 晶體( crystalline solid ) 晶體結(jié)構(gòu)( crystal structures ) 晶系( crystal system) 晶向 (crystal directions) 晶向指數(shù) (Orientation index, Miller indices for the direction) 晶向族( a family of crystal directions ) 晶軸 (crystal axes) 均勻形核

16、 (homogeneous nucleation)K抗拉強(qiáng)度 er b (tensile strength) 柯肯達(dá)爾效應(yīng)( Kirkendall effect ) 柯氏氣團(tuán) (Cottrell atmosphere) 空間點(diǎn)陣( space lattice) 空位( vacancy) 空位機(jī)制 ( vacancy mechanism) 擴(kuò)散( diffusion ) 擴(kuò)散常數(shù) (diffusion constant) 擴(kuò)散方程 (diffusion equation) 擴(kuò)散機(jī)制 (diffusion mechanism) 擴(kuò)散通量( diffusion flux ) 擴(kuò)散系數(shù) (diffus

17、ion coefficient) 擴(kuò)散系數(shù)( diffusion coefficient ) 擴(kuò)展位錯(cuò) (extended dislocation)L拉弗斯相( Laves phase) 萊氏體 (Ld, ledeburite) 冷卻曲線 (cooling curve)冷作硬化 (cold working) 離子鍵 (ionic bonding) 離子晶體 (ionic crystal) 立方晶系 (cubic crystal system) 連續(xù)生長( continuous growth ) 臨界半徑 (critical radius) 臨界變形度 (critical degree of d

18、eformation) 臨界分切應(yīng)力 (critical resolved shear stress) 臨界晶核 (critical nucleus) 菱方晶系 (rhombohedral crystal system) 六方晶系 (hexagonal crystal system)呂德斯帶(L iders band)孿晶 (twins) 孿晶界( twin boundary ) 孿生 (twinning) 螺型位錯(cuò)( screw dislocation )M彌散粒子 (precipitate) 密排堆垛結(jié)構(gòu)( close packed crystal structures) 密排六方結(jié)構(gòu)(

19、hexagonal close-packed crystal structure , HCP, A3 ) 面角位錯(cuò)( Lomer-Cottrell dislocation )面缺陷( planar defects)面心立方結(jié)構(gòu)( face-centered cubic crystal structure ,F(xiàn)CC,A1 )N納米結(jié)構(gòu)( nanostructure) 能量起伏 (energy fluctuation) 凝固( Solidification ) 扭折( kink ) 扭轉(zhuǎn)晶界 (twist boundary) 濃度( concentration ) 濃度梯度( concentrat

20、ion gradient )P排斥力 (repulsive force) 派納力( Peierls-Nabarro force , P-N force ) 攀移( climb ) 配位數(shù) (CN, coordination number) 偏晶反應(yīng) (monotectic reaction) 偏聚 (solute cluster)片狀結(jié)構(gòu) (lamellar structure) 平衡分配系數(shù) (equilibrium partition coefficient) 平衡凝固 (equilibrium solidification) 平衡狀態(tài)圖( equilibrium or constitut

21、ional diagram )。Q切變模量 (shear modulus) 氫鍵( hydrogen bonding ) 球狀結(jié)構(gòu) (spheroidite structure) 驅(qū)動(dòng)力( driving force ) 屈服 (yielding)屈服極限 er s (yield strength)區(qū)域熔煉 (zone melting, zone refining)全位錯(cuò) (perfect dislocation)R熱分析法 (thermal analysis) 熱力學(xué) (thermodynamics) 刃型位錯(cuò)( edge dislocation ) 溶劑原子 (solvent atom)

22、溶質(zhì)原子( solute atom) 熔點(diǎn) (melting point) 蠕變 (creep) 潤濕角( wetting angle )S三斜晶系 (triclinic crystal system) 三元相圖 (ternary phase diagrams ) 上坡擴(kuò)散 (uphill diffusion) 滲碳體( cementite、 iron carbide) 施密特因子( Schmid factor ) 石墨碳 (graphite) 樹枝狀結(jié)構(gòu) (dendritic structure) 水平截面 (horizontal section) 絲織構(gòu) (fiber texture) 四

23、方晶系 (tetragonal crystal system) 四面體間隙 (tetrahedral interstices) 塑性變形 (plastic deformation)彈性變形 (elastic deformation)彈性極限 er e (elastic limit)彈性模量 (Young's modulus) 湯普森記號(hào) (Tompson's notation) 湯普森四面體 (Tompson'stetrahedron)陶瓷( ceramics)BCC, A2 )體心立方結(jié)構(gòu)( body-centered cubic crystal structure

24、, 鐵素體( ferrite ) 同素異構(gòu)( allotropy ) 投影圖 (projections)退火孿晶 (annealing twins)拓?fù)涿芏严?(TCP, topological close-packed phase)完全無序 (random, disorder) 微觀結(jié)構(gòu)( microstructure ) 偽共晶 (pseudo-eutectic) 位錯(cuò) (dislocation) 位錯(cuò)纏結(jié) (dislocation tangle) 位錯(cuò)釘扎 (anchoring of dislocation) 位錯(cuò)反應(yīng) (dislocation reaction) 位錯(cuò)割階 (dislo

25、cation jog) 位錯(cuò)交割( crossing of dislocations ) 位錯(cuò)密度 (density of dislocations) 位錯(cuò)應(yīng)變能 (strain energy of dislocation) 位錯(cuò)增殖 (multiplication generation of dislocations) 位能 (potential energy) 穩(wěn)態(tài)擴(kuò)散( steady-state diffusion ) 穩(wěn)態(tài)凝固 (steady-state solidification) 吳氏網(wǎng) (Wulff net) 誤差函數(shù) (error function) 誤差函數(shù)解 (error

26、 function solution)X吸引力 (attractive force) 析出 (precipitation) 細(xì)觀結(jié)構(gòu) (mesoscopic structure) 下坡擴(kuò)散 (downhill diffusion) 線缺陷( linear defects) 相( phase)相界面 (phase interface)相律( phase rule)相圖 (phase diagram) 小角度晶界 (low-angle grain boundary) 肖脫基空位( Schottky vacancies ) 形變織構(gòu) (deformation texture) 形核 (nucleat

27、ion) 形核率( nucleation rate )Y亞共晶白口鑄鐵 (hypo-eutectic white cast iron) 亞共晶合金( hypoeutectic alloy ) 亞共析鋼 (hypo-eutectoid steel) 亞結(jié)構(gòu) (sub-structure) 亞晶界( sub-grain boundary ) 亞晶粒( sub-grain) 氧化 (oxidation) 液相線 (liquidus) 一次鍵 (primary bonding) 異常晶粒長大 (abnormal grain growth) 應(yīng)變時(shí)效 (strain aging) 應(yīng)力梯度 (stress gradient) 應(yīng)力 -應(yīng)變曲線 (stress-strain curve) 硬度 (hardness) 有效分配系數(shù) (effective distribution coefficient) 元素周期表 (The Periodic Table) 原子的近程排列( short-range atomic arrangements) 原子堆垛結(jié)構(gòu) (atom packed st


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