1、合同范本之居間服務(wù)合同英文居間服務(wù)合同英文【篇一:房屋買賣居間合同(中英文版)_secret】房屋買賣居間合同brokerage con tract of real property purchase甲 方(賣方):party a (seller):乙 方(買方):party b (buyer):丙 方(居間方):party c (agent):信用的原則,共同委托丙方代理并見證甲乙雙方之間的買賣行為, 經(jīng)甲、乙、丙三方協(xié)商一致,共同訂立本合同,以茲各方共同遵守。pursua nt to releva nt laws and regulati ons of the people republi
2、c of china and releva nt rules ofbeiji ng mun icipality, party a and party b en trust party c to act as their age nt for the salesbetwee n party a and party b and bear testim ony to the afore-said tran sacti on in prin ciple ofvolun tary, fair ness and hon esty. through frie ndly n egotiatio n, part
3、y a, party b and party c herebyagree to en ter into this agreeme nt and abide by it jo in tly.第一條 房產(chǎn)成交 sales purchase of the property甲方自愿將自有的房屋產(chǎn)權(quán)有償轉(zhuǎn)讓給乙方。該房產(chǎn)符合北京市建 設(shè)管理委員會制定的房屋上市標(biāo)準(zhǔn),甲方出售該房屋時亦同時將該房屋已分?jǐn)偟耐恋厥褂妹?積和土地使用期限轉(zhuǎn)讓給乙方。房屋具體情況如下:party a agrees to sell the property to party b. the property is qualified
4、 for sale in the market inaccordanee with the regulation of beijing municipalconstruction committee. together with thesales of the property, the allocated land area for the property and the usable term of the land istran sferred to party b join tly. the property is described as:1、 甲方依法取得的房屋產(chǎn)權(quán)證號為:;se
5、rial no. of the title certificate of the propertyis:;2、 房產(chǎn)位于北京市區(qū)【縣】;address: district (county), beijing;房屋結(jié)構(gòu):,房屋用途:;(有產(chǎn)權(quán)車位的請?zhí)貏e注明)architecture:, purpose:(please in dicate ifthere is parking lot with title);3、房屋建筑面積平方米;房屋使用面積 平方米(可不填);con structi on area:m2; usable floor space:m2(opti on al);4、房產(chǎn)權(quán)屬轉(zhuǎn)移時
6、,附帶附屬設(shè)施狀況及室內(nèi)裝飾情況見(附件 二);together with the title of the property, facilities and interiordecorati ons to be tran sferred are as described in appe ndix (1);5、甲方保證已如實(shí)陳述該房產(chǎn)權(quán)屬狀況、裝飾情況和相關(guān)關(guān)系, 乙方對甲方上述轉(zhuǎn)讓房產(chǎn)的具體情況充分了解,自愿買受該房產(chǎn);party a shall guara ntee that it has completely disclosed the facts about the property,
7、 i nclud ing butnot limited to the title, decorati on and releva nt in formatio n; party b has fully un derstood the factsand agrees to buy the property volun tarily.6、房屋共有人及共有人意見:co-ow ners of the property andintention for the sale房屋共有人:指對房屋共同享有所有權(quán)的兩個或兩個以上自然人、 法人或其他組織的共有人。 property together.第二條 成交價
8、格及付款方式 sales price and terms of payment一、成交價格 sales price甲、乙雙方經(jīng)協(xié)商一致,同意上述房產(chǎn)成交價格為人民幣元;上述交易總價款包括:【房價款】【公共維修基金】【室內(nèi)不可移動之裝修】【空調(diào)】及 其它 party a and party b agreethat the sales price of the property be rmb;the price in cludes: price of the property, public maintenance fun d, perma nent in teriordecorati on, a
9、ir-c on diti on ers and others.1. 二、付款方式 terms of payment甲乙雙方經(jīng)協(xié)商一致,甲方認(rèn)可乙方采取以下第種方式付款:party b shall make the payme nt in accorda nee withas follow:a. 1、現(xiàn)金支付 cash乙方應(yīng)在簽訂本合同當(dāng)日,預(yù)先支付總房款的%,作為保證雙方履行合同的定金,該筆款項連同剩余款項經(jīng)甲乙雙方協(xié)商,決定采用下列第種方式:upon sig ning of this agreeme nt, party b shall pay 10% of theprice (say rmb
10、) as thedeposit. this payme nt shall be made in accorda nee withas follow:i.全部支付給甲方,甲方開具相應(yīng)的收款憑證;paid to party a in full and party a shall issue an in voice;b)暫時存入21世紀(jì)不動產(chǎn)北京區(qū)域分部在特定銀行開立的監(jiān)管賬 戶內(nèi),由該銀行監(jiān)管該部分資金,待該房屋權(quán)屬過戶手續(xù)辦理完畢及物業(yè)交割后,連同剩 余房款一并支付給甲方。此業(yè)務(wù)須由甲乙雙方與 21世紀(jì)不動產(chǎn)北京區(qū)域分部另行簽訂交易資 金監(jiān)管委托協(xié)議;deposited temporarily
11、to the escrow acco unt of cen tury21beiji ng regi on. this deposit will bereleased only when the title transfer from party a to party b is completed and the propertyhan dover has bee n con cluded, and the deposit will bereleased together with the remai ning payme nt to party a. to do this, party a a
12、nd party b n eed to sig n a separate escrow agreement with century21 beijing region.剩余款項的支付:payme nt method of the rema ining amount監(jiān)管賬戶即視同乙方已履行向甲方給付定金和房款的義務(wù)。party a and party b hereby agree that, for the afore-said method (b), once the escrow fund isdeposited in the escrow account of century21 beij
13、ing region, it is deemed that party b hasperformed its payme nt obligati on of deposit and the sales price.2、銀行貸款mortgage(1)乙方應(yīng)在簽訂本合同當(dāng)日,預(yù)先支付總房款的%,作為保證雙方履行合同的定金;(2)乙方應(yīng)在簽訂本合同日內(nèi),另行支付 款),一并作為首付款(首付款金額按照貸款銀行的貸款條件不得低于房屋總價款的%)withindays after sig ning of this agreeme nt, party b shallmake up the rest part
14、of the dow npayme nt (the dow n payme nt shall be no less tha n% of theprice in accorda nee with mortgagebank' s requirement).上述(1 )、( 2)款項經(jīng)甲乙雙方協(xié)商一致,決定采用下列第種方式:through the n egotiati on, party b agrees to make the afore-saidpayme nt inway as follow:a)全部支付給甲方,甲方開具相應(yīng)的收款憑證;paid in full amount to pa
15、rty a and party a shall issue an in voice;b)暫時存入21世紀(jì)不動產(chǎn)北京區(qū)域分部在特定銀行開立的監(jiān)管賬 戶內(nèi),由該銀行監(jiān)管該部分資金,待該房屋權(quán)屬過戶手續(xù)辦理完畢及物業(yè)交割后,連同剩 余房款一并支付給甲方。此業(yè)務(wù)須由甲乙雙方與 21世紀(jì)不動產(chǎn)北京區(qū)域分部另行簽訂交易資 金監(jiān)管委托協(xié)議;deposited temporarily into the escrow account of century21beiji ng regi on.this deposit willbe released only when the title transfer fro
16、m party a to party bis completed and the propertyhan dover has bee n con cluded, and the deposit will bereleased together with the remai ningpayme nt to party a. to do this, party a and party b n eed to sig n a separate escrow agreeme ntwith century21 beijing region.同時,甲、乙雙方在此鄭重確認(rèn):前述由 21世紀(jì)不動產(chǎn)北京區(qū)域 分部
17、進(jìn)行的資金監(jiān)管款項,一經(jīng)進(jìn)入資金監(jiān)管賬戶即視同乙方已履行向甲方給付定金和首付房 款的義務(wù)。party a and party b hereby agree that, for the afore-said method (b), once the escrow fund isdeposited in the escrow account of century21 beijing region, itis deemed that party b hasperformed its payment obligation of deposit and the down payme nt.乙方采用銀行貸
18、款的方式支付剩余房款,由21世紀(jì)不動產(chǎn)北京區(qū)域分部提供統(tǒng)一的金融按揭服務(wù),乙方須與21世紀(jì)不動產(chǎn)北京區(qū)域分部另行訂立貸款委托協(xié) 議。if party b makes the remaining payment with bank mortgage, party b shall sig n a separateen trusted payme nt authorizati on with cen tury 21 beiji ng regi on for its mortgage services.1) 經(jīng)辦理貸款的銀行審批,乙方符合貸款條件的,貸款銀行依據(jù) 乙方簽署的委托付款授權(quán)書將款項一次性劃
19、至甲方在同行開設(shè)的專用結(jié)算帳戶。if party b satisfies the criteria of getting the mortgage loan through the exam ination of the lending2)方式解決:in case party b does not satisfy the criteria of getting the loan through the exam ination of thelending bank, party b will chooseof the follow ingmethods as the soluti on:a.自
20、銀行做出不予批貸的決定起日內(nèi),乙方自行籌集剩余房款,照現(xiàn)金支付的形式支付給甲方,乙方承擔(dān)在此期間發(fā)生的各項費(fèi)用;with indays after the bank decides not to provide theloan, party b shall raise therema ining payme nt by himself and pay in cash to party a. party b shall bear all the expe nsesoccurred during this period;b.終止本協(xié)議的履行,由甲乙雙方返還相應(yīng)款項,期間發(fā)生的各項 費(fèi)用由乙方承擔(dān)。
21、term in ate this agreeme nt, and party a and party b shall refund the money which have bee n paidto each other. party b shall bear all the expe nses occurred during this period.三、關(guān)于稅費(fèi)相關(guān)規(guī)定taxes and fees1、本合同履行期間內(nèi),甲、乙雙方自行按國家及地方相關(guān)規(guī)定自行 繳納各項稅、費(fèi),丙方協(xié)助甲乙雙方進(jìn)行相關(guān)稅費(fèi)的確認(rèn)及計算工作。稅費(fèi)分擔(dān)經(jīng)甲乙雙 方協(xié)商,決定按照如下方式進(jìn)行分擔(dān):a. party a
22、and party b shall pay all the taxes and fees respectively in accorda nee with releva ntregulatio ns of the state and local gover nmen ts. party c shall assist party a and party b to calculatereleva nt taxes and fees. through n egotiatio n, party a and party b agree to bear the taxes and feesas follo
23、ws:雙方對前述稅費(fèi)未約定、約定不明或遇政策調(diào)整的,雙方應(yīng)在權(quán)屬 過戶之日前日內(nèi)協(xié)商并達(dá)成一致,否則,按國家相關(guān)法律規(guī)定繳納;for any taxes or fees unspecified, unclear, or changed with the policy, party a and party b shallreach a consen susdays before the title tran sfer, or party a and party b shall make the payme ntin accorda nee with the gover nment regulat
24、i on.在上述房屋交付前未支付的物業(yè)管理費(fèi)、水、電、燃?xì)?、通信費(fèi)等 其他費(fèi)用,由甲方承擔(dān),房屋交付之后發(fā)生的前述費(fèi)用,由乙方承擔(dān);fees in clud ing but not limited to property man ageme nt fee,utility fees for water, electricity, gas,teleph one and others before the han dover of the property iscon cluded shall be born by party a.and the fees after shall be born b
25、y party b.2、上述稅費(fèi)可在丙方向應(yīng)付費(fèi)方預(yù)收后代為繳納,相關(guān)部門所開具 的完稅憑證、行政事業(yè)性收據(jù)、工本費(fèi)發(fā)票等單據(jù),待代理事項完成后,由丙方交付給付 費(fèi)的一方。party a and party b may en trust party c to pay the aforesaidtaxes and fees and party c shalltran sfer the payme nt proof, receipts and in voices issued byreleva nt gover nment to the parties thatmake the payme nt.
26、第三條 居間報酬的金額及支付方式commission and terms ofpayme nt因甲乙雙方基于丙方的媒介服務(wù)而訂立房屋買賣合同,丙方有權(quán)收 取相應(yīng)的居間報酬,因此甲乙雙方在訂立房屋買賣合同時,約定選擇 下列第種方式支付丙方的居間報酬:accorda nee with1、居間報酬由一方支付,即方應(yīng)于本合同簽訂當(dāng)日按照房屋總價款的,即人民元向丙方支付居間報酬;born by one party. party shall pay% of the property price (sayrmb) to party cupon sig ning of this agreeme nt;2、居間
27、報酬由甲乙雙方分?jǐn)?,即甲方按照房屋總價款的,即人 民幣元向于本合同簽訂當(dāng)日丙方支付居間報酬,乙方按照房屋總價款 的,即人民幣 元于本合同簽訂當(dāng)日向丙方支付居間報酬。甲乙雙方的房屋買賣合同訂立后,因甲方或/和乙方的原因致使合同未履行的,居間報酬不予退還。shared by two parties. party a shall pay % of the property price(say rmb), andparty b shall pay % of the property price (say rmb) toparty c upon sig ning of theagreeme nt.the
28、 afore-said commissi on shall not be refun ded by party c toany party if this agreeme nt fail tobe performed due to default of either party a or party b oncethis agreeme nt is en tered by thethree parties.第四條 權(quán)屬過戶代理 title transfer agency services甲乙雙方辦理權(quán)屬過戶的所有證件資料準(zhǔn)備齊全,由丙方為甲乙雙 方提供有償?shù)倪^戶委托代理服務(wù)。丙方提供權(quán)屬過戶代
29、理服務(wù),權(quán)屬過戶的代理服務(wù)費(fèi)金額 為人民幣元,由方于本合同簽訂當(dāng)日支付給丙方,(或甲方支付元,乙方支付元);party a and party b shall prepare the certificates and materials for title transfer and party c shallprovide chargeable title transfer services for party a and party b with fees.the service fee for title tran sfer age ncy services is rmb.the fee
30、shall be paid by partyto party c upon sig ning of this agreeme nt (or, party a pay rmb and party b pay rmbto party c).第五條 房屋交付 handover of the property【篇二:居間服務(wù)合同】貸款居間服務(wù)合同甲方: 身份證號: 乙方:根據(jù)我國合同法民法通則等法律規(guī)定雙方代表經(jīng)友好磋商后.致冋意訂立本合冋書。一甲方委托乙方向銀行以及其他貸款機(jī)構(gòu)申請借款(具體借貸金額由銀行以及其他信貸機(jī)構(gòu)評估審批后確定,甲方不得以額度大小為理由拒貸,拒貸產(chǎn)生的費(fèi)用由甲方承擔(dān))。一1、
31、甲方職責(zé):1、提供借貸所需的真實(shí)性資料。2、積極配合辦理相關(guān)手續(xù)。3、維護(hù)乙方權(quán)益三、乙方職責(zé):1、充分發(fā)揮資源優(yōu)勢,認(rèn)真負(fù)責(zé)加速辦理所有借款手續(xù),在金融 機(jī)構(gòu)審批后,借款顯示金額并成功提現(xiàn)即視為貸款成功。2、全面協(xié)調(diào)甲方與金融機(jī)構(gòu)的關(guān)系。3、維護(hù)甲方權(quán)益。四、居間服務(wù)費(fèi):甲方須在銀行以及其他貸款機(jī)構(gòu)借款顯示金額并 成功提現(xiàn)后,一次性向乙方支付貸款總額的 %為居間服務(wù)費(fèi)。五、違約責(zé)任:1、乙方在本合同生效后如擅自撤銷委托則視作違約。2、銀行以及其他貸款機(jī)構(gòu)的貸款到達(dá)甲方銀行賬號當(dāng)日,甲方保 證支付居間服務(wù)費(fèi)到乙方指定的賬號,每延誤一天甲方按申請貸款總 額千分之五向乙方支付滯納金。3、如因政策調(diào)整及甲方貸款條件問題造成金融機(jī)構(gòu)無法放貸的,甲 乙雙方對此均不承擔(dān)違約責(zé)任。六、其它:1、
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