1、SUZHOU焊錫膏印刷操作指引S OLDER PASTER PRINTER WORKSTATIONINSTRUCTION信息分類:三階文件文件編號:生效日期:起草人:Zhuyongxing 審核人:Cliff批準人:Sam版本:1.0頁碼:1 of 311.Product Revision 產品版本Product Name 產品名稱Applicable Product BOM Revision 適用的產品BOM版本N/A N/A 2.Change history更改記錄Updated Ver.最新版本Effective date生效日期Prepared by起草人Brief of Amendm
2、ents更改內容摘要INSTRUCTION版本:1.0 頁碼:2 of 323.Purpose目的To provide standard operating instructions for the DEK 265 Horizon.4.Scope范圍This document applies to all manufacturing sites that utilize the DEK 265 Horizon.5.Definitions定義IPC-T-50 - Terms and Definitions for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic
3、Circuits 6.Responsibilities職責N/A7.Description描述1.1.Process FlowINSTRUCTION版本: 1.0頁碼:3 of 32STARTEnsure the E-stopsare in the up positionTurn on Main Power SwitchPress Blue System Button when Prompted Press the "Monitor"Square on the Touch Screen or F7 on the Keyboard Press the "Log On
4、"Square on the Touch Screen or F1 on the KeyboardType in OperatorI.D."Your Name"Is the Machine Powered Up?Press the "Exit"Square on the Touch Screen or F8 on the KeyboardENDType in"ADMINISTRATOR"in User field and "administrator" in password fieldWhen Netw
5、ork logon box appears click on "OK" (This will occur twiceNoYesClick on the DEKiconINSTRUCTION版本:1.0 頁碼:4 of 321.2.Machine Start-Up1.2.1.Ensure that all E-stops are in the on position. The machine has 2 E-stops one on side of the front panel. (SeeFigure 1.0 Figure 1.0: Location of E-stops1
6、.2.2.Turn main power switch clockwise ¼ turn. Indicator should be pointed upward. (See Figure 2.0 ..1. Figure 2.0 Main Power Switch on Front onMachineINSTRUCTION版本:1.0 頁碼:5 of 321.2.3.To log on type: “ADMINISTRATOR” in the user field and“administrator” in the password field (See F
7、igure 2.1 Figure 2.1INSTRUCTION版本:1.0 頁碼:6 of 321.2.4.When The Network logon box appears click on the OK button (Figure 2.2 1.2.5.Click on the DEK icon to start the printer1.2.6.When prompted, Press blue System Button located just above the keyboard. (Figure 3.0 Figure the Monitor squ
8、are on the screen or F7 on the Keyboard (See Figure 4.0 Location 1.INSTRUCTION版本:1.0 頁碼:7 of 32 Figure 4.0INSTRUCTION版本:1.0 頁碼:8 of 321.2.8.Touch the Log On square on the screen or F1 on the keyboard. (Figure 5.0 Location 1 Figure your name into Operator Log on Box (See in Figure 5.01.
9、2.10.Touch “Exit” on the screen or press F8 on the keyboard (See Figure 5.0 Location 2INSTRUCTION版本:1.0 頁碼:9 of 321.MACHINE OPERATION 1.3.Process FlowINSTRUCTION版本:1.0 頁碼:10 of 32StartIs Proper Program Loaded?Press the Setup Boxon the Screen or F6on the KeyboardPress the Load DataBox on the Screen o
10、rF2 on the KeyboardHighlight the requiredfile for the assemblyto be runPress the Load Boxon the Screen or F1on the KeyboardIs the Correct Stencil Loaded?Press the ChangeScreen Box on theScreen or F5 on thekeyboardClose the PrintheadCover andPress theBlue System ButtonOpen the PrintheadCover and Remo
11、veExisting Screen andToolingPress the ChangeTooling Box on theScreen or F6 on theKeyboardPress the OpenCover Box on theScreen or F2 on theKeyboard then Openthe Printhead CoverAdjust the boardsupport tooling to suitthe product to beprintedLoad a new stencilinto the printer,ensure correctorientation a
12、nd printjustificationClose the FrontPrinthead Cover andPress the BlueSystem ButtonPress the Exit Box onthe Screen or F8 onthe KeyboardPress the ChangeScreen Box on theScreen or F5 on theKeyboardPress the Exit Box onthe Screen or F8 onthe KeyboardPress the Setup Boxon the Screen Menuor F6 on theKeybo
13、ardPress the Mode Boxon the Screen Menuor F1 Until AutoAppears in the Modeoption on the StatusPagePress the Exit Box on the Screen Menu or F8 on the Keyboard Press the Run Box on the Screen Menu or F1 on the Keyboard NoYesYes NoPress the Exit Box onthe Screen or F8 onthe KeyboardPress the BoardStop
14、Box on theScreen or F4 on theKeyboardPress the BoardClamps Box on theScreen or F3 on theKeyboardPlace Flat ToolingBlocks or PinsBetween Rails InArea Board Will RunIs this Side A orSide B of theAssembly?Place PCB on theRails and Push inUntil it Meets BoardStopAlign Mylar to PCBand Tape to RailsIs a S
15、tencil Loaded?Is the Machine in Auto Mode?NoYesYes NoSide BSide APress the HomeCleaner Box on theScreen or F3 on theKeyboardPress the Paste Load Box on the Screen Menu or F3 on the KeyboardPress the Manual Load Box on the Screen Menu or F2 on the KeyboardOpen the Front Printhead cover and Apply a be
16、ad of Paste to the StencilClose the Front Printhead Cover and Press the ContinueBox on the ScreenPress the Exit Box onthe Screen Menu or StopPress the OpenCover Box on theScreen or F2 on theKeyboard then Openthe Printhead Cover Press the Setup Boxon the Screen or F6on the KeyboardPress the HomeClean
17、er Box on theScreen or F3 on theKeyboardPress the Run Box onthe Screen Menu orPress the Setup Boxon the Screen or F6on the KeyboardInstall the squeegees Press the BoardclampINSTRUCTION版本:1.0 頁碼:11 of 321.4.Loading Program1.4.1.Press the Setup box on the touch screen or F6 on the keyboard. (See Figur
18、e 4.0 Location 2 1.4.2.Press the Load Data box on the Screen or F2 on the keyboard. (See Figure 6.0 Location 1 Figure 6.0INSTRUCTION版本:1.0 頁碼:12 of 321.4.3.Highlight the required file for the assembly to be run. The correct file name for the assembly to be run can befound in the line file supplied b
19、y the CAM department. (See in figure 7.0 Figure the Load box on the screen or F1 on the keyboard. (See Figure 7.0 Location 11.4.5.Press the Exit box on the screen or F8 on the keyboard. (See Figure 7.0 Location 2 The step must be completedfor the program to properly load.1.5.Support T
20、ooling1.5.1.Press the Setup Box on the screen or F6 on the keyboard. (See Figure 4.0, Location 1INSTRUCTION版本:1.0 頁碼:13 of 321.5.2.Press the Change Tooling box on the screen or F6 on the keyboard. (See Figure 6.0, Location 21.5.3.Side A Tooling.Press the Open Cover box on the screen or F2 on
21、the Keyboard (Figure 8.0, Location 1 then open the printheadcover. (Figure 9.0.INSTRUCTION版本:1.0 頁碼:14 of 32 Figure 8.0 Figure 9.0INSTRUCTION版本:1.0 頁碼:15 of 3.Place flat tooling blocks or pins between rails in area board will run. (Figure 10.0 .Close the cover..Press the blue s
22、ystem button..Press Exit.INSTRUCTION版本:1.0 頁碼:16 of 3.Press Home Cleaner. Figure B Tooling.Press the Home Cleaner box on the Screen or F3 on the Keyboard. (Figure 8.0, Location .Press the Board Stop box on the screen or F4 on the keyboard. (Figure 11.0, L
23、ocation .Press the Open Cover box on the screen or F2 on the keyboard, (Figure 9.0, Location 1 then open the printheadcover. (Figure .4.4.Press the Board Clamps box on the screen or F3 on the keyboard. (Figure 11.0, Location .Place a PCB on the Rails and push into the machine
24、 until it meets the board stop..Press board Clamps and close the cover..Press blue system button..Press Exit..Press Home Camera.INSTRUCTION版本:1.0 頁碼:17 of 30.Press Open Cover1.Align a mylar to the PCB and tape to the rails with masking tape.2.Refer t
25、o the Assembly Build Instruction to determine if a custom tooling plate is required. Align the custom toolingplate or universal tooling pins or blocks to the open areas on the mylar.3.Remove the mylar, Close the cover and Press ExitINSTRUCTION版本:1.0 頁碼:18 of 32 Figure 11.01.6.Stencil Loading1
26、.6.1.Press the Setup Box on the screen or F6 on the keyboard. (See Figure 4.0, Location 11.6.2.Press the Change Screen box on the screen or F5 on the keyboard. (See Figure 6.0, Location 3INSTRUCTION版本:1.0 頁碼:19 of 321.6.3.Open the printhead cover (Figure 9.0 and remove the existing screen if needed.
27、 (Figure 12.0. Figure 12.0INSTRUCTION版本:1.0 頁碼:20 of 321.6.4.Load a new stencil into the printer. Ensure correct orientation and print justification. (Figure 13.Figure 131.6.5.Close the front printhead cover (Figure 14 and press the blue system button. (Figure 3.0 Figure 141.6.6.Press the Change Scr
28、een box on the screen or F5 on the keyboard. (Figure 6.0, Location 31.6.7.Press the Exit box on the screen or F8 on the keyboard. (Figure 6.0, Location 41.6.8.Press the Exit box on the screen or F8 on the keyboard. (Figure 8.0, Location 3.INSTRUCTION版本:1.0 頁碼:21 of 321.7.Load The Solder Paste 1.7.1.
29、Press Paste Load.1.7.2.Press Manual Load.1.7.3.Open Cover and Load Paste.1.7.4.Deposit a bead just in front of the stencil image.1.7.5.Close the cover and Press the Blue system button.1.7.6.Press Continue.INSTRUCTION版本:1.0 頁碼:22 of 321.7.7.Press Exit.1.8.Squeegee Loading1.8.1.Press Setup.1.8.2.Press
30、 Change Squeegee.1.8.3.Open the Cover and change the squeegees.INSTRUCTION版本:1.0 頁碼:23 of 321.8.4.Close the cover and Press the Blue system button.1.8.5.Press Continue.1.8.6.Press Exit.2.Paper loading1.9.Press Open Cover.1.10.Press Change Screen.1.11.Remove the Stencil.1.12.Lift the empty tube from
31、the cleaner.1.13.Remove the spindles from each end.1.14.Remove the take up roll.1.15.Rotate the flange 1/4 turn to unlock the paper roll.1.16.Slide the dirty paper from the shaft.1.17.Slide the left end of the empty shaft into the cleaner end plate.1.18.Place the right end of the shaft into the moto
32、r drive spindle.1.19.Place the paper spindles into both ends of the new paper roll.1.20.Install the roll in the front of the cleaner. The paper should be routed from underneath.1.21.Install the paper as shown in the diagram.New Roll Take up RollINSTRUCTION版本:1.0 頁碼:24 of 32 1.22.Slide the paper thro
33、ugh the rear shaft.INSTRUCTION版本:1.0 頁碼:25 of 321.23.Press Prime Paper.1.24.Press the two-button control until the slack is out of the paper.1.25.Reinstall the stencil.3.Solvent loading1.26.Press Open Cover.1.27.Press Change Screen.1.28.Remove the Stencil.1.29.Remove the cap from the Reservoir.1.30.
34、Add solvent to the reservoir.1.31.Replace the cap.1.32.Press Prime Solvent.1.33.Press the two button controls until the paper becomes wet.Solvent Cap ReservoirINSTRUCTION版本:1.0 頁碼:26 of 321.34.Reinstall the stencil4.Shut Down1.35.Press E-Stop.1.36.Click on the Close System Icon.1.37.Click on Start.1
35、.38.Click on Shut down.INSTRUCTION版本:1.0 頁碼:27 of 321.39.Wait for windows to shut down properly.1.40.Turn of the main power switch.5.Trouble shooting1.41.Fiducial Find FailureClean the fiducial with a pencil eraser and retry.1.42.Pressure Error1.42.1.Reprint the PCB until the errors are cleared.1.42
36、.2.Inspect the board and wash if necessary.1.42.3.Clean the bottom of the stencil1.43.Paste Missing On The PCBAdd more solder paste to the stencil1.44.Bad Paste RegistrationGet technical support.1.45.Transfer ErrorAdjust conveyors and retry.1.46.Solvent LowAdd solvent per instruction1.47.Paper Empty
37、Load paper per instruction6.Data capture REQUIREMENTSINSTRUCTION版本:1.0 頁碼:28 of 321.48.The READINGS.DEK file must be manipulated to establish the Printing process performance of an Assembly on theDEK 265 Horizon.1.49.The READINGS.DEK file is located on the local drive, which must be renamed after ea
38、ch assembly has been completed.1.50.If this is not carried out before the set up of the next batch it will continue with the data logging process and therefore beunable to establish which assembly has been run.1.51.The file should be named with the assembly number date and sample number as shown below: -716320WO12345-20120
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