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1、Vacuum Pump OverviewXue Jia nguo(Jia ngsu Asia Pacific pump valve tech no logy limited compa ny, Jia ngsu Taizhou 225400)Abstract: Vacuum pump is an eno rmous qua ntity of products, yield great wide, theoutput is not high, but it is really a directlyaffect the vacuum equipmentperformanee qualityindi

2、spensable based products. The vacuum pump market inaccordanee with the needs of users and happen dynamics. Market growth from the main driv ing force of the rapid developme nt of the semic on ductor in dustry and dry pump and molecular pump applicati on field of wide ning.Keywords: vacuum pump; mark

3、et development; expandIntroduction: At present, the vacuum pump market sales of about $20 billionin annualrate around 7%. Our producti on of vacuum pump manu facturer of vacuum pump, all in many sales are about 1.5 billionyuan, is only American KINNEYcompany annual sales1 2of vacuum pump . Based on

4、the an alysis of global vacuum pump market we can seethat all types of vacuum pump market and application fields are constantly changing and developing.Our country vacuum pump manufacturing has a long history and strongfoun dati on, homebred vacuum pump has bee n applied in many differe nt fields an

5、d validated, some pumps also exported abroad, get foreign customers approval and good reputation,it should be said that China vacuum pump manufacturing in domestic andintern ati onal market still has the huge developme nt space.1. Water-ring vacuum pumpAlthough water-ri ng vacuum pump bel ongs to ro

6、ugh vacuum pumps, but in our country of petroleum, chemical in dustry, electric power, textile, paper, pharmaceutical products still has a large market. In a foreig n coun try, water ring vacuum pumps sales3total market of 14% , after dry pump, so SEIMEMS and NASH, such compa nies inChi na KINNEYinv

7、 estme nt and con struct ion or establish sales n etwork, and3constantly expand in our market share . Because water ring pumps are mostly casting, processing requirements are not high, of labor-intensive products, so the domestic water ring pump on price competitive advantage, the key is to design i

8、mproveme nt, n arrow the volume, lose weight, in crease efficie ncy, reduce the en ergy con sumptio n.2. Rotary pist on pumpRotary piston pump is a kind of oil seal type vacuum pump. Becauserotary piston pump more durable, reliable, various domestic and international vacuum furn ace, coaters and dry

9、ing equipme nt, dipp ing with rotary pist on pump is a former level rotary pist on pump pump, but casti ng heavy, process ing larger workload, so the foreig n vacuum factory all seek part nership in Chi na. I n order to make the homemade rotary pist on pump can en ter the intern ati onal market, we

10、must further reduce pump vibration noise, prevent leakage and improve injection and rotary piston pump Ion g-term operati on reliability.3. Straight league rotary vane pumpsAlong with the vacuum tech no logy in each applicati on doma in expa nds un ceas in gly, straight league rotary vane pumps the

11、grow ing dema nd. Because of this pump nu mber, process ing and assembli ng workload is very big, price is very low, so some foreign vacuum manufacturers in China build plants. Domestic small and medium-sized straight league rotary vane pumps in tech no logy have pass, price and far tha n foreig n p

12、ump cheap, so domestic pump still has a competitive adva ntage, the key is to solve the shaft seal leakage and rotary vane materials and vacuum pump oil performanee quality problems, ensure that straight league pump in the high speed, high temperature performa nee is stable and reliable operati on,

13、and mea nwhile, further improve the domestic straight league rotary vane pumps besides water vapor ability.4. ROM Bates vacuum pumpFrom abroad ROM Bates vacuum pump product ion situati on, the foreig n several big companies, such as the LEYBOLD, ALCATELL BALZERS, EDWARDS and ULVAC, they each ROM sal

14、es of Bates pump of world ROM Bates pump sales proporti on of more tha n 5%, which are not on ly 20%, total 5 home Bates pump output robbe n is not big, but foreig n ROM Bates pump prices tha n domestic pump is much higher. At present, the domestic and foreign almost all the large or small high vacu

15、um and vacuum system, in order to shorten the suction time and improve product ion efficie ncy is equipped with ROM Bates pump, so homebred ROM Bates pump must be in occupied domestic market based on man aged to en ter the intern ati onal market, so we must further reduce domestic ROM Bates pump vib

16、rati on no ise, thoroughly solve the shaft seal leakage problem and improve the quality and improve the appeara nee of the pump in side the finish and clea nn ess of pump. Additi on al, eve n con sideri ng some coun tries and regi ons of power freque ncy for 60HZ, more make sure Paul Bates pump in i

17、mpro ving speed un der the con diti on of the Ion g-term operati onal reliability.At prese nt,the domestic air type in-I ine atmospheric ROM Bates pump progress soon, tech no logy has matured on .Because of this pump in the vent below containing gas cooler, one part is cooled the air through pipeli

18、ne pump chamber to cool the rotor retur ns, thus make refrigerator heat to be bala need, so this kind of pump can be in-li ne atmosphere. In order to meet differe nt requireme nts of limit ing vacuum pump series, this can be used, gen eral appe nding a air type in-li ne atmospheric ROM Bates pumps,

19、reach limit vacuum pump high level than before an order of magnitude. This pump because in pump chamber without work ing medium, is actually bel ong to dry pump. At prese nt, this kind of air type in-li ne atmospheric ROM Bates pump and crew have in petroleum, chemical, plastic, pesticide, turb ine

20、rotor dyn amic bala nee, aerospace space simulation device got Iong-term operation of the test, so it should be popularized and applied in China5.5. Molecular pumpMolecular pump in the field of many foreig n semic on ductor process occasi on is used instead of cryogenic pumps, especially sputtering,

21、 etching and LCVD devices are adopted complex molecular pump and tractio n pump as the main pump.Because of molecular pump to water vapor is only the pumping speed with diameter cryoge nic pumps pump ing speed in the quarter, so molecular pump exhaust time tha n cryoge nic pumps long. In order to im

22、prove the pump ing speed, foreig n in molecular pump in let side to in stall a-130°C 150°C low-temperature cooli ng-plate, called low-temperature molecular pump, vapor by low-temperature board, other gas is captured by molecular pumped away6. This kind of low molecular pump in the vacuum c

23、oati ng on the device applicati on, it raised product ion efficie ncy and improves the coati ng quality. With Chi na's semic on ductor in dustry, film in dustry and scie ntific research un dertak ing develop rapidly, molecular pump should be focus ing on the development of our country vacuum pum

24、p manufacturing. First, molecular pump to establish a complete series of childhood, and research and developme nt of different complex molecular pump, traction pump and low temperature molecular pump, in order to meet differe nt situati on the n eed.6. Dry type mecha ni cal vacuum pumpForeig n dry t

25、ype mecha ni cal vacuum pump market is grow ing, its mai n drive from the semic on ductor in dustry, chemical in dustry, film in dustry rapid developme nt. In Japa n, semic on ductor in dustry is full already use dry vacuum pump oil seal type JiXieBe ng, euramerica n in stead of semic on ductor in d

26、ustry more tha n 45% replaced with dry vacuum pump oil seal type JiXieBeng, greatly improving the product performa nee and quality .In order to meet differe nt applicati ons and requireme nts of different working conditions, abroad have multistage ROM Bates vacuum pump, multi-stage claw type vacuum

27、pump, screw vacuum pump and the vacuum pump, reciprocati ng type vortex pist on vacuum pump and turb ine oil free pump etc. Extreme pressure from 10PA 10-2PA, pumping speed from 20M3 / H 500M3 / H. Accord ing to statistics, at prese nt domestic dry pump applicatio n is in sufficie nt still 1%7, dome

28、stic semic on ductor in dustry with dry pump all imported from abroad, its price is very expensive. Therefore, our country should vigorously research and developme nt dry pump, and let the dry vacuum pump become Chin a's in dustrial new econo mic growth point.7、Vacuum pump tech no logy progress

29、trendTech no logy is the impulsi on of the dema nd of the market. Because the vacuum tech no logy, expa nsion and the rapid growth of high-tech, the domestic market to the vacuum pump tech no logy level put forward higher request. The vacuum pump product ion en terprises must through tech ni cal inn

30、o vati on and the adjustme nt of product mix two ways to preserve the origi nal market, and thus con ti nue to expa nd the market share.7.1、Enhance the vacuum pump reliability, reduce the vibration and noise, pay atte nti on to the vacuum pump comprehe nsive level.Over the past several years, vacuum

31、 pump manu facturer pays atte nti on to main performa nee in dexes, such as, extreme pressure, pump ing speeobtc, and ignore the vacuum pump comprehensive performanee. And now, product reliability, performanee stability and the environment pollution caused by gradually become users buy products fact

32、ors. For rotary vane pumps, , rotary piston pump , luo Bates pump concerned will mature such reliability desig n con cept applied to vacuum pump desig n, the reliability desig n, reliability experime nts to dramatically improve aspects the free time, vacuum pump reliability, stability and life, ensu

33、re vacuum pump can under various working conditions Iong-term reliable operation. By adopting new tech no logy, new material, new structure to reduce the vibrati on and no ise, solve pump oil spraying, oil leakage problem, but also a clean user friendly working en vir onment.7.2、Vacuum pump to indiv

34、iduation, diversification development.En terprise face is ever cha nging market, and our vacuum pump products but waking greatly. Product and market of cohesion, make we don't lose many opport un ities. The vacuum pump n ext developme nt should be facing pers on alized and diversification. So-ca

35、lled personalized and diversification is aims at the different n eeds of differe nt customers, desig n for a user's specific occasi on products, make the product is in this occasi on to applicati on, characteristic play just pour adva ntage.7.3、Formation of molecular pump and dry pump scale prod

36、uction.According to the forecast by 2010, China will become the world's sec on d-biggest semic on ductor IC market, total dema nd is about 1000 YiKuai, reachi ng $100 billi on more tha n the total amount, n eed to build more tha n 30 large product ion line to meet dema nd. 30 producti on lines n

37、 eeded dry vacuum pump around 15000 un its, it is curre nt our country vacuum pump annual output of 1/10 or s£Domestic curre ntly vacuum pro-ducti on equipme nt still with traditi onal vacuum pump is give n priority to, mai nly for slidi ng vane rotary pump, rotary pist on vacuum pump, luo Bate

38、s vacuum pump, steam flow pump, water ring vacuum pumps, etc, and all used in traditional industries, China's production of vacuum pump used for electro nic in formatio n in dustry to less tha n 1%, with Japa n, Europea n and America n coun tries tha n gap is treme ndous.Our producti on of dry v

39、acuum pump is just the start stage, in the whole n ati on 200 manu facturer of vacuum pump en terprise, can produce the dry vacuum pump of en terprise in sufficie nt 10 home, annual product ion capacity of less tha n 1000 sets. No form batch producti on. Curre nt domestic product ion of dry pump mos

40、t used in laboratory and chemical, pharmaceutical and other fields, used in semic on ductor in dustry is very few.Domestic rapid development of electronic information industry no effective stimulating domestic dry vacuum pump development, but become international vacuum industrialized countries to t

41、he expansion of the land. At present domestic built semic on ductor in tegrated circuit producti on line, almost all of the dry vacuum pump (including other vacuum equipment) are all imported mainly from Britain, Japa n, Germa ny, America, etc. Domestic product ion of dry vacuum pump from en teri ng

42、 the field was very difficult, making the dry vacuum pump this future vacuum pro-duct ion equipme nt lead ing products in our country through a very difficult situati on. The cause of this situati on was the main cause of dry vacuum pump in our startti ng eve ning, just a start n amely facing abroad

43、 has developed mature products to en ter China market, large domestic product besides low price outside, in process ing manufacturing, technical level, quality situation and so on various aspectsdoes not contain adva ntage, foreig n coun tries products after years of con test, has bee n basically di

44、vided up the domestic market, and establish feet, domestic producti on because of the dry vacuum pump has lost market incentive, did not have the developme nt power, progress is slow. In dustry experts agree that the dry vacuum pump is vacuum pro-duct ion equipme nt the directi on of developme nt, b

45、ut also vacuum pro-ducti on means "cutt in g-edge tech no logy", our coun try's vacuum pump industry must make a differenee in this field, the first in food, chemical, pharmaceutical, etc. After these markets to cultivate and exercise, and the n in to the semic on ductor in dustry. To

46、make the in dustry of keep ing pace with times.At prese nt domestic molecular pump shall improve its series and develop many varieties, such as low molecular pump, complex molecules pump etc, gradually expa nd the market.7.4、To in troduce adva need foreig n tech no logy, make domestic in depe ndent

47、bran ds.In troduce the foreig n adva need tech no logy, improve our scie ntific and tech no logical content of products in other in dustries have successful experie nee. In the developme nt of vacuum pro-duct ion equipme nt in the high-e nd product in troducti on of foreig n tech no logy, and good d

48、igesti on absorpti on, will cha nge our country product otaku pin lia ng speed low-skilled, quality and tech no logy level cannot meet the dema nd of market of the status quo. But we the in troduct ion of foreig n tech no logy, should pay special atte nti on to two poin ts: one is the emphasis on di

49、gest absorb, and based on this, cultivate enterprise of independent intellectual property rights and innovation ability. 2 it is not repeat import blindly, aiming at the intern ati onal on con temporary latest tech no logy, avoid in troduc ing gen erati on, backward gen erati on. The in troducti on

50、of foreig n tech no logy is not an end, but a means, through in troduc ing tech no logy ultimately make domestic in depe ndent brand!7.5、Grasp product structure adjustment to develop to meet market dema nd of the products.The traditi onal vacuum equipme nt we produce decades in the n ati on wide for

51、m became the stability of the product distribution pattern. But with the high speed developme nt of economy, the in formati on tech no logy, aerospace, nano scie nee and other high-tech bow I guide of today's scie nee and tech no logy developme nt trend. And these high-tech vacuum pro-duct ion e

52、quipme nt's developme nt is in separable from the basic equipme nt. At prese nt domestic situati on is still in product ion vacuum pump producti on en terprise traditi onal product mainly in the traditi onal applicati on field occupied more tha n 90% of the market share .In the high-tech fields,

53、 domestic products in the tech ni cal level and quality will fail to meet dema nd, more tha n 90 perce nt market share by foreig n product occupati on. Domestic vacuum pro-duct ion products and the developme nt of new high tech no logy, product structure apart seriously in compatible. Most en terprises only expect to exist ing old products, and con sta ntly in creased product ion and in creased profits, this possibility in curre nt competitive market will be more and more small. In today's domestic and foreign market patter n in front, as soon as possible adjustme nt of product struc


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