cb N_雜環(huán)卡賓催化Stetter反應(yīng)的研究進(jìn)展_圖文_第1頁
cb N_雜環(huán)卡賓催化Stetter反應(yīng)的研究進(jìn)展_圖文_第2頁
cb N_雜環(huán)卡賓催化Stetter反應(yīng)的研究進(jìn)展_圖文_第3頁
cb N_雜環(huán)卡賓催化Stetter反應(yīng)的研究進(jìn)展_圖文_第4頁
cb N_雜環(huán)卡賓催化Stetter反應(yīng)的研究進(jìn)展_圖文_第5頁




1、 謝益明等 : N 雜環(huán)卡賓催化 Stetter 反應(yīng)的研究進(jìn)展 / 2011 年第 7 期 15 30 Brau n R U , M l ler T J J. Coupli ng is omeriz at ion St et t er and coupl ing is omeriz at ion St et t er Paal K norr s equences ( 14 : 2391 2406. 31 Bharadw aj A R, Scheidt K A . Cat al yti c mult icom pon ent synt h e sis of highl y s ubst it

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10、icient support ed organi c cat aly st for parallel St et t er react ion s J . O rganic Let t er s, 2004, 6( 19 : 3377 3380. 28 29 Raghavan S , A nuradha K . Solid phase s ynt hes is of h et erocycles f rom 1, 4 diket on e synt hons J . Synlet t, 2003, ( 5 : 711 713. K obayash i B, K aku Y , H iguras

11、hi K , et al. A library cons tru c ti on of 2, 5 disub st itu t ed pyrrole compoun ds by usin g solid/ s olu ti on ph as e synt heses J . Bioorgani c & M edicinal Chemist ry Let t ers, 2002, 12( 13 : 1747 1750. Research Progress of Stetter Reaction Catalyzed by N Heterocyclic Carbene XIE Yi ming, WU

12、 Jie, CHAO Xue jing ( S chool of Petr ochem ical Engi neeri ng , L anz hou Univ er si ty of T echnology , L anz hou 730050 , China Abstract: N H et erocyclic carbene ( NH C as a new cat alyst has been w idely used in or ganic synt hesis. T his paper int ended t o delineat e spect acular achievement

13、s that have been made in t he area of cat alysis using N het er ocyclic car bene fo r St et t er r eact ion, including int ermo lecular and int ramolecular St ett er r eaction, poly mer sup port ed St ett er r eact ion, Stet t er Paal Knorr react ion and t he application o f St et ter r eact ion t o

14、 synt hesis of natu ral product s. Keywords: N het erocyclic carbene; St et ter react io n; umpolung; asy mm et ric cat alysis 洛陽石化破除環(huán)吹風(fēng)紡絲技術(shù)壟斷 2007 年, 洛陽石化在引進(jìn)國外技術(shù)的基礎(chǔ)上, 利用近一年的時間實施了環(huán)吹風(fēng)技術(shù)國產(chǎn)化攻關(guān) 。在環(huán)吹風(fēng) 設(shè)備的安裝和制造方面大膽創(chuàng)新 , 去掉了原來生產(chǎn)線上緩冷器和側(cè)吹風(fēng)窗, 更換了環(huán)吹冷卻系統(tǒng)和升降裝置。 與 國外同類技術(shù)相比 , 洛陽石化采用了金屬環(huán)吹風(fēng)筒, 采取由下至上的進(jìn)風(fēng)方式 , 形成了自己的專有技術(shù) , 并取得了 3 項國家專利。 利用這一技術(shù)生產(chǎn)多孔細(xì)旦高速紡絲( POY 產(chǎn)


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