



1、Wireless computer monitoring device withautomatic arming and disarmingTECHNICAL FIELDThe present invention is directed to a system and method for detectingwhen a digital device, such as a personal computer, is being separatedfrom a person. If separation is detected, the person is notified and withou

2、tfurther action required, the device is automatically disabled.BACKGROUNDThe theft or loss of a digital device (valuable) continues to pose a problem,especially for people who are traveling. Going to the washroom, taking anhour away from the office for lunch, traveling by car or airplane, frequentin

3、ghotels, are just some of the common tasks people undertake as part oftheir normal schedules. Items such as cellular telephones, personal digitalassistants (PDA), digital cameras, LCD projectors, laptop computers, anddesktop computers are just some of the small, but valuable, items thatthieves targe

4、t.Laptop computers are especially tempting targets for thieves because theyare both valuable and portable. More and more laptop computers arebeing used each year. Millions of laptop computers are in use worldwideand laptop computer sales have been continuously increasing due to lowerprices and the a

5、vailability of wireless networks which make it possible towork almost anywhere. More and more portable computing devices arebeing introduced to the market.Correspondingly, the rates of theft of portable computing devices havebeen increasing year by year. The theft of portable; devices is a majorissu

6、e that has yet to be appropriately addressed by laptop computermanufacturers or security device companies. A large percentage of totalthefts occur in public places on the road and inairports. A smaller but significant percentage of thefts take place from offices.Current anti-theft solutions and thef

7、t-deterrent systems range from simple, passive methodsto more complex separation detectors, two-way signaling devices, and motion alarms. Someof the separation detectors have useful features. The notion of a system knowing where theuser is in relation to his/her valuable is an important step forward

8、. However, these devicesare passive, and situations will often occur where a user is separated from a valuable yet atheft is not occurring (e.g. while the person is visiting a washroom).Two-way signaling devices extend the capability of monitoring a valuable further by allowinga user to screen signa

9、ls and get feedback from the valuable. However, these methods areoften complex and require too much interaction from the user.There exists a need for practical theft-deterrent systems. Such systems should ideally: besimple to use, allow users to be mobile; require no interaction when a user is relat

10、ively closeto the valuable; be at least nearly free from false alarms; not require the user to remember toarm and disarm the system; and protect any proprietary information housed within thevaluable.SUMMARY OF THE INVENTIONApparatus according to certain preferred embodiments of the invention can det

11、ect theproximity of the owner/guardian to a valuable, arm and disarm automatically, protectproprietary information housed within the valuable, and notify a responsible person of anytheft attempts that occur when they are not in the immediate vicinity of the valuable.One aspect of the invention provi

12、des a security apparatus for protecting a valuable. Thesecurity apparatus comprises a portable remote unit and a base unit configured for couplingto the valuable. The remote unit comprises a first transceiver capable of transmitting andreceiving data signals, a notification device coupled to said fi

13、rst transceiver, the notificationdevice being capable of activation in response to an alert signal received by said firsttransceiver, and, a deactivation element coupled to said first transceiver, the deactivationelement configured to cause said first transceiver to transmit a DISARM signalrepresent

14、ative of a command to deactivate an alarm. The base unit comprises a secondtransceiver capable of transmitting and receiving data signals, a proximity determiningmechanism configured to detect a proximity of the remote unit to the base unit, and, a dataconnection to the valuable, said base unit conf

15、igured to send a signal to the valuable by wayof the data connection, the signal indicating that the valuable should be disabled when theproximity determining mechanism determines that the remote unit is not within apredetermined proximity of the base unit.Another aspect of the invention provides a

16、base unit for use in securing a valuable article.The base unit comprises a wireless transceiver capable of transmitting and receiving datasignals, a proximity determining mechanism configured to detect a proximity of a remote unitto the base unit, and, a data connection to the valuable article. The

17、base unit is configured tosend a signal to the valuable by way of the data connection, the signal indicating that thevaluable should be disabled when the proximity determining mechanism determines that theremote unit is not within a predetermined proximity of the base unit. The configuration maycomp

18、rise the provision of a programmed controller or hard wired control mechanism in thebase unit, for example.A further aspect of the invention provides a method for securing a valuable. The methodcomprises coupling a base unit to the valuable; detecting whether a remote unit is within apredetermined r

19、ange of the base unit; if the remote unit is not within the predeterminedrange of the base unit, executing a locking process comprising: sending a lock signal to lockthe valuable; and, if the remote unit is within the predetermined range of the base unit,executing an unlocking process comprising: se

20、nding an unlock signal to unlock the valuable.Various additional aspects of the invention and features of embodiments of the invention aredescribed below.BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGSIn drawings which illustrate non-limiting embodiments of the invention:FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram illustrating

21、 connectivity between a base unit and a remote unitin a system according to the invention;FIG. 2 is a flowchart illustrating a method performed at the base unit during operation of thesystem of FIG. 1;FIG. 3 is a flowchart of a method performed at the remote unit during operation of the systemof FIG

22、. 1;FIG. 4 shows a base unit according to one embodiment of the invention comprising a lockingmeans to attach the base unit to a device such as a laptop computer, projector, or the like;FIG. 5 is a flowchart showing a method for operating a tamper resistant power switch in abase unit;FIG. 6 is a flo

23、wchart illustrating a method for operating an ON/OFF power system at aremote unit; and,FIG. 7 is a flowchart illustrating a method performed on the apparatus being protected by thesystem of FIG. 1.DESCRIPTIONThroughout the following description, specific details are set forth in order to provide a m

24、orethorough understanding of the invention. However, the invention may be practiced withoutthese particulars. In other instances, well known elements have not been shown ordescribed in detail to avoid unnecessarily obscuring the invention. Accordingly, thespecification and drawings are to be regarde

25、d in an illustrative, rather than a restrictive,sense.FIG. 1 shows a system 20 for monitoring and protecting a valuable item, such as a laptopcomputer, projector, or the like. System19comprises a pair of units, a base unit21 and a corresponding remoteunit 22. Base unit 21 is attached to a valuable i

26、n some manner. The corresponding remoteunit22 is carried by a person, such as theowner, user or guardian of the valuable.Base unit 21 comprises a control system which, in the illustrated embodiment, comprises aprogrammed microcontroller24. Remote unit 22comprises a control system which, in the illus

27、trated embodimentcomprises a programmed microcontroller 33. Microcontrollers 24 and 33 may comprisecommercially available chipsets or be formed by discrete components. For example, amicrocontroller may comprise a CPU, timer, random access memory (RAM), read-onlymemory (ROM), address logic, and a dir

28、ect memory controller (DMA). Operating programsfor microcontrollers 24 and 33 may be stored in microcontrollers 24 and 33 or in separatememories accessible to microcontrollers 24 and 33. The components described herein aremerely representative ofcomp onents that can be applied in embodime nts of the

29、 inven ti on. In alter nativeembodime nts, suitable hardware logic circuits may be provided to perform the functions ofmicrocontrollers24 and 33.Base unit 21 in cludes microc on troller24, a moti on sen sor system25,a siren circuit23, an“ON user control 26, a USB controller35, aUSB port 36, and a re

30、mote charging connector 37.Base unit 21 also in cludes a wireless data com muni cati on mecha nism for com muni cating with remote unit22. In the illustrated embodime nt,com muni cati on with remote unit 22 is provided by a radio freque ncy (RF) tran sceiver thatmay comprise a tran smitter28 and a r

31、eceiver 27.The RF transceiver 27 and 28, can be a commercially available RF tran sceiver that iscapable of tran smitti ng and recei ving radio freque ncy sig nals or may be made up ofdiscrete comp onen ts. Other suitable RF or other wireless sig nali ng devices could beprovided in place of RF transc

32、eiver 27 and 28.Moti on sen sor circuit25, can in clude one or more of:*one or more tilt switches capable of detect ing rotati onal cha nges; a vibrati on sen sor which detects vibrati ons;*one or more accelerometers;*one or more light detector circuits; one or more pressure sen sors;*or the like.Mo

33、ti on sen sor circuit 25 comprises circuitry that com muni cates to microc on troller25 whe n moti on has bee n detected. Forexample, the circuitry may set a flag in a data register accessible to microc on troller24 or trigger an in terruptseque nee in microc on troller24 or send a message tomicroc

34、on troller24 or the like.Sire n circuit23, may in clude a commercially-available speaker orother soun d-emitt ing device and circuit which drives the device to produce sound.ON con trol 26 may comprise a sta ndard butt on or any other suitable in put mecha nismwhich en ables a user to cause base uni

35、t21 to tur n on.System 20 provides a cha nnel for com muni cati on betwee n base unit21and a valuable being protected. In the illustrated embodiment, this com muni cati on channel is provided by way of a USB (uni versal serial bus) conn ecti on in cludi ng a USB controller35 and a USB port 36. USBco

36、n troller35 may comprise a commercially-available chipset thatimpleme nts a USB protocol. USB port 36 could comprise a USB physical conn ector, forexample. It can be appreciated that com muni cati on betwee n base unit21 and avaluable being protected may be providedby any suitable circuit or other m

37、echa nism that establishes a data conn ecti on betwee nbase unit 21 and a process 100 running on board the valuable. For example, a suitable serialport conn ector, a direct connection with internal circuitry of the valuable, a proprietary connector, a PCI bus, PC card in terface, or the like could b

38、e provided in place of USB con troller35 and USB port 36.Remote charg ing conn ector37 may comprise a commercially availableconn ector or a dock ing stati on.Base unit 21 comprises a mecha nism that permits it to be securely conn ected to a valuablebeing protected. For example, base un it21may compr

39、ise a fitting that can be lockably engaged to a Kensington? security slot, whichmay be found on laptops, LCD mon itors, LCD projectors and the like. The mecha nism maycomprise a flexible tether such as a cable or the like betwee n base unit 21 and thevaluable. Insome alter native embodime nts:* base

40、 unit 21 is affixed to the valuable, for example with a suitable adhesive, screws orother fasteners or the like; or,base unit 21 in cludes a mecha nism that can be detachably locked to a fitting attached to thevaluable by way of a suitable adhesive, screws or other faste ners or the like;base unit 2

41、1 comprises a mecha nism to lock base un it 21 to some other feature of thevaluable.Remote unit 22 in cludes a microc on troller33, a no tificati on circuit34, an ON/OFF user con trol31, a DISARM user con trol32, and achargi ng conn ector 38. Remote unit 22 also comprises a wireless datacom muni cat

42、i on mecha nism compatible with that of base unit21 .In theillustrated embodime nt, remote unit22 comprises an RF tran sceivercomposed of a tran smitter30 and a receiver 29. RF tran sceiver 29 and30 can be a commercially available RF tran sceiver that is capable of exchanging radiofrequency signals

43、with RF transceiver27, 28 of baseunit 21. Other suitable RF or other wireless sig nali ng devices could be provided in place ofRF transceiver29, 30.RF transceiver 27 and 28 of base unit 21, and RF transceiver29 and30 of remote unit 22 may be con figured to operate at variableoperati ng freque ncies

44、or using a wide spectrum to preve nt in terfere nee from otherproducts worki ng at similar freque ncies.Suitable freque ncy-shift ing tech no logies are known to those skilled in the art of wirelessdata com muni cati ons.Notificatio n circuit34, may comprise a speaker, a vibrator, a soundemitting de

45、vice, and/or a light emitting device together with any circuitry required to drivesuch device to alert a user.ON/OFF user con trol 31, may comprise a sta ndard butt on or other suitable in put mechanism which a user can use to send a sig nal to ano ther part of the circuitry of remote un it22.DISARM

46、 user con trol 32, can be a sta ndard butt on or other suitable in put mecha nismwhich a user can use to send a sig nal to ano ther part of the circuitry of remote unit22.In one embodime nt, activatio n ofDISARM user con trol 32 causes a flag to be set in the microc on troller 33.In the embodime nt

47、depicted above, programs running on themicroc on troller24 of the base unit 21 and the microc on troller33 onthe remote unit22 con trol base unit21 and remote unit 22 toperiodically sig nal each other. These sig nals permit base unit21 andremote unit 22 to detect the proximity to one ano ther and se

48、nd alerts to one ano ther in dicating eve nts such as:*moveme nt of base un it 21,*remote unit 22 being separated from base unit 21 by some dista nee,*the activation of DISARM user con trol32 on the remote unit 22by an owner or user.During no rmal operatio n, both remote unit22 and base unit 21expec

49、t to periodically receive a coded sig nal from one ano ther every so ofte n.The sig nals excha nged betwee n remote unit 22 and base unit 21 may be en coded. Eachsystem 20 may en code sig nals in a differe nt unique manner such that two or more similarsystems20 can operate in thesame vic in ity and

50、freque ncy without in terferi ng with one ano ther.Each base unit 21 and remote unit 22 may be con figured to ignore sig nals uni ess the signals are en coded in a way corresp onding to the match ing remote unit 22 or base unit 21.En cod ing may be performed bymicrocontrollers24 and 33 using any sui

51、table encoding method ormethods. The en codi ng for sig nals going from base unit21 to remote42unit 22 could be but is not necessarily the same as the encoding for signals traveling fromremote unit22 to base unit 21.In some embodiments, the remote unit includes a system identifier for generating a s

52、ystemidentification signal representative of the remote unit and at least one base unit. In somecases the remote unit may comprise a unit identifier for generating unit identifier codescapable of discriminating among a plurality of base units having a common systemidentification signal. In such embo

53、diments, a single remote unit 22 could be used inconjunction with a plurality of base units 21 each protecting a different valuable.FIG. 2 is a flowchart for a possible control process40 for a baseunit 21. Process 40 may be effected by software executed on microcontroller 24. Process 40commences at

54、block 41 where microcontroller 24 is either powered up or woken up from alow-power idle mode. Technology for conserving power by placing a processor in alow-power idle mode and periodically waking up the processor is common and can beimplemented in any suitable manner. For example, a software timer

55、or a hardware timer maybe provided to periodically interrupt microcontroller 24.A hardware timer may comprise, for example a suitable digital logic counter coupled to asystem clock which passes a signal of elapsed time to another part of the circuit. A CPU mayset the timer to expire after a certain

56、period of time and then set a flag or data register orsend a signal to some circuitry indicating that time has expired.Process 40 places microcontroller24 and transceiver 27 and 28 in a“sleep”or low -power mode where minimal processing can be done, but much power issaved. By operating the circuits a

57、t full power only some of the time, power is conserved withthe capability of greatly reducing the overall power consumption. In some cases, power canbe on less than half of the time, and in another cases it can be on for only a quarter of thetime, and in yet other cases power can be on for less than

58、 an eighth of the time, and so on.Once microcontroller24 is activated, process40 proceeds to blockwhere receiver 27 is set to receive mode for a short period of time.While receiver 27 is in receive mode, microcontroller24 checks tosee if a valid signal from the corresponding remote unit22 isreceived

59、.Process 40 then proceeds to block43 wherein it controls transmitter28 to transmit an RF signal at low power. The signal includes preamble bits of data. Otherreceivers can lock onto the frequency of transmission of transmitter 28 while the preambleis beingtransmitted. Transmitter 28 then transmits a

60、 unique identifier of bits known only to thecorresponding remote unit 22, followed by instruction bits which the remote unit 22 canprocess. The power of transmission on the transmitter28 determines how strong the radiosignal will be when it is received at the corresponding remote unit 22. An increas


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