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1、供應(yīng)鏈管理實(shí)驗(yàn)指導(dǎo)書目錄實(shí)驗(yàn)一、供應(yīng)鏈管理認(rèn)知實(shí)驗(yàn)實(shí)驗(yàn)二、供應(yīng)鏈模擬實(shí)驗(yàn)實(shí)驗(yàn)三、案例分析實(shí)驗(yàn)一、供應(yīng)鏈管理認(rèn)知實(shí)驗(yàn)一、實(shí)驗(yàn)?zāi)康某浞掷枚嗝襟w等現(xiàn)代信息技術(shù)。在雙語教學(xué)中采用現(xiàn)代信息技術(shù)的目的正好與這門課程自身的特點(diǎn)相得益彰。與英文教材相結(jié)合,把國(guó)外先進(jìn)的物流與供應(yīng)鏈管理理論與我國(guó)企業(yè)的實(shí)際情況 相結(jié)合,開發(fā)了適應(yīng)本專業(yè)教學(xué)的 PPT課件,全面實(shí)行多媒體教學(xué)。 學(xué)生邊看邊聽,在生動(dòng)形象傳 授知識(shí)的同時(shí),提高了學(xué)生的閱讀與聽說能力。利用視頻等讓學(xué)生了解供應(yīng)鏈的發(fā)展過程,同時(shí)提 高學(xué)生的英語聽力水平。二、實(shí)驗(yàn)要求1、了解供應(yīng)鏈環(huán)境下供應(yīng)商與制造商的新型關(guān)系及其對(duì)采購(gòu)活動(dòng)的影響、供應(yīng)商的選擇;了解供

2、應(yīng)鏈合作關(guān)系的定義、供應(yīng)鏈合作的重要性。2、理解客戶關(guān)系管理的內(nèi)涵及其功能、供應(yīng)商關(guān)系管理的含義;理解準(zhǔn)時(shí)采購(gòu)與傳統(tǒng)采購(gòu)在流程 及思維方面的差異。3、掌握供應(yīng)鏈管理的概念、特征及結(jié)構(gòu)模式;掌握供應(yīng)鏈合作伙伴的選擇、供應(yīng)鏈企業(yè)之間合作 的策略模式;掌握采購(gòu)的定義、過程及其模式,供應(yīng)鏈環(huán)境下的采購(gòu)與傳統(tǒng)采購(gòu)的區(qū)別;掌握供 應(yīng)鏈管理環(huán)境下的生產(chǎn)計(jì)劃與控制的特點(diǎn);掌握庫存管理的基本知識(shí)等。4、熟練掌握供應(yīng)鏈管理環(huán)境下采購(gòu)和銷售運(yùn)作方式。三、實(shí)驗(yàn)準(zhǔn)備計(jì)算機(jī)、服務(wù)器、In ternet和供應(yīng)鏈管理教學(xué)軟件。四、實(shí)驗(yàn)內(nèi)容和步驟1. 視頻介紹供應(yīng)鏈管理的發(fā)展2. 了解MRP,ERP,MIT,JIT等一些基本概

3、念,了解軟件的運(yùn)作五、實(shí)驗(yàn)資料1.1 Defin iti ons and Fun cti onsLogistics (bus in ess defi niti on): Logistics is defi ned as bus in ess-pla nning framework for man ageme nt of material, service, information and capital flows. It includes the increasingly complex information, com mun icati onandcon trolsystems requ

4、ired in today,bus in essen viro nment.(Logistics Partners Oyo, Helsinki, FI, 1996)Logistics (military definition): The science of planning and carrying out movement and maintenance of force Those aspects of military operations that position, maintenance, evacuation and disposition ofmaterial; moveme

5、nt, evacuation, and hospitalization of personnel; acquisition of construction, maintenan ce, operati on and dispositi on of facilities; and acquisiti on offurnishing of services.(JCS Pub 1- 02 excerpt)Logistics: The process of pla nning, impleme nti ng, and con troll ing the efficie nt, cost effecti

6、ve flow and storage of raw materials, in- process inventory, finished goods and related information from point of origin to point of con sumpti on for the purpose of meeti ng customer requireme nt.(Refere nce: Can adia n Associati on Logistics Man ageme nt)Professor Donald J. Bowersox, a famous expe

7、rt on Logistics in the University of Michigan State, pointedrdout in Logistic Management (3 edition) published in 1986 that, “ Theterm of Logistics is neither restricted in the field of commerce nor in that of military. It is applicable for commercial activities of both public and private enterprise

8、s. In his works, he also applied the following terms to illustrate part or all of the activities of Logistics:Busin ess Logistics, Physical Distributi on Materials, Logistics Man ageme nt,Material Management, Physical Supply, Logistics of Distribution, Total Distribution, etc. He also advaneed a mod

9、al of logistics, which is illustrated in the following figure1.1:翟上海建爍學(xué)曉經(jīng)濟(jì)管理賣繪申心商貿(mào)系物流管理教研室Figuie 1. 1 A Modal of Logistics by Donald J. BowersoxDo中肝aw ijm nin?ScrMini*hHaWlUCtt >1© tttWIbli 5ProductionNDorestir j_pp l-i ASdllMBilEC P'-.dXtftHP:i(-ersvOworsiS繃China Owriiib Loglattea WH 燉弋

10、 Fun«t*Customers demandField Warehouses:Centers sinksSources: plantsRegional Warehouses: 小 ,.Stocking pointsVendors portsstocking pointsSupplyTransportation costsInventory &warehousing costsProduction/purchase'Transportationcosts'costsInventory& warehousingcostThe moder n milita

11、ry defi niti on of logistics reflects the broad scope of functions in volved and The In stituteof Logistics and Transportation' s definition follows this closely: Logistics is the scienee and ardesig n, optimisati on and man ageme nt of n etworks for the time-relatedpositioning of resource. In i

12、ts most comprehensive sense, those functions which deal with the follow ing aspects such as:1) desig n and developme nt, acquisiti on, manufacture, storage, moveme nt, distributi on, maintenance and dispositi on of goods;2) desig n, developme nt, man ageme nt and maintenance of passe nger systems;3)

13、 acquisiti on or con struct ion, maintenance, operati on and dispositi on of facilities;4) acquisiti on or provisi on of services.There are four principal aspects to managing in this logistic way.5) Outcome: logistic man ageme nt focuses on the desired outcome and produces the best pla n to achievet

14、hat outcome (within any constraints that are applied), irrespective of the degree of difficulty or塗乂海建林學(xué)曉繪濟(jì)等理實(shí)絵中心inconvenience that may be caused to any of the in termediate processes.6) Seque nee: logistics in volves establish ing and con troll ing the best seque nee in which a nu mber of operatio

15、ns or processes are carried out.7) Timing: the operations or processes must be carried out at the best time, both relative to one another and to the overall aim.8) Location: the operations or processes must be carried out in the best place, relative to one another and the overall aim.1.2 The Ways of

16、 Logistics WorkLlogistics is about the sequence of operations that result in the placing of finished goods or servicesin the hands of an end-user. Although there are some key aspects that apply to all logistics, the specific processes differ from one logistics to ano ther because of the differe nt n

17、 ature of the goods and services that they relate to. This Sectio n deals with some of the esse ntial eleme nts com mon to most logistics and the importa nce of the in teract ions betwee n certa in of them.ProcurementThe procureme nt is the process of obta ining all the goods and services required b

18、y an orga ni zati onfrom external sources. It involves: analysis of conditions and opportunities in the supply market; evaluation of potential suppliers; calculation of total cost of acquisition; development of sourcing strategies; joint responsibility with users for agreeing specifications; identif

19、ying sources and assuring con ti nuity of supply; establishi ng a commercial agreeme nt. The main role of the procureme nt fun ctio n (or purchas ing fun ctio n) in an orga ni zati on is to act as the prime in terface with the external market place.Relati on ships are developed with suppliers, follo

20、wi ng a process of evaluatio n to determ ine their fitn ess to provide required goods and services.Markets and Suppliers AnalyzingSupply market analysis involves obtaining information about potential suppliers, the nature ofproducts, prices and economic forecasts. The information can then be analyze

21、d and incorporated in a market in tellige nce system to provide kno wledge and un dersta nding of the markets being used. Supplier appraisal is un dertake n before a supplier is awarded bus in ess and is desig ned to establish whether a potential supplier is capable of meeting the organization'

22、s requirements. In other words, can the supplmeet specified levels of price, quality and time? Various possible sourcing strategies are possible by篷上海這煤學(xué)曉綾濟(jì)管理賣絵中煜depe nding on the n ature of the requireme nt, such as follow ing aspects:9) Sin gle sourc ing (i.e. using just a sin gle supplier);10) Mu

23、ltiple sourcing (i.e. using more than one supplier for each requirement);11) Local, national or global market supply;12) Framework agreements (broad, overall agreements against which buyers may make regular13) orders without the need to negotiate terms afresh each time);14) Partnerships and alliance

24、s。PlanningAn un dersta nding of all the eleme nts of any particular logistics and all their possible in teract ions and con seque nces is vital to proper logistic pla nnin g. It is probably in evitable that there will n ever be an ideal solution, but the object of logistics is to arrive at the optim

25、um solution that provides the best overall result from the comb in atio n of eleme nts and factors whe n measured aga inst certa in key logistic drivers, even though none of the in dividual logistics comp onents are as efficie nt as they could be.Computerised systems en ables the in tegrati on of th

26、e purchas ing process with wider purchas ing and logistics functions (e.g. requisitioning, ordering, tendering, and placing orders, deliveries, stock control and payments). The customers make their specifications to define their needs but purchasing should: give details on available products and sou

27、rces of supply; provide supplier appraisal data; identify risk factors aga inst suppliers and products; ide ntify opport un ities for aggregati on and sta ndardisati on; advise on the best form of specificati on.Contracts and Managing SuppliersThe con tractual arra ngeme nts must be structured to ma

28、tch the particular requireme nt. Examples of differe nt types of arran geme nt are as follows:1) Spot orders;2) On e-off purchase order;3) Bla nket order aga inst framework agreeme nt;4) Call-off order against framework agreement;5) Fixed-price con tract;6) Con tract with rates.These may be set up t

29、hrough a tendering process or by negotiation. Once the supplier has been selected and the deal n egotiated, a con tract can be draw n up. This can be as simple as rais ing a purchase海建搐學(xué)院短濟(jì)管理類缺中心order with standard terms of trading printed on the back. More complex requirements involve using n ati o

30、nal sta ndard forms of con tract with comprehe nsive commercial terms and con diti ons.TransportationTransportation is another element that pervades the entire logistics, rather than being a separate element of it. Transportation provides flexibility and exists not only as a link between the differe

31、nt elements of the logistics (raw materials to processing plant, distribution of finished goods to wholesalers and retailers, retur n of un sold or faulty goods and waste packagi ng) but very ofte n with in the eleme nts. The manu facturers require work in progress to move betwee n differe nt proces

32、ses; separated sometimes by a few hundred meters (a conveyor belt or pipeline is transportation), sometimes by thousands of miles (cloth ing, electro nic goods, cars) so con siderable amounts of tran sportati on exist with in the manu facturi ng fun ctio n as well.The long dista nee heavier tran spo

33、rtati on en ables the sort of distributed manu facture that is com mon in the car in dustry. Con sider the case of Ford with a factory in South Wales maki ng fuel injectio n bodies that are shipped to Spain to be fitted to engines. These engines may then be taken to Belgium to be put into the car bo

34、dy, along with tran smissi on parts from Germa ny. Fin ally the fini shed car may be delivered any where in the world for sale. Tran sportati on also en ables people to enjoy the quality of life that comes from living in the country but the opportunity for employment that comes from working in a cit

35、y. Parents can choose which school their children will attend because the government allows them to, but only because they also have access to tran sportatio n for the home-school journ ey.Storageoperati on caThe term storage is used to cover the temporary storageof 'people, as well as goods. St

36、orage gives flexibility, so that whe n dema nd for goods is seas onal or un predictable the producti on capacity can n evertheless operate at a fixed level because the output can be stored aga in st later sale. Carrying stock at the point of sale leads to rapid satisfacti on of customer dema nd. Hub

37、 and spokebecause there is the facility for temporary storage at the hubs.Such operation also applies to people and makes possible a range of journey options that would otherwise n ot exist. Without this temporary storage, there would have to be very few connecting services because straight -dadoisi

38、g ' would be impossible to arrange with in the practicalities of timetables and slots Country railway stations require parking space because there is often little or no public海建搐學(xué)院短濟(jì)管理類缺中心transportation available to serve the area and the only means of access to the railway service is by in terc

39、ha nge from car to train.1.3 Discussi onIt is very unlikely that any logistics will be a perfect mix of all its various components. This may bethe accide ntal result of a failure of proper logistic pla nning or it may be simply recog niti on that there isonly in freque ntly anything approach ing an

40、ideal soluti on. There will almost always be some eleme nt of tradoff ' n ecessary to create an optimum, rather tha n an ideal, comb in atio n. If the procureme nt processis not fully integrated with operations the situation may arise that the purchasing department see anopport un ity to reduce

41、cost by buying a con sig nment of raw material at lower tha n budgeted cost. However,if this cheap raw material turns out to need additional machining to achieve the desired finish, the extramachining cost may well outweigh the saving in purchase price. The cheap material may also not be to therequi

42、red durability sta ndard and may fail in service, aga in with additi onal cost or even a tragedy.Special grants are available in some areas that are earmarked for developme nt so that compa nies canset up an installation cheaply. However, these areas, by definition, will be remote from the marketpla

43、ce forthe goods produced so, although the con struct ion cost of the pla nt will be lower, there will be an in creasedtransportation cost of moving the goods to market. Parents can choose to send their children to any schoolthat will take them, not only the local one. This gives an important element

44、 of choice but the consequenceis the con gesti on and polluti on that is gen erated by the school run ' . The decisi on to live in the c(and work in the city poses a similar problem.An idealized view and in reality there are constraints that have to be recognized, but the focus of logisticsis on

45、 looking for ways to minimize those constraints. This requires certain features in terms ofman ageme nt and the orga ni zatio n and we look at those in the n ext sect ion. The discipli ne of logistics is concerned with managing a whole range of issues that are almost en tirely gover ned by a derived

46、 dema nd for services that are n ecessary for the satisfact ion of the customer ' psimary dema nd. In moder n econo mies there may be several close substitutes for any give n goods or services, all of which are equally suitable. When this happens customer' s base their buying decisions on th

47、e total buying (and using) experience and this means that performance of the whole supply-cha in is importa nt.Importance of LogisticsThe first evolution has taken place in the form of the global logistics management, which has been applied by Macs. With decli ning profit margin in the domestic mark

48、et and in face of n eed of continued bus in ess expansion, these corporations are seeking new worldwide markets on an unprecedented scale. Global marking and sale initiatives are the trends toward Macs are increasingly gearing up. This trend for internationalization, in turn, requires much more soph

49、isticated management techniques over the entire process of the commodity moveme nt from the coun tries of orig ins to the coun tries of dest in ati ons.Moving a wide variety of products around the world 24 hours a day, 365 days a year require logistics management techniques significantly different f

50、rom those developed for domestic markets. Closely lin kage of all players in the global supply cha ins requires the logistics man ageme nt un derp inned by the intern ati onal EDI system. This globalizati on of bus in ess activities is a major factor reshap ing the international trading activities t

51、o all countries are required to adjust by adapting their institutional frameworksThe total logistics conceptIt has extended the concept beyond one firm to all firms involved in the whole supply chain, outsourcing the intern ally sup-plied materials and products to external suppliers. This exte nded

52、view of en terprise offered firms an opport unity to view the relati on ship with ven dors, suppliers, third party logistics support age nts and customers in a differe nt way, each forming a part of the cha nn el. Participa nts in the cha nnel gain competitive advantage through improving the overall

53、 channel efficiency by reducing risk and effectively leveraging the corporate resources of each channel member. Coupled with the recent developme nt of electr onic data in ter cha nge (EDI), this approach bega n to bring about a broader impact on macro econo mic efficie ncy.The total logistics conce

54、pt (TLC) aims to treat the many different elements that come under the broad category of distribution and logistics as one single integrated system. It is a recognition that the in terrelatio nships betwee n differe nt eleme nts for example, delivery tran sportatio n and storage n eed to be con side

55、red with-i n the con text of the broader supply cha in. Thus, the total system should be con sidered and not just an in dividual eleme nt or sub-system in isolati on.One unforeseen result however is that the toys without their boxers cannot be stacked on to wooden pallets because they are un stable

56、but must be stored and moved in stead in special trays. These trays are totally different to me unit load that is currently used in the warehouse and on thevehicles (i. e. the woode n pallet). The additi onal cost pen alty in providi ng special trays and cateri ng for ano ther type of unit load for

57、storage and delivery is a high one much higher tha n the sav ings made on the product packagi ng.This example illustrates a classic case of sub - optimization in a distribution system. It shows how the concept of total logistics can be ignored at some significant cost. As the product packaging costs

58、 have bee n reduced, those concerned with this compa ny function will feel that they have done their job well. The overall effect on the total logistics cost is, in fact a negative one. The company is better served by disregard ing this pote ntial savi ng on packagi ng because the additi onal warehouse and tran sportati on costs mea n that total costs in cre


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