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1、文檔可能無法思考全面,請瀏覽后下載! 長句的翻譯方法1 順序翻譯法(1) The problem is that the last generation or so were come to assume that women should be able, and should want, to do everything that by tradition men have done at the same time as prettywell everything that by tradition women have done.問題是,在過去二十年時(shí)間里,我們已經(jīng)認(rèn)定,婦女們應(yīng)該能夠

2、且應(yīng)該想做男人們想做男人們傳統(tǒng)上所做的一切,而同時(shí)也能夠做得跟婦女們傳統(tǒng)上所做的一切同樣好。27 / 37(2) Exercise*Prior to the twentieth century, women in novels were stereotypes of lacking any features that made them unique individual and were also subject to numerous restrictions imposed by the mali-dominated culture. 2. 逆序翻譯法 (1)It therefore b

3、ecomes more and more important that, if students are not to waste their opportunities, there will have to be much detailed information about courses and advice.因此, 如果要使學(xué)生充分利用(上大學(xué))的機(jī)會, 就得為他們提供關(guān)于課程的更為詳盡的信息, 作更多的指導(dǎo)。這個(gè)問題顯得越來越重要了。(2)Exercises*It is probably easier for teachers than for students to apprec

4、iate the reason why learning English seems to become increasingly difficult once the basic structures and patterns of the language have been understood.*A great number of graduate students were driven into the intellectual slum when in the United States the intellectual poor because the classic poor

5、, the poor under the rather romantic guise of the beat generation, a real phenomenon in the later fifties.*Such a human nature in the west that a great many people are often willingto sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white collar workers.*Clear-cut guidelines and politics have been

6、 worked out and expressed in accurate language concerning the economy, politics, science and technology, education, culture and military and foreign affairs.3. 分譯法翻譯英語句子時(shí),有時(shí)我們可以把原文的句子結(jié)構(gòu)整個(gè)保存下來或只作稍改變即可,但在不少情況下則必須將原來的句子結(jié)構(gòu)作較大的改變。把原文的一個(gè)簡單句譯成兩個(gè)或兩個(gè)以上的句子,這叫分譯法。使用分譯法,可以把原句中的一個(gè)詞,一個(gè)短語或一個(gè)句子分譯成兩個(gè)或兩個(gè)以上的句子。一、把原文中單

7、詞譯成句子(一)副詞1They tried vainly to blame us for the breakdown in the truce talk.他們試圖把和談的罪名加在我們頭上,但沒得逞。2The Chinese seemed justifiably proud of their economic achievements.中國人似乎為他們在經(jīng)濟(jì)上取得的成就而自豪,這是合乎情理的。(副詞分譯)3Not surprisingly, he was constantly receiving complaints from all of them about his not giving v

8、alue for money.毫不奇怪,他經(jīng)常受到來自他們之中的種種埋怨,說他光拿錢不干活。4Characteristically, Mr. Smith concealed his feelings and watched and learned.懷特先生沒有表露自己的感情,只是察言觀色,心領(lǐng)神會,他的特點(diǎn)就是這樣。(二)形容詞1That region was the most identifiable trouble spot.那地區(qū)是個(gè)麻煩的地方,這是大家最容易看得出來的。(形容詞分譯)2She is grateful for his defense.他為她挺身而出,她很感激。3The g

9、uest was pleased by the distinction but not overwhelmed.來賓對這種破格禮遇感到高興,但沒有受寵若驚。4Suddenly the door bursts and Gorge appears, dirty, disheveled, and bad ragged, with a nasty cut on his chin.突然,門開了,喬治出現(xiàn)了。他十分骯臟,衣冠不整,渾身是泥,下巴嚴(yán)重劃傷。5The elements are less reserved and distinct.宇宙各種元素并不像以前那么含蓄,也不像以前那么截然不同。(三)名

10、詞1He shook his head and his eyes were wide , then narrowed in indignation .他搖了搖頭,兩目睜得圓圓的,接著又瞇成一條線,臉上露出了憤怒的神色。(名詞分譯)2It was our mistake to have kept nagging you.我們老是嘮叨著催你,是我們不對。3The truth is I have someone in my mind some time but Ive been postponing telling my parents.實(shí)際情況是,一段時(shí)間以來我已經(jīng)有了心上人,不過我一直拖著,沒有

11、告訴父母。4I wanted to laugh at their harmlessness.它們無法作惡了, 我真想放聲大笑。二、把原文中的短語譯成句子1I wrote four books in the first three years , a record never touched before .我頭三年寫了四本書,打破了以往的記錄。(名詞短語分譯)2She had such a kindly , smiling , tender , gentle , generous heart of her own.她心地厚道,性格溫柔可疼,器量又大,為人又樂觀。(單詞搭配分譯)3And in

12、their further disputes she always returned to his point ,“Get me a situationwe hate each other , and I am ready to go .”從此以后他們每拌一次嘴,她就回到老題目,說道:“給我找個(gè)事情,反正咱們你恨我,我嫌你,我愿意走。”(修辭需要詞語分譯)4Because of their origions in the public school system , these institutions do respond to the needs and desires of the co

13、mmunity .由于社會學(xué)院源自公立教育體系,它們必須按照社區(qū)的需求去做。(介詞短語分譯)5To compare the weight of different types of objects , we should have to weigh equal volumes of each .要比較兩種不同物體的重量,就必須取同樣的體積進(jìn)行稱量。(不定式短語分譯)6Handsome young men must have something to live on, as well as the plain.美男子和凡夫俗子一樣,也要有飯吃,有衣穿。7Please reply at your

14、earliest convenience.您要是方便,請盡早回信。8My parents started at each other in silence for a while.一時(shí)間,父母面面相覷,沉默不語。9With his failures in life came the fears for the future.他因生活屢遭失敗, 所以對前途憂心忡忡。三、把單句譯成兩個(gè)以上的句子1Then a large group of boys and girls , friends of Tom and Joe , came to the school and stood looking o

15、ver the fence into the yard where they had played together .隨后,一大群男孩子和女孩子來到了學(xué)校,他們都是湯姆和喬的朋友。他們站在那里,注視著柵欄外曾經(jīng)一起玩耍的地方。(句子并列謂語的后一部分分譯)2Weeks became months .幾個(gè)星期過去了,幾個(gè)月過去了。(簡單句分譯成并列句)3And the stranger understood and appreciated.這位生客會意, 心里充滿感激。4He tried to clear his mind and concentrate fully on the film.他

16、竭力擺脫雜念, 集中注意力看電影。四、復(fù)合句分譯1In dispute between two states with which one is friendly , try not to get involved .當(dāng)兩國發(fā)生爭端時(shí),如與兩國都友好,第二國則力避卷入。(定語從句分譯成狀語)2At daybreak Tom was awakened by a sound that made him know that he had new things to learn about fear.黎明時(shí)刻,湯姆被一種聲音驚醒了,這聲音使他意識到自己面臨著新的可怕的事情(定語從句分譯成獨(dú)立句)3這些

17、國家的共產(chǎn)黨和進(jìn)步黨派,正促使它們的政府和我們做生意,以致建立外交關(guān)系。 The Communist Party and progressive groups in those countries are urging their governments to establish trade and even diplomatic relations with us. 4這一點(diǎn)現(xiàn)在就必須向黨內(nèi)講明白,務(wù)必使同志們繼續(xù)地保持謙虛、謹(jǐn)慎、不驕、不躁的作風(fēng),務(wù)必使同志們繼續(xù)地保持艱苦樸素的作風(fēng)。 This must be made clear now in the Party. The comrad

18、es must be taught to remain modest, prudent and free from arrogance and rashness in their style of work. The comrades must be taught to preserve the style of plain living and hard struggle. (漢語句中含有從一般或從具體到一般的過度進(jìn)行分譯)5Television, it is often said, keeps one informed about current events, allows one to

19、 follow the latest developments in science and politics, and offers an endless series of programs which are both instructive and entertaining.,人們常說,通過電視可以了解時(shí)事,掌握科學(xué)和政治的最新動態(tài)。從電視里還可以看到層出不窮、既有教育意義又有娛樂性的新節(jié)目。4 插入翻譯法利用破折號、括號將原文句子中的某部分信息以插入成分的方式插入到譯文中。在英譯漢中采用插入語往往有兩種情況。一是將英語原文中已經(jīng)有的插入語直接翻譯成漢語中的插入成分放到漢語譯文中;二是

20、英語原文中沒有插入語,但由于其附加部分很多,且結(jié)構(gòu)復(fù)雜。這時(shí),漢語譯文中就不得不采用插入法將其中的某部分信息用插入語的方式置于譯文中。英語中含有同位語從句的句子在漢譯時(shí)常常采用這種方法。如:1Although fluent in English, he uses-and sometimes nitpicks with translate, a ploy that gives him time to ponder his answer.盡管他英語很流利,但他仍然要有時(shí)還要挑譯員的毛病運(yùn)用一種策略來給自己爭取時(shí)間思考如何回答問題。2. The snow falls on every wood an

21、d field, and no crevice is forgotten: by the river and the pond, on the hill and in the valley.雪,飄落在每一片森林、每一片田野上:河邊、湖畔、山上、谷底等到處都是就連巖石上的裂縫中也都蓋滿了雪。5綜合翻譯法*Digital computers are all similar in many way such as having at least the five parts which all work together when solving a problem.分析:這個(gè)句子由一個(gè)主句、一個(gè)定語從句和一個(gè)when引導(dǎo)的分詞短語組成。主句中含有一個(gè)such as 引起的同位語短語。全句有三層意思:(1)各種數(shù)字計(jì)算機(jī)在許多方面都相似;(2)至少具備五個(gè)部分:(3)這五個(gè)部分在解題時(shí)都一起工作。這三層意思都具有相對的獨(dú)立性,因此,譯文化整為零,分別敘述,分成三個(gè)單句。從內(nèi)容上看,原文邏輯關(guān)系和表達(dá)順序與漢語基本一致,但因狀語放在謂語動詞之后,和漢語表達(dá)習(xí)慣不同,所以翻譯時(shí),可順中有序,化整為零,進(jìn)行綜合處理。譯文:各種數(shù)字計(jì)算機(jī)在許多方面都相似,例如, 至少具備五個(gè)部分,這五個(gè)部分在解題時(shí)都一起工作。Exercises:1. Let us admit


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