1、限時訓練六(09 陜西) 完型填空 One after noon, my son Adam asked me “ Are all people the same eve n if they are differe nt in color? ” I thought for a minute, and then I said, “I II explaifyou can just wait until we make a quick 1 at the grocery store. I have something 2 _ to show you. At the grocery store, we b
2、ought some apples red, green and yellow ones. Back home. I told Adam, It s timestoswer your questi on ” I put on apple of each _3 on the table Then I looked at Adam, who had a curious look on his face. “ Peopleare like apples. They come in all 4 _ colors, shapes and sizes. On the _ ,some of the appl
3、es may not even look as delicious as the others. ” As I was talking, Adam was _6_ each one carefully. Then, I took each of the apples and peelgd 削皮)them, 7 _ them back on the table, but in a differe nt place. “ okay, Adam, tell me which is which. ” He said, cant tell. They all look the same now. if
4、that helps you 8 which one is which. He took big bites, and the n a huge smile came across his face. justPeople are like apples! They are all different, but once you _ 9 _ he outside, they re pretty much the same on the in side. ” He totally 10 it. I did t need to say or do anything else. 1. A. stop
5、 B . start C . turn D . stay 2. A. expressive B . en couragi C . in formative D . in terest ing 3. A. size B .type C . shape D . class 4. A. ordinary B . no rmal C . differe nt D . regular 5. A. outside B . whole C . table D . in side 6. A. examining B . measuri C . draw ing D . pack ing 7 . A . kee
6、p ing B . placi ng C . pulli ng D . givi ng 8 . A . admit B . con sider C .decide D . believe 9 . A . put away B . get dow n C . ha nd out D . take off 10 . A . made B . took C . got D . 語法填空 Whe n people hear a preside nt speak, they seldom think about others help ing to shape the presentatio(報告).T
7、oday, _ 1 _ , presidents depend on writers such as J. Terry Edm onds to help them com muni cate effectively. Edm onds is the first Africa n America n ever to work as a full-time speechwriter for a U.S. preside nt; he is 2 the first Africa n America n to serve as director of speechwriti ng for the Wh
8、ite House. His is 3 _ all-America n story of success. Edm onds 4 _ (grow)up in Baltimore, Maryla nd; his father drove a truck, and his mother worked as a _ 5 _(wait). A great reader, Edm onds showeda gift _ 6 _ writing at his high School, Baltimore City College. _ 7 _ he graduated in 1967, Edmonds w
9、ent on to Morgan State University.” “ Takei eai Edm onds bega n his career in bus in ess, with jobs in public relati ons and com muni cati ons, He joined the world of politics as n ews secretary for his congressman from Baltimore. 8 ill Clinton presidency, he worked speeches for Health and Human Ser
10、vices Secretary Donna Shalala and worked in a nu mber of jobs in the White House and in gover nmen tal departme nts. Preside nt Cli nto n the n appo in ted 9 to the office of director of speechwriti ng, _ 10 _ (follow) the 2000 electio ns, Edmonds returned to Morga n State University as the school s
11、 special assistant to the preside-2Cfo22001 閱讀理解 C “ Oldwives tales are beliefs passeddown from one generation to another. For Example, most of us remember our pare nts telli ng us to eat more of certa in foods or not to do certain things. Is there any truth in these teachings? Some of them agree wi
12、th present medical thinking, but others have not passed the test of time. Did your mother ever tell you to eat your carrots because they are good for your eyes? Scien tists now report that eati ng carrots can help preve nt a serious eye disease called macular dege neratio n. Eat ing just one carrot
13、a day can reduce the possibility of getting this disease by 40%. Garlic is good for you, too. It can kill the type of virus that causes colds. Unfortunately, not all of Mom advice passed the test of medical studies. For example, gen erati ons of childre n have bee n told not to go swim ming withi n
14、an hour after eat ing. But research suggeststhat there is no dan ger i n doing so. Do sweets cause tooth problems? Well, yes and no. Sticky sweets made with grains tend to cause more problems tha n sweets made with simple sugars. Even though scienee can tell us that some of our traditional beliefs d
15、on hold water, there is still a lot of truth in the old wives tales. After all, much of this knowledge has been accumulated from thousands of years of experienee in family health care. We should respect this body of knowledge even as we search for clear scie ntific support to prove it true or false.
16、 48. Which of the following is TRUE according to the test? A. Eati ng garlic is good for our eyes. B. Sticky sweets are damag ing to our teeth. C. Swim ming after a meal is dan gerous. D. Carrots preve nt people from catch ing colds. 49. The author develops the third paragraph mai nly . A. by cause
17、and effect B. by order in space C. by order in time D. by examples 50. The phrase “ hold water ” in the last paragraph most probably mean” . A. to be believable B. to be valuable C. to be admirable D. to be suitable 51. What is the author s attitude toward “ old wives tales ” in the text? A. Subject
18、ive B. Objective C. Dissatisfied D. Curious E Successful people in intern ati onal bus in ess un dersta nd the cultures of other coun tries and lear n to cha nge their practices in differe nt cultures. They un dersta nd the importance of avoiding business decisions based on misconceptions-mistaken i
19、deas. One cause of misconceptions is ethnocentrism, the belief that one sown culture wsay of doing things is better than the way of other cultures. It s ethnocentrism that leads to failure in international business. To avoid ethnocentrism, it nsecessary to study the different elements of culture: la
20、nguage, values and attitudes ,and customs and manners. Language A knowledge of the local language can help international business people in four ways. First, people can communicates directly. Second, people are usually more open in their communication with someone who speaks their language. Third, a
21、n understanding of the language allows people to infer meanings that are not said directly. Finally, knowing the language helps people to understand the culture better. Values and Attitudes Values are people s basic beliefs about the difference between right and wrong, good and bad. An attitude is w
22、ay of thinking or acting. Values and attitudes influence international business. For example, many people in the United States believe that chocolate from Switzerland is better than chocolate from other countries, and they buy a lot of it. Customs and Manners Customs are common social practices. Man
23、ners are ways of acting that the society believes are polite. For example, in the United States, it is custom to have salad before the main course at dinner, not after. It s not acceptable to talk with food in mouth at table. Failure to understand the customs and manners of other countries will brin
24、g difficulty selling their products. Orange juice as a breakfast drink of an American company in France doesn t sell well because the French don t usually drin juice with breakfast. 57. A knowledge of the local language allows international business people _ . A. to be more open with their customers
25、 B. to communicate without outside help C. to express their thoughts indirectly D. to have a better idea of their own culture 58. The act of many people buying chocolate of Switzerland shows the role of _ . A. manners B. values C. attitudes D. customs 59. What would be the best title for the text? A
26、. Misconceptions in Business B. Basic Beliefs in Business C. International Business Culture D. Successful International Business 60. The author s purpose of writing this article is to tell people _ . A. how to take a right attitude in business B. how to avoid misunderstandings in business C. how to
27、use a local language in business D. how to act politely and properly in business 基礎與作 假定你是李華。在一個英文網(wǎng)絡論壇上,你看到一個名叫Grown-up的中學生發(fā)帖(post) 尋求幫助,請根據(jù)帖子內(nèi)容,寫作要點和要求回貼。 Ks5u Gfown -Up Post 制 1B-5-2009 2D專& Hi; HK, I m 17$口:5 oM and I 窈瑚 foing to unrvtr,siy th autumri. But hiy Higher toHiniJCi to treal me as
28、c sc we n.-yQr-oFd. What should I do? TOP 卜 REPL鬥 Pi-N EW Ks5u 【寫作要點】Ks5u 1. 告訴Grown-up要理解母親:所面臨的問題在青少年當中很普遍,不該傷害母親的感情。 2. 給Grown-up提出解決問題的具體建議。 1) 與母親多溝通和交流,可互相了解; 2) 學會生活自理,證明你已經(jīng)長大; 3) 與母親分享家務,這樣能感動母親。 【寫作要求】 1 只能使用5個句子表達全部內(nèi)容; 2 文中不能出現(xiàn)真實姓名和學校名稱 ; 3. 開頭和結尾已給出,不計入總句數(shù)。 【寫作提示】 1) 文體:應用文 2) 時態(tài):一般現(xiàn)在時 Hi
29、, Grow n-up, As a stude nt of your age, I un dersta nd your situati on. _ Wish you success. hUjtlTdp址* N*wb94 完型填空解析 一天下午, 我的兒子問我: 膚色不同的人是不是都是一樣的?我想了一會兒, 對兒子說: 我們先很快去水果店買的水果回來, 然后我演示給你這個問題的答案。 我們在水果店里買了 各種各樣的蘋果 有紅的,綠的,黃的等等。回到家,我從每個顏色的蘋果中拿出一個, 放在桌子上, 兒子好奇地看這我, 我說:人們就象這些蘋果, 他們出身于不同的顏色和大小, 從外觀上看,有些蘋果不像
30、其他的蘋果那樣誘人。 說著, 我將每個蘋果削了皮,重新將削好 的蘋果打亂順序放在桌子上,然后我問兒子:現(xiàn)在你能辨認出那個是原來的那個。兒子說: 我辨別不出來,它們看上去都一樣。我說:人們就象蘋果,從外觀上它們各不相同,但從內(nèi) 容上看,它們是相同的。通過現(xiàn)身說法,我的兒子知道了問題的答案。 1. A.所填名詞與謂語動詞 make構成短語,意思是:做短暫的停留。 Make a start:開始, 起程;make a turn:輪流;make a stay:待在某地,都與題干意思不符。 2 . D. expressive :表達的;en couragi ng:獎勵的,可鼓勵的; in formati
31、ve :提供消息的; in terest ing:令人感興趣的,有趣的。本句意思是:我有有趣的東西展示給你看。選 D。 3. B. size:大小;type:類型;shape:形狀;class:群。本句意思是:我從每種(類型) 的蘋果拿出一個,放在桌子上。選 B 。 4. C. 由空前的 all 可以推斷出此處選 C。 5. A. 由后文中的 outside 可知此處選 A。 6. A. 句子意思是: Adam 仔細的查看了每一個蘋果。選 A。 7. B. 此處是非謂語動詞做狀語, 邏輯主語是句子的主語, 非謂語動詞與邏輯主語是主動關 系,且非謂語動詞表示的動作與謂語動詞的動作同時進行,用 v
32、-ing 的一般式。 8. C. admit:承認;consider:考慮,認為;decide:決定;believe :相信。根據(jù)句意選 C。 9. D. put away :收好;儲存;get dow n :寫下,記下;ha nd out:分發(fā);take off:起飛;脫 掉,去掉;名聲大振。句子意思是:但是一旦去掉其外皮, 。選D。 10. C. Somebody got it 意思是:他完全理解了。選 C。 語法填空答案 1.however 2.also 3.an 4.grew 5.waitress 6.for 7.After/ When 8.During 9.him 10.Following 閱讀理解答案解析 C 中國有句俗話: 不聽老人言, 吃虧在眼前。 本文大意是客觀地評價了保持身體健康的 “老 人言 ”的正確性。 48. B 推理判斷題。由第三自然段的最后一句可知本題選 B。 49. D 推理判斷題。 通讀第三自然段可知本自然段是通過舉例進行說明的, 故本題選 D。 50. A 詞義猜測題。文章中本句意思是:即使科學能告訴我們那些 “老人言 ”是(能容水 的)值得相信的,但 “老人言”中還有很多正確的東西, hold
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