1、選考i£號:姓名,(在此卷上答題無效)20182019學(xué)年度福州市九年級質(zhì)顯檢測英語試題(完卷時間:120分綽;滿分:150分)注意不孽:請把所有答案埴涂網(wǎng)答卡上.法不幡位、他算答摩。I.聽力(共三節(jié),20小理;每小國L5分.我分30分)第一節(jié) 聽句子 聽下面五個句子,從每小BI所給的三圖中選出與句子內(nèi)容相符的選項(xiàng)。(每個句子讀兩遍)第二節(jié) 聽對話聽下面七段對話,從每小題所蚣的A、B、C三個選項(xiàng)中選出正答案(每段 對話讀兩遍)所第1段對話,回答第6小題。6. How often docs Peter wauh his car?C. Twice a mon th.C. Open the
2、 window.A. Every day.B. Once a week.聽第2段對話.回答第7小7. What does the woman want to do?A. Cioee the door. B. Let the man in. 聽第3段對話,回答第8小IB.8. Why didn't the boy go lo Jima birthday party?A. Because he was ill.B. Because he watn'i in Fuzhou.C. Because he was angry with Jim. 所第4段對話,回答第9小題.9. What
3、is Walter、House?A. A mmeum that collects old thing*.B. A factory that produces cheap things.C. A shop thM ! second-hand pxxls. 所第5段對話.回答笫10J1小履。10. Wlwt does the woman ok the man to do?A. Show her the way. B. Take her to the hospital. C. Book a room in the hotel.11. Where b Smrth Hotel?A. Ifs on the
4、 utreef comer.B. 1ft acroM from a hoMtal.G Ift near a bridge.聽第6段對話,同粹第12J3小IL12. What is Smie huying for her friend?A. A jacket.B. A sweater.13. Why doesn't Su* ask her friend directly?A. She wanu to give him a suipriie.B. She thinks it、impolite to do ao.Q She ha» no chance to meet him.九年鍛
5、英語-2-(共12頁)聽第7段對話,回答第14J5小14. What wiU the whcr be like later,A. Nice and bright.B. Cloudy and rainy. C. Windy and colder.15. When does the conrcrMtion moat probably take place?A. In spring.B. In winter.C. In aotumn.第三不 聽短文 根據(jù)所聽到的短文內(nèi)容完成下面襄格.抵空一句(短文讀三理)A FoocbaU MatchZUM 16TeamIlir Blue Socks vs the
6、17 SocksAccidentsTwo pUyem 18A phycr hurt the apeakefs 19Final wrore20 >4n.選擇填空(共is小題;每小題1分,清分is分)從每小住所給的A.B、C三個選中,選出可以填入空白處的正答案.21. Do you have any Sieve?- Sure! I have a dog and two cat*.A. petsB. kid»C. broihero22. - You be hunfjy after all that walking. Here is a big cake for you.Thank y
7、ou! You*re to sweet.A. mustB. needC. hare to23. Do you know the 血 long hair?Yet. She is Kate.A. inB. withC. behind1. .I didn*t sleep well last nightv I don't fed tired at all because we're going on a picnic today.A. UnlessB. AfterC. Though25. Chris speaks in a w«y. He always aays*pl
8、1;»r* , Mthank you" and -cicuw me” to othen.A. politeB. boringC. careful26. William. Vm sorry to have aiwed your phone call. I* *hower.Il doem, matter.A. takeB. was taking C. will lake27. Mr>. Green it pving birth to a child next week.一Wow; You mean she has alrody had four children!A. f
9、ourthB. fifthC. tixih28. 一 Pm too afraid to fp back borne. Don't wxxry. Mom won't be angry at long as you her what happened.A. will teUB. toldC. tell29. How b Mary doing?I have no idea. She lives in Spain now, so I ever sec Her.A. vtccndyB. finallyC. hardly30. China's Chang'e- 4 spac
10、ecraft fiuccessfully Untied on the far si& of the Moon in January, 2019.A. How exciting the news iijB. What an interesting ilory!C. How succcsaful you art!31. We on the program for two years , and 1 believe it will toon be finished. so pleae don、give up now. A. workedB. will workC. have worked32
11、. Englidi French ts the official lan例age in Canada.一口uui true. So lots of Canadians can speak both lAnuagcs.A. Not only; but altoB. Neither; norC. Either; or33. Whether we can get good grades in the exam how hard we work.A. depends on B. turns onC. derides on34. Tuny Mid l>ti» bu>iiK:
12、7;» cxjuld maker a lot of inoiicy.Well, Tony is the kind of penKNi can be truMrd.A. whichB. thatC. why35. 一 I ckm't know Kate's addrew. Could you tell me? Sorry, 1 doo、know, either.A. when the moved <o FuzhouB. why didn't she tdl me C. where she lives九年級英語T一(共12頁) .亮彩填空(共10小題;每小隹
13、1.5分,篇分15分) 從每小題所給的A、B、C三個選事中,選出可以慎人空白處的最桂答案.h was in 1942 during World War II. Some Polish eoldien of the 22nd Artillei7 got a little brown bear m Iran. The bear juM loot his family 36 was in poor health. Although the toldieni did no< know much about bears, they 37 the bear. Soon the bear got hi
14、s health back and the tcldien named the bear Wojtek. Wojtek 38 to do everything with the soldiers. Smoking 9 drinking and playing games with diem were 39 Civociles. The bmr and th* num had very fyoodTh«. it was time for the 22nd Artillery to U> 40 , The xldiers did not want to leave Wojtek b
15、ehind, so they made the bear a 41t too. In GghUngv Wojtek、job wo to 42heavy boxes of sheik from (rucks to his soldier friends on the front linet. The bear 43 day and night and never reMed or dropped any shells. TW 44 Bounds dunrg the war never stopped him from cJoin his job. Wojtek、45 inspired (微勵)m
16、any people. The war ended in 1945 f and the picture of Wojtek holding a 14M41 became the emblem of the 22nd AftiUcfy.36.A.andB.butC.or37.A.look rare ofB.looked atc.waited for38.A.failedB.refusedc.liked39.A.herB.hisc.their40.A.bedB.warc.college41.A.leaderB.fnendc.soldier42.A.canyB.makec.break43.A.phy
17、edB.workedc.slept44.A.oftB.naturalc.terrible45.A.ideaB.wordsc.actionIV.閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),25小«L春分45分)第一節(jié) MitTim A.BX.D四修短文.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容.從題中所紿A、B.C、D四個選項(xiàng)中.選 出最佳答案。共20小發(fā);每小收2分,滿分40分)AA king liked Io write stories, and he thought they were very good. He thawed thetn to other people, but no one dared to criticiM (
18、批評)5e.,One day t the king showed some of his stories to a Gunout writer called Adler. Adler aaid those stories weir bad. The kin pX very angry and tent him to prison. After a month. the kin#; was not w uiffy and wrote a new itfory which he thought to be better than the old ones. He asked the writer
19、to(go io his palace for dinner. Tlten he d»owed his new story to the writer.* What do you think o£ my new story?” the kin asked. Adler turned to the ffu>rd» who were tUmding behind him and said. "Take me back to prison. ”46. What does the undefined word "them* refer u>
20、?A. Tyie guardt. B. Tlie writcra. C. *Die rvadera. D. The atones.47. Adler wm amt to prison becauseA.he was loo CasnousB.he was not satisfied with the kingC.he didn't write MoriesD.he said the ki%、storiw were not good48. After reading, we cm infer(推新)that the king.A.was kind to his menB.kept on
21、writing bad storiesCrrspected hmout wnlmD.ot angiy when people lied to him49. According to the material. Adler was,A. lazyB. activeC. honestD. silly50. In which Motion of a newspaper can we most probably read the malerid?A. Btu&aB. liftstfltC. School TimeD. Reading FunBIn Engbih. the word ,pig&q
22、uot; has many idioms (習(xí)語).Now. tn the Year of the Pig. why not pick up tome of them.Let、bcin with some vety interesting expre30ns. We all know ptg» spend a large amount of time eating. As a result, many pif> are M In Englisht we uae the idionTct like a pig"to describe people who eat a l
23、ot. But it can be rude to use this idiom.Another imereMing idiom to learn h - lipstick (口 紅)on a pig". While you think this eiprcMion dexhLes a beautiful thing e the opposite i» Uvc. We use ihit idiom to My dwt no matter hov well wr derorale an ugjy product, it is still ugly. Even the most
24、 expensive lipetick cannot fix it J*Pip might fly" it an idiom widely used in daily life. Ift used to shov th you do not believe sonething will ever happen. For example 9 Rick has been smoking for twenty years. Once he Mid he would give it up. His friends alland said. *Ye«f and pig* might
25、fly."Bic Um i<Lom we are goi% to leani is guinn pig". The guinea pig is actually not a pig. h is a rat that has short les and no tail. Many children keep the animal as a pet. But if we say someone b used as a guinea pig. it means new ideas9 methodi. or medical treatmenu are tested on th
26、em. SI. What*t the best title of the passage?A. Pig IdiomtB. Year of the Pi*G Diflemt Pi。D. Habits of the Pig九年級英遇-6-(共12頁)52. Putting a new raver on a broken phone is just like .A. eating like a pigB. decorating a flying pigC. putting lipedck on a pigD. keeping a guinea pq;53. has the Bimiiar meani
27、ng to Mpig» might (ly*.A.太陽從西邊出來B.竹修打水一場空C.失敗乃成功之母D,磨刀不決砍柴工54. Cindy likes creating her own di the*. She always uses her rMitband m a guinea ptg to.A. cook for herB. tiy her new dishesC. do »me cleaningD. buy the latest cookbook55. Which of the following shows the Btmcture (結(jié)構(gòu))of the passa
28、ge? (P = paragraph)Below » the video that was made for Pattie.RECHey. Pattie. You. Daddy and Jaie are the moot important people in toy hfe. Mom died when I was littlev so 1 remember few thiny about her. To me. you're juit like my mother. Pm ao excited youHl be living with u>.Hi. Pattie.
29、Thank you for ercrythin|( you've done for us. After Mom died. you*re the ooc who ha> kept ua together. You brought our funny. sending dad back. You made our house a lovely warm home. To me. you're already family.Heliov Pattie. You know I Itappj aLuut yuu and David al first. For a mother,
30、a man with two kids it never(cood enough for her cUughtrr. Rut after xeing how you four along together. I Mart thinking maybe you do know what 尸Mi're doing. You have my best withes, my dear girl.W/M19 173016Hi I Pattie. Pm to happy for you and David! I still can、believe it! M)beat fnend and my b
31、rother Be Fappy on your big day and all the days aftFr;九4級英語一7一 (共12頁)56. A friend of Pattie's took a picture on her bif day. Which is mMt likely the picture?57. What do you know about the (bur people in the video?A. One of them is Patties stster.B. One of ihetn is David's best friend.C. One
32、 of them is the aunt of two of the ochers.D. One of them it the mother of two of the others 58. Jessie appears on the video M.A. 11:42:36B. 12:05:30C.IS:06:38D. 17: 30: 1659. Pauiei mother.A. died when the was littleB. lived with daughter!C. didn't accept David at fir>lD. wasn't good enou
33、gh for her daughter60. We can Icam from the video that A. Pattie remembers little about her motherB. Pattie does a lol and wins the kids* hcamC. David is a icnous man who seldom smilesD. David is in a bad mood because his wife hat diedDA。編Do you know how web»ites make money7 Here is a buic vers
34、ion. Webdtes produce content and get people to click (點(diǎn)擊)on it. They make money from the companies that put adn arourwi that content. Hw moev clicks the comem gets, the more money the website makes. In this way. websites can survive (幸存) without chaqpnK their usem.However t this way of making money
35、is now under threat. ICs clear that people don't like reading ads. More and more Internet uicn axe iiisulling ad-blockem on ihcir computers. In 2010t only 21 million people used ad-blockers. Now, (he number has frown to more than 200 million. These pieces o£ toftwarc M Tock " nds from
36、appearing on web pages. They help people fiocus on(關(guān)注)what they want to read.WebMtes used to pay little attention to the rite of ad-blocking After all, moot people use the 九年級英語T一(共12頁)Internet on their wnart phones. It was impoaaible to install ad-blockera on smart phones.Now. dungs have changed. T
37、oday, ad-btockera are among the bcx-tdling mAwatb in Apple、 App Store. It、no( hard to undcnUnd why they are to popular. Wi6 Ad*biockers, Internet u«ers can have a “cleaner" Internet. Te toftware cm also save (hem morey. Ads uraally take loU of diu(ftt) iolmd.Websites ate already talki% to
38、their readers about this ad-blockiag trend. On tome websites, users are being greeted with the* Please turn off your ad-blocker! wlliey are told that il isthe ads that help the website Rirvive. Such a mesMge may help people underoUnd how wcbaitM make money. However e ad-blocker> are still popular
39、. It teems that po)ple just don*t want Ko look at Ms no after whether they know the impocuncc of ads lo webdtes or not!61. To aunrire without charging their users ewcbeites need u» A. lead their user* to dick oa adsB. attrset their users to (he content with adsC. help people focus on what they
40、want U> rodD. encourage their user* to use the Internet on smart phones62. Since 2010, the number of people who use ad4>lockef> has grown by nearly.A. 20 percentB. 200 percentC. 90 percentD. 900 percent63. 1T>e underlined word "block" means in Paragraph 2.A.阻止B. Rl«C.街區(qū)D.大
41、度64. Why do ad blockers become popular?(D Because people can use ad-blocker> for free. Because ift poMuble for people to install ad-Mockcrs on smart phones. Rccaum with ad blockers, people can have a -cleaner* IntetTW. Because ad-blockers on help people save money. Because ad*blockero can help pe
42、ople make more money.65. We can know from the Lui paraf7aph that A. wrbsites will put more ads around the content they produceB. websites will start chaqpng their useeC. people will turn off their ad-blocken to help wdiaitca MirviveD. people will continue using ad-blocker»第二節(jié) 閱讀下面短文,從短文后所給的五個選項(xiàng)
43、中選出徒填入短文空白處的球佳選/使短 文通收連貫,意思完能。(共S小髓:每小題I分,橫分S分)EWhen he was nine years old. Amcncan boy Milo Cress had a question: 66Through k>U of research, Cress c&lcuUtcd that Americans use about 500 million straws(吸管) every diy. In hope of reducing plastic waste, he founded the Be Straw Free project in 2
44、011.67 He asked a local rrstauranl to stop offering straw* with every drink order. it was a timpk change. fiovevert it wcxild mvc money. And by doing that, the restaurant would cut down on its straw use by 50 percent.For the year that followed e Ctcm tried to spread his project across the United Sta
45、les.68 Hiey stop providing the customer vith a stmw unless he or she asks for one. Ijul April. Seattle became the Grot American city to completely han(禁止)plastic Mrawt. 69 He has since spoken to tens of thousands of studcrUs around the world. He wants U> encourage more people to say no to (be pla
46、stic straws.70 And it makes me (eel that Ie as a kid. could make a difference. too.Cma ««ysA. More and more restaurants afccd to join.B. How many plastic straws do Americans use every day?C. Focusing on straws U one simple Mep we all could :akc.D. Cress *Urted the project in his hometownBu
47、rlington, Vermont.E ARer hi, project became popular. Crex took his finding on the road.V.情景交際(共5小理;每小題2分,清分10分)根據(jù)情景提示.完成下列各題t71 . Peter聆色不好,你想對他表示關(guān)心,可以這么問: with you, Peter?72 .你it到弟弟的書泉i:亂七八m雄酒r書.可以這么要求他:Pirate on your desk!73 .你想知道Beth的家寓學(xué)校有多遠(yuǎn),可以這樣問: , Beth?74 .你想知道Nancy謂文學(xué)得好還是英謂學(xué)得好,可以這么問:Arc you.
48、Nancy?75 .在候館里.你想請服務(wù)員拿菜單給你.可以這么問:.please?九年級英語-10-(共12頁)VI.看圖寫話(共5小題;每小題2分.雷分10分)根據(jù)海小"所提供的圖畫情景和提示詞.寫出一個與圖畫情景相符的句子。W.灼文填空(共10小題;<5小題I分,滿分10分)閱讀下面短文.根據(jù)語境、音標(biāo)或所給單同的提示.在卷個中格內(nèi)填入一個恰當(dāng)?shù)脑~,要求 所填的詞意義淮確、形式正修,使短文意思完整、行文連貫。For about tw weeks in January 20151 81 (Japan) writer Ilamki Muralumu (村春樹)took ques
49、tions at a webaite and give 82( anawer) to them. Murakami seldom appears inpublic. Thereforet that was certainly a rare (珍貴的) 匿 ( tja:r») for hit Cans to communicate with him. TTiey asked all kind* oT questions. 84 “m of the questions were about h» likes and dislikes,85( include) hit Givor
50、ile anima and the baicball teamhe supports.86 mother complained to Murakami that her ton M plays computer garnet eery day andnever rcad» lxx>k». * Sbe 87: »cd Uic waiHcd lu btu咯 up lia mmi tu Im? like the writer.Murakami replied. "Bnng him up like 88? 1 wonder wFat you mean by
51、 that. If youmean you want to bring him up to like books. I think you should leave that up to him. wAnother woman wrote to Murakami that she was bom on the Mme chtc a» the writer. Inrrspome to her, Murakami pointed out that they share a birthday wilh the American writer Jack Ixmdon. Howevere th
52、ey 89 share a birthday with the Nw (納 伸)military leader Hermann Goring. So when you were bom is 90(little) important than who you becomeand what you hive done.l.書面表達(dá)(31分15分)91.假如你是“ckie你所在的班級僧饒街邊小吃的話我開收了一場辯論。請你根據(jù)下圖 所示,對這辯論賽做一個e結(jié),徽逢同學(xué)們的觀點(diǎn),并結(jié)合你自己有關(guān)街邊小吃的經(jīng)歷,談?wù)?你的看法。伺收80左右can*t help doin. terrible1 think
53、.We have just had a debate about whtlhtr " is OK to 皿 sir。" foods.九年級英語(共12頁)2018-2019學(xué)年度福州市九年級質(zhì)量檢測英語試題參考答案及評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)I.聽力(共三節(jié).滿分30分)可節(jié)聽句子(7.5分)l5BACBA第二節(jié) 聽對話理解(15分)6-IOBCACA 1I-I5BAACB第三節(jié) 聽短文地表(7.5 分)16 Sunday 17. Red 18. fought 19. leg 20.3H.單項(xiàng)選擇(15 分)2I-25AABCA 26 30BBCCA 3I-35CAABCIII .完形熄空(15 分)36TOAACBM 4M5CABCCIV .閱讀理解共
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