1、Preside ntial can didates act strategically .In decidi ng whether to pursue a course of acti on, they try to estimate its likely impact on the voters. During the 1992 campaign, a sign on the wall of Clintons headquarters in Little Rock read, The Economy, Stupid. The slogan was the idea of James Carv
2、ille, Cli ntons chief strategist, and was meant as a remin der to the can didate and the staff to keep the campaign focused on the nations slow-moving economy, which ultimately was the issue that defeated Bush. As in 1980, when Jimmy Carter lost to Ronald Reagan during tough economic times, the vote
3、rs were motivated largely by a desire for cha nge. 目錄 Can didates try to project a strong leadership image. Whether voters accept this image, however, depe nds more on external factors tha n on a can didates pers onal characteristics. In 1991, after the Gulf War, Bushs approval rati ng reached 91 pe
4、rce nt, the highest level recorded since poll ing bega n in the 1930s. A year later, with the n ati ons economy in trouble, Bush 抯 approval rati ng dropped below 40 percent. Bush tried to stir images of his strong leadership of the war, but voters remained concerned about the economy. The can didate
5、s strategies are shaped by many con siderati ons, in cludi ng the con stituti onal provision that each state shall have electoral votes equal in number to its representation in Congress. Each state thus gets two electoral votes for its Sen ate represe ntati on and a vary ing nu mber of electoral vot
6、es depe nding on its House represe ntati on. Altogether, there are 538 electoral votes (in cludi ng three for the District of Columbia, even though it has no voting representatives in Congress. To win the preside ncy, a can didate must receive at least 270 votes, an electoral majority. 1. 工程概況 Can d
7、idates are particularly concerned with winning the states which have the largest populati on, such as California (with 54 electoral votes, New York (33, Texas (32, Florida (25, Pennsylvania (23, lllinois (22, and Ohio (21. Victory in the eleven largest states alone would provide an electoral majorit
8、y, and preside ntial can didates therefore spe nd most of their time campaig ning in those states. Clinton received only 43 percent of the popular vote in 1992, compared with Bushs 38 percent and Perots 19 percent; but Clinton won in states that gave him an overwhelming 370 electoral votes, compared
9、 with 168 for Bush and none for Perot. 2. 編制依據(jù) No one now livi ng in the Un ited States can remember whe n the con test bega n betwee n the Democratic and the Republican parties. It has been going on for more than a century, making it one of the oldest political rivalries in the world. 監(jiān)理工作流程 The Am
10、erica n political system is a classical example of the two-party system. When we say that we have a two-party system in the United States we do not mean that we have only two parties. Usually about;i doze n parties nomin ate preside ntial can didates. We call it a two-party system because we have tw
11、o large parties and a nu mber of small parties, and the large parties are so large that we ofte n forget about the rest. Usually the small parties collectively poll less tha n 5 per cent of the vote cast in n ati onal elect ions. 4.監(jiān)理工作控制要點(diǎn) The Democratic and Republica n parties are the largest and
12、most competitive orga ni zatio ns in the America n com muni ty. They orga nize the electorate very simply by maintaining the two-party system. America ns almost in evitably become Democrats or Republica ns because there is usually no other place for them to go. Moreover, because the rivalry of these
13、 parties is very old, most America ns know where they belong in the system. As a consequence of the dominance of the major parties, most elected officials are either Republica ns or Democrats. Attempts to break up this old system have bee n made in every preside ntial elect ion in the past one hun d
14、red years, but thesystem has survived all assaults. How does it happe n that the two-party system is so stro ngly rooted in America n politics? The expla nati on is probably to be found in the way elect ions are con ducted. In the Un ited States, un like coun tries with a parliame ntary system of go
15、ver nment, we elect n ot only the Preside nt, but a large number of other officials, about 800,000 of them. We also elect congressmen from single-member districts. For example, we elect 435 members of the House of Represe ntatives from 435 districts (there are a few exceptions, one member for each d
16、istrict. Statistically, this kind of election favors the major parties. The system of elections makes it easy for the major parties to maintain their dominant position, because they are likely to win more tha n their share of the offices. One of the great consequences of the system is that it produc
17、es majorities automatically. Because there are only two competitors in the running, it is almost inevitable that one will receive a majority. Moreover, the system tends slightly to exaggerate the victory of the winning party. This is not always true, but the strong tendency to produce majorities is
18、built into the system. 5.監(jiān)理工作方法及措施 In over 200 years of con stituti onal history, America ns have lear ned much about the way in which the system can be man aged so as to make possible the peaceful tran sfer of power from one party to the other. At the level of preside ntial elect ions, the party in
19、 power has bee n overturned by the party out of power nineteen times, almost once a decade. In the election of 1860, the political system broke down, and the Civil War, the worst disaster in American history, resulted. Our history justifies our con fide nce in the system hut also shows that it is no
20、t foolproof. The second major party is able to survive a defeat because the statistical tendency that exaggerates the victory of the winning party operates even more stro ngly in favor of the sec ond party against the third, fourth, and fifth parties. As a result, the defeated major party is able to
21、 maintain a mono poly of the oppositi on. The adva ntage of the sec ond party over the third is so great that it is the only party that is likely to he able to overturn the party in power. It is able, therefore, to attract the support of every one seriously opposed to the party in power. The sec ond
22、 party is importa nt as long as it can mon opolize the moveme nt to overthrow the party in power, because it is certa in to come into power sooner or later. 1.工程概況 本工程是陶氏化學(xué)(張家港)有限公司 6000噸/年環(huán)氧樹(shù)脂技改項(xiàng)目,建設(shè)地點(diǎn)為張家港市揚(yáng) 子江國(guó)際化學(xué)工業(yè)園區(qū),設(shè)備安裝工作主要分布在工藝裝置區(qū),總計(jì)設(shè)備為 15臺(tái),其中罐2 臺(tái)、泵類(lèi)設(shè)備3臺(tái)、換熱器1臺(tái)、過(guò)濾器4臺(tái)、加熱箱1臺(tái)、電子城1臺(tái)、固體加熱系統(tǒng)1 套、電動(dòng)葫蘆移
23、位1臺(tái)、電動(dòng)推車(chē)1臺(tái)。 2編制依據(jù) 2.1批準(zhǔn)的監(jiān)理規(guī)劃 2.2業(yè)主提供的施工設(shè)計(jì)文件、圖紙 2.3 GB50231-1998機(jī)械設(shè)備安裝工程施工及驗(yàn)收規(guī)范 2.4 GB50236-1998現(xiàn)場(chǎng)設(shè)備、工業(yè)管道焊接工程施工及驗(yàn)收規(guī)范 2.5 GB50275-1998壓縮機(jī)、風(fēng)機(jī)、泵安裝工程施工及驗(yàn)收規(guī)范 2.6 GB50126-1989工業(yè)設(shè)備及管道絕熱工程施工及驗(yàn)收規(guī)范 2.7 HG20201-2000工程建設(shè)安裝工程起重施工規(guī)范 2.8 HG20203-2000化工機(jī)器安裝工程施工及驗(yàn)收規(guī)范(通用規(guī)范)2.9 GB50185-1993工業(yè)設(shè)備及管道絕熱工程質(zhì)量檢查評(píng)定標(biāo)準(zhǔn) 2.10 HGJ2
24、29-1991工業(yè)設(shè)備管道防腐工程施工及驗(yàn)收規(guī)范 3. 監(jiān)理工作流程圖 協(xié)助完成監(jiān)理工作總結(jié) 協(xié)助完成監(jiān)理檔案資料 參與單位、單項(xiàng)工程驗(yàn)收 參與單位(子單位)、單項(xiàng)工程預(yù)驗(yàn)收 按設(shè)計(jì)要求、施工規(guī)范、統(tǒng)一標(biāo)準(zhǔn)組織分項(xiàng)分部(子分部)工程驗(yàn)收 分項(xiàng)工序施工巡檢 關(guān)鍵工序、部位、對(duì)象跟蹤檢查 隱蔽工程檢查 工程材料/構(gòu)配件/設(shè)備報(bào)驗(yàn)審核 工程操作人員上崗證審核 工程檢測(cè)儀器審核 熟悉施工圖及相關(guān)規(guī)范標(biāo)準(zhǔn) 3.1材料/構(gòu)配件/設(shè)備驗(yàn)收控制流程圖 否 是 監(jiān)理拒絕簽認(rèn)并書(shū)面通知承包商限期撤場(chǎng) 投入使用 是否合格? 監(jiān)理平行檢驗(yàn)或見(jiàn)證取樣 否 承包商另找建材供應(yīng)商 承包商采購(gòu) 是否合格? 項(xiàng)目監(jiān)理機(jī)構(gòu)審查
25、承包商提交樣品、技術(shù)資料和質(zhì)量證明 3.2工序交接檢驗(yàn)流程 否 是 否 是 進(jìn)行下道工序 監(jiān)理工程師簽署質(zhì)檢合格意見(jiàn) 是否合格? 實(shí)驗(yàn)室檢驗(yàn) 監(jiān)理工程師現(xiàn)場(chǎng)檢查 返修 是否合格? 承包商自檢、專(zhuān)職初驗(yàn) 工序施工完畢 3.3隱蔽工程檢驗(yàn)流程 可 否 申報(bào) 申報(bào) 分包 工程隱蔽 監(jiān)理工程師復(fù)驗(yàn)簽證 施工單位自驗(yàn)收并認(rèn)可 3.5 靜設(shè)備安裝監(jiān)理工作流程 配合基礎(chǔ)驗(yàn)收 熟悉圖紙監(jiān)理技術(shù)準(zhǔn)備 配合設(shè)備開(kāi)箱驗(yàn)收 一次灌漿設(shè)備就位初平檢測(cè)設(shè)備檢測(cè) 設(shè)備就位精平檢查二次灌漿鋼結(jié)構(gòu)安裝檢測(cè) 設(shè)備成品保護(hù)檢查 設(shè)備清垢及密閉 零部件安裝檢測(cè) 前檢查和壓力容器試壓 交付驗(yàn)收 3.6 動(dòng)設(shè)備安裝監(jiān)理工作流程 配合基礎(chǔ)
26、驗(yàn)收 熟悉圖紙監(jiān)理技術(shù)準(zhǔn)備 配合設(shè)備開(kāi)箱驗(yàn)收 設(shè)備就位精平檢查一次灌漿設(shè)備就位動(dòng)平檢查 二次灌漿設(shè)備分體組合等安裝檢查 動(dòng)力設(shè)備試車(chē)檢測(cè) 工配合無(wú)負(fù)荷聯(lián)動(dòng)試車(chē)設(shè)備單機(jī)試車(chē)檢測(cè) 配合投料試車(chē) 4 監(jiān)理工作控制要點(diǎn) 4.1 準(zhǔn)備階段監(jiān)理要點(diǎn): 4.1.1施工單位將技改技術(shù)方案報(bào)監(jiān)理單位審批,施工中嚴(yán)格按批準(zhǔn)的方案施工。 4.1.2 檢查特種作業(yè)人員的資格證和上崗證。 4.1.3審查施工機(jī)械、設(shè)備、是否能滿(mǎn)足工程項(xiàng)目的需要;查驗(yàn)計(jì)量器具是否經(jīng)過(guò)檢驗(yàn) 計(jì)量,未經(jīng)計(jì)量或計(jì)量不合格的器具嚴(yán)禁使用。 4.1.4把進(jìn)場(chǎng)設(shè)備的開(kāi)箱檢驗(yàn)關(guān)和材料、購(gòu)配件的報(bào)審復(fù)查關(guān),即對(duì)設(shè)備位號(hào)、名稱(chēng)、 規(guī)格、型號(hào)等檢查確認(rèn),檢查
27、材料合格證批號(hào)是否與實(shí)物相符。 4.1.5與業(yè)主一道確定試壓設(shè)備數(shù)量,并在試壓過(guò)程中旁站監(jiān)理。 4.1.6把好設(shè)備基礎(chǔ)驗(yàn)收復(fù)查關(guān),督促土建與安裝單位間的工程交接工序,專(zhuān)業(yè)監(jiān)理工 程師對(duì)設(shè)備基礎(chǔ)的標(biāo)高、地腳螺栓孔深度、清潔程度進(jìn)行平行檢查。 4.2機(jī)泵的安裝: 監(jiān)理重點(diǎn):縱橫水平度及聯(lián)軸節(jié)對(duì)中; 目標(biāo)值:機(jī)泵安裝應(yīng)按其說(shuō)明書(shū)及施工規(guī)范的要求施工,縱向水平偏差不大于 0.1/1000,橫向水平偏差不大于 0.2/1000 ;兩對(duì)輪軸線傾斜小于 0.2/1000,軸心徑向位移符 合 GB50236-98。 監(jiān)理方法:量測(cè),用框式水平儀、百分表進(jìn)行檢驗(yàn)。 4.3立式設(shè)備的安裝: 監(jiān)理重點(diǎn):立式設(shè)備垂直
28、度誤差檢查 目標(biāo)值: 當(dāng)筒體長(zhǎng)度H20mB寸,垂直 度誤差w H/1000,且不得大于 30mm ( H:設(shè)備的高度。) 監(jiān)理方法:用經(jīng)緯儀或吊線墜的方法,分別從相互垂直的四個(gè)方向測(cè)量,測(cè)量時(shí)應(yīng)選 擇早晨時(shí)間,以避免陽(yáng)光照射引起的熱脹造成塔體變形產(chǎn)生的測(cè)量失真。 4.4臥式設(shè)備安裝: 監(jiān)理重點(diǎn):設(shè)備水平度偏差檢查。 目標(biāo)值:軸向L/1000 ;徑向2D/1000。L :筒體長(zhǎng),D:筒體內(nèi)徑。 監(jiān)理方法:用水準(zhǔn)儀或水平管分別從軸向兩端點(diǎn)測(cè)量;徑向水平輪廓線 測(cè)量。 4.5墊鐵安裝: 監(jiān)理重點(diǎn):墊鐵高度、塊數(shù)及墊鐵形式。 目標(biāo)值:設(shè)備墊鐵放置高度要求控制在 40-60毫米,墊鐵層數(shù)3-5層,斜 墊
29、鐵應(yīng)成對(duì)使用。 4.6設(shè)備內(nèi)件安裝: 由設(shè)備廠家工程師指導(dǎo)安裝; 4.7設(shè)備的防腐保溫: 監(jiān)理重點(diǎn):設(shè)備的除銹和保溫層檢查。 目標(biāo)值:按設(shè)計(jì)文件要求采用機(jī)械除銹達(dá)到 St2.0級(jí),除銹后的設(shè)備應(yīng)用 棉紗布除去設(shè)備表面的浮銹及污物, 做到當(dāng)天除銹當(dāng)天刷漆, 漆膜厚度應(yīng)大 于80卩m。 設(shè)備保溫施工時(shí),保溫棉縫隙要錯(cuò)開(kāi),保溫縫應(yīng)用保溫材料塞實(shí),保溫 棉用鍍鋅鐵絲扎結(jié)實(shí),鐵絲間距300毫米為宜,保溫棉安裝合格后再加鐵皮 防護(hù),鐵皮安裝接縫應(yīng)密實(shí),嚴(yán)禁出現(xiàn)翹縫、凹凸不平等現(xiàn)象。 監(jiān)理方法:旁站、目測(cè)、用金屬測(cè)厚儀測(cè)量漆膜厚度。 5.0 安全監(jiān)理: 本次無(wú)鹵環(huán)氧樹(shù)脂裝置施工時(shí)間緊任務(wù)重,交叉作業(yè)多,裝置
30、區(qū)設(shè)備密 集,吊裝難度大,安全工作優(yōu)其突出,要求施工單位建立安全保證體系,施 工前對(duì)施工人員進(jìn)行一次安全教育,并經(jīng)考試合格后方可上崗施工,專(zhuān)職安 全員盯在現(xiàn)場(chǎng)為職工做好安全服務(wù),所有施工人員都應(yīng)做到如下要求: 5.1進(jìn)入施工現(xiàn)場(chǎng)戴好安全帽,高空作業(yè)系好安全帶。努力搞好自我防 護(hù),做到“我要安全,我會(huì)安全”。堅(jiān)持以人為本,做好本職安全工作。 5.2框架上設(shè)備、管線、鋼結(jié)構(gòu)交叉作業(yè)多,要求施工單位設(shè)置安全網(wǎng), 射線探傷位置應(yīng)設(shè)置警戒繩。 5.3現(xiàn)場(chǎng)準(zhǔn)備好滅火器材。 5.4設(shè)備預(yù)留孔洞、梯子平臺(tái)形成的缺口要做好臨邊洞口的安全防護(hù)。 5.5動(dòng)設(shè)備開(kāi)車(chē)前,應(yīng)檢查防護(hù)罩、防護(hù)網(wǎng)是否牢固可靠,安全接地是否 合格。 5.6設(shè)備吊裝應(yīng)有經(jīng)過(guò)審批的技術(shù)方案。吊裝作業(yè)要統(tǒng)一指揮,旗哨結(jié) 合,
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- 生態(tài)農(nóng)業(yè)的發(fā)展趨勢(shì)試題及答案
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