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1、精品文檔牛津譯林版八年級 ( 8B) 英語第五單元測試卷班級 _姓名、選擇題()1. How many tips did Jim offer on the talk about mann ers?.He saidA. Noth in g; no thi ngB.Noth ing; none C. None; nothing D.()2. As we know, man' un dersta nding of n ature is develop ingA. at the right timeB. for the first timeC. from time to timeD. all

2、the time()3. A homeless man won a big prize. He became rich over ni ght.A. Better safe tha n sorryB. The early bird catches the wormC. Every dog has its dayD. Acti ons speak louder tha n words()4. The little girl _ the kite in the tree, but she was not tall eno ugh to_ it.A. reached for; reachB. rea

3、ched for; reached outC. reached out; reached for D. reached; reached for()5. My classmates are playi ng on the playgro und. Can I join them, Miss Lin? _ Not un til you have completed the Maths exercises.A. Why n ot? B. Will you? C. I hope so. D. I()6. Boy, did n 'tyou see people were wait ing in

4、 line? Don' _I am sorry, sir.A. pushB. pull C. putD. carry()7. Jim always keeps the tap running_ he fini shes washi ng hisface.A. sinceB. whileC asD. till()8. Sir, please put out your.cigarette(香煙 ).Sorry. Ithe sig n.A. don 'tnoticeB. didn 'tnoticeC. haven 'tnoticedD. won 'tnotic

5、e()9. Checking youranswers beforehanding in yourpaper can help youA. makeB. provideC avoidD. advise()10.You'd better fix the machine._ I have told you. Otherwise, youproblems.A.likeB. withC. asD. follow()11. Jack is always _ to wait for a long time without getti ng an gry.A. too patie ntB. patie

6、 nt eno ughC. eno ugh patie ntD. very patie nt()12. You've spelt the word wrong aga in, Judy. Sorry. Maybe I am _used to the mistake to thi nk of the right one.A. soB. veryC. quiteD. too()13. Mum, can you give me some advice on how to behave myself at the table? Well, I do have some advice. _ple

7、ase keep quiet while eat ing.A.In allB. Of allNone; none'm afraid not.in!_mistakes.may make more1歡迎下載精品文檔C. At allD. Above all()14. Do you think the questi on too hard _ ?I don ' thi nk so. He can an swer it easily.A. of Jim to an swerB. of Jim to an swer itC. for Jim to an swerD. for Jim to

8、 an swer it()15. Mrs Green. Do you think I can get anA" in the final exam if I start workinghard now? Of course. _ A. Better late tha n n everB. Many hands make light workC. You cannot burn the can dle at both sidesD. Actions speak louder tha n words()16. We young people shouldn '_think abo

9、ut the failure (失敗 )in the past.In stead, we should be _ to face the future.A.usually; eno ugh braveB. seldom; eno ugh braveC. sometimes; brave eno ughD. always; brave eno ugh()17. Mum, I 've got a new job in Beiji ng!Really? It just sounds_ to be true.A. so well B. too goodC. good eno ughD. too

10、 well()18. She was too busy at that time_ with me. I was un happy about that.A. to talki ngB. talk ingC. talkedD. to talk()19. Your 12-year-old son does nVk now much about shopp ing on li ne, _ he? _, but in fact, shopp ing on li ne is popular with tee nagers these days.A. does; No B. does; Yes C. d

11、oes nV; No D. does nV ; Yes()20. You two live in the same com munity no w. ItV too hard _ you to avoid_ her.A. of; meet ing B. for; to meetC. for; meeti ngD. of; tomeet二、完形填空On the eve ning of last Sun day while I was review ing my less ons in my room, it sudde nly began torain. 1 asusual, I stopped

12、 to listen to the rhythm (韻律 )of the rain. Formany years, whenever it rains, I couldnV 2 listeningto it and thinking of the gardenwhere I spe nt my childhood in my hometow n.When I was a little girl, my family lived in a big house with a big garden in the coun tryside. The garde n was full of flower

13、s and 3 , with some bamboo in front of the wall. When ever it rain ed, I 4 to sit in the front ofthe house, liste ning to the rhythm of the rain and watch ing the 5 rain drops.When small drops of rain fall from the heaven (天國 )in a row, they became a curtainmade up of pearls (珍珠 );whe n the rain dro

14、ps 6 the ground, a lot of small sprays (水2歡迎下載精品文檔花 )will splash ( 濺出 )and then 7 slowly.I have 8 bee n in terested in watch ing such a scene. As the In dia n poet wrote in his no vel, The raindrops kissed the earth and whispered. We are the homesick childre n. Mother; we come back to you fromthe he

15、ave n.”Listening to the rhythm of the rain,I feel peaceful in my heart. This feeling makesme think a lot about life. We are the 9 of the earth, and one day we will embrace (擁抱 )our earth and staywith her forever (永遠 ).Life is short and we should treasureit. Liste ning to the rhythm of the rain, I le

16、ar n to un dersta nd the 10 of life.()1. A. SurprisedB. SadC. ExcitedD. An gry()2. A. standB. stopC. likeD. thi nk()3. A. leavesB. an imalsC. childre nD. trees()4. A. happe nedB. wan tedC. wishedD. used()5. A. falli ngB. singingC. dancingD. break ing()6. A. seeB. getC. reachD. cover()7. A. comeB. di

17、sappear (消失 )C. causeD. rise)8. A. alwaysB. neverC. sometimesD. seldom)9. A. childre nB. ownerC. friendsD. master)10. A. le ngthB. meaningC. nu mberD. quality二、閱讀理解AI en tered a uni versity after years of hard study. I thought my life would be full of happ in ess and kno wledge. But my life in the u

18、ni versity is not as what I had expected. Then I became lazy and sile nt, evenpuzzled ( 困惑 ).I don 'tk now what my future would be like.Four years in the university is only a short period. And a half of it has passed already. This year, manypeople, such as my pare nts and my frien ds, asked me w

19、hat I wan ted to do and they all told me to make apla n for my life with their thought. I don'twa nt to taketheir advice. I want my own style. So I think carefully.I have been a young volunteer for five years. It has been a happy time and it is a big thi ng for me. Then I have a dream to join th

20、e Uni versity Stude nt Volun teer Go West Program. I think I can be a teacher in the west. I would like to try my best to help them. I want to see the world clearly. To make it come true, I willwork harder in the next two years. There is an old say ingWhere there is awill, there is a way” .l thi nk

21、mydream will come true in the n ear future.At last, I want to say to everybody,Never give up your dreams, no matter how bigor small they are. The path to dream may not be smooth and wide. Even there are some difficulties you will face. But hold on to the end, you can find there is no greater happ in

22、 ess tha n making our dream come true.”()1. What is the writer?A. A teacher. B. A doctor. C. A college stude nt. D. A reporter.()2. Why is the writer puzzled?3歡迎下載A. Because he is too young.精品文檔B. Because he is lazy.4歡迎下載精品文檔C. Because he doesn' know how his future will be. D. Because he is sile

23、 nt.()3. The writer _what his friends advised.A. wants to do as B.doesn 'want to do as C. agrees to D. is happywithBPeople use their mouths for many thin gs. In the En glish Ian guage, there are many expressi ons usingthe wordmouth .But some of them are not so nice.Sometimes, people say someth i

24、ng to a friend or a family member. Later theyregretbecause it hurts that person'feeli ngs. Or they tell the pers on someth ing they did n'mean to tell. The speaker might say:f really put my foot i n my mouth this time.”Sometimes when one person is speaking, he says the same thing that his fr

25、iend is going to say.Whenthis happens, the friend might say: You took the words right out of my mouth! Sometimes a person hasa bad or sad experience with another person. He might say that experienceleft a badtaste in my mouth.”O(jiān)r the person possibly has a veryfrightening(可怕的 )experience, like having

26、 an angry dog running after him. He might say:I' hadmy heart in my mouth.”Some people have lots of money because they were born into a very rich family. You might say the person was born with a silver spoon (銀勺 )in his mouth ” . He is the opposite of a pers on livi ng fromhand to mouth” .This pe

27、rs on is very poor and only has eno ughmoney for the most important things in life, like food.()4. The un derl ined wordai ”regret may mean _A. feel sorryB. feel excited C. feel proudsurprised( )5. When a man saysI had my heart in my mouth ”,usually he means he wasA. excitedB. afraidC. surprisedD. h

28、appy)6. Your best friendTony has said what you are going to say, you might say: _A. You were born with a silver spo on in your mouthD.feel_B. You really put my foot in my mouthC. You really left a bad taste in my mouthD. You took the words right out of my mouth()7. Tom says that he is livi ng from h

29、and to mouth. He means he is livi ng a( n)_life.A. busyB. hardC. easy D. richCDear Kate,My first stop in London was Buck in gham Palace. Kings and quee ns and their families have lived in Buck in gham Palace since 1837. Quee n Victoria made Buck in gham Palace her home in 1837. But it was not big en

30、o ugh for all her guests. More importa ntly, it was not big eno ugh for all the childre n she pla nned to have, so she made the palace bigger and bigger.I saw a parade at Buck in gham Palace this mornin g. It's called the Changing of the Guard. It's fasci nat ing. The guards wear in terest i

31、ng uni forms with red coats and tall5歡迎下載精品文檔hats. Since 1660, the kings and queens of England have had these special guards to protect them.The ceremony( 儀式 ) lasted about 45 minutes. The new guards marched to the palace with a band to replace the old guards. They did this in a colourful ceremony w

32、ith music. It's interesting that they played both traditional music and popular songs. The Changing ofGuard takes place in front of Buckingham Palace every day in spring and summer, and every two days in autumn and winter.I went to the Houses of Parliament after I saw the Changing of the Guard.

33、What are the Houses of Parliament? Well, I guess the country's leaders meet there to discuss important decisions.Next to the Houses of Parliament stands a tall clock tower. Most people call it BigBen. You know what? The name Big Ben does not refer to the clock tower. Big Ben is actually the 13-t

34、on bell inside it!Take care!( )8.Which is NOT true about the Changing of the Guard?A. The guards wear red coats and tall hats.B. The ceremony lasts less than an hour.C. The guards played different kinds of music.D. The ceremony was held in the Palace. ( )9. In winter if you miss the Changing of the

35、Guard ceremony onWednesday, you may watch it.A. on ThursdayB. on Friday C. only next week D. only next month( )10. How many places of interest does Judy talk about?A. Five. B. Four. C. Three. D. Two.DIt has been estimated ( 估計 )that smokers have madeup half of the population in China. And the smoker

36、s are becoming younger and younger, even including some middle school students.Nowadays more and more people have realized smoking can do harm to peopled health. However, some people still enjoy smoking. Why? Because some of them think it is a kind of fashion, some think it is of great fun and other

37、s think that smoking can refresh themselves.In fact , smoking is a bad habit It can cause a lot of disease. A lot of people always cough because ofsmoking. The most serious illness caused smoking is lung cancer ( 肺 癌). Meanwhile smoking is a waste of money. Besides, careless smokers may cause danger

38、ous fires.Smoking is harmful and it is not only bad for smokers themselves, but also bad for non-smokers.Therefore, I hope all the smokers can give up smoking for themselves and also forthe people around them. It is said that there are about half of people in China are smoking. Manyyoung boys and gi

39、rls have the habit of smoking, though they are middle school students.In order to keep healthy, we should get rid of the bad habit of smoking. Please stop smok ing at once.()11. Smok ing does _to people.A. harmfulB. harm C. harmlessD. good()12. According to the passage , _ .A.half of thepopulatio n

40、in China are smokersB.half of theyoung people in China are smokersC.half of themiddle school stude nts in China are smokers5 歡迎 。下載精品文檔D.half of theyoung wome n in China are smokers()13. Which result is NOT right?A. Smok ing can cause a lot of diseases in China.B. Smok ing can cause dan gerous fire.

41、C. Smok ing can waste a lot of mon ey.D. Smok ing can make you happy.()14. Why do many young people smoke? Because they think _ .A.smok ing is funB. smok ing is a fashi onC.smok ing can refresh themselvesD. all of the above()15. Which disease can be caused by smok ing?A. Stomachache.B. Toothache. C.

42、 Lung cancer.D. Bad cold四.填空A. 根據(jù)所給漢語意思或者首字母提示,用合適的單詞填空。1.Don ' _( 觸摸 )anything on show in the museum.2.As every one kno ws, _( 練習(xí) )makes perfect.3.If n obody drops l_the park will be a clea n and comfortable place.4.The s _we are going to talk about isOnline Manners ” .5.If you don ' look a

43、fter your pet bird in p _ ways, it will get ill easily.B. 用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。6.Tom didn ' mean to be _ (polite) when he shouted. He was just too excited.7.We Chin ese ofte n greet each other by _ (shake) hand.8.After hours of _ (discuss), they let through the report in the end.9.People in our country

44、often queue_ (patient) while waiting in publicplaces.10.Mrs Lin is too busy _(expla in) any of the long sentences right now.C. 從方框中選擇合適的詞 ( 組) ,并用其適當(dāng)形式填空 ,完成下面的句子。soon after, cut in, bump in to, con versati on, success11.The party was very _ . Everyone had a good time.12.Both of us enjoyed nice food

45、 and_ at the dinner.13.The teacher was angry because Tom _ several times whe n she was speak ing.14.Jack was walk ing along the street in a hurry whe n he_ a boy.15. _ we sat dow n, the play started.五、句子翻譯1 ?隨手亂丟垃圾不是個好習(xí)慣。2. 刷牙時別讓水龍頭的水一直流。3?不要試著一次做完所有的功課,否則你會筋疲力盡的。4. 昨天我邀請艾米和我一起吃晚餐。5. 老師警告我們不要玩火。7歡迎下

46、載精品文檔六、任務(wù)型閱讀Taboos ( 禁忌) of different people'cultureA taboo ( 忌諱,禁忌)is a social action that is not allowed. Every culture in theworld has its own taboos. The breaking of a taboo sometimes makes people feel uncomfortable. I lear ned this through my own experie nee.Lastweekend, WangLin and I showe

47、d two foreigners(夕卜國人) around our city. Mr Singhwas from In dia and Mr. White from USA. When I held out my left hand to shake hands with him, Mr. Singhseemed to be unhappy. Mr. White, however, was quite casual(隨意) . He said hello to me with a big smileand a wave of his hand.In the eve ning, we stopp

48、ed at a restaura nt for dinner. I no ticed that Mr. Singh did n'touch the beef andMr. White seemed not to like chickens' claws ( 爪) .During the meal,Wang Lin said sorry to Mr. Singh and con ti nued to expla in that we did n' t know it was ataboo in India to shake one' s left hand. Mr

49、. Singh explained that since oxen(牛) are sacred(神圣的) inIndia, people don'teat beef there. Mr. White joined in and said that it wasnot usual in the USA for people to eat chicke ns'claws. He went on to say that America nsdon ' usually get into each other'pers on al ( 私人的) space. Marriage, job and age aretheir taboos. Is n'tit a good less on to remember?Main ideaFactsCon clusi onhe taboos in everycountry are ( 1). People sometimes feel un happyf one breaks a taboo.n dia ns don 'teat beef be


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