1、精品文檔1. Who Are the British?The ScotsCharacteristic: inven tive, hardwork ing, serious-min ded and cautious with money Highlanders: a. they are the Scots live in the mountainous regions of the Highlanders in Northern Scotla ndb. they are proud, independent and hardy people who maintain their strong c
2、ultural ide ntity.c. Living by farming sheep in the mountain areas or fishing on the coasts and isla ndLowlanders: Most Scots are lowlanders who live in the industrialized areas of south Scotla ndScottish n ames: a. Campbell, Macleod, Fraser, Gordon, Stuart and Macdon aldb. Mac6r Mc 'means son o
3、fFamous writers: Robert Burns (1759-96), Sir Walter Scott (1771-1893), Robert Louis Steve nson (1850-94)The WelshCharacteristic: a. con scious of their separate Celtic heritageb. famous for their love of music and poetry and they have developed choral singing to a n ati onal art.c. they also have a
4、great feeling for the music of words.Two group of the Welsh:a. Those-mostly sheep farmers-from the mountainous regi ons of the centre and n orthb. Those (two-thirds of the population)who live and work in thehighly industrializedsouth where coal mining and steelmanu facture are the main econo mic act
5、ivitiesTwo passi ons: a. rugby footballb. choral singing Land of My Father ' nati on al an themthe Nati onal Eisteddfod:a. Eisteddfod is the Welsh word forsitt ing. Nati onal Eisteddfod isthe most famous festival of music and verse in Walesb. It takes place in each August and last for about a we
6、ekc. The highlight of the Eisteddfod is a competiti on for the best epic poem about Wales writte n and read in Welshd. The winner is crowned Bard, considered the supreme honor in WalesWelsh n ames: a. Jon es, Williams, Thomas, Evans, Lloyd, Llewell yn, or begi n withP'like Prichard, Probert or P
7、ryseb. ap" mea ns son ofFamous writers: Dyla n Thomas, Gwyn Thomas(bor n 1913) and Richard Llewelly n(born 1970)The IrishCharacteristic: a. a mainly Celtic peopleb. have rich literary heritage which is apparent their love of wordsc. in the literary works of Irish writers, the Irish are portraye
8、d as introspective dreamers and poets, as well as argumentative and aggressive-especially after a drinking sessi on.Oliver Cromwell: a. Lord Protector of Brita inb. crushed various rebellions in Ireland, and settled English and Scottish Protesta nts there by givi ng them land.c. the main duty of the
9、 new immigrants was to put dowm any an ti-British revolt by the n ative Irish.Home rule: between 1840 and 1900, some Irish nationalists, such as Charles Stewart Parnell, demanded some kind of autonomy and Irish members of the Westm in ster Parliame nt. They called persiste ntly for the con trol of i
10、n ternal affairs by an assembly in Dublin. This was what they called home rule '. The home rule question led to even more disturbance and riots as the Ulster Protesta nt feared that an aut onom ous Irela nd would be domin ated be Catholics.* The whole of Irela nd was coloni zed by En gla nd in 1
11、169, and was partiti oned in 1922. The 26 countries of southern Ireland became the Irish Free State, later renamed the Republic of Eire. The six coun tries of Ulster, i n the n orth, rema ined part of the Un ited Kin gdom with their own parliame nt, Storm ont, resp on sible for internal affairs.The
12、Orange Day celebrati ons:a. celebrati ons held by Protesta nt on 12 August each year in Norther n Irela nd to commemorate the Battle of the Royne in 1690 whe n the Protesta nt King William III(William of Orange ) crushed a Catholic rebelli on in London derry.b. The celebrations were aggressively pro
13、vocative and fightings often broke out betwee n Protesta nt marchers and Catholic bysta ndersThe Provisional IRA : a. IRA, the Irish Republican Army, is a nationalist organization dedicated to the unification of Irelandb. It was orga ni zed in 1919c. the IRA refused to accept a separate Norther n Ir
14、ela nd un der British ruled. In 1969 it split into an official ' majority, which disclaimed violence, and a terrorist provisional ' wing, whose attacks on British troops in Norther n Irela nd, ran dom bomb in gs, and others acts of terror in En gla nd kept tensions high.The Peace People: a.
15、i n the summer of 1976 Betty Williams, a Protesta nt housewife, was so horrified at the killing of two children by a running IRA car that she decided to orga ni zed the wome n of Ulster, both Protesta nt and Catholic in to a pressure group.b. It is a pressure group work for peace and reconciliation
16、in Ireland.c. Williams and her Catholic partner, Corrigan, soon gathered thousa nds of followers despite threats and in timidati on from both sides.d. they con ti nued to pursue their aims and at the end of 1976 the twoleaders were awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace.Famous writers and playwrights:Joh
17、n Millington Synge(1871-1909), James Joyce(1882-1941) and Sean O'asey(1880-1964)The EnglishCharacteristic: Reserved, un emoti on al, courteous; shy of stra ngers; suspicious of cha nge and slow the accept new ideas; solid and depe ndable with a high sense of honesty, duty and justice; physically
18、 and morally courageous; conscious of his place in the social order, disliking any show of emotion and lack of control; and fervently believing that the British are superior to any other race on earth.Roman'si nflue nee: a. the Roma ns in vaded En gla nd in 55 BC, and brought with them their law
19、s, taxes, engineering skills, architecture and social system as well as their Ianguage, Latin, and their system of writing and numbering.b. they introduced Christianity and when they departed in AD 411, they left behind a well established Celtic-Roman culture.c. they also left behind the first writt
20、en description of the land and its peoples as well as records of their adm ini strati on.The Norman Conquest: a. i n AD 1066, William of Norma ndy Ian ded his army in En gla nd (William the Conqueror) b. he defeated the Saxon king Harold and the English soldiers, and became the king of En gla nd the
21、 same year.c. French was made the official language and the feudal system was firmly established in En gla nd.The Com mon wealth Immigra nts Act:From the year of 1962, people from com mon wealth coun tries no Ion ger had free entry to the UK and could not claim automatic full citize nship.UK= the Un
22、ited Kingdom of Great Britain and the Northern Ireland The British Isles:the British Isles lie northwest of Europe in the Atlantic Ocean. They consist of two large isla nds-Brita in and Irela nd.Northern Irela nd (Ulster):Norther n Irela nd is a part of the Un ited Kin gdom in the n orth-east of the
23、 isla nd of Irela nd. It was partitioned from the rest of Ireland during the Irish War of Independence, by an Act of the British Parliament. Northern Ireland shares a border with the Republic of Ireland to the south and west. Norther n Irela nd is largely self-gover ning.William III:known as William
24、 of Oran ge. Both his wife and he are Protesta nts. He was the stadtholder of the Netherlands. In 1689 he was invited by opponents of James II to accept the British throne which was known as "Glorious Revolution, and he ruled jointly with his wife Mary II (James' daughter) .In the same year
25、, the British Parliame nt passed the Bill of Rights which limited the powers of the crow n. Thus bega n the En glish Con stituti onal Mon archy.2. English HistoryThe Middle Ages1. King Harold: the Saxon king who was defeated and killed at the Battle ofHasti ngs in 1066, when the Fren ch-speak ing No
26、rma ns un der William the Conq ueror in vaded En gla nd from France2. Alfred the Great: He was a fine Saxon king who successfully defeated theinvading Danes and was the ruler of the Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Wessex, contributed greatly to the medieval Europea n culture. He made Wessex the An glo-Sax on
27、 culture center by introducing teachers and scholars, founding new monasteries, and promoting translations into the vernacular from Lati n works.He also in spired the compilati on of theAn glo-Sax on Chro ni cles.3. King Arthur: a. he was the king of En gla nd in the sixth cen turyb. little was know
28、 about him, except that he was associated with Corn wall and is the cen tral figure of many lege nds about him and his Kni ghts of the Round Table4. Crusades : the Crusades were a series of wars in the Middle Ages in whicharmies from all over Europe tried to snatch the Holy Land 'i.e. Palestine,
29、 where Jesus Christ once lived)from the Infidels(i.e. the Muslims)5. Richard Lion-Heart: a. he was a Norman king in the Middle Agesb. he was also the most famous of the En glish Crusaders at that timec. Many stories have been told about him and his enemy Saladi n6. the Magna Carta( Great Charter'
30、;):a. the Magna Carta( Great Chapter 'was a document signed in 1215 by King Joh n un der compulsi on by the powerful baro nsb. the purpose of the Charter was to make King John to recog nize the rights of the baronsc. The Magna Carta is now in the British Museum, London7. the Hundred Year)War:a.
31、a war betwee n En gla nd and France which lasted, on and off, for a hun dred years from 1337 to 1453.b. It was fought entirely in France, and the whole of France very n early fell into En gla nd hands in the famous battles of Crecy and Agi ncourt.c. Eventually, partly through the inspiration of the
32、brave girl Joan of Arc, and partly through the effective use of guns, the French drove the En glish from their land for good.d. England became completely severed from France, and the En glish Lan guage fin ally took place of French in all classes of society.8. Joa n of Arc: a. she was a French saint
33、 and n ati onal heroine.b. during the Hundred Year)War, her bravery and inspirationprovided spirit and morale for French armies.c. later she was captured and burned at the stake.The Sixteenth Century1. the Wars of the Roses: a. It is the name given to the struggle(1455-1486) forthe throne of England
34、 between two branches of the En glish royal family.b. the houses of Lan caster, whose badge was a red rose, and York, whose badge was a white rosec. the wars weake ned both the no bility and the mon arch2. Chan ges in Europe: a. the inven ti on of prin ti ngb. it was the age of great voyages of disc
35、overy like Columbus and Vasco da Gamac. the beginning of the imperialist expansion whichresulted in Europea ns establish ing themselves throughout the American continent.d. the beginning of freedom of thought in the Christianreligio n.3. Henry VIII:A king of England in the early sixteenth century. W
36、ith the support of his Parliament, Henry established himself as head of the Christian Church in England, in place of the pope, after the pope refused to allow his marriage to Catherine of Aragon to be dissolved. Since that time, except for a few years of rule un der Hen ry's daughter Mary I, who
37、 was a Roman Catholic, England has been officially a Protesta nt n atio n.4. Bloody Mary: a. it was the nickname given to Mary I, Henry Ill's elder daughter.b. she was a devout Catholic, and had so many Protestants bur nt to death that she is remembered less by her official title Mary I than by
38、her nickname Bloody Mary.5. Elizabeth I:A. Defin iti on:quee n of En gla nd; successor of Mary I, daughter of HenryVIII and Anne Boleyn. She established the Church of England and put an end to Catholic plots, notably by executi ng Mary Quee n of Scots and defeati ng the Spanish Armada. Her reig n wa
39、s no table for commercial growth, maritime expansion, and the flourishing of literature, music, and architecture.B. Gun-powder Plot 'a. it refers to the most famous of a number of Catholicconspiracies in England history which occurred in the reig n of James I.b. It was the plot to blow up the Ki
40、ng and Parliament, inwhich a man called Guy Fawkes was caught in the cellars of the House of Commons in the very act of prepari ng the explosivesc. Guy Fawkes Night 'is still celebrated on November 5 th each year.The Seventeenth Century1. Divine Right: the doctri ne that a mon arch derives his o
41、r her power directly fromGod.2. Glorious/Bloodless Revoluti on:a. it refers to the event of 1688 in the En glish Revoluti on, whe n the Catholic ki ng James II was forced to flee with his baby son to Franceb. the throne was offered to his Protesta nt daughter and her husba nd Dutch king William.c. T
42、he bill of Rights was passed by Parliament to restrict the power of the Mon archyd. This was the beg inning of the Con stituti onal Mon archy in Brita in.The Eighteenth Century1. the Battle of Waterloo: An important and complete victory won by Duke ofWellington over the great Napoleon in Waterloo, B
43、elgium2. the Battle of Trafalgar: the great naval victory over Napoleon ' fleet won by LordNels on.3. In dustrial Revoluti on:a. 17501850, Great cha nges took place with the inven ti onof the steam engine.b. create an en tirely newsocial class, the in dustrialworker.c. made Britain stronger and
44、richer.d. More factories and big tow n were built.4. The loss of America n coloni es:a. PilgrimFathers'a group of Puritans who had sailed from England in the ship Mayflower to escape religious persecuti on un der James I.b. the Declaratio n of In depe ndenceThe Nineteenth Century1. William Wilbe
45、rforce: leader of an ti-slavery moveme nt in nin etee nth cen tury.2. Elizabeth Fry: leader of the prison reform movement in nineteenth century.3. Sir Robert( Bobby 'Peel: foun ded the moder n police force4. Reform Bill: extended the franchise a little further. Freely elected towncoun cils were
46、established for the first time.5. Progress in the field of com muni cati onsa. Gorge Stephenson 'locomotive, Rocket give the steamengine wheels and rails to run on for the first time.b. The born of telegram and the widely use of electricity.Penny Post'6. Victorian ism:A. Defin iti on: a. it
47、refers to the mon arch of Brita in un der the great Quee nVictoria from 1837 to 1901, the Iongest reign in Britain.b. it was an age of n atio nal developme nt and optimismc. the Victoria ns were very religious and con servative in family life.d. It was also, in its later stages, an age of imperialis
48、m.B. Charles Darw in: a. the famous Britai n scie ntist who wrote the importa ntbook The origin of Species' which contributed to the decay of Victorianism. And he dominated nin etee nth-ce ntury scie nee.b. His theory of evoluti on caused viole nt react ion of the Victoria ns aga inst the book,
49、and furious debates were held in private and in pubic.精品文檔7. the Mutiny in India + grab for Africa, ' in which the whole of Africa wasdivided into spheres of in flue nee '8. we have had the motor-car since the last years of Quee n Victoria.The Twentieth Century1. Suffragettemovement: a. a te
50、rm refers to the movement in the early twentiethcen tury by the British wome n, who had bee n meek and submissive in Victoria n 'gn.b. they rose up to gain their right to vote.c. this was not simply a political campaign but a profo und revolt aga inst an in ferior status.2. the First World War(1
51、914-18)3. the great slump' of the early 1930's:a. It ' a dreadful period that the economic situation collapsed completely all over the word.b. millio ns of people cannot find a job.4. the Seco nd World War(1939-45) the Battle of Du nkirk ' the blitz of 1940'Battle of Britain '
52、;5. three worlds :a. the West'ncluding the U.S.A. and Britain)b. the Communist powers( lead by Russia and China)c. the Third World "(i.e. the developing nations of Africa ,Asia and South America)3. Which En glish1. the roots of En glish IanguageCeltic Brita in.2. the an cestor of moder n En
53、 glish -old En glish of An glo-Sax on3. Old EnglishA. definition: a. also called Anglo-Saxon, it is the first period of the English Ianguage fromthe time of Anglo-Saxon invasion of Britain in AD450 to the Norman Con quest in 1066b. used both Latin and Germanic script.c. the ancestor of modern Englis
54、h and quite different from today ' EnglishB. dialects of old English: a. Mercian (莫西亞方言)b. Northumbrian(諾森伯蘭方言)c. Ken tish(肯特方言)d. West Saxon (西撒克遜方言)C. the Ven erable Bede: a. one of the best-k now Old En glish scholar- mon ks.b. wrote the Ecclesiastical History of the En glish People , which i
55、s one of the main sources of information about the history of An glo-Sax on En gla nd.4. Middle En glish:A. definition: a. from the Norman Conquest of 1066 to the introduction of the printingpress in En gla nd in 1476b. the ble nd of An glo-Sax on, Lati n and Frenchc. different from Old English main
56、ly in the abandonment of the system of grammatical in flexi ons.B. Geoffrey Chaucer: a. the most important Middle English poet. The first short story tellerand the first moder n poet in En glish literature.b. his masterpiece was the Can terbury Tales.5. Modern En glishA. definition: a. started about
57、 AD1500b. the introduction of the printing press, spellings and written forms of the En glish Ian guage bega n to become sta ndard.c. different from Middle English involve mainly pronunciation, vocabulary and spelli ng.B. William Shakespeare6. Standard EnglishA. defi niti on: the style of speech of
58、the educated souther n upper class, which is spoke n byBBS announcersB. the BBC: a. British Broadcasti ng Corporati onb. the motto is Nation Shall Speak Peace Unto Nation, which means the voice of peace spoke n over the radio should be uni versally un derstood.c. the speech patter ns of BBC announ cers represe nt the educated souther n upper class, and their particular style of speech is recognized as Standard En glish or Received Pronun ciati on( RP) En glish7. En glish todayThe Ki ng S En glish: a. Fowler brothers in I960b. it is sound advice for stude nt of En gl
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