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1、短文改錯是高中英語歷次大小考、包括高考必考題型,此題型主要考察考生的英語基本功,如果能掌 握一些解題技巧,得滿分不是難事。STrEPZ-必須熟悉諫錯方吉;多詞、少詞、錯詞。1. 多詞現象大多岀現在冠詞、介詞、助動詞、連詞、語義重復及行文邏輯等方而。2. 少詞現象主要岀現在冠詞、介詞、副詞、助動詞、不宦式符號to、連詞等。3. 錯詞現象主要在冠詞、介詞、名詞單復數、動詞時態(tài)、非謂語動詞、主謂一致、代詞、連詞、詞形。SlTP2.對全文舉觀坦握大家應把改錯內容當作一篇小短文來理解,這樣能對短文有個宏觀把握,對上下文有全而的了解。在 理解篇章的基礎上逐句審讀,分析判斷,上下兼顧,把明顯的、拿的準的題先

2、做完,這樣可以縮小包帀圈, 也有助于對全文的進一步理解。STrEP3 _叢語法角度審童1. 査看時態(tài)是否一致。My forite SPOrt is football. I WaS a member Of OUr football team.全文都是用的一般現在時,此句中的WaS顯然與上下文語境不符,應改為am。2. 査看主謂是否一致。AilyOne IlIay borrow books, and it COSt IlOtlUng to borrow them.COSt應改為COStS,因其主語是”(為形式主語),且上下文均為一般現在時。3. 查指代是否一致。The SmIthS did Iii

3、S best to make me feel at home.句中的主語the SnlithS表的是SnIIth 一家人,因此指示代詞IliS應改為tleiro4. 査平行結構是否平行一致。由 and, or. but, either.or., neither.nor., not Only.but also., as WeIl as 等并列連詞和詞組連接的結構可 稱為平行結構。It WaS Very kind Of them to meet me at the railway StatIOn ad drove me to their home.句中的drove顯然與and前而的to meet不

4、平行,應改為driven5. 査名詞的單復數與修飾詞語或上下文是否一致。We StUdy quite a few subject. SUCll as Matlis, Chinese.quite a few只能修飾復數需詞,故SUbJeCt應改為SUbjeCtSo6. 査行文邏借是否一致。MOSt PeOPIe Can quickly get help from a doctor or go to a hospital SinCe they are ill.根據行文邏輯,這里不應該由SmCe來引導原因狀語從句,而應該是when/WhelIe-er或If來引導時間 或條件狀語從句。SITp 4.

5、土犬常見錯誤短文改錯是有一泄的規(guī)律可循的,縱觀近幾年的高考試題及我們平常的模擬考試,可以發(fā)現短文改錯 主要有以下十大錯誤:1. 形容詞與副詞的誤用。如 exciting 與 excited, Ilard I J hardly, POSSible lj possibly, here - there 等,以及形容詞與副詞的比較 級與最高級。2. 名詞的單復數誤用。如在 several, IIlanyt -various, different, a few* One Of 等之后,常用名詞的復數,在 every 與 each 之 后常用單數。3. 代詞的誤用。如you I j your, it

6、9;s與its, it與they或them* One與OneSt賓格(如me)與反身代詞(如myself)等的誤 用。4. 介詞的誤用、缺少或多余。常見的如 in 與 Ont to 與 for, UlStead 與 instead of, because 與 because Of 等的誤用»5. 時態(tài)的錯誤??匆黄恼?,要有一種大局觀,要上前下掛,看看上下文的時態(tài)是否一致。6. 連詞的誤用。如Or與and的誤用,and FJ but的誤用,SO與but的誤用,because或SilICe與SO連用,tlough與but 連用等。7. 第三人稱單數后的動詞形式。&一些固定結構的

7、誤用。如 so.that 被誤用作 Very.that, too.to 被誤用 very.to, as.as 被誤作 so.as 等。9. 泄語從句中關系詞的誤用。10. 一些常用詞的誤用。如 What ,j ow. except ,j besides, any 與 SOme 以及它們的合成詞如 anything -j something, anywhere 與Somewhere等混淆不活。S;IrEP )驗證答奉改完后,要回過頭來重讀一遍全文,查看改過后是否能使語氣通順,時態(tài)一致,合乎邏輯。再次通讀 可以在初改時感覺不順的地方集中精力,仔細推敲,使答案更加準確。STEP 6.要多讀多背增強語

8、感 在平常的學習中一左要注重語感的培養(yǎng),英語學習的根本任務是學習語言,而學習語言的根本在于學 習和習得語感。語感一旦形成,就為英語學習打下了良好的基礎。實戰(zhàn)演練語言是學出來的,所以要學好語言,一泄要多讀多背,尤英是背,它是語言習得最重要的途徑之一。 下列句子各有一處錯誤,請改正。I NOW PeOPle get a IOt Of Hifbrmations from TV2. Gennan is a EUrOPean COUntr>r.3. They didn't WaiIt me to do any WOrk at family.4. YeSterday I met an Old

9、 friend Of my father.5. BOyS and girls, don't IOSe hearts. DO better next tme.6. They are Of different size.7. It is SO beautiful PIaCe that you must ViSit it.8. What a terrible Weather We have been having!9. It took PlaCe m France, an EUrOPean COuntry10. SUddellly I CaUgllt a Sight Of my EnglIS

10、h teacher m the crowd.II What good time We had IaSt night?12. We SIlall SPelId tree-day holiday together.13. I Came to ImderStand that WaS not easy to earn money.14. SOme ParentS think USeleSS for girls to go to school.15. When he bought a ChOCOIate cake, he PUt them In a SeCret place.16. Olle day I

11、 WrOte a IIttle StOry and ShOWed to my teacher.17. ItS InIPOrtant that We SIlOUld tluk OVeI before doing anything.18. The truck WaS moving SO fast that the driver COUldn control.19. I apologized and ContrOned me at my best till the dmer started.20. We must take Part m the SOCial PraCtiCe to PrePare

12、US WeIl for OUr future.21 The teacher did not PIUliSh for Cheatmg but instead gave me a SeCond chance.22 Henry did IIOt IIke his Car that Iall badly and Oftell broke down.23. There was a five-pound note m the POCket Of the trousers I had told her to WaSll it.24 PeOPIe Call IlardIy do SOme fishing th

13、ere.25 I ViSited a PlaCe Where is SUITOIulded by mountains.26 I am SUre you Will find One you IIke it.27 It WaS yesterday Whell he broke the window.28. He had IOSt his glasses WIthOUt them he COlIldn t see.29 Oliver Ivist. the hero Of the StOry he was a orphan.30. It StartS WIth ChOOSillg a tree fro

14、m neither a farm or a store.31 She never has enough time for that She WantS to do.32 I find WIlat I have One ShOrtComUlg In my CharaCter.33. WlIat IleCeSSary it is tlat We get nd Of the bad habits .34. It didn't matter that I WOUld Wiil or not.35. PeOPle In tle US dk more COffee than PeOPle in a

15、ny COuntry36. The development Will brmg US much more hopes and chances.37. The OlymPlCS are Ileld each fbr years.38. A SUInlner- Fane traveled abroad.39 I hope you tlik about my IeqUeSt as SOOn as possibly.40. I know you are PartICUlar mterested m HUman Rights.41 AS there is no air or water, there C

16、aIl be no IIfe , too.42 There Were too many nice tlmgs that I didn't know What to choose.43. He decides to travel a IOt and ViSit SUCh many new PIaCeS as possible.44. I COUldl,t See as Clear as before.45 The Water i It is SO dirty tlat It SmellS terribly.46. I appreciate your help Very well.47 Y

17、Ou always gave me SPeClally attention and IiISPIred me.48. It WaS IUltIl InIdnIght that It StOPPed IamIng.49 PeOPle both at home and abroad have been great helped by the new COnIPUter.50. H has to WOrk Ifhe WantS to IiV亡 COmfbrtable.51 She is a brave and honesty girl.52 It is much easy to make PIanS

18、 tla to Cany them out.53. It is COnVenient for me to PrePare for the exain than before.54. He gave me an Order worthy 15 million dollars.55 The tree WaS PUt into a ClIriStmaS Stand that holds the tree UP Straightly.56. IS teachmg kids EnglISh as HItereSted as you expected in college?57. We Ilad gues

19、ts IaSt IUgllt WhO had not Stayed In It ago.58. We are all Very much active and the activities are ejoyable.59. If you wont want to take a taxi, you Can go by bus.60. Or City is a modern city. It Set UP in the early 1980s.61 Bad habits IlOt COme suddenly.62. I have CaUglIt a bad COld for a Week and

20、I can,t get nd Of it.63. FOIlOWmg the IOad and you will find the store.64. I nsh OVer WithOUt delay JUmPed into the Water and SWaIlI towards Ilinl-65 YOU must do everything you Call help them.66 Wheil a Iabbit See SOmethmg dangerous, it runs away.67. ItS tail. WhiCh is white, moving UP and down as I

21、t runs.68. ThInk PerhaPS I WaS too tired, I StOOd UP and WaS going to sleep.69 I WaS Often tired ad WatCh TV demands Iittle effort.70. The IIttle girl hued IlOme With die Ielnained money.71 HiS young Patient WaS SOOn able to get UP and ran about again.72. It WaS kind Of them to meet me at the StatiO

22、n and drove me to their home.73. Slle IIked it Very much ad IeadS it to the class.74. There Were OVer IOOO SnIdentS attend it.75. IS it IIkely to be any food at the Party On Sanlrday?76. PleaSe excuse US for not able to Say goodbye to you.77. He SPeIldS hours On the telephone, talks to his friends.7

23、8 Finmg With many people, the IOOm IS crowded.79. At the IilteneieW tlere are many PeOPle WhO Wait to interviewed for jobs.80. It Wiil COSt a IOCket a hundred thousand years to IeaCh it.81 There IISed to have a ChUrCh UlOf the school.82 HOPe you great SUCCeSS In your work?83. All you Call do is enco

24、uraging him、ShOW hn UnderStandmg and Ofier him advice.84. Iii FrIday afteoon, SOme SnIdentS took Part m a SPeeCh activity85 In a few WeekS the StOry WaS IeUinled to her.86. It WaS Very fine Whell I got UP early On IaSt SlUlday moning.87. I nshed OUt the house as quickly as I could.88. It is necessar

25、y to decide Wllat is WOrth taking notice.89. I had difficulty in granar after I entered HItO the SChOOL90. She COUld hardly afford for the medical care.91 BUt We don't Seem to hae much time to talk about together.92 He WaS PIUliShed because Wllat he had done.93. The ice isn't thick enougl fo

26、r US to skate.94. I gave you my luggage at a quarter Of an hour ago.95 I am writing to thank you Witll your kind help.96 He means to COme no earlier as that time.97 We must IeUInl back to SChOOl this afternoon98. Child as he is, but he knows a lot.599. HaVing been ill for a IOng time, SO She fell be

27、hind her classmates.100. ThlnkHlg he IlaPPened to have no WoIk to do, and he Came back home.0105 InfbnllatIOnS-Infbrmation; German-Gennany; faniily-home; fatherfhthe's: hearts-heart; 606-10 size-sizes; a place;刪除 a; an-a;刪除 a11-15 a good time; a tlree-day; that 后力【I it; think 后力Il it; them-it;16-20 SllOWed 后力口 it; tlnk 后力1 it; COIltrOI 后加 it; me-myself; US-OllrSehes;21-25 PlmiSh 后力U me; that-whch: 刪除 it; SOmeany; Where-WhlCl;26-30 刪除 it; Whell-that; them-which;刪除 he; nether-either:3135 that-what: WIlat-tlat;


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