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1、Unit1The king ' snew clothes1、theking 'snew clothes皇帝的新裝2、recitethetext 背誦課文3、a king一位皇帝4、likenewclothes 喜歡新裝5、oneday一天6、twomen兩個人7、visittheking 拜訪皇帝8、makenewclothes for you給你做新裝9、showtheking his newclothes= show his new clothes to the king給皇帝看他的新裝10、try on these magic clothes= try these mag

2、ic clothes on 試穿這些魔法衣服11、cleverpeople聰明人12、foolishpeople愚蠢的人13、walkthroughthe city 走過城市14、in his newclothes 穿他的新裝15、a lotof people = many people許多人16、in the street在街上17、lookat theking and shout 看著皇帝喊多么18、 What beautiful clothes ! = How beautiful the clothes are!漂亮的衣服?。?9、a little boy一個小男孩20、pointat

3、theking and laugh指著國王笑21、wearclothes穿衣服22、thisafternoon這個下午23、geta card得到一張卡片24、frommy good friend Mark來自我的好朋友 Mark25、come to myparty 來參加我的聚會26、athalf pastfour 在四點半27、inhe park在公園28、anAmericancowboy 一個美國牛仔29、wearjeans穿牛仔褲30、a Scottish man 一個蘇格蘭人31、weara kilt穿蘇格蘭短裙32、MissFox and her students狐貍女士和她的學生

4、們33、playa game玩一個游戲34、eachstudent每一個學生35、sayone sentence 說一句句子36、bequick 很快速的37、onthe mountain 在山上38、saythe nextsentence 說下一句句子39、anold manand a little boy一個老人和一個小男孩40、41、42、43、44、45、46、47、48、49、50、51、52、53、54、55、56、57、58、59、60、61、live in the house 住在房子里be wonderful太棒了tell the boya story 給男孩講一個故事Bob

5、by ' sturn輪到 Bobby 了thinkhard努力思考what' snext接下來是什么haveto startthe story again必須重新開始講這個故事livein theforest 住在森林里some flowers一些花in front of the lionhsouse在獅子的房子前walk by the house 在房子旁邊散步pick a flower 采一朵花be angry 生氣的shout at the old man 對老人喊give me your child= give your child to me 給我你的孩子 a bea

6、utiful girl 一個漂亮女孩live with the lion 和獅子住be nice to her 對她好be sick 生病了look after him 照顧他turn into a prince 變成王子 laugh at sb. 嘲笑某人Unit2What a day!1、the 20th of September 9 月 20 日2、in the morning 在早上3、go to the park by bike = ride a bike to school 騎自行車去 公園4、a parrot show 一個鸚鵡展示5、in the park 在公園6、see s

7、ome interesting parrots 看見一些有趣的鸚鵡7、the weather 天氣8、become windy and cloudy 變成有風的,多云的9、fly kites high 放風箏放得高10、in the sky 在天空11、time for lunch= time to have lunch到吃午餐的時間了12、bring some dumplings 帶了一些餃子13、some bread and honey 一些面包和蜂蜜14、some drinks 一些飲料15、see some ants 看見一些螞蟻16、some bees 一些蜜蜂17、eat our

8、lunch 吃我們的午餐18、in the afternoon 在下午19、black clouds in the sky 空中幾朵烏云20、hungry and wet 又餓又濕21、What a day! 多么難忘的一天!22、a rainy morning 一個下雨的早晨23、write diaries = write a diary 寫日記24、rain all day 一天都下雨25、a sunny afternoon 一個陽光燦爛的下午26、the New Year 新年27、nearly here 馬上就要到來28、cheer together 一起歡慶29、my dear 我親

9、愛的30、come again another day 改天再來31、meet Bobby in the park 在公園遇見鮑比32 、 look33 、 losesad 看起來很難過my newkite 丟失了我的新風箏34、wantto knowwhy =would like to know why35、whathappened發(fā)生了什么事36、thismorning這個早上37、Tinaand I我和提娜38、flymy newkite 放我的新風箏39、bewindy inthe park 公園里有風想知道為什么40、climbup thehill 爬上山41、flytoo high

10、飛得太高42、can 'thold onto it 不能抓緊它43、flyaway 飛走了44、Whydo youhave it? 你為什么有它?45、findit nearthe hill 在山旁邊找到它46、lastSunday上一星期天47、writein yourdiary 寫進你的日記48、goswimming去游泳49、watch a film看一場電影50、havea picnic野餐51、dothe housework 做家務52. do one 'hosmework 做家作Unit3 Holiday fun1. 回到學校come back toschool2.

11、 在國慶節(jié) on National Day3. 國慶假期后 after the National Day holiday4. 打電話給你 call you5. 乘火車去上海 go to Shanghai by train= take a train to Shang hai6. 拜訪我的阿姨 visit my aunt7. 去外灘 go to the Bund8. 參觀上海博物館 visit the Shanghai Museum9. 看見許多有趣的東西 see many interesting things10. 樂趣無窮 great fun11. 我們一家人 our family12. 去

12、 星星湖邊的農場 go to a farm near Star Lake13. 摘一些桔子 pick some oranges14. 去釣魚 go fishing15. 抓一些魚 catch some fish16. 抓 一條大魚 catch a big fish18. 想 要給你魚17. 打電話給我 call mewant to give you the fish = want to give thefish to you20. 假 期你去了哪兒?19. 吃它 eat itWhere did you go for the holiday?21. 你在那里做了什么? Whatdid you d

13、o there?22. 你的假期怎么樣?How was your holiday?23. 你 抓住魚了嗎?是的Did you catch any fish? Yes, Idid.24. 語調 intonation25. 為我摘一個桔子 pick an orange for me26. 想要樹上的一個桔子want an orange from the tree= wouldlike an orange from the tree27. 為我捉一條魚 catch a fish for me28. 想 要海里的一條魚want a fishfrom the sea= wouldlike afish f

14、rom the sea29. 三 個主要的學校假期 three main school holidays30. 復活節(jié)假期 the Easter holiday31. 暑假 the summer holiday32. 寒假 the winter holiday33. 圣誕假期 the Christmas holiday34. 晚飯時間 time for dinner= time to have dinner35. 回家晚了 come home late36. 舉行一場時裝表演have a fashion show37. 喜歡漂亮衣服 like38. 對表演興奮不已 be39. 喜愛時裝表演 l

15、ove40. 問鮑比關于薩姆的事beautiful clothes excited about the fashion shows ask Bobby aboutshow41. 穿 一件紙做的 T 恤和紙做的短褲 wearSama paper T-shirtandpaper shorts42. 穿 紙做的衣服 wear paper clothes43. 穿許多瓶子 wear a lot of bottles44. 問關于表演的事 ask about the show45. 進展順利 go well46. 首先 at first47. 大雨 heavyrain48. 太糟糕 toobad49.去

16、汽車博物館go tothe Car Museum50. 看見許多很酷的車子 seemanycool cars51.看一部新電影watchanewfilm52.有許多朋友have alotoffriends53.玩玩具小汽車playwithtoycars54. 清洗車子 clean thecar55.清洗他的車子cleanhiscarUnit4 Then and now1 then and now 過去和現(xiàn)在2. six years ago 六 年前3. read and draw 讀書和畫畫4. do many things 做很多事5. twenty years ago 二十年前6. wri

17、te letters tohis friends給他的朋友寫信在家和辦公7. use the telephone at home and in the office to call people 室用電話打給人們8. a mobile phone 一部手機9 .call people anywhere 隨處打電話10.write emails 寫電子郵件11. thirty years ago 三十年前聽收音機和看報紙在網上讀看新聞12. listen to the radio and read newspapers for news 獲取新聞13. read and watch news o

18、n the Internet14. read e-books =read an e -book 看電子書15.makefriendsatschool在學校交朋友16.buythingsfromshops從商店買東西17. have e-friendsfromallover the world有來自全世界的網友18. do shopping on the Internet 網購19. work hard 努力工作20. every day 每天21. my cousin 我的表妹22. be on holiday 度假23.invent the aeroplane 發(fā)明飛機24.invent t

19、he train 發(fā)明火車25.theAmericans 美 國 人26.theBritish英國人27. anEnglishlesson一堂英語課28. lookoutof thewindow 朝窗外看29.listen to me 聽我說30. go on walking 繼續(xù)走路31. spelll “ Wednesday ”拼 寫 “星期三 ”32. get angry 變得生氣33. make a sentence 造 句34. waitfortheanswer 等待答案35.one year old一歲36. three tears old 三歲37. compare the pa

20、st with the present 會比較過去和現(xiàn)在38. use “ year(s) ago ”會用“ 年前 ”39. know the SOUnd Of “ er ” 知道“ e的 發(fā)音40. January February March April May June JulyAUgUSt September October November December41. It iS often rainy here in Spring. 春天這里經常是多雨的。It waS often rainy here in Spring laSt year. 去年春天這里經常是多 雨的。42. It

21、often rainS here in Spring. 春天這里經常下雨。It often rained here in Spring laSt year. 去年春天這里經常下雨。Look! It iS raining oUtSide now. 看,現(xiàn)在外面正在下雨。43. There iS a lot of rain here in Spring. 春天這里有很多雨。Unit5SignS1. at shopping centre 在購物中心2. be careful 小心3. see the sign 看見標識4. see a juice shop 看見一個水果店5. want some j

22、uice= would like some juice 想要一些果汁6. want to go in= would like to go in 想要進入7. take your juice into the shop 帶你的果汁進入書店9. eat some noodles 吃一些面條9.in a restaurant 在一家飯店10. smell it 聞到它11. No eating or drinking. 請勿飲食。12. No littering. 請勿亂扔垃圾。13. No parking. 請勿停車。14. No smoking. 請勿吸煙。15. Danger! 危 險 !16

23、. Wet floor. 小心地滑。17. stay away from it 遠離它18. put the rubbish in the bin 把垃圾放進垃圾桶19. public places 公共場所20. public signs 公共標識21. What does it mean? 它是什么意思?22.It means the floor is wet. 它的意思是地面潮濕。23.It means yoU can't eat Qr dink它的意思是在那兒你不能吃喝。24.It means yoU can't SmQke它he意;思是在你不能在這兒吸煙。25.It

24、means yoU can' littter here. 它的意思是在你不能在這兒亂扔垃圾26.Is someone smoking? 某人在吸煙嗎?27. the little bird 小鳥28. say to the girl 給女孩說29. so happy 很開心30. my birthday 我的生日31. say-said“ U在英gO,r人們稱地在美國U bw人們稱地鐵為32. on an outing 遠足33. In the UK, people call the metro鐵為“ underground ?!?4. In the US, people call t

25、he metro“ subway35. in the forest 在森林里36. time for lUnch = time to have lUnch該吃午飯了37.feel tired and hUngry感到又餓又累38. look for my bananas尋找我的香蕉39. bring some for lUnch帶一些作為午餐40. bring broUght41. give Sam a banan a=give a banana to Sa紿薩姆一個香蕉42. want one = would like one 想要一個43. walk on 繼續(xù)走路44. find a s

26、ign on a tree 找到一個掛在樹上的標志45. eat bananas here 在這里吃香蕉46. know why 知道為什么47. see a lot of monkeys around them 看到許多猴子圍繞他們48. look at Bobby'S ba na著鮑比的香蕉49. shouldn ' t eat bananas 不fb在這兒吃香蕉50. a dirty Skirt and a dirty Shirt 一件臟短短裙和臟的男士襯衫51. feel tired and hungry 感到又餓又累52. throw your banana skin

27、 on the ground 把你的香蕉皮扔在地上53. find some bees around them 看到一些蜜蜂圍繞在他們周圍54. my birthday presents 我的生日禮物55. design signs for public places 給公共場所設計標識56. give him a banana 給他一個香蕉57. give a banana to him 給他一個香蕉58. want a sweet one 想要一個甜的59. would like a sweet one 想要一個甜的60. Would you like some juice? = Do y

28、ou want some juice? 你想要一些 果汁嗎?這個S i識有re一張g.61. This sign has a big mouth and a finger. It 大嘴巴和一根手指。它很有趣。62. What do these signs mean? 這些標識什么意思?.36 It meansNo feeding ” . It means you can'它 的ed思nimals.禁止喂食 ”。它的意思是你不能給動物喂食.46 It meansBe quiet. ” It means you cant SP的意思UiJy保持安靜 ”。它的意思是你不能大聲說話.65 It

29、 means there is a school nearby .它的意思是有一所學校在附近。.6 It means “ Don ' pitck ”. It means you can ' t pick flowers in the park.它的意思是 “不能采摘 ”。它的意思是你不能摘花。Unit 6 Keep our city clean1. be on an outing in the forest 森林遠足2. go on an outing in the forest 去森林遠足3. keep our city clean 保持我們的城市整潔4. look at t

30、hese pictures 看這些圖片5. the picture of our city 我們城市的圖片6. make our city clean 使我們的城市干凈7. smoke from cars 來自汽車的煙 8.makethe air dirty 使空氣變臟9. black smoke from factories 來自工廠的黑煙10. messy and dirty 又臟又亂11. in the water 在水里12. dead fish 死魚13. take the bus 乘公交車14. take the metro to school= go to school by m

31、etro 乘地鐵上學15. walk to school=go to school on foot 走路上學16. walk home =go home on foot 走路回家17. move some factories away from our city把一些工廠從我們城市搬走18. put rubbish in the bin 把 垃圾放進垃圾箱19. plant more trees 種更多的樹20. help keep the air clean 幫忙保持空氣干凈21. your ideas 你們的主意22. well done 干得好23. Rubbish makes the

32、street messy and dirty.垃圾使街道變得又亂又臟。24. What can we do to keep our city clean? = How can we protect the Earth?我們該如何保持我們的城市干凈?25. sweep the floor 掃地26. clean the desks and chairs 擦桌子和椅子27. clean the blackboards 擦黑板28. throw rubbish on the floor 在地上扔垃圾29. put my rubbish in the bin 把我的垃圾扔入垃圾桶30. two lit

33、tle black birds 兩只畫眉鳥31. sit on the hill 坐在小山上32.one named Jack 一個叫 Jack33.one named Jill 一 個 叫 Jille back 回來35. walk home after school 放學后走路回家36. live in the city 住在城市里37. many museums, shops and cin ema 許多博物館、商店和電影院38. clean and beautiful 干凈且漂亮39. throw a banana skin 扔一個香蕉皮0 ShOUIdn ' t do不應該那

34、樣做.14 pick it up 撿起它.24m ake the street messy 使街道變亂43.too Iate 太晚了44. sIip on the banana skin and faIs 滑倒在香蕉皮上并摔到45.Ouch! 哎喲!46. go to hospitaI 就醫(yī)go to the hospitaI 去醫(yī)院47. be in hospitaI 住院Unit 7 Protect the Earth1、保護地球protect the Earth2、節(jié)約水save water3、有用的水 useful water4、喝水 drink water5、用水洗東西use wat

35、er to clean thing6、每天 every day7、在許多地方in many places8、許多水 much water9、浪費水 waste water10 、節(jié)約并在利用它reuse and save it11、節(jié)約能源 save energy12 、我們能源中的大部分most of our energy13 、來自煤炭和石油come from coal and oil14 、在地球上 on Earth15 、開很長時間的車drive so much16 、用許多能源 use a lot of energy= use much energy17 、節(jié)約樹 save tree

36、s18 、用木頭做桌子和椅子use wood to make tables and chairs19 、許多別的東西 many other things20 、砍了太多樹 cut down too many trees21 、用太多塑料 use too much plastic22 、用塑料做包和瓶子use plastic to make bags and bottles23 、對地球有害 be bad for the Earth24 、用太多的塑料包和瓶子use too many plastic bags and bottles25 、用紙包和玻璃瓶 use paper bags and g

37、lass bottles26 、在飯店吸煙 smoke in the restaurant27 、喜愛并保護我們的地球love and protect our Earth28 、收集一些紙張 collect some paper29、不要使用許多塑料袋和塑料瓶don 't use too many plastic bags orbottles30 、使用太多塑料 use too much plastic31 、再利用使用這些東西 reuse these things32 、利用廢紙做一個盒子 reuse paper to make a box33 、再利用一個塑料瓶做一個玩具reuse

38、 a plastic bottle to make a toy34 、再利用一個塑料袋做一個小裙子reuse a plastic bag to make a littledress35 、真的很酷 really cool36 、在教室里過的很開心 have fun in the classroom37 、每天早上和下午 every morning and afternoon38 、地球日 Earth Day39 、世界環(huán)保日 World Environment Day40 、把垃圾扔進河里 throw rubbish in the river41 、在圖書館里說話 talk in the li

39、brary42 、做一個課題 do a project43 、我們的家 our home44 、所有學生 all the students45 、知道這個 know this46 、制作一張海報 make a poster47 、告訴他們這個問題 tell them about the question48 、開始畫畫 start drawing49 、先畫地球 draw the Earth first50 、花朵樹木 flowers and trees51 、在樹上畫一些香蕉 draw some bananas on the trees52 、畫一個垃圾桶 draw a rubbish bi

40、n53 、不應該亂扔垃圾 shouldn ' t litter54 、把它放在學校大門口 put it at the school gate55 、保護地球并使它保持干凈 protect the Earth and keep it clean56 、地球日在四月二十二日。 Earth Day is on the twenty-second of April.57 、世界環(huán)境日在六月五日。 World Environment Day is on the fifth of June.58 、和你的同學制作一張海報。 Make a poster with your classmates.59

41、 、那個看起來很漂亮。 That looks very beautiful.60 、海報準備好了。 The poster is ready.61 、多么漂亮的一張海報??! What a nice poster!= How nice the poster is!多么漂亮的海報??! What nice posters! = How nice the postersare !Unit 8 Chinese New Year1 、春節(jié) Spring Festival2、春節(jié) Chinese New Year3、除夕 Chinese New Year ' s Eve4、年初一 Chinese New Year ' s Day5、在春節(jié) at Spring Festival6、在春節(jié) at Chinese New Year7、在除夕夜 on Chinese New Year' s Eve8、在年初一 on Chinese New Year 'Dsay 在新年第一天 on New Year ' s Day9、在年初二 on the second day of Chinese New Year10 、收到一封電子郵件 get an email11、寫一封英文電子郵件 write an


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