1、華東理工大學繼續(xù)教育學院成人教育基礎(chǔ)英語(二級)模擬試卷三I. Vocabulary and structure (30%)1. His conclusion is _ his own practical experiences. A) directed to B) basedon C) concluded in D) accumulated by 2. He _ from the water, holding the camera high in one of his hands. A) came B) appeared C) merged D) emerged3. He prefers l
2、iving alone in a quiet village _ living in a city. A) than B) more than C) rather than D) to4. Citizens took to the street to _ against the building of a nuclear power station.A) perform B) promote C) protest D) contrast5. Here are some toys. You can _ one or two for your little son as a birthday gi
3、ft from me.A) pick out B) work out C) single out D) take out6. Im sorry to _ you, but can you direct me to the railway station?A) annoy B) trouble C) interrupt D) bother7. It was _ of him to be so rude.A) typical B) special C) exactly D) symbolic8. According to the scientific reports, people under s
4、tress _ to express their full range of potential.A) intend B) bend C) attend D) tend9. Dont _ to let me know if there is anything I can do for you. A) rejectB) hesitateC) refuseD) prevent10. At the conference he expressed some personal views which later brought him into _ with the Party leadership.
5、A) actionB) crisisC) conflictD) power11. They overcame all the difficulties and fulfilled the plan ten days ahead of schedule, _ was something we had not expected. A) that B) thisC) itD) which12. If you undertake this project you are bound to _ many difficulties. A) encounterB) face withC) overcomeD
6、) handle13. The three hours I spent in the school library _ my old passion for reading. A) brought aboutB) brought overC) brought forthD) brought back14. Janes dress is similar in design _ her sisters. A) withB) likeC) toD) as15. Dicks uncle has to _ for his education as his father has come down in
7、the world. A) spendB) takeC) costD) pay16. My native town, which was _ rather small, has now been built into one of the biggest cities in the province. A) traditionallyB) originallyC) occasionallyD) undoubtedly17. Many people have the bad habit of spending money on _. A) argumentB) crisisC) impulseD
8、) motion18. The mans eyes _ with fear when he saw the robbers gun. A) widenedB) enlargedC) expandedD) extended19. What other things were invented in ancientChina _ the compass?A) except B) beside C) except for D) besides20. Well have to find a new _ of income. A) origin B) resourceC) source D) idea2
9、1. He has no interest in knowing how others _ his theory to practice.A) employed B) applied C) used D) performed22. The boys teachers looked upon his worsening performance with _.A) satisfactionB) disapprovalC) leisureD) agreement23. There are very _ books which I can say I have really enjoyed. A) f
10、ewB) a fewC) littleD) a little24. The boy is very intelligent, but his lack of _ prevents his success.A) ambitionB) applicationC) functionD) emotion25. The noise around was terrible, but I had to _ it. A) keep away fromB) keep up withC) live withD) live on26. I expect to _ many difficulties in the c
11、ourse of this job.A) solveB) causeC) encounterD) emerge27. Possession of a gun often gives the owner a false sense of _, and may do more harm than good. A) illusionB) securityC) responseD) identification28. You will _ getting burnt if you dont keep away from the fire. A) make upB) take upC) end upD)
12、 come up29. The _ we have seen so far suggests that lack of vitamin C may indeed be the cause of his illness. A) behaviorB) indicationC) evidenceD) incident30. Is long hair out of _ in your country? A) styleB) orderC) conditionD) timesII. Reading comprehension (30%)Questions 31 to 35 are based on th
13、e following passage: Fire has been used for many years. Long ago, people who lived in caves made fires. They used fire to keep warm. At night they used them for light. They found they could see better with fires going. They also learned that animals like lions and tigers were afraid of fire. So cave
14、 people kept putting more wood on their fires from time to time. They were safe as long as they had a fire going.After a while people began to make ovens by piling up rocks over the fires. They baked bread in the rock ovens. Sometimes they baked things like apples and potatoes. But they could still
15、cook over open fires when they wanted to. So they had many ways to make food.Later, people used fires for many other things. People used their ovens to bake clay pots so they would get hard. Then they used these pots to store food. They also baked mud blocks. With these, they built better homes. The
16、y made many things.After people learned to cook and store food, they did not have to hunt every day. Fire made their lives easier. It was a big help. Even when hunting was bad, the people had stored food to eat.Today fire is still used in many ways. It warms our homes, cooks our food, and helps make
17、 the things we build with. We could not live without it. Fire is still very important.31. Long ago, cave people used fires for the following purposes EXCEPT _.A) they kept warmB) they kept animals out caveC) they heated water on fireD) the could see better at night32. Which of the following is not m
18、entioned according to the passage?A) People made ovens by piling up rocks over the fires.B) People baked bread and other food in the rock ovens.C) People baked clay pots in the ovens.D) People made tools by heating iron in the ovens.33. From the passage we can infer that_.A) People made a lot of pot
19、s and made much moneyB) Use of fire is a big progress in peoples lifeC) People didnt hunt any more after they had used fireD) People felt nervous in case of fire34. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A) People today use fire for more than one purpose.B) No animals are still afra
20、id of fire.C) Such animals as lions used to be afraid of fire.D) Fire can be our enemies as well as our friends.35. What is mainly discussed in the passage?A) Fire plays a very important role in peoples life.B) People baked apples and potatoes on fire.C) Lions and tigers are afraid of fire.D) People
21、 like fire very much today.Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:If you ask me to tell how to get along in the United States, Ithink the following “dos”and “donts” would be helpful.Generally speaking, it isnt easy to find anyone to talk to ina busy city. So you should try to do the f
22、ollowing. First, get orborrow a dog! Walk him several times a day! Americans lovedogs and cats and usually stop to talk to anyone with a dog.Then, try to eat in a restaurant. People generally share the sametables and will sometimes talk to you if they see you are newthere. Next, take your dirty clot
23、hes to a laundry! Ittakes about an hour to wash and dry them and people there oftenpass the time talking with each other, always ask forinformation from a woman if you are a man, and from a man, ifyou are a woman! Learn to say, “Please”, “Thank you” and“Youre welcome” and use them all the time!There
24、 are some things you shouldnt do. Dont tell thetruth when people ask “How are you?” The only answer theywant is “Fine”. Never ask people their age-especially woman!Everyone wants to be young. Dont tell heavy people they arefat. Tell them they are losing weight. Everyone wants to bethin. Dont be late
25、 when meeting people! When someone sayssix oclock, be sure to be there by six. Americans respect timeand want everyone to be “on time”.36. It isnt easy to find anyone to talk to in the USAbecause _. A) the streets are empty B) you are new thereC) people there are busy D) you dont have time37. Americ
26、ans like talking to _. A) dogs and catsB) womenC) menD) those who are walking a dog38. When talking to people there, you may say _.A) “How are you?” B) “How old are you?”C) “What is your weight?” D) “You seem to be fat.”39. The words “heavy people” means _. A) people who do heavy work B) people who
27、are fat C) people who are thin D) people who are important40. If you visit a friend, you _.A) can be there at any timeB) may be there a little lateC) had better arrive very earlyD) should be there at the right timeQuestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage:Ants are great athletes in propo
28、rtion to their size. They can lift a weight four hundred times their own weight. Theoretically a five-pound ant could easily lift a ton.The most skillful farmers in the insect world are the small, heavily armored parasol ants. They work at night and it is nothing for them to strip a large tree at a
29、time, marching off with bits of leaf held over them like parasols.Surprisingly enough, these ants do not eat the vegetation they got. Rather they use it as raw material for their remarkable underground gardens which they tend themselves. The shreds of the leaves are literally chewed into a rich comp
30、ost (肥料) which is used to strengthen the garden where a thread-like fungus(菌類) is cultivated. This species of fungus is their only source of food.Included in the extraordinary parasol ant society are tiny garden workers, and slightly bigger workers who dig the interconnecting chambers of the hive. T
31、he parasol queen ant, more than one hundred times the size of the garden workers, is waited upon hand and foot by hundreds of her citizens.41. An ant is very strong in proportion to its weight. Ants can lift a weight _.A) 300 times their own weightB) 600 times their own weightC) five-pound more than
32、 their own weightD) 400 times their own weight42. In a short time, they can strip a tree of all its leaves in order to make a _.A) home for the queen antB) compost for their gardensC) species of fungusD) kind of food43. When did the armored parasol ants work? A) At night. B) Atdaytime.C) In the morn
33、ing.D) At noon.44. Whats the usage of fungus?A) To decorate the garden. B) The only source of the ants food.C) To protect the tree.D) The place for them to live in.45. The armored parasols are regarded as _. A) great athletesB) queen antsC) skillful farmersD) chamber buildersIII. Cloze (10%)Agnes Mi
34、ller was one of the earliest leaders of the womens liberation movement in U.S. She was born _46_ a farm in Missouri in 1892. She had a very happy life _47_ a child. Her parents and her brothers always _48_ her as their favorite. She _49_ her years in school and was a very good student of mathematics
35、.In 1900 Agnes went _50_ to college. Here she first became _51_ that women were not treated as equals. She didnt like being treated unequally _52_ she tried to get a job in her _53_ field- physics. She soon found it was almost impossible _54_ a woman to do so.Agnes spent a whole year _55_ for a job.
36、 Finally she gave up _56_ anger. She began writing letters of protest to various newspapers. An editor in New York liked her ideas very much. He _57_ liked her style. He asked her to do a series of stories _58_ the difficulties women had in finding a job.She traveled to several large cities _59_ sto
37、ries about them. Her articles began to _60_ in more and more newspapers. Her book in _61_ of womens liberation became a bestseller(暢銷書). She also wrote stories and poems. But it was her work on equal right for women _62_ provided most of her income. _63_ she never saw equal right for women she never
38、 _64_ her fight. And she _65_ many other women the way to continue the fight.46. A) atB) inC) onD) from47. A) asB) likeC) forD) with48. A) coped with B) handled C) dealt withD) treated49. A) took B) made C) studiedD) enjoyed50. A) along B) down C) upD) off 51. A) clear B) aware C) realizing D) under
39、standing 52. A) still B) as C) butD) when53. A) major B) chief C) mainD) principal54. A) asB) for C) like D) with 55. A) look B) to look C) lookedD) looking56. A) at B) beyond C) in D) on 57. A) stillB) yet C) speciallyD) especially58. A) at B) in C) onD) with59. A) to write B) to have written C) to
40、 be writingD) to be written60. A) appearB) show C) printD) publish 61. A) helpB) support C) struggleD) need62. A) that B) what C) whichD) where 63. A) Even B) Despite C) AsD) Although64. A) gave in B) gave backC) gave off D) gave up65. A) tookB) showedC) broadenedD) pointedIV. Translation from Engli
41、sh into Chinese (15%)66. Because of excellent weather conditions and extremely strong signals, Venusian scientists were able to get valuable information as to the feasibility of a manned flying saucer landing on earth. 67. As a boy and then as an adult, I never lost my wonder at the personality that
42、 was Einstein. He was the only person Iknew who had come to terms with himself and the world around him. 68. When you can say to yourself, “There is no surgical patient I cannot treat competently, treat just as well as or better than any other surgeon” -then, and not until then, you are indeed a sur
43、geon. V. Translation from Chinese into English (15%)69. 約翰尼已長大成熟,不再害怕獨自呆在家里了。70. 會上有人建議任命一個十一人委員會來制定新章程。71. 很明顯是他的年輕助手在經(jīng)營這家書店。 72. 醫(yī)生對諾蘭(Nolen)太太說,她搬到鄉(xiāng)下去住的明智決定在一定程度上幫助她恢復了健康。(to a certain degree, bring back)73. 成功在于勤奮(diligence),這句話很正確。(lie in) 基礎(chǔ)英語(二級)模擬試卷三答案及詳解I. Vocabulary and structure 1. B。dire
44、ct to表示“將(注意力、談話等)指向;針對”;base on表示“基于;把建立在的基礎(chǔ)上”;conclude in表示“推斷出,斷定;結(jié)束”;accumulate表示“累積, 積聚; 積攢”。2. D。come from表示“來自于”;appear表示“出現(xiàn); 顯露”;merge表示“使合并,使并為一體”; emerge表示“浮現(xiàn);出現(xiàn)(+from/out of)”。3. D。prefer doing A to doing B表示“寧愿選擇A而不選擇B”。還可用結(jié)構(gòu)prefer to do A rather than do B。4. C。perform表示“表演;履行;執(zhí)行;完成;做”;p
45、romote表示“促進,發(fā)揚;提升;推銷”;protest表示“抗議,反對(+about/against/at)”;contrast表示“形成對照”。5. A。pick out表示“挑選出; 揀出”;work out表示“想出; 制訂出; 產(chǎn)生出”;single out表示“選拔,找出”;take out表示“取出”。6. D。annoy表示“惹惱,使生氣; 使煩惱”;trouble表示“使煩惱;使憂慮”;interrupt表示“打斷(講話或講話人)”;bother表示“煩擾, 打攪”。7. A。typical表示“典型的, 有代表性的”; special表示“特別的,特殊的”; exactl
46、y表示“確切地, 精確地; 完全地”; symbolic表示“象征的, 象征性的; 作為象征的”。8. D。intend表示“想要;打算+to-v+v-ing+(that)”;bend表示“使彎曲,折彎”;attend表示“出席,參加”;tend表示“傾向;易于(+to/towards)+to-v”。9. B。reject表示“拒絕, 抵制”;hesitate表示“躊躇; 猶豫”;refuse表示“拒絕; 拒受; 拒給;不準”; prevent表示“阻止;防止”。10. C。action表示“行動”;crisis表示“危機”;conflict表示“沖突”;power表示“權(quán)力”。11. D。w
47、hich引導非限制性定于從句,指代上句所述內(nèi)容。12. A。encounter表示“遭遇(敵人); 遇到(困難,危險等)”;be faced with表示“面臨,面對”;overcome表示“戰(zhàn)勝; 克服”; handle表示“操作; 操縱; 指揮; 管理”13. D。bring about表示“帶來,引起,導致”;bring over表示“把帶來;使某人轉(zhuǎn)變”;bring forth表示“產(chǎn)生、提出”;bring back表示“拿回來, 使回憶起來, 使恢復”。14. C。be similar to sb. 表示“及某人相像”。15. D。spend表示“花費(時間、金錢、精力等)”,主語是
48、人;take表示“花費(時間、金錢)”,主語是物;cost表示“花費”,主語是物;pay for表示“賠償,付款,報償”。16. B。traditionally表示“傳統(tǒng)地,慣例地”;originally表示“最初,原本,原先”;occasionally表示“偶爾, 間或”;undoubtedly表示“毫無疑問地; 肯定地”。17. C。argument表示“爭執(zhí), 爭吵; 辯論”;crisis表示“危機”;impulse表示“沖動”;motion表示“動機, 意向”。18. A。widen表示“變寬;擴大”;enlarge表示“擴大,擴展,放大”;expand表示“擴大,擴張;展開,膨脹”;
49、extend表示“伸展;擴大;延續(xù)”。19. D。except表示“把.除外;不計”;beside表示“在旁邊;靠近”;except for表示“除外,除去;要不是由于”;besides表示“在.之外,除.之外”。20. C。origin表示“起源;由來;起因”;resource表示“資源”;source表示“根源;來源”;idea表示“主意;打算;計劃”。21. B。employ表示“雇傭,使用,利用”;apply表示“應(yīng)用”,applyto表示“把應(yīng)用到”;use表示“使用”;perform表示“表演;履行;執(zhí)行;完成;做”。22. B。satisfaction表示“滿意,滿足; 稱心”;
50、disapproval表示“不贊成; 非難; 不喜歡”;leisure表示“空閑, 閑暇, 悠閑, 安逸”;agreement表示“同意,一致,協(xié)定”。23. A。few表示“很少數(shù)的; 幾乎沒有”,修飾可數(shù)名詞;a few表示“幾個; 為數(shù)不多的; 有一些”,修飾可數(shù)名詞;little表示“少, 不多的”,修飾不可數(shù)名詞;a little表示“少量的(地),稍許的(地)”,修飾不可數(shù)名詞。24. A。ambition表示“雄心, 抱負”;application表示“申請,申請書,應(yīng)用”;function表示“功能;用途”;emotion表示“情感, 情緒, 感情”。25. C。keep aw
51、ay from表示“使避開;使遠離”;keep up with表示“跟上,不落后于”;live with表示“接受;忍受;承認”;live on表示“靠.生活; 以.為食”。26. C。solve表示“解決”;cause表示“使發(fā)生,引起”;encounter表示“遭遇(敵人);遇到(困難,危險等)”;emerge表示“出現(xiàn)”。27. B。illusion表示“錯覺, 幻覺; 假象”;security表示“安全,安全感”;response表示“回應(yīng); 反應(yīng); 響應(yīng)”;identification表示“認出;識別;鑒定;確認”。28. C。make up表示“組成;(為)化妝;補充,補足;和解,
52、重歸于好;捏造,臨時編造”;take up表示“開始(學習或某種愛好);從事;提出;接受;占(時間,空間等);拿起;接納(乘客等)”;end up表示“到達某種狀態(tài)、結(jié)果;到頭來”;come up表示“走近;發(fā)芽;提出來;出現(xiàn)(問題;建議)”。29. C。behavior表示“行為”;indication表示“征兆; 跡象; 暗示”;evidence表示“根據(jù), 證據(jù), 形跡, 跡象”;incident表示“事件;事變”。30. A。out of style表示“不再流行的,過時的”;out of order表示“出故障,秩序混亂”。II. Reading comprehension (30%
53、)31. C。根據(jù)文章第一段,穴居的古人用火來取暖,晚上用火來照明。他們也用火來驅(qū)趕動物如獅子、老虎等,因為它們怕火。32. D。根據(jù)文章第二段,人們在火上堆積石塊做成爐子;他們在石爐上烤面包、蘋果和土豆;根據(jù)文章第三段,人們學會在火里烤粘土制陶。33. B。綜觀全文,學會用火使人們的生活發(fā)生了巨大的變化:取暖、照明、制作食物和物品,火使人們的生活更容易。因此可以推斷用火是人們生活的一大進步。34. A。根據(jù)文章第五段,現(xiàn)在火的用途很多。35. A。文章主要討論了火的用途,對人們生活的重要性。36. C。根據(jù)文章第二段第一句,通常在一個繁忙的城市你很難找到一個可以和你講話的人。37. D。根據(jù)
54、文章第二段提及的第一個建議:買或借一條狗,每天遛狗數(shù)次。因為美國人愛狗和貓,通常他們會停下來及遛狗的人講話。38. A。根據(jù)文章第三段,交談的時候有些禁忌,比如不能詢問對方的年齡,不能對身體偏胖的人說他們肥胖等,但可以詢問“你好嗎?(How are you?)”。39. B。根據(jù)文章第三段, “heavy people”指身體肥胖的人。40. D。根據(jù)文章第三段最后三句,當及人約見時不要遲到,美國人尊重時間,也希望每個人都能準時。41. D。根據(jù)文章第一段,一只螞蟻扛負的重量相當于自身體重的四百倍。42. B。根據(jù)文章第三段,螞蟻并不吃掉植物,而是把它當作它們地下花園的原材料,葉子被咀嚼成一種豐富的肥料,以增強花園的肥力,用來培養(yǎng)線狀菌類,這種菌類才是它們食物的來源。43. A。根據(jù)文章第二段,armored parasol ants是在夜間工作的。44. B。見42題。45. C。根據(jù)文章第二段, armored parasol ants是昆蟲界最嫻熟的農(nóng)夫。III. Cloze 46. C。on a farm表示“在農(nóng)場”。47. A。as表示“作為,以.的身份”。句意為:“在兒童時代她過得十分幸福?!?8. D。cope with表示“對付; 處理”;handle表示“對待,
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- 社會主義核心價值觀-團課課件
- 化學品安全技術(shù)說明(乙二胺四乙酸)
- 總包單位向門窗單位移交門窗安裝工程工作面交接單
- 各單位特種作業(yè)人員持證情況統(tǒng)計表
- 預(yù)拌混凝土及原材料檢測理論考試題庫(含答案)
- 公開招聘社區(qū)居委專職工作人員考試筆試、面試題集及相關(guān)知識(11套試題含答案)
- 蓄電池在線監(jiān)控方案
- 《豎提》課件
- 不銹鋼排煙風管施工實施方案
- PMC部門工作流程圖