1、精選學(xué)習(xí)資料 - - - 歡迎下載workshop take full re sponsibilit y. 3、 w ill receive a mont h's materials a nd consum ption and returns from production technology se ction for verification before t he 26t h of the m onth、 r eporti ng day of delay、 assessment of 30 yua n. 4 organizati on pri or to 30th at the
2、end of each quarter、 biote chnol ogy section of ea ch w orkshop a nd w arehouse check once、 found stock material i nconsistent wit h the re porti ng data、 assessment work shop materials for 50 yua n、 100 yuan、 direct or. 5、 ta ble fill、 found register for nuclear material s mont hly 50 yuan、 100 yua
3、 n、 dire ctor. 6、 pr oducti on te chnology secti on to organize t he inve ntory w ork、 lack s an a ssessment of 100 yua n、 delay i nventor y、 assessme nt of 50 yuan a month. sixt h recycling assessme nt rule 52nd parts a nd t he availa bility of a fix value、 by a repairma n to judge、 judgment a s st
4、ipulated i n the rel evant assessme nt; obsol ete equipme nt the repair of usi ng value s determi ned by the business de partment、 busi ness judgment、 each assessment the responsi ble person 300 y uan、 500 yua n、 hea d、 is i n charge of the company' s leader ship 1000 yuan. 53rd w orkshop re cyc
5、ling classification account should be establi she d、 no accounting a ssessment per son 100 yua n. 54th in t he r ecycling pr oce ss、 no worker w ho re sell or glov e and social agents steal、 once discovered、 labor contracts、 a nd examinati on th e com petent head of 1000 yua n、 ma nager 2000 yuan 10
6、00 yuan、 i n charge of the company lea dership. seve nth festival safety monit oring a ppraisal r ules 55th cl othi ng with pr otecti on 1、 one of the ha bitual vi olation of the following assessment of 50: 1 enteri ng production site in high heels、 slippers、 dre sses、 belts、 coat s、 windbre aker、 h
7、e alth pa nts、 vest、 etc. 2 the electri cian on dut y stoppe d .4、 superior to vi sit our compa ny guidance、 need to l ook at、 the leader shi p responsible for re cepti on or servi ce explai n our system、 de pending on the circumstances、 responsi ble lea ders safe. 56th pr oducti on safety manageme
8、nt on site 1、 from superior i ssue d customary i n violation of pr ovisions of、 an asse ssment of hazard level s according to 50 -300. 2、 daily easy violation vi olation hig hlighted below and accordi ng to the followi ng standard: 1 production pla nt must have sufficient lig hting inside a nd outsi
9、 de a nd found a lig ht not lit che ck power work shop 10、 lamp and no light bulbs each assessment w orkshop 10 yuan. 2 inside a nd outsi de the plant、 a ll lifts、 size hole must have cover plates、 stairs and platforms mustbe not less t han 1 m of railing s not less than 100 mm in height a nd trim、
10、little evaluati on 10. 3 the duty r oom doors are not l ocked、 no bolts or other thing s、 found a ex amination 10. 4 free to store gasoli ne、 kerosene、 alcohol in the work place shoul d beproperly kept or found a examinati on 10. 5 access t o the distri bution room shall be shut、 di stribution room
11、w indow、 private plate door cover should be tig ht、 or find a de partment a ssessment 10. 6 all kinds of special equipme nt must be used by the personnel manag ement and foll ows: spe cial equi pment must be use d by t he per sonnel ma nagement a nd non-professi onal s not allowed to tamper wit h、 a
12、nd offenders ass essme nt 10 y uan per person. spe cialw orkshop take full responsibility. 3、 will re ceive a m onth' s materials a nd consum ption a nd retur ns from pr oduction technology section for verificati on before the 26th of the month、 re porti ng day of delay、 asse ssment of 30 yuan.
13、4 organi zation pri or to 30t h at the end of ea ch quarter、 bi otechnology section of ea ch workshop and ware house che ckonce、 found st ock material i nconsistent wit h the r eporting data、 asse ssment workshop material s for 50 yuan、 100 yuan、 directo r. 5、 ta ble fill、 found register fornucl ear
14、 materials mont hly 50 yuan、 100 yua n、 dire ctor. 6、 production technology se ction to orga nize the invent ory work、 la cks a n asse ssment of 100 yua n、 delay i nventor y、 assessme nt of 50 yua n a mont h. sixth re cycling asse ssment rul e 52nd parts a nd t he availa bility of a fix value、 by a
15、re pairman to judge、 judgme nt as sti pulated i n the rel evant asse ssme nt; obsol ete equipment t he repair of usi ng values determine d by the busine ss de partment、 business judgment、 ea ch assessme nt the responsi ble person 300 y uan、 500 yuan、 head、 i s in charge of the company's lea ders
16、hip 1000 yua n. 53r d w orkshop re cycling classification account should be establi she d、 no accounti ng asse ssment person 100 yuan. 54th i n the re cycli ng process、 no worker w ho resel l or glove a nd social agents steal、 once discovered、 labor contracts、 a nd exami nation t he compete nt head
17、of 1000 yuan、 manager 2000 yua n 1000 yuan、 i n charge of the compa ny leader ship. sevent h festival safety monitori ng appraisal r ules 55th cl othi ng with pr otecti on 1、 one of the ha bitual vi olation of the following assessme nt of 50: 1 entering production site in high he els、 sli ppers、 dre
18、 sses、 belts、 coats、 windbreake r、 hea lth pa nts、 vest、 etc. 2 the electri cian on duty stoppe d .4、 superior to vi sit our compa ny guidance、 need to l ook at、 the leader shi p responsible for re cepti on or servi ce explai n our system、 de pending on the circumstances、 responsi ble lea ders safe.
19、 56th pr oducti on safety manageme nt on site 1、 from superior i ssued customary i n v iolation of pr ovisions of、 an asse ssment of hazard level s according to 50 -300. 2、 daily easy violation vi olation hig hlighted below and accordi ng to the followi ng standard: 1 production pla nt must have suf
20、ficient lig hting inside a nd outsi de a nd found a lig ht not lit che ck power work shop 10、 lamp and no light bulbs each assessment w orkshop 10 yuan. 2 inside a nd outsi de the plant、 a ll lifts、 size hole must have cover plates、 stairs and platforms mustbe not less t han 1 m of railing s not les
21、s than 100 mm in height a nd trim、 little evaluati on 10. 3 the duty r oom doors are not l ocked、 no bolts or other thing s、 found a ex amination 10. 4 free to store gasoli ne、 kerosene、 alcohol in the work place shoul d be properly ke pt or found a examinati on 10. 5 access to the distri bution roo
22、m shall be shut、 di stribution room wi ndow private plate door cover should be tight、 or find a de partment asse ssment 10. 6 all kinds of spe cial e qui pment must be use d by the personnel manageme nt and follow s: special quipme nt must b e use d by the personnel manageme nt and non- professi ona
23、 ls not allowe d to tamper wit h、 and offenders asse ssment 10 yua n per person. speciaxxx 學(xué)年第一學(xué)期期末質(zhì)量檢測(cè)六年級(jí)語(yǔ)文試題一.積存展現(xiàn)( 44 分)1.讀拼音,寫詞語(yǔ);( 10 分)chúfáncìweikésousùliàojio z àomòsh nzn áokuíw ú wi xié ménlón2.比一比,組詞;(5 分)歉()鍵()眷()搏()臂()
24、謙()?。ǎ┤ǎ┎ǎ┡ǎ?.下面加點(diǎn)字的注音完全正確的一組為(2 分)a .蘊(yùn)y ùn 含纖qi àn 夫大方( ki )b .一縷 l 要y o 挾哈h 達(dá)c .蹣mn 跚相差ch à)倒d ào 水d .亢k àn 奮旋轉(zhuǎn)zhu n憎zh n 惡4.填字成詞,并說(shuō)明所填的字; ( 6 分)不解之()不()落后()不經(jīng)心風(fēng)雨同()永流不()德高()重5.按要求寫詞語(yǔ);(6分)(1)寫近義詞:陡峭()凝結(jié)()奇特()藐視()崇高()端詳()(2)寫反義詞:equi pment units management approa che s a
25、nd measures are re quire d、 system failure、 no control measures examinati on of 100 yua n. ele ctric t ools shoul d be re quire d to i dentify or find a examinati on 10. lifting gear must be i n accordance with t he regulati ons of peri odi c check s、 faile d t o pass the test s to stop using the of
26、fender assessment 100 at a time. accidents、 disorde r、 abnormal a ccording t o the w ork safety assessme nt ordi nance. 7 the operator s to stri ctly enforce the post operati on reg ulations、 cha nge control、 a nd shoul d be re porte d to the chi ef engine er approval、 fight re cklessly found equipm
27、e nt、 in vi olation of、 illegal operation once assessment of 100 yua n、 causi ng abnormal a cci dent a nd abov e in a ccorda nce wit h the safety assessment or dinance. 8 where che cking out needs im proveme nt project、 not yet impleme nted i n the time all otted、 not reported、 e ach assessme nt uni
28、t of 50 yuan、 urged still cannot be corrective a ction assessme nt of 100 yuan. 9 production pla nt archite cture blow s on una ppr oved hole s、 pla ced on the floor、 frame is overweig ht、 wor n hanging wire r ope lifting we ights does not che ck the bearing capa city evaluation of 100 yuan. 10 beca
29、 use of work、 ope n the cover does not cover the assessment in a timely manne r of 100 yuan、 there are serious safety risks t hat heavier assessment. 11 ha ng 400v ele ctrical circuit not fixed temporary power supply disassembl e left out threa ds after examination-50 yuan. 12 non-production w orker
30、s int o the producti on site with a private conv ersation、 bri ng childre n into t he producti on constr ucti on、 a number of assessment 50 yuan. 13 in t he fire district fire、 does not deal with hot w ork asse ssment 100 yua n、 s uch as fire in the ta nk and the cover wel d unprote cted、 feel free
31、to w ork、 adding a ssessment of 50 yuan. 14 the wipe r oll m achinery does not hol d the rag cotton、 after throwi ng about. 15 inside a nd outsi de the fact ory mini . 4 smokein the production area. 5 spi der-man not wearing a seat belt. 6 the site does not wear a helmet 7 savage is not the end of c
32、onstruction、 does not obey orders and constr uction clean up. 8 the use of chil d la bour or w orkers over 60 years old、 dumb、 deaf、 incomplete lim b、 mobility of migrant workers. 9 workers entering production site after dri nking 、 while che cking t he guar dian of 50 yuan. 4、 fine formalitie s ass
33、essme nt of safety supervision bureau of the w orkers directly fina nce de partment after two days doe s not apply for payment procedures penalty 50%. eig hth e nergy meter ing management r ule 59th measuring i nstrume nt configurati on、 compl ete、 accurate a nd appear/v ulnera bilities、 not standby
34、 or inaccurate assessme nt task force 50、 t o the head person i n charg e 50 yua n. 60t h ne w measuring i nstrument s are not required t o register or registration is not complete assessment responsi ble 30; account la cks a n assessme nt of measuring i nstrume nts responsi ble for 10 yua n、 bey on
35、d does not update the la st review responsi bility for 30 yua n. 64t h energy-savi ng point、 che ck twi ce a month、 le ss an assessme nt of 150 yuan for no reason、 responsi ble for 50 yua n、 100 yua n、 head. 65th i s pr ohi bited i n an irrigate d land、 found a checke qui pment uni ts management a p
36、pr oaches a nd mea sures ar e required、 system failure、 no control measures examinati on of 100 yuan. electri c tools should be re quire d to i dentify or fi nd a exami nation 10. lifting gear must be i n accordance with the reg ulations of periodic checks、 failed to pass the test s to stop usi ng t
37、he offender asse ssment 100 at a time. acci de nts、 di sor der、 a bnormal a ccor ding t o the w ork safety assessme nt or dina nce. 7 the operators t o strictly e nforce the post operati on reg ulations、 cha nge control、 and should be re ported t o the chi ef eng ine er approval、 fight re cklessly f
38、ound equipme nt、 in vi olation of、 illegal operati on once assessme nt of 100 yua n、 ca usi ng abnormal acci de nt and a bove i n accor dance with t he safety asse ssment ordinance. 8 where che cking out ne eds im provement proje ct、 not yet implemented i n the time all otted、 not reported、 ea ch as
39、sessme nt unit of 50 yua n、 urged still ca nnot be corrective a ction assessme nt of 100 yua n. 9 producti on plant architect ure bl ows on una pprove d holes、 place d on the floor、 frame is overw eight、 w orn hanging wire rope lifting weights doe s not che ck the bearing capa city evaluati on of 100 yua n. 10 beca use of work、 ope n the cover does not cover the assessme nt in a timely manner of 100 yuan、 there are seri ous safety risks that heavi er asse ssment. 11 ha ng 400v e lectri cal circuit not fixed t
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