1、哈姆萊特讀后感(Hamlet. )The story happened in Eyre'.The prince of Denmark, Hamlet's father died, he saw his mother and uncle usurped the throne and marry in haste, full Chao Wenwuto uncle when he felt deep pain. At this moment, the father's ghost appeared and told him he was actually murdered b
2、y his brother. Hamlett began his revenge plan.Read this, I think Hamlett is a strong man, after his fatherdied, he did not recover, but strengthened his determinationto revenge.The princepretended to be insane inorder toprovethe ghost's words and escape the enemy's surveillance. Hisuncle is
3、very suspect, old classmates and two royal sentHamlet's former Secretary Pologne J's daughter Ophelia - hisloverto testhim, thiswas Hamlet one out.To confirmthe ghost,Hamlet arranged a plot that was very similar to the murder ofhis father. When his uncle was thrown into a panic, thusexposing
4、 themselves.Using a play,Hamlettdetermined that theghost's words were true. And his vengeance grew stronger. Atthis time, the queen was instructed by her husband to talk tothe prince.In her conversationwith her mother, Hamlett blamedher with an extremelysharpword. "Don'tyou feelashamed?
5、" Ifthe hell to can be in a middle-aged woman in the marrow fannedout wriggling,thenin theyouthflames,letchastitymeltlikewax. Whenunable topreventlusta massive attack,thereis noneed to shoutwhat a shame, because thesnow willautomaticallyburn,reason do lustslave.""Thistypeof behavior,w
6、ould makea covenant to become a body without a soul, a sacred weddinginto a string of delirium in the face of heaven raving; alsobringshame to itscolor,because the earthsad such behavior,also cover a smile, as if the world is going to end like a."These words make the queen feel very ashamed, ju
7、st like a sword and put her heart into halves.At the same time, Hamlett overheard Pologne J stabbed the curtain. Pologne J is a man known only to curry favour, Wang obsequious. Now death is deserved, but this gave his uncle abanished his excuse, he is determined to get rid of Hamlet, he went to Engl
8、and to design school, and want to get rid of Hamlett by the hands of others. But the plot was also seen by the prince, who turned back halfway to denmark.His uncle and a meter, let the Chamberlain son of Laertes and Prince than the sword, secretly preparing the poison poison sword. In the game, Haml
9、et was poisoned sword, and the sword with poison stabbed his uncle and Laertes, because drinking wine queen died, four. Hamlet asked the dying friend Horatio to continue his unfinished business.It's a pity that Hamlett died so miserably. If he is still alive, I believe he will be a wise monarch.
10、In the process of Hamlett's revenge, some regret is Ophelia's death. Hamlett didn't think so well, so that Offe Liah couldnot stand the pain of losing his father and lover, and finally fell into the river and died.In a word, in my mind, Hamlett is a hero and a real hero.Prince Hamlet rea
11、d in the humanist center of waidenberg University in germany. His uncle Claudius poisoned old Hamletusurped the throne, and married sister-in-law. When Hamlet returned home, his father's ghost told him the cause of hisdeath. He followedthe ghost and decidedto revenge.At the sametime the king beg
12、an to suspect Hamlet, ministerinPologne J'sproposal, the Secretary to test in his own daughter, Hamlet'sOphelia,two Rosen Glanz and JillDinse studentsand instructedHamlet totest him, all he found.Hamlet took advantage of thechance of a theatrical troupe to perform in court, confirmedthe ghos
13、t's words and determinedtoact.He persuaded the kingand his estrangedmother, when thekingkilledPolonius wrong.The king sent to Hamlet and two students to go to England toclaim the tributeby the hands of the king,to get rid of Hamlet,Hamlet found conspiracy Jiaozhao halfway back, denmark. Whenthe
14、father was killed because of Ophelia's madness, suicide.The king took the opportunityto provoke Boluoniesison Leo Tisto the name of the sword, to the sword with poison to death Hamlet. At the end of a sword, Hamlet, king, Queen, Laertes.I think Hamlet's embarrassment that the burden of a del
15、icateand informed mind shouldering a disproportionate, BittanStruth is more embarrassing than emotional hunger, Firth morevain. In Hamlet'sbody, humanvulnerabilityand environmentisso cruel and contrary to each other, so that this uniquecharacterappear in the connotation and extensioninthe denset
16、hick, too broad and profound. My sympathy to transfer to thesupportingOllieFatima's body, she isso young,mind and bodyis not mature, manyeven her own tenderunknown why they advance,arise spontaneously, love and hate, suffering togethersqueezed her weak body. Her lover, whileeager to beloved,isof
17、ten aware that she loves more than she is loved. She isunfortunate and helpless, not because of the weakness of thequality, but simply because she does not understand theinnocence, of course she is very painful, but never revealed.She is more like a bird, in order to seek asylum, to the armsof Hamle
18、t, alas, inhisinsanity,she fellaway from hisside,fellso heavy, finallyaccidentallykilledher.She died in thehands of her loved ones, and God was kind to her."Hamlet"is a very sad story,but from a number of characters,I understand a lot, understand a lot of many.What kind of thing is fate li
19、ke? He is like a shadow. He is like us. He is warm like the sun, but more often, he is as deep and terrible as a nightmare. "The will of God reigns" (Huo Laxu,act one, another part of the fifth terrace), which is undoubtedly very penetrating.The scriptfor Hamlett, which was createdin 16001
20、601, has beenpraisedforcenturies.Even now, he stillfeelslikea milliondollars.This is notthe plot factor, noris ita good literarytechnique, it is reflected in the problem. On a large scale,it describes a very primitive tragedy, human tragedy. Thecharacters, different position, distinctive character,
21、butsuffered the same things by, that is at the mercy of their owndesires, and is called the fate of the great cage. Such asituation,perhaps since someonehas notdisappeared.They arewith the people of the coexists.The protagonist Hamlett first faces the destruction of hisoriginalidealworld.In the begi
22、nning,Hamlett was in a certainsense of "childhood",he had not experiencedany great setback,and the living environment was relatively simple. Havingstudied western orthodoxy, he thought, "what an incrediblemasterpieceman is."!What a noblereason!What a greatpower!What a beautiful i
23、nstrument! What a gentle move! Act like anangel in action! How like a God in wisdom! The essence of theuniverse! Primates of all things! In the end, the nobleadmirable fatherdied,and virtuousmother ofless thana monthto remarryusurped thethroneuncle.This madehim wonder aboutthe world. This suspicion
24、directly contributed to hissubsequent hesitation. He saw a ghost, that is the originaluncle killedhisfather, which add him totherealisticsocialdisappointment,of itsoriginalinnocenceagain deniedthat hedoes not trust, "I have seen the ghost may be the devil indisguise".Later,afterthe opera f
25、ound uncle'scrime, he stilldid not stop his hesitation? Why? Hamlett was not the kind ofman who shouted, and the doubt made him think.The original perfect stuff that doesn't exist, but arrivedchaste moral desire,overcome greed.He thoughthe might go torevenge, but the immoral manwas his mothe
26、r, and he had her blood.But the uncle who killedhis fatherwas as human as he was, andowned by man. But even ifrevenge succeeds, willeverythingcomeback?. To this end, he said, "to be or not to be, this is aquestion worth thinking about." living is a pain, but it hassuch absolute fear of dea
27、th. He had an unanswerable question, but he could not escape it.Hamlett's situation is not unique, careful analysis, we can find that the big hands of life for everyone is so tight grip.The old king died,and the queen and Never mind. But as a woman,she faces two choices, that is, morality or des
28、ire. To be a widow, to protect herself, or to marry a new king to meet his own needs?.This can be understood as the separation of spiritual desires from material desires. She chose the latter. However, she was scorned and criticized by Hamlett, and the moral emptiness brought her considerable pain.
29、In fact, the queen was a kindperson, and she was not morallycorrupt.So, what are the stainsin her soul? Didn't you? Would she be happy even if she had chosen morality at first? The moment the king died, hermisfortunes were decided. From the start, she could not change the misfortune. In the fina
30、l analysis, she is choosing what kind of misfortune, rather than choose her own destiny.The new king, the uncle who usurped the throne, was the worst villain in the play and a moral villain. He was bent on the throne and had a lust for the queen. But the king is someone else. It was his brother who
31、was doomed to the throne. We cancall this fate something that will never be given to him. Like all the people in the drama, he was faced with the disappearanceof his ideal world. But he tried hard to win. In fact, at the moment, he showed a heroic spirit. He bravely fought for something that was not
32、 his own. And his tragedy lies here. He paid the price, his hands covered with other people's blood.He was unable to confess. Later, when he found out that Hamlett had learned the truth, he began to save his hard-earnedhappiness. He wandered between sin and reason, and at last he did not jump ou
33、t of his poisoned sword.Letisand I:the fateof Xia and Hamlett surprisinglysimilar.Their father was killed like that. In the choice of survivalor destruction,I chose the latter:Xia, escape, she chose Dutchact. Inthe choice ofrevenge,Hamlett was entirelytheoppositeof revenge. Even inthe faceofHamlett,
34、the princeofDenmark,the future king to win the support of the people, he stillshoutedout "soA fighting spiritsoarsaloft.is a noblefatherI just die in vain, a good sister is this white crazy?.My revenge willcome one day. Such voices representa fightingspirit.He is the same as thenew king.But fin
35、allydiedin thetrap that the new king designed for Hamlett. The two of themcan be regardedas a supplementto Hamlett'scharacter,and inrevenge, all the choices are directed at the same end in theinevitable death.We find that all the characters in the play are faced with avery powerfulforce,thatis,t
36、he externalworld.They were ashappy as children, living in ahotbed of good heaven forthem.Until one day they found out that the baby was actually a deepmarsh, and how tiny he was. "This is a Topsy turvy era. Alas,unfortunately,I am responsiblefor reformingthe universe."".Hamlett firstd
37、iscoveredhis incompetence.Itwas not only hisincapacity for revenge, but also the impotence of the act of revenge. The king's usurpation of the throne,The queen remarried, have different meaning and the common behavior. They all failed to achieve what they wanted to achieve. Instead, he fell into
38、 another predicament.Another play in this play is called the prince's revenge. In fact, the Prince did not give the old king revenge, althoughhe finally stabbed the newking, but inthe greatersense, forthe dying himself. His revenge was a failure because he had been lost, he hated the world, and
39、he hated himself. He is sneeringat others and constantly blaming himself. He tried to do something, but more often he did not move. His image is morelikea bitterwise man than the heroicrecklessnessof others.He made more mental protests.Unlike Hamlett's stagnation, others fought in action. The ne
40、wking killed the old king, and try to clear his confession ofsin,and to secure the throne by killingHamlett.Letisking carriedout the plan in an attemptto make Hamlettand thepay forthe death of his father. I: Xia cast lake. And the ghost who instructed his child to avenge himself, his feelings, grief
41、, and resolute attitude.But in the end? When the new king dies, he may be said to havebeen avenged. Death was over, and the plan failed. Hamlett died in the Revenge of others. The ghost is still underground and can't go to heaven.Some people say that Hamlett's plot is too far fetched, how co
42、uld everyone die?. But that's the reality. He showed us the final outcome of a group of people who fought against fate. try to change their fate, and nothing is saved. They try toTheysavethe past and get what they get. This kind of helplessness depends on each and every one, and perhaps the grea
43、test misfortune of man himself. The tragedy of Hamlett is with everyone, in every way, and at all times.To say thatHamlett is a man's tragedyis betterthan a centuryof renaissance. Some people say he is a victim of themodernization process in the west. Shakespeare watched the dark ages spread ugl
44、y face, he used his pen to have blue skies roaredto the society's complaint, so he will be a microcosm of the world with the structure, and then create an ideal Savior, as in despair after the last glimmer of hope, looked very sad inthe world the living Christ was strangled. He still did not fee
45、l enough, he wanted a magnificent ending, with a bit of selfmockery, so that the noble and gorgeous prince in the most gorgeous, most justice way to die, so the emergence of "Hamlett.".The play can be seen everywhere, like the author depictedHamlett as a hero of the times,in the harsh cond
46、itionsof weak,he dared to tit for tat struggle, he broke a crafty king laida trap: the first is to expose the Boluoniesi and Rosen Craneet al for spying and surveillance and to use the mirror the queen herself then, the conscience; the "switching"trick;easilyremoved two stooges crafty king
47、, the crafty king "." the plot shattered; finally, "eye for the human body, the double trap- Sword and wine to the crafty king. In each round of the struggle, Hamlett seemed tall and tall.To live or perish, that is a question. Convinced that this sentence runs through Hamlett eventual
48、ly brought regret,toward the end of life. The author screamed at us sarcastically, "look!"! Even if we trust the Savior of justice, we cannot escape from fate! As long as he lives here, he can only die!Only death!The whole time is out of hand, ah! Really badThere is a need for an age of di
49、sconnection to tell people that the ethics we once believed in are no longer here. The modernprinciple has no alternative to the destruction caused by traditional ethics.Turgenev said Hamlett in thedisjointedera "in thewhole worldto find his soul to cling to things", is the task ofrestruct
50、uringthe courseand "bad" feelinghad seen Hamlett outof conflictingclues.Itcan be said thatwhen thesocialorderis out of order and the people's order has not been settled,Hamlett's heart has a strong sense of justice which is notcompatible with the times. He must restructure the soci
51、ety.Actually, Hamlett didn't want to. But, but involuntarily totake on thisresponsibility.Itis notso muchthatHamletttookthe responsibility voluntarily that it is the task that fallson Hamlett.AlthoughHamletthas admirablequalities,hardwant,but he always be uncertain,indismay,he is always alone.Th
52、isis the tragic fate of his ugly and die. Why in dismay, beuncertain?It was Mlet's partiality for and belief in the value. That isto say, his preference and belief in the value sense led to the tragedy.Somepeople said that if Hamlett was killed by Prince Claudius J in the first act, Hamlett'
53、s play should be closed.That's right. Thereare too many loopholes inthe play sothatHamlett can kill the enemy without any effort.One part of the play said:Right now, I'm doing it. He's praying.I do it now, he is a life died,I was avenged, too. It needs to be counted.An evil man killed my
54、 father,My only son sent the evil man to heaven.Obviously,in the thirdact,the princecould have revenge. Buthe did not. Why? He was unwilling to avenge Claudius J when hewas "washing his soul away" because his value had fallenin lovewith him.Hamlettdidnot regardrevenge as a purelyhomicidalincident.Hamlett's revenge is not the negation of Claudius J himself,but the value of sin embodied in Claudius J. According to thethought of the world, destroy Kloss's flesh, even if revenge,this is the conscio
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