1、一商務(wù)英語email高手-催款1. 文體介紹催收信是賣放在規(guī)定期限內(nèi)未收到貨款,提醒或催促買方付款的函件。寫此類信要求文字簡練、意思清楚;同時要求語氣誠懇、體貼,彬彬有理。不可輕易懷疑對方故意拖欠不付,以免傷害對方感情,不利于達到索款的目的,或妨礙以后的業(yè)務(wù)。對于某些屢催不付,故意逃款的客戶,語氣則要強硬,措辭堅決??傊骺钜盐找粋€原則:既要達到索款目的,又要與客戶保持友好關(guān)系。2。實用范例(1)subject: Demanding Overdue PaymentDear Sirs,Account No.8756As you are usually very prompt in settli
2、ng your accounts, we wonder whether there is any special reason why we have not received payment of the above account, already a month overdue.We think you may not have received the statement of account we sent you on 30th August showing the balance of US$ 80,000 you owe. We send you a copy and hope
3、 it may have your early attention.Yours faithfully,xxx主題:索取逾期賬款親愛的先生:第8756號賬單鑒于貴方總是及時結(jié)清項目,而此次逾期一個月仍未收到貴方上述賬目的欠款,我們想知道是否有何特殊原因。我們猜想貴方可能未及時收到我們8月30日發(fā)出的80,000美元欠款的賬單?,F(xiàn)寄出一份,并希望貴方及早處理。你真誠的xxx(2)Subject: Urging PaymentDear Sirs,Account No.8756Not having received any reply to our E-mail of September 8 requ
4、esting settlement of the above account, we are writing again to remind you that the amount still owing is US$ 80,000. No doubt there is some special reason for delay in payment and we should welcome an explanation and also your remittance,Yours faithfully,xxx主題:再次索取欠款親愛的先生:第8756號賬單未見貴方對我們9月8日來信要求結(jié)算一
5、事之回復(fù)。我們再次來函提醒貴方,欠款為80,000美元。毫無疑問,一定有特殊原因使貴方延誤付款,我們期待貴方說明原因并寄上匯款。你真誠的xxx(3)Subject: Insisting on PaymentDear Sirs,Account No.8756It is very difficult to understand why we have not heard from you in reply to our two E-mail of 8th and 18th September for payment of the sum US$ 80,000 you are still owing
6、. We had hoped that you would at least explain why the account continues to remain unpaid.I am sure you will agree that we have shown every consideration and now you fail to reply to our earlier requests for payment, I am afraid you leave us no choice but to take other steps to recover the amount du
7、e.We are most reluctant to do anything from which your credit and reputation might suffer and even now we prepare to give you a further opportunity to put the matter right.We therefore propose to give you 15 days to clear your account,Yours faithfully,xxx主題:三度索取欠款親愛的先生:第8756號賬單我們于9月8日及9月18日兩次去函要求結(jié)付8
8、0,000美元欠款,單至今未收到貴方任何答復(fù),對此我們感到難于理解。我們希望貴方至少得解釋為什么賬款至今未付。我想你們也知道我們對貴方多方關(guān)照,但你們對我們先前的兩次詢函不作答復(fù)。你們這樣做恐怕已經(jīng)使我們別無選擇,只能采取其他步驟來收回欠款。我們極不愿意做任何損害你們信譽的任何事情。即使現(xiàn)在我們還準備再給你們一次機會來挽回此事。因此,我們再給你們15天時間來結(jié)清賬目。3.典型句型(1)The following items totaling $4000 are still open on your account.你的欠款總計為4000美元。(2)It is now several weeks
9、 since we sent you our first invoice and we have not yet received your payment.我們的第一份發(fā)票已經(jīng)寄出有好幾周了,但我們尚未收到你的任何款項。(3)Im wondering about your plans for paying your account which,as you know,is now over 40 days ast due.我想了解一下你的付款計劃,要知道,你的付款已經(jīng)逾期40多天了。(4)We must now ask you to settle this account within th
10、e next few days.請你務(wù)必在這幾日內(nèi)結(jié)清這筆賬款。二商務(wù)英語email高手 延期付款1. 文體介紹買方收到貨物的時候也就是付款的時候,對外貿(mào)一種付款的方式很多,用得比較多的基本上有三種,即匯款、托收和信用證。付款信是指買方在收到所訂貨物后,將收貨情況、付款方式及金額及時通知賣方。有時候買方因某種原因無法及時付款,也可以寫信給賣方要求延期付款,而賣方則根據(jù)具體情況同意或拒絕。2。實用范例(1)Subject: Bank Draft PaymentDear Sirs,The goods under Contract No.555 was delivered here in good
11、order and condition and we are quite satisfied with it. Please find a Bank Draft to the value of US$ 80,000 for payment of your Invoice No. 1223 sent by airmail. An acknowledgement in due course will be appreciated.Yours truly,Xxxx主題:匯票付款親愛的先生;第555號合同項下的貨物完好的運抵我處,我們對貨物甚感滿意。現(xiàn)寄去面額80000美元的銀行匯票一張,以結(jié)清貴方航
12、郵來的第1223號發(fā)票賬款,請查收。 如若及時給我方收訖通知,將不勝感激。你忠實的xxxx(2)Subject: Asking for Deferred PaymentDear Sirs, Your Invoice No.1223 for US $ 80,000 worth of goods supplied on 20th July is due for payment at the end of this month. Most unfortunately, a fire broke out in our warehouse last week and destroyed a certai
13、n part of valuable consignment. Our claim is now with the insurance company, but it is unlikely to be met for another three or four weeks and until then we are faced with a difficult financial situation. I am therefore writing for permission to defer payment of your invoice until the end of Septembe
14、r.As you know, my accounts with you have always been settled promptly and it is with the utmost regret that I am now forced to make this request. I hope, however, that you will find it possible to grant it. In doing so you would render me a service I should never forget.Yours faithfully,xxxx主題:要求延期付
15、款親愛的先生:貴方7月20日所供第1223 號發(fā)票項下貨物之款項80000 美元定于本月底結(jié)付。非常不幸,上星期我方倉庫發(fā)生火災(zāi),毀壞了一部分貴重貨物。我們現(xiàn)在正向保險公司提出索賠,但在三四個星期之內(nèi),不可能會給予賠償。在此之前,我方財務(wù)形勢嚴峻,故此我們寫信請求貴方同意我們推遲到9月底付款。貴方知道我們一向能迅速與貴方結(jié)帳。這次我們被迫向貴方提出這個要求,實在抱歉。我們希望貴方能同意這個要求。若是如此,我們將永遠記住貴方給予的幫助。你真誠的xxx3.典型句型a.I wonder if we can make payment for this order by documentary coll
16、ection.這份訂單我么能否用跟單托收的形式付款?b.D/P will put us to great trouble while a L/C gives us protection of bank.付款交單會給我們帶來極大的麻煩,而信用證則可以使我們得到銀行保護。c.The terms of payment we usually adopt are confirmed irrevocable L/C. 我們通常采用的付款方式時保兌的、不可撤銷的信用證。d.We regret being unable to accept your terms of payment and therefore
17、 have to return the order to you.很遺憾不能接受你方付款方式,現(xiàn)退回你方訂單。e.We have drawn on you at 50 days for US $ 5000 against your trial order.對于你方訂貨,我們已向你方開出金額為5000美元50天見票即付的匯票。f.This amount has been passed to your credit in settlement of your account.該貨款已匯入貴方賬戶,以結(jié)清賬款。g.Please understand why we have not found it
18、possible to settle our account in full.我公司不能一次付清貨款,敬請諒解。h.I should appreciate an extension of one month for the payment of my bill of $6500 due April 5.我方應(yīng)于4月5日付款6500美元,如能延期1個月,將不勝感激。三商務(wù)英語email高手 寫訂單1. 文體介紹訂貨(order)是買方為要求供應(yīng)具體數(shù)量的貨物而提出的一種要求。此時,交易雙方之間的陌生感已消除,可以說已經(jīng)度過了接觸障礙和難關(guān)。寫定貨信時應(yīng)注意以下幾點:(1)開頭就直接說明訂購的意圖
19、。(2)訂貨信一般應(yīng)包括:商品的名稱、品質(zhì)、數(shù)量、包裝、價格條件、支付條件以及需要對方提供的單據(jù)等。(3)內(nèi)容必須準確、清楚。不論是商品的價格還是商品的規(guī)格都應(yīng)做到準確無誤,否則會帶來不必要的損失與麻煩。賣方收到訂貨電子郵件后必須進行確認。如果賣方無法提供買方所需要的貨物,則最好介紹一些合適的替代品;如果買方所需貨物的價格和規(guī)格發(fā)生了變化,賣方則提出還價并勸買方接受,但要注意:寫拒絕接受訂貨的信時,必須非常謹慎,應(yīng)為日后有可能的交易留下余地。2。實用范例(1)Subject: An orderGentlemen:The price quotes contained in your E-mail
20、 of May 20,2002 gained favorable attention with us. We would like to order the following items consisting of various colors, patterns and assortments:Large 2000 dozenMedium 4000 dozenSmall 2000 dozenAs the sales season is approaching, the total order quantity should be shipped in July. At that time
21、an irrevocable L/C for the total purchase value will be opened.Please confirm the order and E-mail a shipping schedule.Sincerely,Xxx主題:訂貨先生們:2002年5月20日電子郵件報價深受歡迎。我擬選各種顏色、式樣、品種的襯衫如下:大號 2000打中號 4000打小號 2000打售季將至,全部貨物應(yīng)于7月登輪。屆時全額不可撤銷信用證將予以開出。請確認訂貨,用電子郵件告知裝運時間表。真誠的,xxx(2)Subject: Out of StockDear Sir,We
22、thank you for your Order No.222 received this morning for 8000 dozen cotton shirts, but regret to have to disappoint you.At present we have no stock of shirts in the size required and do not expect further deliveries for at least another five weeks. Before then you may have been to obtain the shirts
23、 elsewhere, but if not we will notify you immediately our new stocks come in.Yours faithfully,Xxx主題;缺貨親愛的先生:我們今早接到貴方222號訂單,定購8000打棉質(zhì)襯衫,十分感謝。但可能要使貴方失望了,十分抱歉。目前我們沒有貴方所需尺寸的襯衫存貨,而且至少在5個星期內(nèi)亦不會有貨。在此期間貴方可從別處購買襯衫,如未能購到,一旦新貨運到,我們定當立即通知貴方。3.典型句型a.We have pleasure in sending you an order for Cosmetics.我們愉快的給貴方
24、寄去化妝品訂單。b.We want the goods to be of exactly the same quality as that of those you previously supplied us.我們希望此批訂貨質(zhì)量與以前供應(yīng)的完全一樣。c.Please supply . in accordance with the detail in our order No.請照我方第。號訂單供貨。d.This is a trial order. Please send us 50 sets only so that we may tap the market. If successful
25、, we will give you large orders in the future.試訂50臺,以開發(fā)市場。如果成功,隨后必將大量訂購。e.This order must be filled within five weeks, otherwise we will have to cancel the order.此訂單須在5周內(nèi)交貨,否則我方將不得不撤銷此單。f.We hope our products will satisfy you and that you will let us have the chance of serving you again.希望我方產(chǎn)品是你們滿意,
26、今后再來惠顧。商務(wù)英語email高手 為你的產(chǎn)品做宣傳1. 文體介紹促銷信是宣傳產(chǎn)品或服務(wù),以引起人們的注意,激發(fā)人們的興趣,增強人們的欲望,進而促使人們做出購買行為的有力工具。從某種意義講,促銷信是一種廣告,但他比一般廣告更具有針對性,因為促銷信的讀者是與所宣傳的商品或服務(wù)有緊密關(guān)系的人, 而不是一般廣告的公眾。促銷信可以寫給自己的客戶, 也可以寫給可能購買自己商品或服務(wù)的其他人。寫作促銷信時, 可以采用一下的方法和技巧:(1)開頭要能一下子引起讀者的注意。為此,您可以用重要的事實、驚人的現(xiàn)象、面臨的問題、與讀者有切身聯(lián)系的情況等開頭。(2)中間部分要清楚、生動、熱情的描述商品或服務(wù)的特性,
27、介紹實用或經(jīng)銷改商品或服務(wù)所能帶來的好處。特性和好處應(yīng)巧妙的融合在一起,一般是先說出好處,然后再結(jié)合商品或服務(wù)特性展開論述。(3)在介紹商品或服務(wù)的特性和好處之后,可以用事實加以證實,如:權(quán)威機構(gòu)的堅定結(jié)果、權(quán)威人士的論證、用戶的反饋等。(4)最后說明定購的方法或者查取相關(guān)信息的途徑。2。實用范例Subject: Welcome to Blue Sky ParkDear Sir or Madam,A day out at Blue Sky Park is a real treat for the whole family!There is so much to see and do for a
28、ll ages and its all in the perfect setting of Guangzhous finest landscaped gardens.Beautiful flowers and plants, meadows an d playgrounds, trees with picnic areas. plus tea rooms, snack bars, souvenir shops. the Park brings you immense leisure and recreation. A new Tropical Aquarium within the groun
29、ds adds to the special features of the park.With the incredibly cheap admission charges of 5 yuan for adults, 2 yuan for children, and free for retired aged citizens, it really is the perfect day out in Blue Sky Park!Sincerely,Blue sky Park(For further information, please dial )主題:藍天公園歡迎你親愛的先生、女士:在藍
30、天公園游玩一天,是你的真正享受!這座廣州一流的自然美化公園,向男女老幼奉獻美不勝收的景色與豐富多彩的活動!繁華綠葉,草地,娛樂場,綠蔭樹下的野餐處加上茶室,點心店等,藍天公園給你的是令人心曠神怡的休閑與享受。園內(nèi)新開的水族館,更是藍天公園更具魅力。這一切的一切,門票卻是令人難以置信的便宜成人5元,兒童2元,退休老人免費!到藍天公園游玩,可謂十全十美!藍天公園敬上(若欲了解更具體的情況,請撥打電話)商務(wù)英語email高手 介紹1. 文體介紹正式介紹信是寫信人因公務(wù)把自己的同事或業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系介紹給某單位或某個人。 這種介紹信言和格式比較規(guī)范、嚴謹, 內(nèi)容一般包括以下幾個方面:(1)簡單地介紹一下被介紹人的身份和情況。(2)說明事由,并要求對方對被介紹人提供某種幫助。(3)對對方的幫助預(yù)先表示感謝。(4)如果是熟悉的業(yè)務(wù)往來或老的工作關(guān)系
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