已閱讀5頁,還剩12頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、成套設(shè)備出口合同大米加工成套設(shè)備銷售合同Sales Contract目錄:Table of Clauses:第一章 定 義Clause 1 Definitions第二章 合同范圍Clause 2 Scopes of Contract 第三章 價 格Clause 3 Contract Prices 第四章 支 付Clause 4 Terms of Payment第五章 交貨與保險Clause 5 Delivery and Insurance第六章 包裝與標記Clause 6 Packing and Labels第七章 技術(shù)文件Clause 7 Technical Documents 第八章 設(shè)計

2、與設(shè)計聯(lián)絡(luò)Clause 8 Design and exchange第九章 標準與檢驗Clause 9 Standards and Inspections 第十章 安裝、試車、投料試生產(chǎn)、性能測試和驗收Clause 10 Installation, Test Operation, Commissioning Test Run, Performance Test and Operational Acceptance第十一章 保證與擔保Clause 11 Assurances and Guarantees第十二章 索賠Clause 12 Claim第十三章 不可抗力Clause 13 Force M

3、ajeure第十四章 稅費Clause 14 Taxes and Duties第十五章 仲裁Clause 15 Arbitration第十六章 合同的生效及其他Clause 16 The validity of contract and other matters附件Appendix:附件一: 賣方供應(yīng)范圍內(nèi)的合同設(shè)備清單Annex.1 The List of Contracted Equipments Within The scope of Contract. 附件二: 有關(guān)的技術(shù)資料清單及交付時間表Annex.2 The Delivery Time Schedule of Patent,

4、Know-How and Technical Documents in Relation to Contracted Equipments.附件三: 合同標的物和合同產(chǎn)品的技術(shù)參數(shù)、保證指標。Annex.3 The Specifications, Quantities and Assured Values of Contracted Equipments, Contracted Items and Contracted Products.附件四:安裝、試車、投料試生產(chǎn)、性能測試和驗收的時間安排Annex.4 The Time Schedule for Installation, Commiss

5、ioning Test Run.本合同編號為: YTWF041230 本合同簽字日期為: 2004年 12月 30 日 本合同簽訂地點為:印度尼西亞雅加達 THIS CONTRACT AGREEMENT is made on 30 of December, 2004 with No. YTWF041230 at place of Jakarta.印度尼西亞 Pt Worldpoint Prestasi Jay(a 以下簡稱買方) 為一方,依法經(jīng)營地址為: RukanNirwa na Sun ter Asri Tah ap 川 Blok J 2A NO.9, Jakarta 14350)為另一方

6、 ,依法經(jīng)營地址為:Between:Pt Worldpoint Prestasi Jaya, a corporation incorporated under the laws of Indonesia and hav ing its prin cipal place of bus in ess at: Ruka n Nirwa na Sun ter Asri Tahap 川 Blok J 2A NO.9, Jakarta 14350 (hereinafter called the Buyer).andHubei Intepower Wufeng Food Processing Machine

7、 Co., Ltd. , a corporation incorporated under the laws of China and having its principal place of business at: No.121 Shundao Street Wuhan, Hubei Province 430022, China (hereinafter called the Seller).雙方通過友好協(xié)商同意就下列條款簽訂本合同。The Buyer and the Seller, through friendly negotiation, have agreed to such en

8、gagement upon and subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter appearing.第一章 定 義Clause 1: Definitions:除雙方當事人另有明確的書面約定外,下列術(shù)語具有所指明的含義:Unless the specific written promise between Buyer/representative and the Seller, the hereinafter definitions have meanings hereby assigned to them.1.1 買方: Pt Worldpo

9、int Prestasi Jaya。1.1 Buyer: Pt Worldpoint Prestasi Jaya.1.2賣方:湖北銀泰五豐糧食機械有限公司。1.2 Seller: Hubei In tepower Wufeng Food Process ing Mach ine Co., Ltd.1.4合同標的物:賣方將本合同附件一所列設(shè)備經(jīng)安裝、調(diào)試用以生產(chǎn)合同產(chǎn)品的成套碾米設(shè)備。1.4 Con tracted Items: All tech no logy and equipme nts and coord in ative auxiliary facility, used for pro

10、duce con tracted products, supplied by the Seller stipulated in Annex 3.1.5合同產(chǎn)品:本合同標的物生產(chǎn)的具有本合同附件三規(guī)定的技術(shù)指標的產(chǎn)品。1.5 Con tracted Products: Produced by con tracted item, have the specificati ons, qua ntities and assured values stipulated in Annex 3. All items are subjected to Buyer consultant approval.1.6

11、合同價格:買方因賣方提供本合同標的物而支付的本合同規(guī)定的總價。1.6 Contracted Price: The aggregate Buyer should pay to the Seller in consideration of performa nee by the con tractor of its all obligati ons.1.7合同幣種:用以支付本合同價款的貨幣,即_美元。1.7 Contracted Currency: Used to pay the contracted price, i.e. USD.1.8買賣雙方銀行:買方銀行為 ;賣方銀行為 。1.8 Two

12、side's Banks: Buyer's bank is, Seller ' s bank is.1.9安裝:本合同附件一規(guī)定的全部設(shè)備 的裝配、就位和連接等組裝工作。1.9 Installation: The fittings, locations, connections,etc, assemble work for all contracted equipme nts of con tracted Items stipulated in Annex 4.1.10試車:安裝之后設(shè)備的單獨或聯(lián)動的試運轉(zhuǎn)以檢測設(shè)備的機械性能。1.10 Operation Test:

13、Plant Equipment Performanee: The operation test of all equipments or part after the in stallati on, to ascerta in whether the mecha ni cal performa nee of the con tracted equipme nt is able to attain the values of design. The detail is referring to the stipulations in Annex 4.1.11投料試生產(chǎn):將本 合同標的物連接公用設(shè)

14、施 和投入原料以試制合同產(chǎn)品。1.11 Commissioning Test Run: The contracted items described in Annex 4 connect with public facilities and be put into raw material and operate, to trial produce the contracted products.1.12性能測試:檢測本合同附件三所規(guī)定的各項技術(shù)參數(shù),包括設(shè)備的各項性能和產(chǎn)品的 技術(shù)指標。1.12 Performance Test: To inspect all assuredvalues a

15、s stipulated in Annex 3, including all performa nces of con tracted equipme nts and tech ni cal in dex of all products.1.13驗收:如果考核結(jié)果表明,合同標的物能夠全部 達到本合同附件所規(guī)定的各項技術(shù)參 數(shù),則視為買方所驗收。1.13 Operational Acceptation: If after the examination and performance test, the contracted items can attain the all assured va

16、lue stipulated in Annexes, is regarded as being operational acceptation by the Buyer.1.14 裝卸港口:裝運港為上海港;卸貨港為雅加達港。1.14 Load and Unload Port: Load port is Shanghai China. Unload port is Jakarta Indonesia.1.15 工作現(xiàn)場:生產(chǎn)合同產(chǎn)品的場所,即 _印度尼西亞 Indrumayu。1.15 Work Site: The places to execute the contract upon, i.e

17、. Indrumayu Indonesia.1.16 現(xiàn)場代表 : 合同雙方各自任命的在工作現(xiàn)場代表己方全權(quán)處理與合同義務(wù)有關(guān)的一 切事務(wù)的人員。1.16 Work Site Representatives: Any person nominated by Buyer and Seller separately to perform the duties delegated by the Buyer and the Seller separately at work site.1.17 技術(shù)文件:本合同附件二、三中所列的與 合同標的物有關(guān) 的設(shè)計、檢驗、安裝、試車、 投料試生產(chǎn)、性能測試、操作

18、、維修等有關(guān)的全部技術(shù)數(shù)據(jù)、規(guī)格、圖紙和文件。1.17 Technical Documents: All technical data, specifications, drawings and documents relevant to contracted item 'dsesign, inspections, installation, commissioning, commissioning test run, performance test, operation, maintenance, just stipulated in Annex 2, Annex 3 and An

19、nex 4.1.18 技術(shù)服務(wù):就本合同標的物的設(shè)計、安裝、試車、投料試生產(chǎn)、性能測試、操作、維 修等工作,向買方提供的技術(shù)指導、協(xié)助。1.18 Technical Services: The technical instruction, assistance and supervision provided by the General Contractor in design, inspection, installation, operation test, commissioning test run, performance test, operation and reparatio

20、n of contracted items pursuant to stipulation on Annex 4.1.19 技術(shù)培訓:賣方根據(jù)合同標的物的設(shè)計、 安裝、試車、投料試生產(chǎn)、 性能測試、操作、 維修等工作,向買方提供的技術(shù)上的培訓。1.19 Technical Training: The Seller supplied training in technology, based the execution of design, installation, test operation, commissioning test run, performance Test, operat

21、ion and reparation of contracted items.1.20 檢驗機構(gòu) : 中華人民共和國出入境檢驗檢疫局設(shè)立在裝貨港和 /或工作現(xiàn)場的或鄰近 的分支機構(gòu)。1.201.21 保證期:保證期 3 個月,始于合同標的物驗收通過之日, 在此期間,賣方保證合同標 的物的正常、穩(wěn)定運行 。詳見本合同附件三規(guī)定。1.21 Guarantee Period: commencement with the date of operational acceptation, during the period, the Seller guarantee the proper and ste

22、ady operation of Contracted Items, and eliminate any defect of contracted items. The detail is referring to the stipulations in Annex 3.1.22 合同生效日 : 本合同經(jīng)雙方當事人蓋章、授權(quán)代表 簽字日起正式生效。1.22 The date of effect: The contract is into validity from the date the contract is signed by the Buyer and the Seller.第二章 合

23、同范圍Clause 2: Scopes of Contract2.1 買方同意從賣方購買,賣方同意向買方出售 合同標的物 ,其中包括本合同附件一、本 合同附件二所列的所有設(shè)備和技術(shù)文件。賣方在保證期內(nèi)免費提供技術(shù)服務(wù)和技術(shù)培訓。2.1 The Buyer agrees to buy and Seller agrees to sell the contracted items, including contracted equipments, permitted patents/know-how, the design documents, technical documents, techni

24、cal service and technical training which needed by contracted Item.2.2 賣方所供應(yīng)的合同設(shè)備清單見附件一,合同標的物及合同產(chǎn)品的技術(shù)參數(shù)和保證指標 見附件三。2.2 The Contracted Equipment supplied by Seller see Annex 1. The specifications, quantities and assured values of contracted equipments see Annex 3.2.3 賣方應(yīng)承擔本 合同標的物 的設(shè)計工作。2.3 The Seller

25、is responsible for the whole design of contracted items.2.4 賣方應(yīng)依據(jù)本合同附件二的規(guī)定向買方提交技術(shù)文件。2.4 The Seller shall submit the technical documents to Buyer accordance with the contract.2.5 賣方應(yīng)派遣有經(jīng)驗的、健康的和稱職的技術(shù)人員到工作現(xiàn)場提供技術(shù)服務(wù)。2.5 The Seller shall send veteran, healthy technicians to Work Site to provide technical

26、service.2.6 賣方應(yīng)向買方的技術(shù)人員提供技術(shù)培訓。2.6 The Seller shall provide technical training to Buyer's technicians.第三章 價 格Clause 3: The Price of Contract:3.1 賣方按本合同附件一規(guī)定提供設(shè)備、本合同附件二規(guī)定提供技術(shù)文件、按本合同附件 四規(guī)定的時間完成安裝、 試車、性能測試、驗收等項目并符合本合同附件三要求的合同標的物、 合同產(chǎn)品的技術(shù)參數(shù)及保證指標等 樣板工程的總價(FOB)為46,499美元。3.1 The Seller shall provide con

27、tracted equipments, authorized patents/Know-how, design and technical documents, technical service and training etcd. emo project equivalent to total the price of contract USD 46,499 (forty six thousand four hundred ninety nine US dollars only).第四章 支 付Clause 4: Terms of Payment4.1 本合同買賣雙方的支付均以本合同貨幣通

28、過買賣雙方銀行進行。4.1 Any payment under the contract between Buyer and Seller should be effected through the two side's bank stipulated in the contract.4.2 買方以下列方式進行支付:4.2 The procedure of payments between two sides should be carried through as hereby: 合同總價以不可撤銷的信用證( L/C 方式支付)。買方在 本合同生效之日 出具以賣方為受 益人、金額為

29、上述金額的不可撤銷信用證。信用證有效期限 180 天。The contracted price should be paid by irrevocable Letter of credit. The Buyer should issue the irrevocable L/C in favor of Seller amount to contracted price described as above. The validity period of the L/C should be before the date of June 30th, 2005.4.3 賣方在交貨時應(yīng)提交下列商業(yè)單據(jù)

30、。4.3. The Seller should supply following business documents as delivery.A. 簽署的商業(yè)發(fā)票一式四份; (發(fā)票注明支付金額和價格單) ;A. Signed commercial Invoice in quadruplicate. (Notice the amount pay for and Price List);B. 詳細的裝箱單正本一式四份(注明包裝重量、數(shù)量和對應(yīng)的發(fā)票日期) ;B. Detailed packing List in quadruplicate, noting the packing weight,

31、No. and relevant date of Invoice;c按商業(yè)發(fā)票金額的110%投保一切險,注明可以在印度尼西亞以合同貨幣理賠的全套保 險單據(jù)。c. Full set of Insurance Policy, covering all risk, amount 110% of value of commercial Invoice, notice that all insurance claim are payable in Indonesia in contracted currency;D. 由生產(chǎn)廠家簽發(fā)的品質(zhì)證明書正本一份,副本三份;D. Quality certifica

32、te issued by manufacturers in one original and three copies;E. 由湖北省國際貿(mào)易促進委員會簽發(fā)的原產(chǎn)地證正本一份,副本三份;E. certificate of the Original issued by Hubei provincial cITPc in one original and three copies;F. 由湖北省商檢局簽發(fā)的包裝箱熏蒸證明正本一分,副本三份。F. certificate of Heat Treatment issued by Hubei provincial ccIQB in one origina

33、l and three copies.4.4 在買方銀行發(fā)生的費用由買方承擔,而發(fā)生在買方銀行以外的費用均由賣方承擔。4.4 All the expenses occurred in the Buyer's bank is on the account of Buyer; all the expenses occurred out of the Buyer's bank is on the account of Seller.第五章交貨和保險Clause 5:Delivery and In sura nee5.1賣方應(yīng)于收到信用證通知日后 45天內(nèi)將本合同附件一的 設(shè)備運抵裝運

34、港裝船。5.1 The Seller should finish the delivery of whole of equipments of contracted items within 45 days from the date of accepta nee of L/C.5.2本合同設(shè)備的總毛重大約為 噸,凈重為噸,總體積大約為 方米。5.2 The total gross weight of the contracted equipments is inTons, the total net weight ofthe contracted equipments is inTons,

35、the total volume of the contracted equipments iscubic meter.5.3本合同設(shè)備的起運港為上海港;卸貨港為雅加達港。5.3 The delivery port of the contracted equipments is Shanghai China. The unioad port is Jakarta Indon esia.5.4合同設(shè)備保管如有特殊要求,賣方應(yīng)提供英文說明書一式六份,說明在陸地運輸和保管中的特別防范措施。5.4 If there are specific requirements in storage for co

36、ntracted equipments, Seller should provide dem on strative docume nts in En glish in sixtuplicate, givi ng the specific protective procedure required for in inland tran sportati on and storage.5.5合同設(shè)備的裝船應(yīng)盡可 能地單機成套,安裝用的專用工具、材料、易損 件應(yīng)隨主機一 同交付,如果有通常裝在甲板上的設(shè)備和材料,賣方應(yīng)負責進行適當?shù)陌b及采取特殊的保護措施。5.5 The shipping for

37、 contracted equipment should be whole set for every single equipment if it is possible. The specific tools, materials and vulnerable parts should be delivery with main equipme nts. If there are equipme nts shipped in dock in usual, the Seller pack them in proper and in specific protective procedure.

38、5.6在設(shè)備備妥待運前不遲于三天,賣方應(yīng)以傳真通知買方如下內(nèi)容:5.6 Not less tha n 3 days before the shipp ing date of equipme nt, the Seller should advise Buyer below in formatio n:A 合同號;A. Con tract No.B. 合同備妥待運日;B. The date of equipme nt ready for shipp ing.C. 貨物總體積;C. Total volume of every batch of equipment for shipping.D. 貨物

39、總毛重/總包裝件數(shù);D. Total gross weight/Total piece of pack ing.E. 裝船港口名稱:上海;E. The name of load port: Shanghai, China.F. 危險品和/或易燃品的名稱、重量和國際危險號;F. The name and international Nos. of danger and flammable.5.7 賣方負責預(yù)訂船位,應(yīng)由賣方支付費用對此予以保險。5.7 The Seller is responsible for booking ship and burden the freight and pre

40、mium.5.8 為了方便接收和陸地運輸,賣方應(yīng)在設(shè)備裝船后 24 小時內(nèi),以傳真通知買方下列事 項:合同號、合同設(shè)備名稱、實際裝貨數(shù)量、總的毛重、總的體積、船名、裝船完成日期或開 航日期、預(yù)計到達卸貨港日期。如果賣方實際裝船的合同設(shè)備件數(shù)與賣方前期的通知有差異, 該差異應(yīng)分別說明。5.8 In order to facilitate the receipt and inland transportation, The Seller should inform Buyer in fax within 24 hour upon the finishing of shipping with inf

41、ormation: contract Nos., the name of contracted equipments, actual quantity of delivery, total gross, the name vessel, the date of shipped and set sail, estimated arrival date at unload port. If there are deviation between actual the piece of contracted equipments and Seller 'prsevious notice, t

42、hese deviation should be given respectively Within 5 days after shipped, the Seller should airmail below documents each one to Buyer and consignee respectively: Bill of Lading, signed commercial invoice, manufacturer's the certificate of quality, the certificate of origin, insurance policy/insur

43、ance certificate, packing List, etc.裝船后五天內(nèi),賣方應(yīng)分別向買方和收貨人航寄提單、 簽發(fā)的商業(yè)發(fā)票、 廠家的質(zhì)量證書、 產(chǎn)地證書、保單或保險憑據(jù)和裝箱單等單據(jù)各一式一份。Within five days after loading, the Seller shall send B/L, commercial invoice with signature, certificate of quality from manufacturer, certificate of the original, insurance or evidence of insura

44、nce and packing list, etc. in one to Buyer and consignee separatively.5.9 賣方應(yīng)向信譽卓著的保險公司以買方為受益人按合同設(shè)備發(fā)票金額的110%投保一切險。按合同金額投保,并表明可在印度尼西亞索賠 。5.9 The Seller should make insurance with good-reputed insurance company in favor of Buyer, covering all risks, against 110% value of commercial invoice. The insura

45、nce should cover the value of contracted price, the insurance claim must be available in Indonesia in contract currency. No free clause for claim can't be included.第六章 包裝與標記Clause 6: Packing and Labels6.1 除非合同另有規(guī)定, 包裝應(yīng)由賣方負責。 賣方交付的所有設(shè)備應(yīng)具有適合遠洋和陸地 運輸和多次搬運、裝卸、新的、堅固的木箱包裝,賣方應(yīng)根據(jù)設(shè)備的特點和需要采取防潮、防 雨、防銹、 防震、

46、防腐蝕和防其它損害等必要的保護措施, 以保證合同設(shè)備安全無損地運抵工 作現(xiàn)場。6.1 Provided other stipulated, the Seller is responsible for packing. All equipments supplied by Seller should packed with new, solid wooden case suitable for ocean and inland transportation , repeatedly transmit , load and unload. According to the characterist

47、ic and requirement of these equipments, the Seller should take necessary protective measures of damp proof, rain-proof, rusty proof, shockproof, corrosion-proof and other measures, in order to convoy the all equipments into work sites without any damage.6.2 賣方對包裝箱內(nèi)和捆內(nèi)的各散裝部件均應(yīng)系加標簽,注明合同號、主機名稱、本部件 名稱以及

48、部件在散裝圖中的位號、零件號。備件和工具除注明上述內(nèi)容外,還需注明 “備件 ” 或“工具”字樣。6.2 The Seller makes label on every bulk part inside of packing case and bundle, indicating the contract Nos., the name of main machine, the name of part, the position Nos. and Part Nos. in bulk diagram. Besides above label, the words of spare part or

49、tools should be made on them in addition for spare parts and tools.6.3 賣方應(yīng)在每件包裝箱的鄰接四個側(cè)面上, 用不褪色的油漆以明顯易見的英文字樣印刷 以下標記:6.3 The Seller should print in evident English below marks, on the adjoining four side face of every packing case with fadeless paint:A 合同號;A. Contract No.B嘜頭標記;B. Marks.C. 目的港;C. Desti

50、nation Port.D. 收貨人;D. Consignee.E. 合同設(shè)備名稱及項號;E. The name and Item Nos. of contracted equipmentsF. 箱號/件號;F. Nos. of case/ Nos. of piece.G. 毛重/凈重;G. Gross weight/net weightH. 尺碼(長x寬x高,以毫米表示)。H. Dimension ( Length x Width x Height , in MM )第七章 技術(shù)文件Clause 7: Technical Documents:7.1 本合同附件二規(guī)定了技術(shù)文件的內(nèi)容。除非另有

51、規(guī)定,技術(shù)文件應(yīng)采用公制,說明和 解釋采用英文。7.1 The content of technical documents is as described in Annex 2, Annex 3 and Annex 4. Unless other stipulated, technical documents should be compiled in metric system. The note and description should be in English.7.2 賣方提供的技術(shù)文件,應(yīng)具有適合長途運輸、多次搬運、防潮和防雨的包裝,每包的 封面上應(yīng)注明下列內(nèi)容:7.2 All

52、 technical documents supplied by Seller should be packed in capable of line-haul, repeatedly transmit, rain-proof, damp proof. The unseen surface of every packing parcel should be noted with following information:A .合同號;A. Contract No.B. 收貨人;B. ConsigneeC. 目的地;C. DestinationD. 嘜頭標記;D. MarksE. 毛重(公斤)

53、;E. Gross WeightF. 箱號/件號。F. No. of case/No. of piece.每包技術(shù)文件應(yīng)附有技術(shù)文件的詳細清單一式二份, 標明技術(shù)文件的序號、 代號、名稱和 頁數(shù)。Every parcel of technical documents should attach with detail list in duplicate, noting the serialNos. code, name and quantity in page.7.3在本合同附件二規(guī)定的時間 內(nèi),賣方應(yīng)以“DDU目的地機場”價格條件交付技術(shù)文件。7.3 Within 7 days from t

54、he dated of valid of the contract, the Seller should delivery the technical documents in the batch to the Buyer.7.4 在技術(shù)文件交付航運后 24 小時內(nèi),賣方應(yīng)用傳真通知買方交付日期、件數(shù)、航班號 和大約毛重,并向買方提交下列文件:7.4 Within 24 hours upon the delivery of technical documents, Seller shall notice Buyer by fax the date of delivery, quantity o

55、f piece, flight No. and approximate gross weight. Following documents shall be submitted at same time.A 空運提單二份(注明合同號和收貨人);A. Airway bill in duplicate , noting the contract Nos. and Consignee.B.技術(shù)文件的詳細清單二份。B. Detailed List of technical documents in duplicate.如果技術(shù)文件發(fā)生短缺、丟失和損壞,賣方應(yīng)在收到買方的通知后立即免費對短缺、丟失 和損

56、壞部分予以更換。If there are shortage, lose, and attaint for technical documents, Seller shall replace the documents mentioned above freely after receive notice from Buyer.第八章 設(shè)計和設(shè)計聯(lián)絡(luò)Clause 8: Design and exchange:8.1 為使本合同標的物建設(shè)工作的順利進行,雙方指定專人負責實施設(shè)計和設(shè)計聯(lián)絡(luò)。8.1 In order to execute the contract item successfully,

57、 two sides should nominate the special person responsible for the design and design exchange.8.2 買方顧問( Karta 先生)作為代表,負責審核該生產(chǎn)線的國內(nèi)外設(shè)計和設(shè)備;批準工 地,安裝、試車、投料試生產(chǎn)、性能測試和驗收。8.2 The Buyer'Csonsultant (Mr. Karta) is the representative, and in charge to revise design, equipment whether in Egypt or abroad, appr

58、ove site works, approve operation test, commissioning test, performance test and issue the operational acceptation.8.3 買賣雙方任何一方所承擔的設(shè)計范圍和所提供的技術(shù)文件應(yīng)提前給對方,買方提交的 地形和地質(zhì)勘探技術(shù)文件應(yīng)作為工廠設(shè)計依據(jù)。8.3 The scope of design and supplied technical documents undertake by every side should provide to count-partner advance. The landform diagram and geological survey information provided from Buyer should regarded as the design evidence for factory.第九章 標準和檢驗Clause 9: Standards and Inspections:9.1 賣方對本合同設(shè)備的設(shè)


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