1、Cqj z.mfunction num,den=cqjz(G,kc,yPm G=tf(G;mag,pha,w=bode(G*kc;Mag=20*log10(mag;Gm,Pm,Wcg,Wcp=margi n(G*kc;%phi=(yPm-getfield(Pm,Wcg*pi/180; phi=(yPm+5-Pm*pi/180;alpha=(1+s in( phi/(1-s in( phi;Mn=-10*log10(alpha;Wcg n=spli ne(Mag,w,M n;T=1/(Wcg n*sqrt(alpha;Tz=alpha*T;num=T z,1;den=T,1;keshe.mfun
2、 ctio n varargout = keshe(varargin% KESHE M-file for keshe.fig% KESHE, by itself, creates a new KESHE or raises the existing% sin glet on*.% H = KESHE returns the han dle to a new KESHE or the han dle to% the existi ng sin glet on*.% KESHE(CALLBACK,hObject,eve ntData,ha ndles,. calls the local % fun
3、ction named CALLBACK in KESHE.M with the give n in put argume nts. % KESHE(Property,Value,. creates a new KESHE or raises the % existingsingleton*. Starting from the left, property value pairs are% applied to the GUI before keshe_Ope ningFun cti on gets called. An %un recog ni zed property n ame or
4、in valid value makes property applicati on% stop. All in puts are passed to keshe_Ope nin gFc n via vararg in.% *See GUI Optio ns on GUIDEs Tools me nu. Choose GUI allows only one% in sta nee to run (sin glet on.% See also: GUIDE, GUIDATA, GUIHANDLES% Copyright 2002-2003 The MathWorks, I nc.% Edit t
5、he above text to modify the resp onse to help keshe% Last Modified by GUIDE v2.5 30-Dec-2009 18:31:42function keshe_Ope nin gFc n( hObject, eve ntdata, han dles, vararg in% This function has no output args, see OutputFc n.% Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDITgui_S in glet on = 1;gui_State = stru
6、ct(gui_Name, mfile name, .gui_S in glet on, gui_S in glet on,gui_Ope nin gFc n, keshe_Ope nin gFc n,gui_OutputFc n, keshe_OutputFc n,gui_LayoutFc n,.gui_Callback,;if n argin & ischar(varargi n1gui_State.gui_Callback = str2fu nc(varargi n1;endif n argoutvarargout1: nargout = gui_mai nfcn( gui_Sta
7、te, vararg in :; else gui_mainfcn( gui_State, varargi n:;end% End initialization code - DO NOT EDIT% - Executes just before keshe is made visible.% hObject han die to figure% eve ntdata reserved - to be defi ned in a future versi on of MATLAB % han diesstructure with han dies and user data (see GUID
8、ATA% varargin comma nd line argume nts to keshe (see VARARGIN% Choose default comma nd line output for keshehan dles.output = hObject;% Update han dles structureguidata(hObject, han dles;% UIWAIT makes keshe wait for user respo nse (see UIRESUME% uiwait(ha ndles.figurel;% - Outputs from this fun cti
9、o n are returned to the comma nd line, fun ctio nvarargout = keshe_OutputFc n( hObject, eve ntdata, han dles% varargout cell array for returni ng output args (see VARARGOUT;% hObject han dle to figure% eve ntdata reserved - to be defi ned in a future versi on of MATLAB% han dles structure with han d
10、les and user data (see GUIDATA% Get default comma nd line output from han dles structurevarargout1 = han dles.output;% - Executes on butt on press in pushbutt on1.bode(c onv (ha ndles .nu m,ha ndles.f nu m,c onv (ha ndles.de n,ha ndles.fde n;xlabel(Freque ncy rad/s,fo ntsize,10;ylabel(Phase deg Gain
11、 dB,fontsize,10;function pushbutt on 1_Callback(hObject, eve ntdata, han dies% hObject handle to pushbutt on1 (see GCBO% eve ntdata reserved - to be defi ned in a future versi on of MATLAB% han dies structure with han dies and user data (see GUIDATA figure(2bode(ha ndles .nu mh,ha ndles.de nh;xlabel
12、(Freque ncy rad/s,fo ntsize,10;ylabel(Phase deg Gain dB,fontsize,10;title(Bode Diagram of original signal;guidata(hObject,ha ndles;% - Executes on butt on press in pushbutt on2.function pushbutt on 2_Callback(hObject, eve ntdata, han dles% hObject handle to pushbutt on2 (see GCBO% eve ntdata reserve
13、d - to be defi ned in a future versi on of MATLAB% han dles structure with han dles and user data (see GUIDATA figure(1title(Bode Diagram of original signal;guidata(hObject,ha ndles;function edit1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles% hObject han dle to edit1 (see GCBO% eve ntdata reserved - to be d
14、efi ned in a future versi on of MATLAB% Hint: edit con trols usually have a white backgro und on Win dows.% See ISPC and COMPUTER.% han dles structure with han dles and user data (see GUIDATA% Hin ts: get(hObject,Stri ng retur ns contents of edit1 as text% str2double(get(hObject,Stri ng retur ns con
15、tents of edit1 as a% double_num=get(hObject,Stri ng;han dles .num=str2 num(num;guidata(hObject, han dles;% - Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. functionedit1_CreateFc n( hObject, eve ntdata, han dles% hObject han dle to edit1 (see GCBO% eve ntdata reserved - to be defi ne
16、d in a future versi on of MATLAB% han dles empty - han dles not created un til after all CreateFc ns calledif ispcset(hObject,Backgro un dColor,white;elseset(hObject,Backgro un dColor,get(0,defaultUico ntrolBackgro un dColor;endfunction edit2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles% hObject han dle to
17、edit2 (see GCBO% hObject han dle to edit2 (see GCBO% eve ntdata reserved - to be defi ned in a future versi on of MATLAB% eve ntdata reserved - to be defi ned in a future versi on of MATLAB% han dles structure with han dles and user data (see GUIDATA% Hints: get(hObject,String returns contents of ed
18、it2 as text% str2double(get(hObject,String returns contents of edit2 as a% doubleden=get(hObject,Stri ng;han dles.de n=str2 nu m(de n;guidata(hObject, han dles;% - Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. functionedit2_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles% han dies empty - han
19、 dies not created un til after all CreateFc ns called% han dles empty - han dles not created un til after all CreateFc ns called% Hint: edit con trols usually have a white backgro und on Win dows.% See ISPC and COMPUTER.if ispcset(hObject,Backgro un dColor,white;elseset(hObject,Backgro un dColor,get
20、(0,defaultUico ntrolBackgro undColor;endfunction edit3_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles% hObject han dle to edit3 (see GCBO% eve ntdata reserved - to be defi ned in a future versi on of MATLAB% han dles structure with han dles and user data (see GUIDATA% Hints: get(hObject,String returns content
21、s of edit3 as text% str2double(get(hObject,String returns contents of edit3 as a double% - Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. functionedit3_CreateFc n( hObject, eve ntdata, han dles% hObject han dle to edit3 (see GCBO% han dies empty - han dies not created un til after al
22、l CreateFc ns called% han dles empty - han dles not created un til after all CreateFc ns called% eve ntdata reserved - to be defi ned in a future versi on of MATLAB% han dles empty - han dles not created un til after all CreateFc ns called% Hint: edit con trols usually have a white backgro und on Wi
23、n dows.% Hint: edit con trols usually have a white backgro und on Win dows.% See ISPC and COMPUTER.if ispcset(hObject,Backgro un dColor,white;elseset(hObject,Backgro un dColor,get(0,defaultUico ntrolBackgro undColor;endfunction edit4_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles% hObject han dle to edit4 (se
24、e GCBO% eve ntdata reserved - to be defi ned in a future versi on of MATLAB% han dles structure with han dles and user data (see GUIDATA% Hints: get(hObject,String returns contents of edit4 as text% str2double(get(hObject,String returns contents of edit4 as a double% - Executes during object creatio
25、n, after setting all properties. functionedit4_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles% hObject han dle to edit4 (see GCBO% eve ntdata reserved - to be defi ned in a future versi on of MATLAB% hObject han dle to edit6 (see GCBO% See ISPC and COMPUTER.if ispcset(hObject,Backgro un dColor,white;elseset(
26、hObject,Backgro un dColor,get(0,defaultUico ntrolBackgro undColor;endfunction edit6_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles% hObject han dle to edit6 (see GCBO% eve ntdata reserved - to be defi ned in a future versi on of MATLAB% han dles structure with han dles and user data (see GUIDATA% Hints: get(h
27、Object,String returns contents of edit6 as text% str2double(get(hObject,String returns contents of edit6 as a doublepm=get(hObject,Stri ng;han dles.pm=str2 nu m(pm;guidata(hObject, han dles;% - Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. functionedit6_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata,
28、 handles% eve ntdata reserved - to be defi ned in a future versi on of MATLAB% han dies empty - han dies not created un til after all CreateFc ns callededit7_CreateFc n( hObject, eve ntdata, han dles% Hint: edit con trols usually have a white backgro und on Win dows.% See ISPC and COMPUTER.if ispcse
29、t(hObject,Backgro un dColor,white;elseset(hObject,Backgro un dColor,get(0,defaultUico ntrolBackgro undColor;endfun ctio n edit7_Callback(hObject, eve ntdata, han dles% hObject han dle to edit7 (see GCBO% eve ntdata reserved - to be defi ned in a future versi on of MATLAB% han dles structure with han
30、 dles and user data (see GUIDATA% Hints: get(hObject,String returns contents of edit7 as text% str2double(get(hObject,String returns contents of edit7 as a doublek=get(hObject,Stri ng;han dles.k=str2 nu m(k;guidata(hObject, han dles;% han dies empty - han dies not created un til after all CreateFc n
31、s callededit7_CreateFc n( hObject, eve ntdata, han dles% - Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. functionedit8_CreateFc n( hObject, eve ntdata, han dles% hObject han dle to edit8 (see GCBO% hObject han die to edit7 (see GCBO% eve ntdata reserved - to be defi ned in a future
32、versi on of MATLAB% han dles empty - han dles not created un til after all CreateFc ns called% Hint: edit con trols usually have a white backgro und on Win dows.% See ISPC and COMPUTER.if ispcset(hObject,Backgro un dColor,white;elseset(hObject,Backgro un dColor,get(O,defaultUico ntrolBackgro undColo
33、r;endfunction edit8_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles% hObject han dle to edit8 (see GCBO% eve ntdata reserved - to be defi ned in a future versi on of MATLAB% han dles structure with han dles and user data (see GUIDATA% Hints: get(hObject,String returns contents of edit8 as text% str2double(get(
34、hObject,String returns contents of edit8 as a double% - Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. function% hObject han dle to edit9 (see GCBO% eve ntdata reserved - to be defi ned in a future versi on of MATLAB %han dies empty - han dies not created un til after all CreateFc ns
35、 called% Hint: edit con trols usually have a white backgro und on Win dows.% See ISPC and COMPUTER.if ispcset(hObject,Backgro un dColor,white;elseset(hObject,Backgro un dColor,get(O,defaultUico ntrolBackgro undColor;endfunction edit9_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles% hObject han dle to edit9 (se
36、e GCBO% eve ntdata reserved - to be defi ned in a future versi on of MATLAB% han dles structure with han dles and user data (see GUIDATA% Hints: get(hObject,String returns contents of edit9 as text% str2double(get(hObject,String returns contents of edit9 as a double% - Executes during object creatio
37、n, after setting all properties. functionedit9_CreateFc n( hObject, eve ntdata, han dles% eve ntdata reserved - to be defi ned in a future versi on of MATLAB% han dies empty - han dies not created un til after all CreateFc ns called% han dles empty - han dles not created un til after all CreateFc ns
38、 called% Hint: edit con trols usually have a white backgro und on Win dows.% See ISPC and COMPUTER.if ispcset(hObject,Backgro un dColor,white;elseset(hObject,Backgro un dColor,get(0,defaultUico ntrolBackgro undColor;endfunction edit10_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles% hObject handle to edit10 (s
39、ee GCBO% eve ntdata reserved - to be defi ned in a future versi on of MATLAB% han dles structure with han dles and user data (see GUIDATA% Hints: get(hObject,String returns contents of edit10 as text% str2double(get(hObject,Stri ng retur ns contents of edit10 as a double% - Executes during object cr
40、eation, after setting all properties. functionedit10_CreateFc n( hObject, eve ntdata, han dles% hObject handle to edit10 (see GCBO% han dies empty - han dies not created un til after all CreateFc ns called% han dles empty - han dles not created un til after all CreateFc ns called% eve ntdata reserve
41、d - to be defi ned in a future versi on of MATLAB% han dles empty - han dles not created un til after all CreateFc ns called% Hint: edit con trols usually have a white backgro und on Win dows.% Hint: edit con trols usually have a white backgro und on Win dows.% See ISPC and COMPUTER.if ispcset(hObje
42、ct,Backgro un dColor,white;elseset(hObject,Backgro un dColor,get(0,defaultUico ntrolBackgro undColor;endfunction edit11_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles% hObject han dle to edit11 (see GCBO% eve ntdata reserved - to be defi ned in a future versi on of MATLAB% han dles structure with han dles and
43、 user data (see GUIDATA% Hin ts: get(hObject,Stri ng retur ns contents of edit11 as text% str2double(get(hObject,Stri ng retur ns contents of edit11 as a double% - Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. functionedit11_CreateFc n( hObject, eve ntdata, han dles% hObject han dle
44、 to edit11 (see GCBO% eve ntdata reserved - to be defi ned in a future versi on of MATLAB% Hint: edit con trols usually have a white backgro und on Win dows.% See ISPC and COMPUTER.% See ISPC and COMPUTER.if ispcset(hObject,Backgro un dColor,white;elseset(hObject,Backgro un dColor,get(0,defaultUico
45、ntrolBackgro undColor;endfunction edit12_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles% hObject han dle to edit12 (see GCBO% eve ntdata reserved - to be defi ned in a future versi on of MATLAB% han dles structure with han dles and user data (see GUIDATA% Hints: get(hObject,String returns contents of edit12 a
46、s text% str2double(get(hObject,Stri ng retur ns contents of edit12 as a double% - Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. functionedit12_CreateFc n( hObject, eve ntdata, han dles% hObject han dle to edit12 (see GCBO% eve ntdata reserved - to be defi ned in a future versi on of
47、 MATLAB% han dles empty - han dles not created un til after all CreateFc ns calledif ispc set(hObject,Backgro un dColor,white;elseset(hObject,Backgro un dColor,get(0,defaultUico ntrolBackgro undColor;endfunction edit13_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles% hObject han dle to edit13 (see GCBO% eve nt
48、data reserved - to be defi ned in a future versi on of MATLAB% han dles structure with han dles and user data (see GUIDATA% Hints: get(hObject,String returns contents of edit13 as text% str2double(get(hObject,Stri ng retur ns contents of edit13 as a double% - Executes during object creation, after s
49、etting all properties. functionedit13_CreateFc n( hObject, eve ntdata, han dles% hObject han dle to edit13 (see GCBO% eve ntdata reserved - to be defi ned in a future versi on of MATLAB% han dles empty - han dles not created un til after all CreateFc ns called% Hint: edit con trols usually have a wh
50、ite backgro und on Win dows.% See ISPC and COMPUTER.if ispcif ispcset(hObject,Backgro un dColor,white;set(hObject,Backgro un dColor,white;elseset(hObject,Backgro un dColor,get(0,defaultUico ntrolBackgro un dColor;endfunction edit14_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles% hObject han dle to edit14 (see
51、 GCBO% eve ntdata reserved - to be defi ned in a future versi on of MATLAB% han dles structure with han dles and user data (see GUIDATA% Hints: get(hObject,String returns contents of edit14 as text% str2double(get(hObject,Stri ng retur ns contents of edit14 as a double% - Executes during object crea
52、tion, after setting all properties. functionedit14_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles% hObject han dle to edit14 (see GCBO% eve ntdata reserved - to be defi ned in a future versi on of MATLAB% han dles empty - han dles not created un til after all CreateFc ns called% Hint: edit con trols usually
53、have a white backgro und on Win dows.% See ISPC and COMPUTER.else set(hObject,BackgroundColor,get(0,defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor;endset(hObject,Backgro un dColor,white;elsefunction edit15_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles% hObject han dle to edit15 (see GCBO% eve ntdata reserved - to be defi n
54、ed in a future versi on of MATLAB% han dles structure with han dles and user data (see GUIDATA% Hints: get(hObject,String returns contents of edit15 as text% str2double(get(hObject,Stri ng retur ns contents of edit15 as a double% - Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. funct
55、ionedit15_CreateFc n( hObject, eve ntdata, han dles% hObject han dle to edit15 (see GCBO% eve ntdata reserved - to be defi ned in a future versi on of MATLAB% han dles empty - han dles not created un til after all CreateFc ns called% Hint: edit con trols usually have a white backgro und on Win dows.
56、% See ISPC and COMPUTER.if ispcWcp1= nu m2str(Wcp1;set(ha ndles.textGm1,stri ng,Gm1;set(hObject,BackgroundColor,get(0,defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor;end% - Executes during object creation, after setting all properties. functiontext30_CreateFc n( hObject, eve ntdata, han dles% hObject han dle to tex
57、t30 (see GCBO% eve ntdata reserved - to be defi ned in a future versi on of MATLAB% han dles empty - han dles not created un til after all CreateFc ns called% - Executes on butt on press in pushbutt on3.function pushbutt on 3_Callback(hObject, eve ntdata, han dles% hObject handle to pushbutt on3 (se
58、e GCBO% eve ntdata reserved - to be defi ned in a future versi on of MATLAB% han dles structure with han dles and user data (see GUIDATAG=tf(c onv (ha ndles .nu m,ha ndles.f nu m,c onv (ha ndles.de n,ha ndles.fden;Gm1,Pm1,Wcg1,Wcp1=margi n(G;Gm 仁 nu m2str(Gm1;Pm 仁 n um2str(Pm1;Wcg1= nu m2str(Wcg1;se
59、t(ha ndles.textPm2,stri ng,Pm2;set(ha ndles.textWcg2,stri ng,Wcg2;set(ha ndles.textPm1,stri ng,Pm1;set(ha ndles.textWcg1,stri ng,Wcg1;set(ha ndles.textWcp1,stri ng,Wcp1;% - Executes on butt on press in pushbutt on4.function pushbutt on4 _Callback(hObject, eve ntdata, han dles% hObject handle to push
60、butt on4 (see GCBO% eve ntdata reserved - to be defi ned in a future versi on of MATLAB% han dles structure with han dles and user data (see GUIDATA a=handles .nu mh;b=ha ndles.de nh;G=tf(a,b;Gm2,Pm2,Wcg2,Wcp2=margi n(G;Gm2=nu m2str(Gm2;Pm2=num2str(Pm2;Wcg2=nu m2str(Wcg2;Wcp2=nu m2str(Wcp2;set(ha ndles.
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