1、PositivePsychologyLecture3Good morning, everyone. This semester has started, officially today. Glad to see you here. Just a couple of announcement and also hi to the extensionschool students. Last time we say hi to New Zealand. Today we are saying hi to Ireland. In terms of sectioning for the underg
2、rads and graduate students here, you'll get an email from Sean Achor tomorrow. And you'll put in your section preference. We are sectioning this weekend. So it will be important that you submit your top preferences. And next week we are starting. Last time, if you remember the question that
3、we ask, the guiding question was "why positive psychology?" And I mentioned three reasons, Why we need it as an independent field as opposed to just being "well, lets do some studies on happiness, on relationships" as it is always being done? The reason why we need positive psych
4、ology is to shift the pendulum from the 21:1 ratio that we have today: for every one study on depression or anxiety, we have 21 studies on-sorry, for one study on happiness or wellbeing, we have 21 studies on depression and anxiety. We want to shift the pendulum slightly. And I mentioned three reaso
5、n why we want to shiftthis pendulum despite the fact that there are rising levels of depression around the world, that anxiety has become epidemic globallyon college campuses in United States, China, Australia, UK. Despite that fact, I argue that we need to shift the pendulum and do more "posit
6、ive research, or in other words, research that focuses on what works. And the reason is the first reason that we gave and we are just finishing up is because the question that we ask, whether it's the research questions that we ask, or the questions that we ask of ourselves, or our partners, mat
7、ter. And if our only questions, or primarily our questions are "what is not working? What is the problem? Why are so many kids failing as a result of their circumstances?" If we only ask these questions, we will miss, literally miss an important part of reality, just like you missed 368the
8、 children on the bus in the exercise. Most of you did. And if we also ask the positive question, then some new possibilities, new quests open up, just like they did for the researchers when they started to ask no longer "why do so many individuals fail?" but started to ask "what do so
9、me individuals do and succeed? Why do some individuals succeed despite the unfavorable circumstances?" And then we have the story of Marva Collins, who exemplifies so many of themes that we'll talk about throughout the course. What Marva Collins did was help her students shift from the pass
10、ive victimyou are victims of your circumstances, of your upbringing, neighborhood ,country, whatever it isfrom a passive victim to an active agent. Yes, its difficult. It's tough. It's unfair. However, it's your responsibility. No one is coming. It's up to you to make that difference
11、 in your life. And she made a difference to thousands of people's lives and continues to do so. In other words, if we look at the case of Chicago school system where Marva Collins was teaching, the conventional, traditional question was-if you remember"how can we keep these students in scho
12、ol for as long as possible?How can we keep them in school beyond the age of 10 or 12 so that they don't join street gangs? So that they are not hurt by drugs or crime?" "How can we keep them safe at school?"An important question to ask. However, not enough. Marva Collins comes alo
13、ng and reframes the question. And her question becomes "how can we cultivate the seed of greatness in our student?" And that, once again, made all the difference, because she saw the seed of greatness in each student. She saw the strength, the virtues in each single student. A seed, a stre
14、ngth, a virtue, a competence that other teachers did not see, because they did not ask this question; because they asked, metaphorically speaking, "how many geometric shapes do you see on the screen?" And they completely missed the children on the bus. They completely missed the seed of gr
15、eatness. And when we don't see the seed of greatness, when we don't water it and shed a light on it, it withers and dies, which is unfortunately the fate of most human potential. 369Wherever we go, that is the fate of most human potential interpersonally, relationships, in most organizations
16、, in most universities, in most individuals. Questions make a difference, which is why it is also important to ask the positive psychology question, which is the salutogenic question: "What is source of health? What is the source of success? What is the source of wellbeing?" So that's
17、the first reason. The second reasonbefore I go to the second reason, if Marva Collins is here today, here's the questionshe would be asking us: "How can we cultivate the seed of greatness in ourselves and families, in our communities and organizations, in our nation and in our world?"
18、When we ask this question-this very important question, suddenly we see possibilities that we didn't see before. Second reason for having positive psychology's field of study and focusing on what works and focusing on research in happiness, relationships and wellbeing is because happiness do
19、es not spontaneously rise when take unhappiness away. Now happiness and unhappiness, or happiness and neurosis, psychosis and depression, are interconnected, of course. It's very difficult to be happy if we are experiencing severe depression or anxiety. So they are certainly interconnected. Howe
20、ver, just getting rid of the anxiety and the depression will not in and of itself make us happy, which is the conventional wisdom today, which is the conventional wisdom of many psychologists practicing psychologies"Well, lets just get rid of that depression and everything will be fine." I
21、t won't.The analogy to explain this is think about the ability to enjoy food. A gourmet meal. Now if we have indigestion, its very difficult to enjoy food. So yes, we first need to get rid of the indigestion. However, that in and of itself does not guarantee us that we enjoy food. We have to go
22、out and eat the gourmet food to enjoy it. Just getting rid of indigestion is not sufficient. We need the next step. In many ways you can look at most of our experiences, psychological effective experiences on a continuum, where some of them fall below the zero, the negative experiences or the 370pai
23、nful experiences and the positive or the pleasurable experiences between the zero and the positive. Neurosis, anger, anxiety, depression, psychosisto name a few-on the negative side, the painful side; wellbeing, satisfaction, joy, excitement, happiness on the other side which is the side of positive
24、 psychology studies. Again, getting rid of the negative does not guarantee us the positive, which is why already in the 1940s, David Henry Thoreau (should be Henry David Thoreau), wrote that most men lead lives of quiet desperation. It's Ok. There's nothing really wrong. But it's just so
25、mewhere there in the words of Pink Floyd "people are comfortably numb". Comfortably numb. Not enough. How can we get beyond that "comfortably numb"? How can we get beyond that "quiet desperation"? To excitement, to joy, to happiness? In order to do that, we need to cult
26、ivate these traits. Once again, they don't spontaneously emerge once the painful experiences go away. And that is why we need positive psychology. Positive psychology essentially focuses on the health model, Salutogenesis. What is the source of health, physical, psychological, emotional? How do
27、we get people to flourish, intellectually, emotionally, psychologically, interpersonally, intra-personally? How do we get them to thrive beyond just getting rid of what is not working in their lives? And under that model we see, to extremes on many levels. Here, the first level: do we focus on weakn
28、esses, which is the disease model, say let's get rid of weaknesses? Or do we focus on strength? While you ask people this question, and this was done by the Gallup organization. A poll-global poll, whether it's in Japan, China, United States or Europe: most people think that it's more im
29、portant to focus on their weaknesses if they are to succeed. Big mistake. The people who focus primarily, not only- remember the "also" who shift the pendulum, who focus more on their strength, are not only happier, they are also, on the long run, more successful. It applies to leadership
30、as well. Positive psychology says let's focus also on our strength at least as much. In an organization, as well as on the individual level, are we focusing 371most on overcoming deficiencies or building the competencieswhat we are good at- and getting better at it? What our natural inclination,
31、 individually or organizationallydo we focus on that and then build on that? Again, tie to success as well as wellbeing, if we are more toward the positive side. How do we live our lives? Running away from painful experiences? Or actively seeking pleasure? Running away from unhappiness? Or adhering
32、to the Declaration (Declaration of Independence) and pursuing happiness? Now that may look quite similar-for example, someone may be working 80 hours a week, running away from something-running away from issues at home, running away from dealing intra-personal issues and then may look exactly the sa
33、me as the person who works 80 hours a week and who's extremely passionate about what she does. May look the same but from the inside, they feel very different. One is the disease model: let's run away from what is not working. The other is the health model: let's pursue my passions, what
34、 I love to do. The disease model, the optimum level is the zero: let's just be Ok; let's just not hurt. And again, thats important to get rid of hurt. It's important to get rid of depression. But with the health model, they are saying that'snot enough; let's go beyond that. Let
35、39;s go to the excitement, to the fun. Because the ideal is not just a tensionless state. It is the creative tension. We'll talk about it. We'll read about it. When we do "flow". Flow is the state where we are excited, where we are engaging what we are doing, where it's much mo
36、re than being "comfortably numb". In fact, its a little bit uncomfortable. It's being outside of our comfort zone. It's being in our stretch zonenot the panic zone, where it hurts-the stretch zone, where there is excitement, where there's some nervousness. There is also growth
37、there. So what do you want? Where do you want to go? What do you want to pursue? Do you want to run away from pleasure-run away from pain? Do you want to run away from unhappiness? Or do you want to pursue happiness and pleasure? Do you want to focus primarily on your deficiencies or your weaknesses
38、? Or your strength? What is 372the optimum? what is the ideal? Is there a glass ceiling-the zero? Or can it go on and on more excitement, more enjoyment, more passion? Now there's something frightening about the health model. Because there is no limit and there is less prescription there certain
39、ly today than in the disease model. Positive psychology, the field of health psychology is in infancy. There's much more research, much more advice on how to get rid of depression and how do I pursue my strength. But fortunately, again, this is why positive psychology as a network of scholars ap
40、plying themselves to these ideas and ideals.It's so important because today you'll see throughout the semester that there are so many more tools that we can apply to our lives, to go beyond the zero. That's not all. So I said there are three reasons. It's about where we focus, focus
41、creates reality; it's about happiness is not just a negation of unhappiness; the third reason why positive psychology is important is because positive psychology and the areas that we study and more importantly, apply within the field of positive psychology, do not just take us from the zero to
42、the positive. They also help us deal with the negative. They help us deal with anxiety, depression and painful experiences and emotions. When we cultivate the positive, we are essentially focusing on prevention. Let me explain. What has been found over the last 10 years and a little bit longer is th
43、e most effective way of actually dealing with a rising levels of depression in our culture, with individual depression or anxiety is actually not to focus on the depression and anxiety directlythat is important as well. It is found that the most effective way of dealing with this phenomenon was actu
44、ally to cultivate the positive, to cultivate personal strengths, to cultivate and identify one's passions, to ask a question such as "what ismeaningful to me in my life? What's my purpose? Why am I here? What do I really, really want to do once I graduate?" People who ask these que
45、stions and spend time on these questions, are much more likely to begin a quest that is not the avoid of painful emotionsno quest isbut the quest is more enjoyable, more pleasurable, more 373meaningful and also, more successful as it turns out. But more importantly, more successful in what I call th
46、e "the ultimate currency" just as the currency of happiness and wellbeing. The reason is because there are two different approaches to deal with illness: one, the positive psychological approach is that the illness is the absence of health, as opposed to health is the absence of illness. I
47、 mean, think about the disease model. The disease model is "we are sick because we are ill"do you listen to that? We are sick because we are ill. That was very profound. You should think about it for a while here. I'll let a time just to marinate it little bit so that you can. Let me s
48、tart that again. If we take away the illness, then we become healthy. That's the model, the conventional model. Take away the illness. You'll become healthy. It's good. The positive psychological model is slightly different. It is "you are ill because you don't have enough healt
49、h in your life, because you are not pursuing those things that make you healthy". And what make you healthy? The things I spoke about before: pursuing meaning, purpose; cultivating healthy relationships. If we don't have these things,thats when the illness comes in. Now the difference betwe
50、en the two models, the health model and the disease model is more than just semantic. Here is Abraham Maslow talking about neurosis, "Neurosis is a falling short of what one could have been and even one could say, of what one should have been, biologically speaking that is if one had grown and
51、developed in an unimpeded way. Human and personal possibilities have been lost. The world has been narrowed and so has consciousness. Capacities have been inhibited." Let me explain what he means here. What he means is that we are ill because we do not cultivate what we are about enough. We do
52、not become self-actualized. We don't do what we are supposed to do. We diminish ourselves and that's when we become ill. That's when we are unwell. This is very different from the disease model that says, "Ok, you are unwell. Deal with that illness." What he's saying: "
53、;No. You are unwell. Focus on your health. Strengthen 374your health. Because you are ill, because you are not focusing enough on your health." He calls that, and I quote, "a failure of personal growth". That's when we experience neurosis. When we don't cultivate ourselves eno
54、ugh, we don't cultivate our relationship enough, thats when we fail. And what the positive psychology is all about is precisely thatcultivating personal growth, working on the positive. And we work on the positive on what comes of this side of the graph that you saw up there. On the positive sid
55、e, when we cultivate these things, it also helps us deal much better with the negative when dead arises. I want to quote Martin Seligman, who talks about precisely this idea: "In the last decade psychologists have become concerned with prevention. How can we prevent problems like depression or
56、substance abuse or schizophrenia in young people who are genetically vulnerable or who live in worlds that nurture these problems? How can we prevent murderous schoolyard violence in children who have access to weapons, poor parental supervision, and a mean streak?" Now he's asking this que
57、stion and the disease model response to this is we need to help them deal directly with depression, with their anxiety and with their unhappiness so that we can prevent all these social illswhether it's violence, whether it's unhappiness. What he's saying here is the following: "What we have learned over fifty years is that the disease model does not move us closer to the prevention of these serious problems. Indeed the major stride
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