1、park city marketing institute copyright 1997- 2000 park city marketing instituteall rights reservedmastering market leadershippark city marketing institutethe conquest market leadership mastery methodology:1. annihilate the competition2. create highly leveraged operations and growth3. generate hot a
2、ura and market buzzrichard currierfrom technology, to sales, to marketing, to managementthe hard knocks school of the underdogthe quest for a science leads to the workshopspark city marketing institute100+ high-tech clients:amdahl, compaq, chc, software ag, ibm, intel, price waterhouse, peoplesoft .
3、cognos, optum, kronos, imi, manugistics, sco, sct, ssa, viasoft .clarus, forecross, princeton softech, secure computing, security first, 1,000+ workshop attendeeswhen mastering market leadership is critical:revenue stallingtransitioning marketslaunch/re-launch of products/companiesfinancing - privat
4、e and public“marketing is the one thing in a company that is too important to delegate” david packard“go-to-market strategies and high-impact execution clearly distinguish marketplace winners from losers” our beliefsuccess = product /service success = product /service + salesnoisy, crowded markets 1
5、0,000s of companies, 100,000s of productsmillions of messages“open products” mean “open market”smart buyers wary, having been “burned” multiple timesknowledgeabletough price shopperstougher competitors established dominant playerswell-funded startupsglobal proliferation of new alternativeswhy most c
6、ompanies ignore the market leadership approachunderstandingunimportant impossibledont know how (or know consumer marketing)focusbottom-up, tactically-driven the wisdom of tsun tsuevent/response driven “marketing du jour”functional/activity plans not go to market strategiescommitment“its a marketing
7、problem” (no “l(fā)ead-from-the-top teamwork”)“its periodic problem” (“the yearly mission statement”)“only when its a crisis” (if it aint a crisis, ignore it)a market leader has:broad message consistencyeasily reached product-direction consensushigh positive aura and exciting market buzzminimal hand-to-
8、hand combatnatural pipeline sufficiencyhigh predictability of resultsstreamlined operations and growthproduct leadershipsales leadershipmarket leadershiphigh percentage of the product is uniqueunique product aspects are clear to buyersproduct typically sold to early stage buyers:bleeding-edge, leadi
9、ng-edge, early adopterspioneering buyers seeking significant advantagesevaluation: buyers dig into candidate productsimplementation: buyers push product limits, not put off by rough edgescompetitors increasecompetitors respond by copying core featuresfeature-based competitiveness erodes rapidly“good
10、 enough”: 20 - 80% features proving differentiation to less less knowledgeable buyers elusive new “killer ap” feature opportunitiesthe development death spiraldying while trying to develop-out-of differentiation problemsexcel at “hand-to-hand combat”:master new account entrydevelop “own leads” if ne
11、cessaryfight to enter “active evaluation”as a real contestantmaster competitive battlesgreat product/industry knowledgesuperior sales personnelstrong sales engineers, consultants, product/industry specialistswork very well with early- through mid-stage buyerscoststart-up takes too long, costs too mu
12、choperation takes too long, costs too muchcapacitynot enough skilled hand-to-hand combatantseagles dont flock run out of early-stage/mid-stage buyersbecome a “deal-driven company”win in the market first, then at each accountenjoy “unsolicited leads”find accounts that are predisposed to buyreadily co
13、ntrol buying agendaput competitors on the defensiveminimize hand-to-hand combatoperate high efficiency sales/marketing processlower costs (trade leveraged marketing for sales costs) rapid, effective start-up of new sales/sales support staffquicker, more predictable growth prove darwin right natural
14、selection of the fittestmarket leader market ownervision-based thought leadershipmarket leader competitively obsessedits not enough that i succeed, its that all others must diemarket leader execution masterproduct, sales, marketing do things differentlylaser focus, high impactmonitor, measure, corre
15、ctvision-based thought leadership strategies to seize a solid position in a target marketstrategies to block the competition world-class message:crisp, clear and compelling message that is consistently told execute: market the vision, sell the productexecute: focused high-impact programsand, master
16、key indicatorswhat gets measured improves the conquest methodology:craft killer “go to market” strategies and messages master executiongo to market with: “market the vision,sell the product”achieve: focused, high-impact programsyou and your company:achieve total company participationtop-down and bot
17、tom-upexecute the three key fundamentalsthought leadership, market vision/sell product, high-impact executionstay the coursea journey not an event - instill in company culturekey indicators, measurement and vigilant follow-upplan for reinventing yourself regularlypaths to successmy viewtypical clien
18、ts viewfocusfocusfocusintroduction and overviewmessages and strategies:market attack planmarket leadership insightmarket leader strategic frameworkmastering executionbuying process modelbreakthrough market impact building the plancharting the course/staying the course as time allows:tips and techniq
19、ueslecturequestions & answers understanding and clarificationcase studies/storiessome of the best lessons learned the “hard way”latest client stories are “off-limits”full lifecycle storiesday one9:00 5:00lunch at about noonday two9:00 4:00/4:30lunch at about noon breaks mid-morning/afternoonbefo
20、re we master market leadership, a simple question: what market do you want to lead?the story of the$92 b marketsegment-sized-based success factorvery lowhighthe probability of your success is inversely proportional to the size of your market case studysolving first things first: “who are you going t
21、o lead?”the first three steps to leadership: 1.define “them”2.find “them”3. reach “them”getting in the door can be the toughest leadership problemcase studyall other things being equal: 1. the smaller the markets, the greater the successmarkets are sufficiently compact to be affordably servedhigh im
22、pact is realistically achievable2. the more cohesive the market, the greater the successa single-theme compelling message is achievablethe message can be communicated consistentlymarket:vendorsa store or shop that sells a particular type of merchandise: a meat market.buyersa subdivision of a populat
23、ion considered as buyers: cosmetics for the upscale market.population:1. a. all of the people inhabiting a specified area. b. the total number of such people.5. statistics the set of individuals, items, or data from which a statistical sample is taken. in this sense, also called universe . source: a
24、merican hertiage dictionaryrecipe for failure:simplistic, overly-broadhigh heterogeneity fortune 2000 cross industry open systems worldwiderecipe for success:focused homogeneityearly stage buyerwarehouse 100+k sfjoint is/end-user buyindustry leadersminimal automated material handlingdemanding accura
25、cy requirementsdont want to segment, reason #1: the “entrepreneur syndrome” “everyone must want it” “never give up on anything”dont want to segment, reason #2: the “bad salesman syndrome” “when in trouble, sell to more”just dont do segmentation: dont know how arent committed distracted by tactical p
26、ressureslowhighgeographybuyer telltalesindustrycompany sizeeffective “market segment” = “l(fā)ike buyers”:compellingly motivated response to single-theme messagesgreater homogeneity = more effective segmentthink segments, not marketsyour market can have multiple segmentsthe basis: the laws of free marke
27、t formationthe wisdom of “neutron jack” welch: be #1 or #2 or get outthe goal:clear market leadershipthe approach:define potential market(s)develop draft market leadership approachcredible #1 or #2 ?iterate until successfulrank-order successful candidateschoose the “smallest, highest potential”marke
28、t sizetime grow/add markets to meeting sales growth requirements rank-order by attractiveness “enter” 1 -3 sales cycles ahead “presence” in broad marketssales sweet spot:buys standard product/service buys on standard termslikely to buy from you market sizetimeeffective market definition:motivated re
29、sponse to single theme message a market can be feasibly led if it is sufficiently compact, cohesive and reachablewhat you absolutely, positively must know about:marketshow many buyersbuyershow to lead themcompetitorshow to beat them to become the market leaderyouyour leadership possibilities and how
30、 to learn itraw data market intelligencetype of informationquantity of information high lowcluelessdenseslowsmartmarket research market intelligence:a superb history of failuresmarket research discovers the pastresearch is the “black box” of marketingmarket research answers the question “what went w
31、rong”?research discovers “market facts”good marketing entails creating factsviasoft and the 46%the origin of market factsvm software and the vm marketgoing the full circle with market factsthe french discover maintenancegoing to the extremeshow many buyers?why do they buy?how do beat the competitors
32、?numbers of transactions, seats, revenue for:gross potential marketevery-buyer * maximum-they-could-buy“taken” and “available” marketsavailable market = gross potential market less “never buy” and “never buy from you”yearly market factor- “ whos in the market”10 - 20% is common, above 80% is rare; v
33、aries by yearkey: yearly available marketmotivational categorizationevolution of perceptionsstrategic values tactical needsurgent needs determines what and when they buyimportant needs influences what they seriously evaluateuseful needs influences what they initially look atpre-sales list:list incom
34、plete sales/marketing can influence listsoften early leaders, but frequently fads, shelfwaresecond-act essentialpost-sales list:meets most urgent and some important/useful needsusually niche, may have a loyal customer basemarket leaders master both listsmarket the vision, sell the productthe perils
35、of not “marketing the vision”lose to someone else who markets a visionlose in feature/function wars and price warsreadily postponedindicators of ineffective “vision marketing” problemlose before you start or after you seem to win the evaluationlose because of no perceived differentiation“theyre all
36、the same well go with the cheapest, easiest, etc.”inability to create urgencyvision messagesproduct messagesaura-buildingexecutive presentationsexecutive collateral (high-gloss) general prlead generationsales qualificationsales collateralcost justificationrole for buyersvendor preferenceexecutive bu
37、y-intiming of closeproduct hurdlesrole for vendorsmotivational categorization urgent, important and useful needsevolution of perceptions“the two list phenomenon”strategic values tactical needsmarket the vision, sell the producttimeevolution of new technologies/business trends over time expectationsr
38、ealityguru gapvaluebecome the thought leaderassert the definitionsleverage namingcritical for underdog successthe coordinated attack to annihilate the competition:marketplace: become the thought leaderaccount: project compelling differentiationproduct: project a competitive edgeattributesproductarch
39、/techservicevendorprice/termsthe “materiality” hurdlethe attributecategorizationusu mt tidentify prospectsget “in”get “considered”get “evaluated”get “bought”get “selected”“sales cycle pivotal needs” reflect attributes of your offering that are “material” when transitioning vendor/product from state
40、to state during the buying process modelin the mind of the buyer:will i use it for discriminating among alternatives in a state-to-state buying process model transition?how will i categorize the attribute?usu mt tnoyesuniquebuyers will agree: your feature uniquely satisfies the needsemi-uniquebuyers
41、 will agree: your features clearly satisfies the need betterme-toobuyers perceive their needs to be satisfied by alternativestroublebuyers perceive the need uniquely satisfied by a competitorprod “a” prod “b” prod “c, d”uniquedynamic addflexible ackauto consolidationwindowsdynamic addflexible ackaut
42、o consolidationunixdynamic addsemi-uniquesimple formsauto consolidationfast reportingme-toounixfast reportingwindowssimple formsfast reportingunixwindowssimple formsflexible acktroublemainframe serverpriceits everyones rolefeedback from every interaction with customers, opinion shapers and buyersspe
43、cialized research techniques:co-opting opinion shapersget the right ones, understand how they assess messages, let them find errors, have them spread the wordconducting a“perfect” focus groupsprofessional recruitment, professional settingnon-disclosure before answers derivedkey differences from trad
44、itional professional:aggressive persuasion followed by flawless facilitationthe acid test for successful market leadershome run potential targets meet all of the following1. no “career left turn” technical/user buyers are “me-centric”2. advance the strategic visioneconomic/executive buyers respond t
45、o “journey solutions”3. ease of use - “what i do is what i want” the “natural use” metaphor wins every time4. urgent-need, funded projectbuyers buy tactically, choose vendors strategicallycurt monashrequired for strategic frameworkmarket attack plan, rough market quantificationurgent, important, use
46、fulunique, semi-unique, me-too, troublecheck the acid testrequired for effective executionpre/post-salesstrategic/tacticalmarket identificationtechnology lifecycleproduct lifecyclebleeding-edgeleading-edgeearly-adoptionmass- adoptionlate-adoptiontime% market penetration100 0fading-adoptionbuyer prof
47、iles change with cycle changesbuyer demandsfeatures, performance, stabilitybuyer expectations vendor infrastructure: support, training, documentation, etc.vendor reputation: stature, size, references, etc.buyer capabilities technical staff, self sufficiency, etc.risk tolerance profileexample: gui en
48、terprise aps:pcsimple 2-tierscreen-scrapernetworked-pc, file/dbms servercomplex 2-tieroo, partitioned 3-tierweb, oo, partitioned 3-tierlong shot: lead the wave throughout all phasesgood shot: master entry-points, serve 2 - 3 phasesexample curve jumpers microsoft intel andersen consultingstarcash cow
49、dogemergingprofitabilitymarket growthsuccess:develop/nurture hot differentiated featuresmany “pre” a few great “post”; emphasize uniqueshighly focused sales & marketingsegmentation, list marketing, qualifyingbuild aura, momentum, referenceshot marketing programs product evangelistsfailures:lack
50、of investment, focus, excitement and poor storiessuccess:maintain differentiation, aura, momentummaintain many pre/uniques and add many postcontinue world-class marketing programsefficiently, rapidly grow marketsharetarget every qualified opportunity; dominate evaluationsseize market positioningmark
51、et reacts to your positioningfailure:failure to stay hot/differentiated and seize/hold the marketsuccess:nurture the asset:quality supportdevelopment - focus on quantity/impact “post”marketing - promote “its alive” auraexploit opportunities - sell customers moreupgrades, more features, refresh train
52、ingrelated productsservicesfailure:run as a star or dog and let the aura fadesuccess:minimize cash burnminimize customer fall-outact precipitouslyfailure:run as cash cowmix with other productssell strategically, market tacticallyrobust pre-sale features, weak post-sales featuresshouting about me-too
53、sfocusing on important and useful needsoptimize products individually by lifecycleassess continually, act quicklyoperate in effective technology lifecycle phasesdecisively jump the curve at just the right timequickly master the market leadership modelrealize key efficienciesoperational and growth ec
54、onomiesget to the only long-term viable modelthe step-by-step methodology for crafting market-leading:product/service strategiessales strategiesmessage strategiesmarkettargetingvisionmarkettargetingpositioningpositioningpackagingpackagingpackagingimpactexecutionlong-term company strategy and marketp
55、lace imagecurrent competitor- and marketplace-focused strategies, tactics and messagesper product or product lineresults-focused leveraged activitiesvisionmarkettargetspositioningkeymessagestraps/tacticsproductroadmapthought leadershipsales leadershipproduct/service leadershipmarketleadershipmastery
56、impactprogramsimpactprogramsproductcalendarleaders consistently project a clear, crisp, compelling vision to their marketplace vision focuses the operations of market leadersformat:“what” you dotransportation, not railroads“how” do you do it betternobody does it better, two to five long-term wayskey
57、 attributes:basics: crisp, clear, conciselong-term horizon, no hype, vernacular, product specificsbasis for marketing consistency minimum mar/com success: communicate the vision“elevator story” tests the visionproduct centricoracle, microsoftcustomer-profile centric7-11, safeway, ingram micro d, par
58、sonsoperational centricgeneral electric, cavision becomes codified through traditionexternal imageinternal corporate culturevision creation or discovery/enhancement?its usually discovery/enhancementnew vision creation is an option for:new companynew market (less so)new product (very difficult)new ma
59、rketing campaign (unlikely)established visions fiercely resist change:internal barriers institutionalized behavior“changing behavior”external barriers perception becomes reality“changing reality”possibleimpossible= old= newimprobablethe emperor has new clothesnew names, aggressive marketing, new mar
60、ketsrepositioning around “truly new”new productsnewly acquired products/companyminimum requirements for vision change top-down, major commitment“substance” essentialmarketing at its finestmultiple visions?companyorganizationproduct familyproductemphasized componenthierarchically synergistic versus discordan
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