已閱讀5頁,還剩30頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、幼兒英語熱身1幼兒英語教學之熱身幼兒英語教學之熱身 warm-up by cherry幼兒英語熱身2warm up-熱身幼兒英語熱身3chant數字類 1 one two three four ,clap your hands (1 2 3 4,拍拍手) two two three four,stomp your feet(2 2 3 4,跺跺腳) three two three four,nod your head,(3 2 3 4,點點頭) four two three four,hands on knees.(4 2 3 4,小手放到膝蓋上)幼兒英語熱身4chant數字類2、one tw

2、o ,tie your shoe(伸出手指數數,作系鞋帶狀) three four ,touch the floor(伸出手指,蹲下摸地面) five six ,stir and mix(伸出另一只手數數,作攪拌狀) nine ten ,count again(雙手反過來再數一遍) one two three four five six seven eight nine ten (一只手指,一只手指的再數一遍)幼兒英語熱身5chant 數字類3. one, two, three four, five, six 幼兒英語熱身6chant數字類4. one,one ,dun dun dun兩手食指

3、戳一下小肚 two,two, jump jump jump學小兔子跳三下 three three, meow meow meow學貓叫三下 four four, woof woof woof學小狗叫三下 five five tiger is coming做老虎抓人的動作幼兒英語熱身7chant數字類 5.one, two, buckle my shoes,(系鞋帶) three, four, open the door,(開門) five, six, pick up the sticks,(撿棍子) seven, eight, lay them straight,把棍子放筆直 nine, te

4、n, do it again.幼兒英語熱身8chant 數字類6 6one finger ,one finger ,turn turn turn ,turn to one finger ,one finger ,turn turn turn ,turn to a toothbrush ,shua shua shua(a toothbrush ,shua shua shua(兩只手各出示一只手兩只手各出示一只手指,變成一個牙刷的樣子,在嘴邊上下刷動指,變成一個牙刷的樣子,在嘴邊上下刷動) ) two fingers, two fingers ,turn turn turn ,turn two f

5、ingers, two fingers ,turn turn turn ,turn to a rabbit ,jump jump jump(to a rabbit ,jump jump jump(兩只手各出示兩只手兩只手各出示兩只手指,轉一下,變成一個兔子的樣子,上下跳)指,轉一下,變成一個兔子的樣子,上下跳) three fingers ,three fingers,turn turn three fingers ,three fingers,turn turn turn ,turn to a fork ,cha cha chaturn ,turn to a fork ,cha cha ch

6、a(兩只手各出示(兩只手各出示三只手指,轉一下,變成一個叉子的樣子,上下叉動)三只手指,轉一下,變成一個叉子的樣子,上下叉動) four fingers ,four fingers ,turn turn four fingers ,four fingers ,turn turn turn ,turn to a cat ,meow meow meowturn ,turn to a cat ,meow meow meow(兩只手各出(兩只手各出示四只手指,轉一下,變成一個貓的樣子,在嘴邊劃動)示四只手指,轉一下,變成一個貓的樣子,在嘴邊劃動) five fingers ,five fingers

7、,turn turn five fingers ,five fingers ,turn turn turn ,turn to a tiger ,aw aw awturn ,turn to a tiger ,aw aw aw(兩只手各出示五(兩只手各出示五只手指,轉一下,變成一個老虎的樣子,兩只手舉起來只手指,轉一下,變成一個老虎的樣子,兩只手舉起來假裝撲向孩子)假裝撲向孩子)幼兒英語熱身9chant 數字類7 7. point up point down ( point up point down (雙手食指上指,下指雙手食指上指,下指) )show me oneshow me one(雙手半

8、握拳胸前繞動后出示(雙手半握拳胸前繞動后出示1 1)jump up jump downjump up jump down(學兔上下跳)(學兔上下跳)show me twoshow me two(雙手半握拳胸前繞動后出示(雙手半握拳胸前繞動后出示2 2)look up look downlook up look down(雙手(雙手okok在眼前上下看)在眼前上下看)show me threeshow me three(雙手半握拳胸前繞動后出示(雙手半握拳胸前繞動后出示3 3)stand up sit downstand up sit down(起立坐下)(起立坐下)show me foursh

9、ow me four(雙手半握拳胸前繞動后出示(雙手半握拳胸前繞動后出示4 4)hands up hands downhands up hands down(雙手上舉放下)(雙手上舉放下)show me fiveshow me five(雙手半握拳胸前繞動后出示(雙手半握拳胸前繞動后出示5 5) one two three four fiveone two three four five(依次出手指表示(依次出手指表示1 1、2 2、3 3、4 4、5 5后砍頭后砍頭幼兒英語熱身10chant身體部位類1.clap clap clap(拍拍手) stomp stamp stamp(跺跺腳) s

10、nap snap snap(打響指) bump bump bump (打擊膝蓋)幼兒英語熱身11chant 身體部位類2.shake your shoulders,shua shua shua (上下抖動肩膀) shake your hands ,clap clap clap(甩甩手,拍三下) shake your hip ,pia pia pia(扭扭屁股,打三下) shake your feet ,dong dong dong(抖抖腳,跺三下)幼兒英語熱身12chant身體部位類3. up up touch your head3. up up touch your head(單手依次上舉然

11、后摸頭)(單手依次上舉然后摸頭) down down touch your toes down down touch your toes (單手依次向下摸(單手依次向下摸腳)腳)up and down up and down (雙手齊上下)(雙手齊上下)touch your hipstouch your hips(摸屁股)(摸屁股)turn aroundturn around(轉一圈)(轉一圈)touch the groundtouch the ground(摸地)(摸地)yeah !yeah !(雙手上舉歡呼)(雙手上舉歡呼)幼兒英語熱身13chant身體部位類4. come on ,com

12、e on4. come on ,come on(單手依次招手)(單手依次招手) join me join mejoin me join me(單手依次半握拳于胸前)(單手依次半握拳于胸前) ltes ltes play a ballplay a ball(左手拍球狀)(左手拍球狀) lets play a balllets play a ball(右手拍球狀)(右手拍球狀) ok ? ok ?ok ? ok ?(雙手(雙手okok晃)晃) yeah ! yeah ! yeah !yeah ! yeah ! yeah !(雙手上舉歡呼)(雙手上舉歡呼)幼兒英語熱身14chant 身體部位類5.

13、nod your head ,yes yes yes(點三下頭)shake your head , no no no(搖頭)raise your hand ,one two three(右手指示1、2、3)put down your hand, one two three(放下右手伸手指示1、2、3)look at me ,look at him ,chua chua chua(雙手ok指自己,指任一男小朋友,前伸手三下)幼兒英語熱身15chant 身體部位類6 6. two big eyes chua chua chua. two big eyes chua chua chua(雙手做望遠(

14、雙手做望遠鏡狀前伸手三下)鏡狀前伸手三下)two big ears wu wu wu ,wu wu wutwo big ears wu wu wu ,wu wu wu(雙手放(雙手放耳邊傾聽)耳邊傾聽)one small nose ,eng eng eng one small nose ,eng eng eng (單手指鼻子,(單手指鼻子,學小豬拱三下)學小豬拱三下)one little mouth , bo bo bo (one little mouth , bo bo bo (指嘴,啵三下指嘴,啵三下) )幼兒英語熱身16chant身體部位類7.follow follow follow m

15、e (7.follow follow follow me (雙手從左往右拍手四下雙手從左往右拍手四下) )hands up ,hands downhands up ,hands down(雙手頭上舉晃腕,向下晃腕)(雙手頭上舉晃腕,向下晃腕)follow follow follow me (follow follow follow me (雙手從左往右拍手四下雙手從左往右拍手四下) )stand up sit downstand up sit down(起立,坐下)(起立,坐下)follow follow follow me (follow follow follow me (雙手從左往右拍手

16、四下雙手從左往右拍手四下) )let s turn aroundlet s turn around(轉一圈)(轉一圈)follow follow follow me (follow follow follow me (雙手從左往右拍手四下雙手從左往右拍手四下) )lets sing a songlets sing a song(手拿話筒做唱歌狀)(手拿話筒做唱歌狀)oh lei ,oh lei ,oh leioh lei ,oh lei ,oh lei(雙手頭上晃兩下)(雙手頭上晃兩下)go go gogo go go(左手叉腰,右手握拳上舉三次,同時跺腳(左手叉腰,右手握拳上舉三次,同時跺腳

17、三下)三下)幼兒英語熱身17chant身體部位類8 8. . two big eyes chua chua chuatwo big eyes chua chua chua(雙手(雙手做望遠鏡狀前伸手三下)做望遠鏡狀前伸手三下) two big ears wu wu wu ,wu wu wutwo big ears wu wu wu ,wu wu wu(雙手放耳邊傾聽)(雙手放耳邊傾聽) one small nose ,eng eng eng one small nose ,eng eng eng (單(單手指鼻子,學小豬拱三下)手指鼻子,學小豬拱三下) one little mouth , b

18、o bo bo (one little mouth , bo bo bo (指嘴,指嘴,啵三下啵三下) )幼兒英語熱身18chant身體部位類9 9. . catch open touch your head,catch open touch your head,摸一下頭摸一下頭 catch open touch your face,catch open touch your face,摸一下臉摸一下臉 catch open touch your shouldercatch open touch your shoulder摸一下肩膀摸一下肩膀 catch open touch your kne

19、e,catch open touch your knee, 摸一下膝蓋摸一下膝蓋 catch open hide your hand behind you, catch open hide your hand behind you, 把手把手放到背后放到背后幼兒英語熱身19chant 動物類1.oh rabbit ,oh rabbit1.oh rabbit ,oh rabbit(雙手做兔耳朵學兔跳兩下)(雙手做兔耳朵學兔跳兩下) red red eyesred red eyes(雙手(雙手okok眼前晃三下)眼前晃三下) oh shua ,oh shua ,oh shua shua shua

20、(oh shua ,oh shua ,oh shua shua shua (雙手向雙手向前開合五次前開合五次) ) oh rabbit ,oh rabbitoh rabbit ,oh rabbit(同上)(同上) long long earslong long ears(雙手兔耳朵往上伸三次)(雙手兔耳朵往上伸三次) oh wu ,oh wu ,oh wu wu wuoh wu ,oh wu ,oh wu wu wu(左右手交換做聆聽(左右手交換做聆聽狀)狀) oh rabbit ,oh rabbitoh rabbit ,oh rabbit(同上)(同上) short short tailsh

21、ort short tail(右手放臀后)(右手放臀后) oh pia, oh pia, oh pia pia piaoh pia, oh pia, oh pia pia pia(輕拍屁股五下)(輕拍屁股五下)幼兒英語熱身20chant 動物類2.knock konck knock2.knock konck knock(敲門三下)(敲門三下) who is itwho is it(手放耳邊聽)(手放耳邊聽) its mummyits mummy(捏鼻子裝媽媽的聲音)(捏鼻子裝媽媽的聲音) open the dooropen the door(雙手打開門)(雙手打開門) come in plea

22、secome in please(招手)(招手) oh ,nooh ,no(雙手胸前擺手)(雙手胸前擺手) big bad wolfbig bad wolf(打狼)(打狼) go outgo out(雙手推狼出去)(雙手推狼出去) big bad wolf (big bad wolf (打狼打狼) )幼兒英語熱身21chant 動物類3. turtle3. turtle,turtle turtle ,one headone head, turtle turtle,turtle turtle ,four legsfour legs, turtle turtle,turtle turtle ,sh

23、ort tailshort tail, turtle turtle,turtle turtle , you are slow you are slow。 幼兒英語熱身22chant 動物類4. bumblebee was in the barn, (4. bumblebee was in the barn, (手指在空中轉手指在空中轉圈圈) ) carrying his babies under his arm. ( carrying his babies under his arm. (手轉圈接手轉圈接近孩子近孩子) ) bzzzzzzzzz ( bzzzzzzzzz (輕輕戳一下孩子輕輕戳

24、一下孩子幼兒英語熱身23chant故事類1. little fox little fox,1. little fox little fox,雙手做成狐貍爪子的樣子放雙手做成狐貍爪子的樣子放在腮下,眼神做出賊頭賊腦的樣子在腮下,眼神做出賊頭賊腦的樣子 laying fire , laying fire ,雙手做出火苗的樣子雙手做出火苗的樣子 fire fire fire, fire fire fire,雙手做出火苗升高的樣子雙手做出火苗升高的樣子 oh!my tail! oh!my tail!迅速捂住屁股,從小椅子上彈跳起來迅速捂住屁股,從小椅子上彈跳起來幼兒英語熱身24chant 故事類2.

25、here is the chimney 2. here is the chimney 一手握拳。一手握拳。 here is the top. here is the top. 另一只手蓋在拳上。另一只手蓋在拳上。 open the lid, open the lid, 打開一只手。打開一只手。 out santa will pop. out santa will pop. 豎起大拇指豎起大拇指。幼兒英語熱身25chant 故事類3. 3. five little birds without any home,five little birds without any home,伸出五個伸出五個

26、手指擺來擺去,手指擺來擺去, five little trees in a row, five little trees in a row,停止擺動手指,停止擺動手指, come and build your nests in the trees, come and build your nests in the trees,把手把手放到頭上,放到頭上, we will rock you to and fro. we will rock you to and fro.另一只手扶住這只另一只手扶住這只手手幼兒英語熱身26chant 故事類4. five rabbits were hiding i

27、n the woods one 4. five rabbits were hiding in the woods one day, day, 一天一天5 5個小白兔躲在樹叢里。個小白兔躲在樹叢里。 1-2-3-4-5 jumped out, 1-2-3-4-5 1-2-3-4-5 jumped out, 1-2-3-4-5 跳了出來,跳了出來, and then they ran away. and then they ran away.并且跑走了。并且跑走了。幼兒英語熱身27chant 故事類5. knock, knock 5. knock, knock 敲一敲敲一敲 knock, knoc

28、k, knock, knock, 敲敲額頭敲敲額頭 peek in peek in 兩手放眼睛前面做打開眼狀兩手放眼睛前面做打開眼狀 open the latch, open the latch,向上頂孩子的鼻尖向上頂孩子的鼻尖) ) and walk right in. and walk right in.把手指伸進嘴巴把手指伸進嘴巴 how do you do mr. chin, chin, chin.( how do you do mr. chin, chin, chin.(捏捏捏孩子的下巴捏孩子的下巴)幼兒英語熱身28chant兒歌類1.daddy finger, daddy fing

29、er1.daddy finger, daddy finger把拇指藏在拳頭中把拇指藏在拳頭中間間here i am, here i amhere i am, here i am伸出拇指伸出拇指 how are you today? how are you today? 一只拇指向另一只拇指彎腰一只拇指向另一只拇指彎腰鞠躬鞠躬 very well, thank you. very well, thank you.另一個拇指鞠躬還禮另一個拇指鞠躬還禮 run away, run away. run away, run away. 兩只拇指一起消失兩只拇指一起消失幼兒英語熱身29chant兒歌類 2

30、. 2. the wheels on the bus go,the wheels on the bus go, roundround andand roundround round and round, round and round,round and round, round and round, the wheels on the bus go,the wheels on the bus go, round and round,round and round, all through the town.all through the town.(畫圈圈)畫圈圈)幼兒英語熱身30chant

31、兒歌類3 3. . there is thunder ,there is thunder there is thunder ,there is thunder 指指天指指天 hear it roar. hear it roar,hear it roar. hear it roar,拍拍地拍拍地 pitter patter, raindrops,pitter patter, raindrops,兩只手在膝蓋上拍兩只手在膝蓋上拍pitter patter, raindrops,pitter patter, raindrops, im all wet, im all wet.im all wet,

32、im all wet.抱抱胸,甩甩手抱抱胸,甩甩手幼兒英語熱身31chant 兒歌類4. 4. this is the way i wash my facethis is the way i wash my face洗臉動作洗臉動作 wash my face, wash my face, wash my face, wash my face,洗臉動作洗臉動作 this is the way i wash my face this is the way i wash my face洗臉動作洗臉動作 so early in the morning. so early in the morning.手揚起來的動作手揚起來的動作幼兒英語熱身325.5.head and shoulders, knees and toes,head and shoulders, knees and toes,依次摸依次摸一下頭,肩膀,膝蓋,腳趾一下頭,肩膀,膝蓋,腳趾 knees and toes,


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