Computer science an overview_第1頁
Computer science an overview_第2頁
Computer science an overview_第3頁




1、the basics“introduction to computer science”cosc 107-02, spring 2010, tr 1-2:50pmoffice hours: by appointmentinstructorbrian toone samford university, 320 russell hall205-726-2960 (office), 205-823-1615 (home)required textbook and course materialstitle: computer science: an overvie

2、wauthors:j. glenn brookshearisbn: 0321-52403-9publisher: addison-wesleypublish date: january 2008list price: usd 96.60 (buy online, overnight or 2-day shipping, still save $)this textbook contains online resources that we will be using throughout the course. the url for the online resources is: blac

3、kboardyou will be using blackboard throughout the semester to submit assignments, retrieve lecture notes, check your grades, respond to discussion questions, and take exams. yes, all exams in this class will be taken online outside of class time (except for the final exam, which will be in-class on

4、tuesday, may 11 at 10:30am). exams will be open-book, open-notes, but not open-person! in other words, you are not allowed to consult with any person while taking an exam.your grade35% - homework assignments (including programming assignments)20% - midterm exam #120% - midterm exam #225% - final exa

5、mgrading scalea (100-92), a- (91-90), b+ (89-88), b (87-82), b- (81-80), c+ (79-78), c (77-72), c- (71-70), d+ (69-68), d (67-62), d- (61-60), f (59-0)my expectations for this and every course you take at samford, your grade will be affected by your attendance. i expect you to dive into this materia

6、l. you may think you know something about computers and how they work, but i expect that this course will expose you to things youve never heard or seen before. furthermore, i expect that you will find this course to open your eyes to a whole new way of thinking. you must work independently on all p

7、rogramming assignments unless specifically instructed otherwise. you will soon discover that programming is in some ways an art form in the amount of freedom that you have to organize and craft a solution to a particular problem. therefore, it is easy for me to detect whenever code has been copied o

8、r shared between individuals. any such violation of academic integrity will cause you to immediately receive a zero on the assignment. repeated violations may result in a failing grade for the course. you must also work independently on midterm exams and the final exam.your rights you have the right

9、 to seek help for disabilities as described below: samford university complies with section 504 of the rehabilitation act and the americans with disabilities act. students with disabilities who seek accommodations must make their request by contacting disability support services located in counselin

10、g services on the lower level of pittman hall, or call 726-4078 or 726-2105. i will grant reasonable accommodations upon written notification from disability support services. you have the right to seek help. this is part of the samford uniqueness ready access to the professor. classes are small so

11、we can provide you with individual assistance, but you must seek it. you may call me at home (823-1615) anytime before 9pm. also, if i am not in class, then i am usually in my office. feel free to stop by, or call my office (726-2960), or send me an email.your expectations from reading the course ca

12、talog description or talking to your advisor, you may realize that this course explores the science of designing, operating, and applying computing devices as tools in society. specifically, this course illustrates how computers operate based on simple principles of logic and abstraction and how we

13、communicate with computers via algorithms and programming languages. this course provides hands-on programming experience with a programming language called small basic. this course examines several alternative computing paradigms and considers emerging technologies such as the internet, virtual rea

14、lity, and intelligent systems as part of an exploration of the science of computers. this course is not a computer literacy course. it does not cover the very basics of operating a computer (i.e., how to use a mouse, keyboard, printer, etc.). nor is the intent of this course to improve students abil

15、ity to use microsoft windows or any specific application such as microsoft word, excel, powerpoint, etc. this course also does not provide advanced study of any one particular concept in computer science. instead, this course gives a broad overview of computer science concepts such as algorithm deve

16、lopment and programming. specific computer science and closely-related disciplines (e.g., graphics, bioinformatics, robotics, information security, etc.) are discussed at a high level. here are the course objectives stated as things you will be able to do by the end of the semester:1. articulate how

17、 a computer operates and describe each significant part of a computer and its purpose.2. learn about end user programming (eup) and gain experience with eup tools.3. create programs in microsoft small basic that solve simple problems.4. understand and recognize differences in programming languages.5

18、. demonstrate knowledge of emerging technologies covered in class.6. demonstrate competence when discussing social issues involving computers.7. identify and describe several computer science and closely-related disciplines.8. demonstrate competence when discussing the use of a computer in a particu

19、lar discipline or career.9. doing all of the above while addressing a big question through discussion, assignments, exams.big question - how is computer technology reshaping society?corollaries - what constitutes a society? - what does a society look like now? - what does a society look like 25, 50,

20、 100, 1000 years from now? - what impacts does the reshaping of society by computer technology have on broader levels (community, national, world, (universe) relations)?course outline this outline is tentative and subject to change at the professors discretion.week 1 (jan 26 & 28) chapter 0, chapter

21、 1 introduction. what is computer science? data storageweek 2 (feb 2 & 4) chapter 1 data storage, contd hw1 due on friday (feb 11)week 3 (feb 9 & 11) chapter 2 data manipulation hw2 due on friday (feb 18)week 4 (feb 16 & 18) chapter 2 data manipulation, contd hw3 due on friday (feb 25)week 5 (feb 23

22、 & 25) chapter 3 operating systems no homeworkweek 6 (mar 2 & 4) chapter 4 networking and the internet hw4 due on friday (mar 11)week 7 (mar 9 & 11) chapter 4 networking and the internet, contd first midterm (chapters 0-4): available online tba spring break - march 16 & 18week 8 (mar 23 & 25) web programming powerpoint web programming hw5 due on friday (apr 1)week 9 (mar 30 & apr 1) web programming powerpoint web programming hw6 due on friday (apr 8)week 11(apr 6 & 8) microsoft small basic (pdf, powerpoint, web) programming in microsof


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