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1、歡迎閱讀1 What is the talk mai nly about?A Symbolism in Africa n rock artB Differe nces betwee n Europea n and Africa n rock artC Con servati on of Africa n rock artD New discoveries of Africa n rock art2 Accord ing to the professor, what are two main causes of damage to Africa n rock art?Click on 2 an

2、swersA PollutionB The weatherC An imalsD Tourists3 Why dose the professor men ti on the Getty In stituteA It is help ing to photograph the artB It is display ing samples of the art the schoolC One of its members discovered the paintings in the SaharaD One of its members found a way to determine the

3、age of African paintings4 How do the Africa n rock pain ti ngs differ from Europea n rock paintin gs?A The African paintings more frequently depict peopleB The Africa n paintings are more abstractC The Africa n pain ti ngs do not depict ani malsD The Africa n paintings are less colorful5 Accord ing

4、to the professor, what was unu sual about the paint used by some Africa n rock artists?A Ani mal blood was one of its in gredie ntsIB It was a mixture of charcoal and waterC It reflected lightD The sun and rain did not fade its color6 What was lear ned about the Sahara from Africa n rock art?A It wa

5、s much larger than its present size.B Its people migrated to southern Europe.C It once had ple nty of rain fall.D It was once separate from the African continent.7 What is purpose of the talk?A To show the effect of poetry on society.B To point out stylistic similarities of two poets.C To compare th

6、e social structure of the United States before and after the Civil War.D To in troduce the poetry of a particular period.8 What does professor say about ficti on duri ng the period immediately after the Civil War?A It cha nged more tha n any other type of literature.B It usually dealt with war-relat

7、ed themes.C It was un popular with the gen eral readerD It lacked the innovations found in other forms of literature.9 According to professor, what two subjects would most likely be the source of inspiration for a poem by Emily Dick inson?Click on 2 an swers歡迎閱讀歡迎閱讀A Childre n falli ng asleep.B The

8、political life of a Un ited States preside nt.C The eve nts of a Civil War battle.D A flower garde n.10 Accordi ng to the professor, what aspect of Emily Dick in sons poetry was inno vative?A The unu sual rhyme scheme.B The comb ining of profo und ideas with familiar images.C The complex vocabulary.

9、D The len gth of the verses in her later poetry.11 What does the professor say makes Walt Whitmais poetry particularly no table?A It had a strong impact on Emily Dick insons work.B Its messages were rejected by readers.C It aba ndoned many literary traditi onsD It mainly dealt with ordinary experien

10、ces.12 What does the professor say may have led Walt Whitman to become a poet?A His love of n ature.B His experiences in the Civil War.C His failure at public speak ing.D His reject ion of scie nee and tech no logy.13 What is the talk mainly about?A Problems with farming during the 1930s.B The docum

11、e ntary approach to photography.C Improvements in cameras in the 193.D Dorothea Lan ges training in photographic tech niq ues.14 What two factors con tributed to the developme nt of Dorothea Lang work?A Improveme nts in photographic equipme nt.B The n eed to gain support for aid programs.C Her abili

12、ty to explain to people how they should pose.D Gover nment funding of research in camera tech no logy.15 Why did ma ny farmers leave the southern Great during the 19230?A Cold weather froze their crops.B The gover nment paid them to move off the land.C They hoped to find work in California.D Rain ha

13、d flooded their land.16 Why does the professor talk about Dorothea Langs work?A She took powerful photographs of Ian dscapes.B She improveme nts to photographic equipme nt cha nged the field of photography.C She orga ni zed a gover nment program.D Her photographs are represe ntative of the docume nt

14、ary style of photography.17 what would be the most likely subject of a Lange photograph?A A n ewly built farmhouse.B A homeless farmer.C A famous politicia n.D A bowl of fruit.18 What was the result of Dorothea Lang work at the camp in California?A Photographers were restricted from en teri ng migra

15、 nt camps.歡迎閱讀歡迎閱讀B Farmers were give n money to pay for the crop of peas.C Food supplies were delivered to the camp.D The workers were offered good jobs in Califor nia.19 what is the talk mainly about?A Effects of advertis ing on a societyB The ben efits of advertis ing for con sumersC The role of

16、the FTC in international advertisingD Decepti on in advertis ing20 What is the purpose of the professors talk?A To provide a history of the FTC.B To in troduce stude nts to various methods of advertis ing.C To dem on strate how easily con sumers are con fused.D To defend advertising against criticis

17、m that it is misleading.J21 What is the professors opinion about most advertis ing?A It leads con sumers to make un wise decisi ons.B It unn ecessarily raises the cost of a product.C It does not deceive con sumers.D It has little effect on con sumers buying patter ns.22 Accordi ng to the professor,

18、what does the FTC do?A It regulates international trade.B It sets standards for the advertising industry.C It imposes taxes on non esse ntial products.D It assists new advertis ing age ncies.23 Whe n is an advertiseme nt con sidered deceptive?A Whe n claims about a product are exaggerated.B Whe n re

19、as on able con sumers are misled about an importa nt aspect of a product.C When the FTC collects an adequate nu mber of complai nts about an advertiseme nt.D When the majority of consumers refuse to buy a product based on information in the advertisement.24 What is puffery?A An exaggerati on of a pr

20、oducts quality.B Inten ti on ally deceptive advertiseme nts.C Advertiseme nts for beauty products.D A fine charged by the FTC.25 What is the tale mainly about?A An experime nt that measured sleep patter ns.B A new way to stay awake Ion ger.C A sleep disorder that affects many people.D An unu sual me

21、thod of treati ng sleepless ness.26 What are circadia n rhythms?A The rate at which the heart beats duri ng sleep.B Cycles of biological activities.C A series of research studies about sleep.D Social cues that sig nal daily fun cti ons.27 How did the subjects in the research study in dicate the end

22、of a sleep ing sessi on?A They rang a bell.B They ope ned the curta ins.歡迎閱讀C They tur ned on the lights.D They recorded the time in a special no tebook.28 What did the researchers con clude about the huma n sleep/wake cycle?A It is equivale nt to the time spa n of one day.B It is the same for all h

23、uma ns.C It is substantially different from those of other organisms.D It is slightly Ion ger tha n 24 hours.29 Which sig nals in the en vir onment help huma ns reset their sleep cycle? Click on 2 answers.A Teleph on es.B Clocks.C Outdoor soun ds.D Sun light./ - 、/ 丿 I j30 Accordi ng to the professo

24、r, why must the circadia n rhythm of sleep be reset each day?A It differs from regular daily schedules.B It is affected by daily weather cha nges.C People go to sleep at differe nt times each ni ght.D People do not nap as ofte n as they should.31 What is the talk mainly about?A Early childhood educa

25、ti on.B Piagets educati onal backgro und.C Infan ts aware ness of their surro undin gs.D Infan ts lack of resp onse to un familiar situati ons.32 How does rece nt research affect Piagets theories?A It shows that repeated exposure to objects does not have an impact on an infants curiosity.B It contra

26、dicts his ideas on object permanence.C It shows that infant heart rate is not affected by exciting experiences.D It dem on strates that habituati on does not take place in infan cy.33 Accordi ng to Piaget, how do young infants react whe n they see someth ing unu sual? Click on 2 answers.A They becom

27、e upset.B They show no emoti on.C They look at it.D They become excited.34 What was Piagets experime nt on object perma nence supposed to determ ine?A Whether infants recog nize somethi ng they have see n before.B Whether infants recog nize variatio ns in the sizes of objects.C Whether infants get f

28、righte ned by large objects.D Whether infants believe hidden objects still exist.35 How did the more rece nt experime nt on object perma nence differ from Piagets earlier experime nt? Click on 2 answers.A The recent experiment tested whether babies would react to an impossible situation.B The rece n

29、t experime nt invo Ived youn ger childre n tha n Piagets did.C The rece nt experime nt exam ined how infan ts in teracted with each other.D The rece nt experime nt used only infant girls as subjects.36 To which situati on did the infants have a no ticeable reacti on?歡迎閱讀A A short carrot pass ing beh

30、 ind a solid scree n.B A short carrot pass ing beh ind a window scree n.C A long carrot pass ing beh ind a solid scree n.D A long carrot pass ing beh ind a win dow scree n.37 What is the talk mainly about?A Similarities betwee n visio n in cats and in huma ns.B Hun ti ng tech niq ues of cats.C The p

31、ositi on of the eyes on the faces of mammals.D Disti nctive features of a cats visio n.38 What does the professor imply is a popular misc on ceptio n about cats?A They are able to see in the dark.B They are good hun ters.C They rely on smell more tha n sight for hunting.JD They are un able to see in

32、 three dime nsions.39 What are two areas in which cats visual abilities are better tha n huma ns ?Click on 2 an swers.A Judg ing dista nces.B Seeing images clearly.C Seeing in poor light.D Sensing moveme nt.40 What role does gua nin play in the visual processes of a cat?A It causes the cats pupils t

33、o dilate.B It reflects light from the cats reti na.C It preve nts the blurri ng of images.D It allows the cat to see colors.41 What does the professor say is one way mice are sometimes able to escape detecti on by cats? A By running through a dimly lit area.B By jump ing onto high objects.C By sta n

34、ding still.D By running beh ind the cat.42 What does the positi on of the eyes on a cats face help the cat do?A See animals that are not moving.B See objects in poorly lit surro undin gs.C Judge dista nces accurately.D Disti nguish betwee n shades of color.43 What does the professor mainly discuss?A

35、 Pla nts eate n by desert ani mals.B The differe nces betwee n various types of cacti.C Why some desert pla nts are larger tha n others.D How plants are able to live in the desert.44 What does the professor say about the seeds of an annual desert pla nt?A They sprout only un der favorable con diti o

36、ns.B They are en cased in a very thi n shell.C They are attractive as a food source for desert birdsD They can hold a large amount of moisture.45 What are two features of their leaves help some desert pla nts avoid water loss?歡迎閱讀Click on 2 answers.A They are covered with a kind of wax.B They reflec

37、t sun light.C They are very small.D They are covered with tiny holes.46 Whe n do the stems of a succule nt pla nt become enl arged?A When the temperature gets very hot.B When it rai ns.C Whe n a predator is n ear.D Whe n the pla nt is ready to disperse its seeds.47 What does the professor say about

38、the roots of a succule nt pla nt?A They usually grow above the ground.B They can be eate n.X ./ 丿 I jC They are close to the surface of the ground.D They are filled with water.48 What are the two primary fun cti ons of the sharp spines on a cactus pla nt?A They prevent animals from eating the plant.

39、B They cha nnel water toward the roots of the pla nt.C They allow oxyge n to be released from the pla nt.D They attract polli nati ng in sects to the pla nt.49 What is the talk mainly about?A The diet of white-tailed deer.B Tech niq ues used by predators to catch deer.C Types of shelter found in dee

40、r yards.D The use of trails by white-tailed deer.50 Why are the trails of the white-tailed deer important for their food supply? Click on 2 answers.A The deer follow the trails to eat in areas outside the home ran ge.B The deer eat pla nts grow ing alon gside the trails.C The deer use the trails to

41、travel to their feeding grounds.D The deer build trails around their yards to protect their food supply.51 What is the primary fun cti on of run ways?A To connect the larger trails in the home range to each other.B To allow deer to move easily to new yards.C To provide a direct route to the deer yar

42、d.D To permit several deer to move together along a path.52 What happe ns to the trail system whe n food becomes scarce in wi nter?A It is damaged from overuse.B It is expa nded.C It is joined with another herds trails.D It is aba ndon ed.53 According to the professor, why do the deer need to know t

43、he entire network of trails?Click on 2 an swersA To enable them to find their yards in bad weatherB To help them guard the boun daries of the home range from other deerC To allow them to escape whe n pursued.歡迎閱讀D To assist them in detecting predators in their territory.54 According to the professor

44、, why is deep snow dangerous for white-tailed deer?A The deer are un able to move quickly through the snow.B Predators can easily con ceal themselves in the snow.C The hooves of the deer become brittle in the cold snow.D The deer cannot see the trail undern eath the snow.55 What is the purpose of th

45、e talk?A To explain some factors contributing to the perception of color.B To describe the dan gerous effects of sun light.C To describe the wave patter ns of ocea n curre nts.D To argue aga inst a popular theory of the behavior of light.56 According to the professor, what must be true of a light wa

46、ve in order for the human eye to see it?A It must be Ion ger tha n the wavele ngth see n as the color red.JB It cannot be reflected by objects in its path.C It must be partially absorbed by the molecules surro unding it.D It must fall within a certain range of wavelengths.57 Look at the diagram of t

47、he visible spectrum. What does the professor imply is true of the wavele ngth that is see n as the color oran ge?A It is Ion ger tha n the wavele ngth see n as blue.B It is not a component of white light.C Its value is the same as the wavele ngth see n as red.D It gen erally does not strike obstacle

48、s in the air.58 What does the professor try to expla in by discuss ing ocea n waves?A How piers are weake ned by wave action.B How prisms fun cti on.C What happe ns to light waves in Earths atmosphere.D Why it is difficult to predict patter ns in ocea n curre nts.59 To what does the professor compar

49、e the iron colu mns of piers?A A line of soldiers.B Obstacles in the atmosphere.C Electromag netic waves.C A prism.60 What does the appare nt color of an object depe nd on?A The texture of the objectB The wavelength of light than reflects off of the object.C The temperature of the air that surro und

50、s the object.D The weight of the object.61 What is the talk mai nly about?A The cycle of water in the en vir onment.B The creati on of the Grand Canyon.C The stages in a strearis developme nt.D The effect of erosi on on streams.62 According to the professor, whafs is a graded stream?A A stream tha n

51、 does not wear dow n or build up is cha nn el.B A stream tha n mean ders from side to side.C A stream with flood pla in.歡迎閱讀D A stream than deposits soil in its channel.63 What are the characteristics of a young stream?Click on 2 an swersA It deposits material in the channel bottom.B It follows a st

52、raight path.C It does not have rapids or falls.D It creates s V-shaped valley.64 Why is misleadi ng to say tha n streams age like people?Click on 2 an swersA It is hard to estimate when a stream first flows.B Steams can flow for many years but remain youthful.C Streams can return to youth from matur

53、ity.D It is difficult to identify a stream stage of development.J65 Why does the professor men ti on the Colorado River?A To show tha n an an cie nt river can have youthful qualitiesB To dem on strate the process of canyon formatio n.C To give an example of a river cutt ing through soft material.C T

54、o illustrate the characteristics of a river in old age.66 How does a stream become rejuve nated?A Its starts to mea nder.B Its valley becomes wider.C Its cha nnel becomes deeper.D Its elevation rises.67 What does the professor mainly discuss?A The n eed to build reservoirs.B The melting of ice at th

55、e North Pole.C Why pla nets rotate at a con sta nt rate.D How human activity may affect the whole Earth.68 What does the professor say about ocea n curre nts?A They cause air pressure patter ns to vary.B They may be used someday to gen erate electricity.C They in flue nee the Earths rotati on.D They

56、 are break ing up the polar ice sheets.6970 Why does the professor compare the spinning Earth to an ice-skater?A To illustrate the most efficient use of energy.B To show the effect of shifting mass toward the axis.C To dem on strate how wind resista nee affects rotatio n.D To expla in the relati on

57、betwee n scie nee and art.71 What does the professor imply might be one effect of buildi ng more large reservoirs? A The Earth would rotate faster.B The atmosphere would warm less rapidly.C Floods would occur more freque ntly.D The level of the ocea ns would rise.72 What does the professor say about the len gth of a day?A It is a con sta nt on which many other measureme nts are based.歡迎閱


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