



1、Page1of4CODE:D0-31-A060-0015/01/01 Diebond 標標準準作作業(yè)業(yè)流流程程 / Die bond SOP 制制程程流流程程說說明明 (PROCESS FLOW DESCRIPTION)相相關關影影響響項項目目(NOTES/Potential prob.)PS Action 制制程程步步驟驟說說明明 (OPERATE STEP) 人人員員動動作作(OPERATOR ACTION) 制制程程動動作作步步驟驟照照片片 (PROCEDURE PHOTO) PS Point 不不注注意意所所引引發(fā)發(fā)的的問問題題 (POTENTIAL PROB.) Temp. Acti

2、on 系系統(tǒng)統(tǒng)防防呆呆 (IMPROVMEN T BY SYS.) 機機器器防防呆呆 (IMPROVMEN T BY MACH.) 5S 防防呆呆(ACTION BY 5S) 1.領領料料 1.Take materials 1.1 領料員接收物料室已發(fā)放完畢的底座/銀膠等, 需再與流程單進行核對是否相符. 1.1 Material receiver verified the actual material with the R/C. 1.2 正確:將領料車推回線上,並慢速推行. 1.2 If match, bring all the materials to the cart if check

3、ing correct and push cart slowly. 1.3 不正確:向物料員提出錯誤反應並立及更換正確材料. 1.3 If not match, replied the mistake and returned the material to Material room OP 1.4 將領回的材料/流程單與機臺卡,依據機臺號碼分發(fā)給正確機臺開 機人員. 1.4 Distributed the materials/Runcard and machine No. card to the D/B OP based on Machine No. 1.5 材料交至開機人員時,底座需橫向直

4、立拿取. 1.5 Transfer the Leadframe by the pose that have the bundles front side perpendicular to the ground (shown photo) 1 未確實與流程單核對已接收之材 料是否相符. 1 Check the actual materials with the ticket not exactlly 2 領料回程中推車未慢速推行. 2 Push the cart too fast 4 未按照機臺號碼分發(fā)材料. 4 Distributed the materials to wrong machin

5、e 5人員交會拿底座時未橫向直立拿取. 5 Vialate the rule to transfer the Leadframe 1 領錯材料. 1 Take wrong materials 2 材料 治具壓傷/掉落. 2 Material damaged by the fixture or fall down. 4 下錯材料. 4 Use wrong materials 5 底座變形或上片區(qū)壓傷. 5 Leadframe deformation or Flag area damaged 1.1 材料/治具變形. 1.1 Deformation of the Materials/ Fixtur

6、e 1.2 底座變形或上 片區(qū)壓傷. 1.2 L/F deformation or Flag area damaged 2. 上上班班交交接接事事項項確確認認 2.Verified the endorcement 2.12.1 交交接接機機臺臺生生產產狀狀況況及及注注意意事事項項及及顯顯微微鏡鏡完完善善之之狀狀態(tài)態(tài) 2.12.1 OverlapOverlap thethe machinemachine conditioncondition andand specialspecial notes¬es& MicroscopeMicroscope statusstatus N/A 2.1.1

7、 確認 機臺問題. 2.1.1 Verify the machine problem 2.1.2 確認 機臺上 物料 是否正確 (銀膠 底座) 2.1.2 Verify the material in machine (ex.Epoxy,Leadframe) 1.未確認銀膠 / 底座 料號是否與流程單 相符 , 則會發(fā)生報廢的情況 . 1.Scrap due to ignore to verified the actual PART No. with R/C 1.需確認從物料領取的銀膠/底座料號是否與 流程單相符 1.Need to verify the actual part No. of

8、the Epoxy / Leadframe with R/C 2.需確認機臺上的吸嘴 ,頂針是否與流程單相 符 2.Need to verify the Tip / Eject pin are same with R/C 2.1.3 確認機臺上制具是否正確 (吸嘴, 頂針) 2.1.3 Verify the tooling in machine (ex. Tip,Eject pin) 2.1.4 確認吸嘴是否要更換 2.1.4 Verify the Tip replaced or not 外觀不正常 (污染, 破損) Outlook abnormal (contamination,damage

9、) 報廢 Scrap 立即更換吸嘴 change rubber tip 2.1.5 確認打線圖號及相關資料是否正確 2.1.5 Verify the B/D# and relative data are correct. 1.晶圓第一腳位置 / 底座第一腳位置 / 白點配置與打線圖不相符 , 則會發(fā)生反 芯片, 反底座之情形 . 1.Die reversed and L/F reversed due to the Pin1 & Pad distribution of the die are unmatched with the B/D# 2.機臺角度設定錯誤 2.The die orienta

10、tion set up wrong in the machine. 報廢 Scrap 1.需確認打線圖號/ 版本是否與流程單相符 2.需確認晶圓 第一腳位置 / 白點分布 / Logo是 否與流程單相符 2.Verify the Pin1 / Pad distribution of the die & Logo / Moo# are same as the R/C 2.1.6 確認 已打完材料是否有問題 2.1.6 Verify the condition of the products. 1.底座方向有誤 1.L/F direction wrong 報廢 Scrap 2.1.7 確認 已生產

11、條數 2.1.7 Verify the stripes after D/B. 2.BLT 低于規(guī)格 2.BLT (Bond Line Thickness) less than SPEC. 銀膠不足 / 掉片 Poor Epoxy / Die dropped Page2of4CODE:D0-31-A060-0015/01/01 制制程程流流程程說說明明 (PROCESS FLOW DESCRIPTION)相相關關影影響響項項目目(NOTES/Potential prob.)PS Action 制制程程步步驟驟說說明明 (OPERATE STEP) 人人員員動動作作(OPERATOR ACTION

12、) 制制程程動動作作步步驟驟照照片片 (PROCEDURE PHOTO) PS Point 不不注注意意所所引引發(fā)發(fā)的的問問題題 (POTENTIAL PROB.) Temp. Action 系系統(tǒng)統(tǒng)防防呆呆 (IMPROVMEN T BY SYS.) 機機器器防防呆呆 (IMPROVMEN T BY MACH.) 5S 防防呆呆(ACTION BY 5S) 2.1.8 確認特殊工作指示或上級交辦事項 2.1.8 Verify special working instruction or notice by customer or boss. 1.若 Pizza wafer未確認需要取哪顆 芯

13、片則會發(fā)生報廢的情況 1. if pizza wafer. Scrap due to ignore to verified the true die 2.若疊 Die 的芯片未依照打線圖設定 , 則會發(fā)生無法打線的情況 2. If stack die. Cant wire bond due to the sub-die do not follow the B/D# instruction. 3.若 Mapping file 之 Keyin 有誤 , 則會 發(fā)生報廢的情況 3.Scrap due to Key in wrong to the Mapping file 報廢/無法打線 Scrap

14、/ Cant wire bond 1.比照流程單附件確認 Pizza wafer 需取哪顆晶圓 1.Picked the true die of the Pizza wafer based on the attachment description 2.疊 Die 之 Die 位需依照打線圖所標 示來進行機臺設定 2.Set up sub-die position based on the B/D instruction 3.由機臺讀取 Mapping file 之標簽 3.Scanned the Mapping file from the label instead of key in by

15、 manual 2.22.2 登登入入機機臺臺 2.22.2 MESMES Track-inTrack-in N/A 3.開開班班生生產產檢檢查查確確認認 3.Running condition verified 3.1 確確認認機機臺臺參參數數 3.1 Verify machine parameter N/A 3.1.2 填寫上片機生產自主檢查表(上班兩小時內) 3.1.2 Within 2 hrs on duty fill up DIE BONDER PRODUCTION SELF CHECK LIST 4.生生產產中中自自主主檢檢查查 4.Self inspection during R

16、un step 4.14.1 抽抽驗驗材材料料 4.14.1 SampleSample inspectedinspected * 若人員拿取不當 , 則會發(fā)生材料 異常 / 缺失 * Material abnormal / defects due to taken carelessly * 若無確實量測 Die 位 , 則會發(fā)生 Die偏 致無法打線之缺失 * Cant wire bond due to ignor to measured the die position * 若 D/B 機臺造成底座變形 , 則會發(fā)生 無法打線之缺失 * Cant wire bond due to Leadf

17、rame deformation by D/B machine. *檢驗完成之wafer隨即放入提框,避免材 料刮傷或其他異常 *After check the wafer,the wafer put into cassette later to avoid scratch wafer or others scrap. *一次一批(One time one lot) *報廢品流至下一站 * Scrap material run to next step *混料(Mixed Materials) * 待抽驗之材料取出時 , 需以托盤承接之 . 並不得將材料放置在流程單上 * Taken the

18、sample L/F with JIG.Do not put the material on the top of the R/C. * 底座方向 / 芯片第一腳 之確認 * Verify the L/F direction / Pin 1 of the chip * BLT 需依據 NP Chart 之規(guī)格 * BLT meet the SPEC in NP chart * Die 位之設定需在材料生產前完成 * Die position set up prior than normal run * L/F 是否因 D/B 機臺造成變形 * Set up well to the D/B ma

19、chine so that no L/F deformation occured 4.1.1 交接班必須檢驗一條。 4.1.1 Inspected one strip when Change shift. 4.1.2 生產過程遇到任何中斷作業(yè), 再開始生產的第一條必須抽驗 (如: 修機, 改機 ) 4.1.2 Inspected one stripe when operation interupt such as: (Maintain/ Change over) 4.1.3 正常生產過程, 一個彈匣至少抽驗二條 4.1.3 Inspected at least two strip per MA

20、G# for normal run. 4.1.4 抽驗的材料完成檢驗后必須在底座上作記號 4.1.4 Marked on the L/F after inspected 4.1.5 檢驗發(fā)現不良材料必須確實在底座上畫報廢並記錄 Run-Card上 4.1.5 Write the scrap die No. on the bottom edge of the L/F & record on the Run-Card 4.1.6 換device或者換頂針后的第一批材料都必須檢查頂針印。 4.1.6 Inspected the mark on the backside of the die when

21、 change device or change pin. 4.1.7 疊 Die 的檢查 (注意搬運問題=拿取底座時) 4.1.7 (Watch out the action of the L/F taken) when Inspected the Multi-die 4.1.8 一次只能抽驗一批/一條產品,檢驗桌只能放一批材料 4.1.8 Sampling check product only 1 time/1 strip,checking table only put one material. 5.領領取取銀銀膠膠 5.Get Epoxy 5.1.1 確認銀膠是否過期 5.1.1 Ve

22、rify the Epoxy under valid date *未確認日期 * Ignore to verify the effect date *質量不佳 * Poor quality *立即更換銀膠 * Replaced new Epoxy immediately Page3of4CODE:D0-31-A060-0015/01/01 制制程程流流程程說說明明 (PROCESS FLOW DESCRIPTION)相相關關影影響響項項目目(NOTES/Potential prob.)PS Action 制制程程步步驟驟說說明明 (OPERATE STEP) 人人員員動動作作(OPERATOR

23、 ACTION) 制制程程動動作作步步驟驟照照片片 (PROCEDURE PHOTO) PS Point 不不注注意意所所引引發(fā)發(fā)的的問問題題 (POTENTIAL PROB.) Temp. Action 系系統(tǒng)統(tǒng)防防呆呆 (IMPROVMEN T BY SYS.) 機機器器防防呆呆 (IMPROVMEN T BY MACH.) 5S 防防呆呆(ACTION BY 5S) 5.1.2 確認銀膠是否將要用完 5.1.2 Verify the Epoxy avail in the syringe. 1. 銀膠不足 1. Epoxy insufficient 報廢 Scrap *立即更換銀膠 * R

24、eplaced new Epoxy immediately 5.1.3 如果銀膠將要用完或過期,請領料員領出新的銀膠 5.1.3 If epoxy will be use up or expire. Get new Epoxy by the material receiver 6.結結批批動動作作 6.Track out 6.16.1 結結批批確確認認 6.16.1 TrackTrack outout verifiedverified 1. 結批數量 與 Run-Card 上數不符 1. The output of the last lot differ from the R/C 2. 計數器

25、與實際材料數量不符 2. The amount in the counter differ from the actual material 3. Tape 上有 good Die 3. Good die on tape 4. 機臺有掉 DIE 4. Die drop on machine 5.好底座未上芯片(Good L/F,but no die) *產品短少 *Counting variance *No die 1. 確認結批數量 與 Run-Card 上數量 1. Verify the quantity of the last lot to the R/C 2. 確認機臺上計數器與實際材

26、料數量 2. Verify the amount in counter to the actual material 3. 確認 Tape 上有無 good Die 3. Verify no good die on tape 4. 確認 機臺有無掉 DIE 4. Verify no drop die on machine 5.確認好底座都有上芯片 5.Verify good L/F,all have the die.) 6.1.1 每批 AO# 報廢超過 5 顆必須填寫異常單 6.1.1 Issue out theAbnormal List when scrap over (incl.) 5e

27、a/ lot 6.1.2 確認產出條數與不良品數量與 No Die 數量與墨點片數量 6.1.2 Checking & Counting out the scrap & NO Die & Ink die quantity 6.26.2 確確認認清清機機作作業(yè)業(yè) 6.26.2 ClearClear machinemachine & & materialsmaterials 6.2.1 MES 過帳 6.2.1 Track out from MES 7. 機機臺臺改改機機作作業(yè)業(yè) 7. Change over 7.1 于于 MES 系系統(tǒng)統(tǒng)輸輸入入修修機機更更機機要要項項 7.1 Key in M

28、aintenance / Change over to MES N/A 7.27.2 新新材材料料生生產產檢檢查查 7.27.2 CheckingChecking thethe receivedreceived materialsmaterials 7.2.1 確認 Wafer 資料 是否正確 7.2.1 Verify the Wafer data *生產錯誤的產品 *Produced wrong products 報廢 Scrap *檢查 Wafer Lot No. 與 Wafer 片號,片數是否 與 Master Ticket 一致 *Checking the Wafer Lot No.

29、/ Wafer piece no / Wafer amount are match up with Master Ticket 7.2.2 確認Wafer Mapping OCR 的標簽 7.2.2 Verify the Wafer Mapping OCR label *確認標簽內容是否正確 * Verify the data in label 7.2.3 確認機臺上物料是否正確 (銀膠 底座) 7.2.3 Verify the materials in machine (Epoxy,Leadframe)同2.1.2 & 2.1.3 see 2.1.2 & 2.1.3 同2.1.2 & 2.1

30、.3 see 2.1.2 & 2.1.3 同2.1.2 & 2.1.3 see 2.1.2 & 2.1.3 同2.1.2 & 2.1.3 see 2.1.2 & 2.1.3 7.2.4 確認機臺上治具是否正確 (吸嘴, 頂針) 7.2.4 Verify the fixture (Tip, Eject pin) 7.2.5 確認吸嘴是否要更換/頂針印之檢查 7.2.5 Checking the Tip still available/tool mark check. 同 2.1.4 see 2.1.4 同 2.1.4 see 2.1.4 同 2.1.4 see 2.1.4 同 2.1.4 see

31、 2.1.4 7.2.6 確認打線圖號及相關資料是否正確 7.2.6 Verify the B/D# and relative data 同 2.1.5 see 2.1.5 同 2.1.5 see 2.1.5 同 2.1.5 see 2.1.5 同 2.1.5 see 2.1.5 7.2.7 遵照 Run-Card上特殊指示執(zhí)行材料檢驗 7.2.7 Inspected the materials by the special notes or instruction in R/C 同 2.1.8 see 2.1.8 同 2.1.8 see 2.1.8 同 2.1.8 see 2.1.8 同 2.1.8 see 2.1.8 7.2.8 輸入wafer mapping的條形碼時必須使用ba


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