1、Nastra nIn HyperMesh, there are two types of load collectors for Nastra n:?Specific load collectors with a card image?Gen eric load collectors without a card imageGen eric load collectors are used to collect loads and con stra ints for display purposes and to assig n an ID to the loads. Specific loa
2、d collectors are used for specialized loadi ng cards, such as SPCADD, MPCADD, EIGRL, EIGB, EIGC, EIGP, EIGR, FREQ, FREQ1, LOAD, GRAV, RFORCE, and TEMPD. Specific load collectors have card images which can be edited to do the followi ng:?Group other load collectors together for simulta neous applicat
3、i on in a sin gle subcase?Provide special in formatio n for a specific an alysis type (such as modal an alysis)Gen eral bou ndary con diti ons, such as loads and con stra in ts, should not be collected into specific load collectors.When reading in a Nastran deck, loads that have the same SID are col
4、lected into the sameload collector. If a load collector already exists in the database with the same SID, one of thefollow ing can occur:If overwrite is off (default), the new load collector s ID is offset and all loads in that collectorwill have a new SID upon export.If overwrite is on , the new lo
5、ad collector replaces the existing load collector.The originalload collector and the loads it contains are deleted.Supported CardsSolver Descripti onSupportedParametersHyperMeshNotesDAREADefines scale (area) factors for static and dyn amic loads.Supported as con stra intsDELAYDefines the time delay
6、term in the equati ons of the dyn amic load ing fun cti onSupported as con stra intsDLOADDefines a dynamic loading condition for freque ncy resp onse or tra nsie nt resp onse problems as a lin ear comb in ati on of load sets defi ned via RLOAD1 or RLOAD2 en tries for freque ncy resp onse or TLOAD1 o
7、r TLOAD2 en tries for tran sie ntresp onseDPHASEDefines the phase lead term in the equati on of the dyn amic loadi ng fun cti onSupported as con stra intsEIGBDefines data n eeded to perform buckli ng an alysisEIGCDefines data n eeded to perform complex eige nvalue an alysisEIGPDefines poles that are
8、 used in complex eige nvalue extracti on by the Determ inant methodEIGRDefines data n eeded to perform real eige nvalue an alysisEIGRLDefines data n eeded to perform real eige nvalue (vibrati on or buckli ng) an alysis with the Lan czos methodFREQDefines a set of freque ncies to be used in the solut
9、i on of freque ncy resp onse problemsFREQ1Defines a set of freque ncies to be used in the soluti on of freque ncy resp onse problems by specificati on of a start ing freque ncy, freque ncy in creme nt, and the n umber of in creme nts desiredFREQ2Defines a set of freque ncies to be used in the soluti
10、 on of freque ncy resp onse problems by specificati on of a starting frequency, final freque ncy, and the n umber of logarithmic in creme nts desiredGRAVDefines accelerati on vectors for gravity or other accelerati on load ingLOADDefines a static load as a linear comb in ati on of load sets defi ned
11、 via FORCE, MOMENT, FORCE1, MOMENT1, FORCE2, MOMENT2, PLOAD, PLOAD1, PLOAD2, PLOAD4, PLOADX1, SLOAD, RFORCE, and GRAV en triesMPCADDDefines a multipo int con stra int set as a union of multipo int con stra int sets defi ned via MPC en tries.NLPARMDefines a set of parameters for nonlinear static anal
12、ysis iteration strategyRFORCEDefines a static loading condition due to an an gular velocity an d/or accelerati onRLOAD1Defines a freque ncy-depe ndent dyn amic load of the formfor use in freque ncy resp onse problemsRLOAD2Defines a freque ncy-depe ndent dyn amic excitati on of the formfor use in fre
13、quency response problemsSPCADDDefines a sin gle-po int con stra int set as a union of sin gle-po int con stra int sets defined on SPC or SPC1 entriesTABDMP1Defines modal damp ing as a tabular fun cti on of n atural freque ncyTABLED1Defines a tabular fun cti on for use in gen erat ing freque ncy-depe
14、 ndent andtime-depe ndent dyn amic loadsTABLED2Defines a tabular fun cti on for use in gen erat ing freque ncy-depe ndent and time-depe ndent dyn amic loads. Also contains parametric data for use with the tableTABLED3Defines a tabular fun cti on for use in gen erat ing freque ncy-depe ndent and time
15、-depe ndent dyn amic loads. Also contains parametric data for use with the tableTABLED4Defines the coefficie nts of a power series for use in generating freque ncy-depe ndent and time-depe ndent dyn amic loads. Also contains parametric data for use with the tableTABLES1Defines a tabular fun cti on f
16、or stress-depe ndent material properties such as the stress-stra in curve (MATS1 en try), creep parameters (CREEP entry) and hyperelastic material parameters (MATHP en try).TABLESTSpecifies the material property tables for non li near elastic temperature-depe ndent materialsTEMPDDefines a temperatur
17、e value for all grid points of the structural model that have not bee n give n a temperature on a TEMP entry.TICDefines values for the initial con diti ons of variables used in structural transient analysis. Both displaceme nt and velocity values may be specified at in depe ndent degrees-of-freedom.
18、 This entry may not be used for heat tra nsferan alysis.TL0AD1Defines a time-depe ndent dyn amicload or en forced moti on of the formP = A Ft - T)for use in tra nsie nt resp onse an alysisTL0AD2Defines a time-depe ndent dyn amicexcitati on or en forced moti on of theform4b r (TlJ 朮尸片滬U B illfor use in a tran sie nt resp onse probl
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