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實(shí)驗(yàn)室常見儀器中英文對照表 量杯 measuring cup 燒杯 beaker 量筒 measuring flask measuring cylinder 量筒 graduated flask measuring cylinder 坩堝 crucible 坩堝鉗 crucible clamp 坩堝 crucible pot melting pot 試管 test tube 試管架 test tube holder 漏斗 funnel 分液漏斗 separatory funnel 燒瓶 flask 錐形瓶 conical flask 塞子 stopper 洗瓶 plastic wash bottle 滴定管 burette 玻璃活塞 stopcock 冷凝器 condenser 試劑瓶 reagent bottles 玻棒 glass rod 攪拌棒 stirring rod 蒸餾燒瓶 distilling flask 碘量瓶 iodine flask 表面皿 watch glass 蒸發(fā)皿 evaporating dish 容量瓶 volumetric flask measuring flask 移液管 one mark pipette 刻度移液管 graduated pipettes 稱量瓶 weighing bottle 吸液管 pipette 濾管 filter 天平 balance scale 分析天平 analytical balance 臺秤 platform balance 游碼 crossbeams and sliding weights 酒精燈 alcohol burner 酒精噴燈 blast alcohol burner 攪拌裝置 stirring device 洗耳球 rubber suction bulb 研磨缽 mortar 研磨棒 pestle 瑪瑙研缽 agate mortar 瓷器 porcelain 白細(xì)口瓶 flint glass solution bottle with stopper 滴瓶 dropping bottle 小滴管 dropper 蒸餾裝置 distilling apparatus 蒸發(fā)器 evaporator 升降臺 lab jack 鐵架臺 iron support 萬能夾 extension clamp 蝴蝶夾 double buret clamp 雙頂絲 clamp regular holder 止水夾 flatjaw pinchcock 圓形漏斗架 cast iron ring 移液管架 pipet rack 試管架 tube rack 沸石 boiling stone 橡膠管 rubber tubing 藥匙 lab spoon 鑷子 forceps 坩堝鉗 crucible tong 剪刀 scissor 打孔器 stopper borer 石棉網(wǎng) asbestos free wire gauze 電爐絲 wire coil for heater 脫脂棉 absorbent cottonph ph 試紙 universal ph indicator paper 濾紙 filter paper 稱量紙 weighing paper 擦鏡紙 wiper for lens 秒表 stopwatch 量杯 glass graduates with scale 白滴定管 酸 flint glass burette with glass stopcock 棕色滴定管 酸 brown glass burette with glass stopcock 白滴定管 堿 flint glass burette for alkali 棕色滴定管 堿 brown glass burette for alkali 比重瓶 specific gravity bottle 水銀溫度計(jì) mercury filled thermometer ph 計(jì) ph meter 折光儀 refractometer 真空泵 vacuum pump 冷 熱浴 bath 離心機(jī) centrifuge 口罩 respirator 防毒面具 respirator gasmask 磁力攪拌器 magnetic stirrer 電動(dòng)攪拌器 power basic stirrer 烘箱 oven 閃點(diǎn)儀 flash point tester 馬弗爐 furnace 電爐 heater 微波爐電熱套 heating mantle Aging Property Tester 老化性能測定儀 Amino Acid Analyzer 氨基酸組成分析儀 Analyzer for Clinic Medicine Concentration 臨床藥物濃度儀 Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy 原子吸收光譜儀 Atomic Emission Spectrometer 原子發(fā)射光譜儀 Atomic Fluorescence Spectroscopy 原子熒光光譜儀 Automatic Titrator 自動(dòng)滴定儀 Basic Physics 基本物理量測定 Biochemical Analyzer 生化分析儀 Biochemicalanalysis 生物技術(shù)分析 Bio reactor 生物反應(yīng)器 Blood gas Analyzer 血?dú)夥治鰞x Centrifuge 離心機(jī) ChemiluminescenceApparatus 化學(xué)發(fā)光儀 CHN Analysis 環(huán)境成分分析儀 CO2 Incubators CO2 培養(yǎng)箱 Combustion PropertyTester 燃燒性能測定儀 Conductivity Meter 電導(dǎo)儀 Constant Temperature Circulator 恒溫循環(huán)泵 Direct Current Plasma Emission Spectrometer 直流等離子體發(fā)射光譜儀 DNA Sequencers DNA 測序儀 DNA synthesizer DNA 合成儀 Electrical Property Tester 電性能測定儀 Electro Microscopy 電子顯微鏡 Electrolytic Analyzer 電解質(zhì)分析儀 Electron Energy Disperse Spectroscopy 電子能譜儀 Electron Paramagnetic ResonanceSpectrometer 電子順磁共振波譜儀 Electrophoresis 電泳 Electrophoresis System 電泳儀 ELIASA 酶標(biāo)儀 Energy Disperse Spectroscopy 能譜儀 Fermenter 發(fā)酵罐 Flow Analytical and Process AnalyticalChemistry 流動(dòng)分析與過程分析 Fraction Collector 部分收集器 FreezeDrying Equipment 凍干機(jī) FT IR Spectrometer 傅里葉變換紅外光譜儀 FT Raman Spectrometer 傅里葉變換拉曼光譜儀 Gas Analysis 氣體分析 Gas Chromatograph 氣相色譜儀 GC MS 氣相色譜 質(zhì)譜聯(lián)用儀 Gel PermeationChromatograph 凝膠滲透色譜儀 HighPressure Performance Liquid Chromatography 高壓 效液相色譜儀 Hybridization Oven 分子雜交儀 ICP MS ICP 質(zhì)譜聯(lián)用儀 Inductive Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrometer 電感偶合等離子體發(fā)射光譜儀 Instrument for Nondestructive Testing 無損檢測儀 Instrument for Polymerase Chain Reaction PCR 儀 Inverted Microscope 倒置顯微鏡 Ion Chromatograph 離子色譜儀 Isotope X Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer 同位素 X 熒光光譜儀 LC MS 液相色譜 質(zhì)譜聯(lián)用儀 Mass Spectrometer 質(zhì)譜儀 Mechanical Property Tester 機(jī)械性能測定儀 Metal material elemental analysis 金屬 材料元素分析儀 Metallurgical Microscopy 金相顯微鏡 Microwave Inductive Plasma Emission Spectrometer 微波等離子體光譜儀 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer 核磁共振波譜儀 Optical Microscopy 光學(xué)顯微鏡 Optical PropertyTester 光學(xué)性能測定儀 Other Miscellaneous 其他 Particle Size Analyzer 粒度分析儀 PCR Amplifier PCR 儀 Peptide synthesizer 多肽合成儀 pH Meter pH 計(jì) PhysicalProperty Analysis 物性分析 Polarograph 極譜儀 Protein Sequencer 氨基酸測序儀 Rheometer 流變儀 Sample Handling 樣品處理 Scanning Probe Microscopy FG 8oU 掃描探針顯微鏡 Sensors 傳感器 Sequencers and Synthesizers for DNA and Protein DNA 及蛋白質(zhì)的測序和合成儀 Shaker 搖床 Size Exclusion Chromatograph 體積排阻色譜 Surface Science 表面科學(xué) SurfaceAnalyzer 表面分析儀 Thermal Analyzer 熱分析儀 Thermal Physical Property Tester 熱物理性能測定儀 Ultrahigh Purity Filter 超濾器 Ultra low Temperature Freezer 超低溫冰箱 Ultrasonic Cell Disruptor 超聲破碎儀 Ultraviolet Detector 紫外檢測儀 UltravioletLamp 紫外觀察燈 Urine Analyzer 尿液分析儀 UV Visible Spectrophotometer 紫外 可見光分光光度計(jì) Viscometer 粘度計(jì) Voltammerter 伏安儀 Water Test Kits 水質(zhì)分析儀 X Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer X 射線熒光光譜儀 X RayDiffractomer X 射線衍射儀 一 化學(xué)試劑 1 氨基酸 alanine Ala A 丙氨酸 valine Val V 纈氨酸生物 leucine Leu L 亮氨酸 isoleucine Ile I 異亮氨酸 proline Pro P 脯氨酸 phenylalanine Phe F 苯丙氨酸 tryptophan Trp W 色氨酸 methionine Met M 蛋氨酸 glycine Gly G 甘氨酸 serine Ser S 絲氨酸 threonine Thr T 蘇氨酸 cysteine Cys C 半胱氨酸 tyrosine Tyr Y 酪氨酸 asparagines Asn N 天冬氨酸 glutamine Gln Q 谷氨酰胺 lysine Lys K 賴氨酸 arginine Arg R 精氨酸 histidine His H 組氨酸 aspartic acid Asp D 天冬氨酸 glutamic acid Glu E 谷氨酸 2 核苷酸 adenosine 阿糖腺苷 guanosine 鳥嘌呤核苷 cytidine 胞二磷膽堿 thymidine 胸腺嘧啶脫氧核苷 uridine 尿嘧啶核甙 deoxy 脫氧 3 其他化學(xué)試劑 Acetic acid glacial 冰乙酸 Boric acid H3BO3 61 83 硼酸 Calcium chloride 2 hydrate CaCl2 2H2O 147 02 D Glucose 180 16 EDTA tetrasodium dihydrate EDTA Na4 2H2O 416 20 Ethanol absolute 無水乙醇 Ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid disodium salt dyhydrate EDTA Na2 2H2O 372 24 Sodium acetate trihydrate 3H2O 136 08 含三個(gè)水分子的乙酸鈉 Sodium chloride 氯化鈉 Sodium dodecyl sulphate 288 38 十二烷基硫酸鈉 Tris hydroxymethyle aminomethane Tris 121 14 Tryptone 胰蛋白胨 Yeast extract 酵母提取物 Agar 瓊脂 Ampicillin 氨芐西林 Potassium acetate 醋酸鉀 Isopropanol 異丙醇 Lithium chloride 氯化鋰 PEG8000 聚乙二醇 8000 RNAse A RNA 酶 A Hydrochloric acid 鹽酸 Sodium hydroxide 氫氧化鈉 Ammonium acetate 醋酸銨 Isoamyl alcohol 異戊醇 Chloroform 氯仿 二 儀器設(shè)備 Materials used in our laboratory 實(shí)驗(yàn)用材料 Rotor 轉(zhuǎn)子 Air filter Laminar flow cabinet 空氣過濾器 pH meter pH 計(jì) Parafilm 石蠟封口膜 Graduated pipette 帶有刻度的吸管 Graduated cylinder 量筒 Sealing equipment 封口設(shè)備 Electrophoresis power supply 電泳電源 Thermostatic ciculator Vacuum pump 真空泵 Vacuum manifold 多頭抽真空裝置 Eppendorf tube 微量離心管 Inverted microscope 倒置顯微鏡 Slide 載玻片 Cover glass 蓋玻片 Electronic balance 電子天平 Centrifuge 離心機(jī) Centrifuge tube 離心管 Air conditioner 空調(diào)機(jī) Flask 燒瓶 Beaker 燒杯 Power supply 電源 Power transformer 電源變壓器 Mini monitor G M tube Gel system 凝膠系統(tǒng) Sterilizer 消毒器 Disinfector 消毒劑 Shaker 搖床 Vortexing machine Pipette tip 吸管端 Vacuum line 真空線 Vacuum traps Sterile velvet Whatman filter paper 華特門濾紙 Ultraviolet illumination 紫外燈 Gel tank 電泳槽 Minicell 微細(xì)胞 Comb 環(huán)磷酰胺 長春新堿 甲環(huán)亞硝脲 博來霉素 Teeth of comb Support tooth Horizontal agrose gels Glass plate 玻璃片 Slot 狹槽 Electrical l


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