



CONTENTSLead-in1Unit 51Unit 61Unit 71Unit 81Unit 21Read and complete2Unit 52Unit 62Unit 72Unit 82Unit 23Read and translate3Unit 53Unit 63Unit 74Unit 84Unit 24Lead-in Unit 5Success can be reached in different ways by people in different careers.Bill Gates began at age 13 to 1. program computers. His vision for personal computing has been central to the success of Microsoft Corporation, the company he 2. founded with his childhood friend in 1975. The former CEO of General Electric, Jack Welch, is a business legend. A famous quote by Mr. Welch is, Change before you have to. He believes in leading by example and 3.encourages his employees to do their best everyday. Michael Jordan said, I accept 4.failure, but I cant accept not trying. He is one of the best athletes to ever play team sports. His great smile, athletic 5.achievements, and pleasant personality have made him one of the most famous 6. athletes in the world. Michael Jordan spent a lot of time playing basketball as a child but in senior middle school he was taken off the team. Instead of 7.giving up , he worked through adversity and became the greatest basketball player yet. Celine Dion came from 8.humble beginnings in a rural French Canadian town in Canada. The youngest of fourteen children, her voice is internationally known on such soundtracks as Beauty and the Beast and Titanic.Ronaldo is Brazils greatest 9.talent in soccer since Pel. He began his professional 10.career in the season 90-91, playing for the Social Ramos Club. FIFA (Federation Internationale de Football Association) voted him best player of the year in both 1996 and 1997.In 2002,he won the Golden Shoe Award of the FIFA World Cup with 8 goals scored. Unit 6Physical activity improves our bodies health. A recent study, 1)published in The New England Journal of Medicine, suggests that maintaining a healthy level of physical 2)fitness through exercise can help people live longer. The findings also provide updated 3)support to Charles Darwins “survival of the fittest” theory. But repetitive exercise can become boring,4) leading to discouragement, frustration, even quitting. Selecting an activity that provides 5)enjoyment as well as physical exercise, however, can be the answer. Many people have turned to sports. Sports can provide a 6)challenge physically as well as mentally and increase ones physical activity while providing social interaction, a sense of accomplishment and enjoyment.First held as part of the 1896 Olympics in Athens, Greece, and then brought to Boston, Massachusetts in 1897, the Marathon is now an important part of 7)culture in many cities across America. Marathon running, usually a 40 km (26.2 miles) race, is becoming increasingly popular with both men and women for its challenge of perseverance, requiring both 8) physical and mental endurance, and its feat of accomplishment. For first-time runners it is the culmination of a dream a personal 9)goal obtained after months of physical and psychological 10)preparation and training. For veteran marathoners its an opportunity to improve their Personal Best competing against their own fastest time.Unit 7Afamilybeginswithtwopeople.Lovedeepensandgrowsbetweenacoupleandsoonawedding1.takesplace,thebeginningsofafamily.Childrenareborn, growingand2.maturingwitheverypassingyear.Whengrownup, they, too, fallinloveandmarry.Tcessofcreatingafamilybeginsagain, addinggenerationstothefamily.Adayinthelifeofafamilyis4.filledwithworkandschool, errandsandchores.Attheendofabusydaywecanfindchildren5.excitedlysharingtheeventsoftheirdaywithMomandDad.Itisa6.timeforworkingtogetherandplayingtogether.Readingtothechildren, 7.singingsongs, doinghomeworktogether, andplayinggamesaresome8.activitiesthattakeplaceduringfamilytime.Atelevision9.showmaybewhateachfamilymemberneedsto10.relaxand enjoysomequiettimetogether.Strongfamilyrelationshipsaredevelopedbyspendingqualitytimetogether.Unit 8Have you ever listed everything the computer does to enhance modern life? From finding research to doing research, from 1.Business use to home use, from 2.communicating with friends and family to searching for a job, computers simplify our lives and allow us to learn and3.discover things with the click of a mouse. The Internet is like a highway system, moving bits of information across telephone lines and cables with such speed that when we 4.type in the web address or search for websites, within seconds the information appears on the computer screen. The 5.invention of the computer and the Internet has revolutionized how we live and work. How did we ever 6.get along without computers?There is 7.opposition in all things and the computer is not an exception. While it provides us with many good things at our fingertips, there are those who 8.create programs that infect the computer with viruses which destroy its 9.memory and frustrate the computer owner. Anti-virus programs, however, are 10.available to combat the problem. Cybercrime is also rising as Internet privacy is violated in a variety of ways, creating the need for better Internet security systems to be developed.Unit 2Each year the respective Nobel Committees send 1) invitations to thousands of scientists, members of academies and university professors 2) around the world, asking them to nominate (提名) candidates for the Nobel Prizes for the coming year.These prize nominations must 3) reachthe respective Nobel Committees of the prize-awarding institutions before February 1 of the year for which the nomination is being made. The prize-awarding 4) institution for the Physics and Chemistry awards is the Swedish Academy of Sciences.The nominations received by each committee are then evaluated with the help of 5) specially appointed experts. When the committees have presented their recommendations to the prize-awarding institutions, a 6) vote is taken for the final choice of Laureates (獲獎(jiǎng)?wù)?. The choice of that years Laureates is announced immediately after the vote in October each year.The prizes are awarded at the Prize Awarding Ceremony at the Concert Hall in Stockholm, Sweden, on December 10 (the Anniversary of Alfred Nobels death). At the Prize Award Ceremony in Stockholm, the King of Sweden hands each Laureate a 7) diploma and a 8) medal. The Ceremony 9) is followed by a banquet at the Stockholm City Hall for about 1 300 people, 10) including 250 students.Read and completeUnit 5Exercise 41. Theeconomyinthatcountrywassinkingdeeperanddeeperintocrisis.2. MyfatherwasahistorianandhisspeciallywasthehistoryofGermany.3. Theydecidedtoclosethemuseumpurelyandsimplybecauseitcosttoomuchtorun.4. Thelocalgovernmenthasdecidedonnewmeasurestodiscourage caruseinsupportofpublictransportation.5. Itsprettyunlikelythattheyllturnupnow,itsnearlytenoclock.6. Theinterchangeofideasaidsanunderstandingofgroupdynamics.7. Shesaysitsagoodfilmandrecommends,ittoallherfriends,thoughshehasntactually seenit.8. Stopshoutingandletsdiscussthisreasonably. 9. Peoplenowhaveperceivedthatgreenissuesareimportanttoourfuture.10. KathyandEricrunthissmallhotelasa“extended home”,whichshouldgiveyouagoodideaoftheatmosphereofwarmthandhospitalitythere.Exercise 51. Shetookadeepinterestinpoliticswhileshewasstillacollegestudent,andwaselectedtothelowerparliamentattheageof40.2. AloneinLondon,withoutfriends,work,ormoney,Shelleyfellintodespair.3. Therewasanattempttosignupmoremenforthepoliceforce,butnotmanydid.4. Theideasoundsfine,butwestillneedtotryitoutinpractice.5. Shestartedworkingonanengineeringdegreebutdropped out of collegeafteronlyayear.Unit 6Exercise 41. Theaudiencecheeredandclappedenthusiasticallyascurtaincamedown.2. TomexpectstodefendhertitlesuccessfullyinthenextOlympics.3. Wouldyouquityourjobifyouinheritedlotsofmoneyfromyourparents.4. Jackhasspentyearsinthedevelopmentandperfectionofhiswine-makingtechniques.5. Asanadvancedjournalist, shehasinterviewedcelebritiesandpoliticalleadersonherradioprogramforover25years.6. Accordingtoasurveyof1000cityresidents,garbagecollectionisthecityservicepeoplelikemost.7. ThereportmanagedtogetaexclusiveinterviewwiththePrimeMinister.8. Wevehadtobuildsomecupboardstogiveusmorestoragespace.9. “IvealwaysfoundGermancarsveryreliable,”heobservedinthenewspapercolumn.10. AteamofsportsjournalistswassenttoGermanytocoverthe2006WorldCup.Exercise 51. Ifyouregoingswimmingtomorrowmorning,youcancountmeout,becauseIllbepreparingforanexamination.2. Thechildseemedtobeunawareofthetroublehewascausing,andstilllaughedinspiteofthemothersanger.3. Thesuspectstoppedinhistrackswhenheheardthefootstepsbehindhim.4. Itistruethatattimeseventhemosttalentedathleteslosetheirmotivation.5. AnewdirectorhasbeenbroughtintoturnthecompanyaroundUnit 7Exercise 41. Youhavetobeabornoptimisttobeabletodothishardjobandnotdespair.2. Economicreconstructioninthecountrymustbeginwiththerecoveringofagriculturalproduction.3. Herspeechfailedtoswayhercolleaguesintosupportingtheplan.4. Jackneverallowedhimselftobebulliedintodoinganythingthatwentagainstprinciples.5. IfeltdisgustedandwonderedhowIcouldeverhavebeensogross.6. Thedirectorinsistedthattheconditionsofthecontractshouldbefulfillexactly.7. TradeUnionrepresentativesarechosenbyelections, Allthemembershaveavote.8. ThedoctorwhoperformedthesurgerygaveAikman85%chanceoffullrecoverybySeptember.9. Motherwasapillar ofstrengthtouswhenoursituationseemedhopeless.10. Thestudentscomplainedabouttherigidrulesandregulationsattheschool.Exercise 51. The family crisis really brought out her best; she was a competent mother and a successful career woman at the same time.2. The interesting thing about him is that he is one of those who always turn out to be lucky no matter what they do.3. If the traffic plan works out, it will be applied to other cities too.4. Hang in there; the police will soon come to rescue us.5. Its not like Catherine to be rude; shes polite by nature.Unit 8Exercise 41. ThereasonIdidntdowellinmyexamswasthatIjustdidnthaveadequatetimetoprepare.2. Itisvitallyimportantthatwegetextrafundingfortheproject.3. Ms.Robbinswascaughtdeliveringacopyofaconfidential(機(jī)密的)documenttoanewspaperreporter.4. Thequickdistributionoftheviruscausedgreatdamagetothenetworksystemacrossthecountry.5. Trafficnoise, pollution, hugeconcretebuildingshowcanpeoplesurviveina(an)urbanarea.6. Thefilmhasidentified60potentialcustomersathomeandabroad.7. IvehadcontinualproblemswiththiscareversinceIboughtit!8. Acomputervirusmayhideinacomputersmemory, callingupandinfectingeachofthemachinesdatafilesinturn.9. Hesayshellstopsuppliesgettingin, butitsjustanemptythreatbecausetherearemanyothersupplies.10. A(n)updatedversionofthesoftwarewillbeavailablewithinsixmonths.Exercise 51. When the boxer let down his guard, he was knocked out by the opponent.2. In the interview, the applicant came across as being extremely intelligent.3. In the back of his mind was the vague idea that he had met her before.4. I check my email box every evening as a matter of course.5. We spent all Saturday morning cleaning up the dormitory.Unit 2Exercise 61. The theories of relativity have made fundamental changes in our views of the universe.2. That is our ultimate proposal, and no other changes will be considered. 3. The forest fire was found to have been sparked by a cigarette end.4. The speaker had apparently noticed that his topic wasnt popular with the audience, so he quickly ended his speech.5. Ive no patience with people who are always complaining of their misfortune.6. I have never imagined that I would be the object of such curiosity.7. The doctors tried to convince her that she didnt need to feel depressed about her health.8. The police asked him to describe the accident in every detail.9. The quality guarantee and good after-sale services will certainly meet with positive responses from the consumers.10. The story of Harry Potter (has) stirred the imagination of children throughout the world.Exercise 71. The scoundrel has fooled a lot of people into believing hes a rich man.2. Isnt this straw hat beautiful? My wife came upon it on her business trip to China last year.3. A group of bystanders was invited to join in the game.4. Scientists will have to come up with new technologies to improve the worlds food and fuel supplies.5. The news of the Presidents warlike speech yesterday pushed the stock market to a sharp rise of up to 120 points.Read and translateUnit 5Exercise 71. We have to put aside out emotions and take it from a professional standpoint.(我們得把感情放在一邊,從專業(yè)的角度來(lái)對(duì)待這件事情。)2. The play was so wonderful that I soon lost myself in the excitement of it.(這部戲非常精彩,我很快就沉浸于激動(dòng)人心的劇情之中。)3. She hasnt got any hobbies- unless you call watching TV a hobby.(她沒(méi)有什么愛(ài)好除非你把看電視也算是一種愛(ài)好。)4. He said that he got the information firsthand from the mayor himself.(他說(shuō)他是直接從市長(zhǎng)本人那里得到這個(gè)信息的。)5. Since you cant answer the question, perhaps wed better ask someone else. (既然你不能回答這個(gè)問(wèn)題,我們最好問(wèn)問(wèn)別人。)Exercise 81. How can we steer our child toward success?How can we find a proper way to steer disabled people toward success?(我們要怎樣才能找到一個(gè)合適的辦法來(lái)引導(dǎo)殘疾人士走向成功呢?)2. Its true that I dropped out of college to start Microsoft, but I was at Harvard for three years before dropping outand Id love to have the time to go back.Its true that she did something terrible before, but she was already punished for that and shes willing to make it up for that.(不錯(cuò),她是做過(guò)很可怕的事,但她已因此而受到了懲罰,而且現(xiàn)在她也愿意為此作出補(bǔ)償。)3. In high school there were periods when I was highly focused on writing software, but for most of my high school years I had wide-ranging academic interests.In college there were periods when I was highly focused on reading detective stories, but for most of my college years I read a wide range of books on nature.(上大學(xué)時(shí)我曾幾度醉心于看偵探小說(shuō),但大學(xué)幾年的大部分時(shí)間我還是讀了各種有關(guān)大自然的書(shū)籍。)4. College isnt the only place where information exists.The gym isnt the only place where you can exercise so as to keep energetic.(體操房并不是可以運(yùn)動(dòng)健身的惟一去處。)5. Getting real expertise in an area of interest can lead to successunless the specialty ends up bing a dead end or youre not good at.Staying motivated in your study can lead to success- unless your choice ends up a dead end for your career.(保持學(xué)習(xí)動(dòng)力才會(huì)成功,除非你為你的職業(yè)生涯選擇了一條死胡同。)Unit 6Exercise 71. Its a difficult job, but Id like to have a shot.(那件工作很難做,不過(guò)我想試試看。)2. This is a book about business practice as opposed to theory.(這是一本呢關(guān)于商務(wù)實(shí)踐而非理論的書(shū)。)3. Social activities never get in the way of her studies.(社會(huì)活動(dòng)從未耽誤她的學(xué)習(xí)。)4. It was not until 1911 that the first of the vitamins was identified.(直到1911年人們才發(fā)現(xiàn)第一種維生素。)5. Natural disasters have obviously contributed to the countrys economic crisis.(盡管年事已高,爺爺每天還幫忙做家務(wù)。)Exercise 81. From that moment on, Paul recognized that his life would never be the same.From that moment on, 11-year-old Daniel who played the leading role in the “Harry Potter” movies recognized that his life would never be the same.(從那一刻起,在哈利波特系列中擔(dān)任主角的11歲少年丹尼爾意識(shí)到自己的生活從此永遠(yuǎn)地改變了。)2. He was a young man who had discovered and demonstrated that goals can be reached no matter how many obstacles and botched attempts lie in the way.He was a young man who believed that he will fulfill his dream no matter how many difficulties lie in the way.(這個(gè)年輕人相信:不管前進(jìn)途中有多少困難,他都會(huì)實(shí)現(xiàn)他的夢(mèng)想。)3. It wasnt until I stepped off the plane that I realized people considered me a hero.It wasnt until his wife was killed in the accident that he realized how important she had been in his life.(他的妻子在車禍中喪生之后,他才意識(shí)到妻子在他的生活中曾經(jīng)有多么重要。)4. With medal in hand, Paul was suddenly ushered into a world of lucrative endorsement and figure-skating world tours, of exclusive events and autograph seeker.With fairy tale book in hand, I always felt I was ushered into a world of beauty and purity.(手中拿著一本童話故事書(shū)時(shí),我總是覺(jué)得我被領(lǐng)進(jìn)了一個(gè)美麗而純潔的世界。)5. Just as skater achieves perfection by practicing small parts of his larger routine day after day, a hero must look for ways to serve on a regular basisnot just in a crisis or more visible situation.Just as an athlete achieves perfection by repeated training of a few actions of the larger routine day after day, a good student should make continuous efforts to improve himself on a regular basis.(正像運(yùn)動(dòng)員要達(dá)到完美的地步需要日復(fù)一日反復(fù)訓(xùn)練一套的日常訓(xùn)練計(jì)劃中的少數(shù)動(dòng)作一樣,一個(gè)好學(xué)生平日就應(yīng)該不斷充實(shí)自己。)Unit 7Exercise 71. He did not regret what he had said but felt that he could have expressed it differently.(他并不后悔說(shuō)過(guò)的話,只是覺(jué)得他完全可以不用這種方式表達(dá)。)2. Wed better wait till 14 December. David will have his exam by then, so hell be able to go on holiday with us.(我們最好等到12月14日。那時(shí)大衛(wèi)已考完試,就能和我們一起去度假了。)3. Hes working on a new project which has to be finished by the end of the year.(他正在做一個(gè)新項(xiàng)目,年底前必須完成。)4. They are letting us use their lab, and in return, we are sharing with them the results of our research.(他們讓我們使用他們的實(shí)驗(yàn)室,作為回報(bào),我們則讓他們分享研究成果。)5. Such things as making and answering telephone calls take up most of the secretarys time.(諸如打電話、聽(tīng)電話一類的事情占用了這位秘書(shū)的大部分時(shí)間。)E


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